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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. They tied her to his humanity, so I'm going to be supremely disappointed if Oliver gets even a little League brainwashed and seeing/touching/talking to/being smacked by her doesn't pull him out of it. SUPREMELY DISAPPOINTED. brb, fic-ing it
  2. Maybe he snaps out of it pretty quickly? I won't go fanfic and say seeing and/or Felicity cuts through his braincloud, but a girl can hope!Anyway, Al Sah-him (or whatever stupid way they're spelling it) helps out The Flash between 3x22 and 3x23. So either Flash Oliver is an AU Oliver, or he's back to fighting the good fight before the finale.
  3. Deadshot is dead-they had to kill him off because of the Suicide Squad movie. You're thinking of Deathbolt, a metahuman.
  4. Yeah, and I just don't get it. Felicity, he pursued you (in icky ways), girl. He went after you for your mind because he couldn't get things done without you, and you're fawning over him? HE SHOULD BE FAWNING OVER YOU.
  5. The problem with Felicity with Ray is that she's very loopy and smitten kitten around him. And that would be cool because she has a boyfriend and she's happy, but Ray doesn't act that way around her, so she just looks like a silly chick fawning over her indifferent man and that's not the Felicity I know. That's why the teasing Barry bothers me and her snide comment to Oliver about wanting Ray dead bothered me. It's like she's got him up on this weird pedestal when he hasn't treated her in any way to deserve it.
  6. Yeah, I don't think she seriously thinks Barry's jealous, I just don't like her teasing him about that in particular.
  7. Sorry, I disagree. If Felicity's "jealous" comment was in reference to something Barry said about Ray's brain or his suit, I'd be there with you. But he mentioned Ray's too tallness in context of him being Felicity's boyfriend, so the jealous remark definitely comes off as being about Ray being her boyfriend.
  8. Hopefully this O/F scene on a jet will include some kind of breakdown where Oliver finally grieves and maybe laments about things he wanted in his life and won't get to have because he has to join up to save his sister and Felicity will give him another one of those little "make him outthink you" nuggets 'o wisdom that's some foreshadowing that we won't realize until later. Something that makes Oliver strike some kind of a deal with Nyssa where they both play her father and win.
  9. I mean, they knew they that R/F would be over in two-ish eps when they were writing the POS that was Suicidal Tendencies. It doesn't bother me at all - Felicity had her epiphany about not loving Ray last week - timeline-wise The Flash ep comes before it. I'm kind of curious what people who don't follow the EPs online and don't know about the time issue will think though.
  10. Yeah, I don't understand when it's supposed to have happened either. It can't be in between 3x17 and 3x18, because one picked up where the other ended. If anything, it would have to be before 3x17, but that might not make sense either depending on what happens in the ep since Felicity didn't know the suit worked then.
  11. This doesn't bother me because I know the timeline is messed up because of the network's doing, and there probably wasn't too much the writers could do to fix that once they found out.
  12. I don't think it's out of line, I just don't like it coming from her. Especially since she was pretty adamant that she and Barry weren't and wouldn't be a thing in the last crossover, so assuming Barry's jealous of Ray is pretty presumptuous.
  13. He could be, considering Canadagraphs or someone saw Nyssa, Oliver, Diggle and Felicity (not sure if Laurel was there) filming a scene on a rooftop for this ep. Not sure why this would change his relationship with Diggle though. Diggle's a good dude, but he knows the League comes after members when they leave, and if Oliver joins to use the LP on Thea, I'm not sure what exactly Diggle would expect Oliver to do when it came to disobeying an order from Ra's. I feel like it'd have to be something more personal than that, but who knows with this show at this point.
  14. I can tell the "he's like Barry in Oliver's body" line is going to be cringeworthy-er than I thought if the way Felicity is hanging on Ray in that promo is any indication. I also don't like that she asked Barry if he was jealous of Ray. Ugh.
  15. She's definitely been on the news. As for whether or not she's done anything awesome enough to warrant Cisco hearing of her, he seems to like masked vigilantes regardless, and I suspect he'd love her even if she was filmed bumbling and still getting up and trying again (honestly, IMO that might make him love her even more). But there also seems to be a scene with Cisco and Laurel dressed as BC, so maybe his "love" comes from something that we actually see happen in this episode.
  16. Well, they showed us once, like...five episodes ago. Isn't that enough?! /sarcasm
  17. It also pushed Thea towards Roy (and added to her general messed-upedness), since Malcolm was convalescing on their couch. And I'm sure Oliver will, at some point, bust out some of the sweet sword fighting moves that we have to assume Malcolm taught him when we weren't looking.
  18. No, seems to me like they went full-throttle with the plan they had for Laurel and when they saw the chance to have their cake (have Laurel be Black Canary because comics, and, because they thought the reason people didn't like Laurel was BECAUSE they were anxious for her to become Black Canary and were frustrated that she wasn't), and eat it too (bring Sara back in some form), they went for it.
  19. I think naming it after a city makes it sound like a soap opera. If it's a team-up show, just name it after the team. If it's a show about The Atom, just throw it in the trash*. *kidding
  20. Maybe they're just putting that out there to gauge the reaction. And my reaction is this: LOL
  21. I thought Sara would be playing Sara but I thought they'd for sure give her a non-Canary alter ego, if for no other reason to try to avoid the inevitable comparisons.
  22. So, if they're introducing one of next seasons' villains at the end of this season, then maybe there's not a time jump? Or I guess maybe we're to believe that he's going to take five months to get his evil plans in evil order?
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