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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. No, that's a pic of him in the Arrow costume.
  2. I think he maybe sits down with her straddling because maybe he likes the straddling, and, I mean...who wouldn't?
  3. Oh, I didn't ship them, I just generally enjoyed their scenes together. I was always annoyed by Laurel's scenes with Oliver, because I always thought the show was selling a false bill of goods with those two.
  4. I liked Laurel with Tommy because we got to see them be happy together without really anything tainting it. Even in the flashbacks with Oliver, when he and Laurel seemed happy, it always had an air of grossness around it because you knew Oliver was being a smarmy douchecanoe and either cheating on her with her sister or some random or was about to cheat on her with her sister or some random.
  5. Legal question: Laurel said that Lance had frozen Thea's assets so that Oliver wouldn't have access to any money to escape. That's not something that can be done if she hasn't been connected to a crime, is it? I mean, she's been down in the lair, and she does own Verdant, but Lance doesn't know that's where the Arrow operates from yet, and there's nothing indicating that Thea is a co-conspirator.
  6. Or Ra's. Why did I put that out there?
  7. She didn't have a line, and I think you're to believe that she trusted Oliver enough to catch her. Which...I mean, that's great but he would've dislocated whatever it was of hers that he grabbed. Leg, I guess?
  8. When would Ray marry them though? He doesn't go to Nanda Parbat. Would they Skype him to do it? It seems kind of mean to go there considering Felicity probably JUST broke up with him, haha. Crack wedding theory: seeing how handy it was that Ray was able to step right up and offer his minister services in Digg's time of need, Digg decides that it might be a good idea to get ordained by the church of the internet, because you just never know when someone will need you. Then Oliver and Felicity will need him and boom. Married. /crack that I'm getting increasingly hopeful for and will hold out hope for until that jet lands
  9. This made me laugh, thinking of Ray writing a legit check, and Oliver scrounging for change between the cushions of his couch and dumping a couple of nickels, a penny, an M&M and some lint onto a table.
  10. I like this theory the best. I also would like the murder of Ra's to be a team effort, like taking down Slade was. Felicity could rig up some tech, Dig could do some fighting, Oliver could get in there, Thea delivers a blow or two, then Nyssa takes him out for good and the LoA is hers.
  11. Well, MG said the position is one you hold until you die. So, unless they do some weird-ass magic ritual that would somehow actually tie Oliver to the position until he died, I don't see why Oliver would have to stay the head of the LoA if he didn't want to. If there is weird-ass magic involved, the only way I could see him getting out of it is if the LoA didn't exist anymore. MAGICAL LOOPHOLE PLOTLINE COMING RIGHT UP!
  12. Yeah, I'm thinking Ra's is not long for this world.
  13. Yeah, I mean...it seems to me like they're going for irrational anger over losing Sara, so that's why in theory it doesn't bother me. It's just the execution of it that bugs, because I think there are better ways of connecting the dots, and for planting a seed that could snowball after the Evil!Arrows come to town and such. To me it would've been better if Quentin realized that the Evil!Arrows were Evil! but decided to obliterate the Arrow because a) his life went to shit the moment Sara left to get on the Gambit (which was Sara's decision, and not everything that came after was Oliver's fault, but it's that whole, "If I could just change this ONE thing, everything else would be okay mentality) b) Malcolm killed Sara to get at Oliver to get to Ra's, and c) this dude is wreaking havoc on his city even when he's not the one doing it (again, not his fault, but in irrational anger, I could see Quentin getting pissed about this stuff). It would've made for somewhat "good" irrational, fiery anger that could believably lead to Quentin wanting him arrested. But this is really stupid.
  14. I mean, I don't mind Quentin turning on Oliver, really. But the reasoning for it here is weak because of Laurel's major involvement in the deception. It would've been better if they had him find out that Sara died because Malcolm wanted him to fight Ra's to forgive his blood debt. It's still flimsy, and yeah, it would leave Thea vulnerable to him too, but then I'd get the renewed anger at Oliver for taking Sara away on the Gambit and everything that came after. This is just stupid.
  15. I'm amused by the fact that Quentin is focusing most of his rage on TA, not because he just wants someone to be mad at - he probably wouldn't care who wanted to keep what secret. But not only did Laurel keep it from him (never mind the fact that she repeatedly lied to him when he asked her if she'd heard from Sara - I don't recall him asking anyone on TA where she was, apart from Felicity, when he asked if she could get in touch with Sara), but she intentionally dressed up as Sara to fool him, which he's got to know if he's got any kind of curiosity at all, considering his very first question after finding out that Sara died should've been, "When?" Unless Laurel lied to him about that, too. This is yet another reason why that whole secret-keeping storyline was stupid as hell, because it served no real purpose other than to get Quentin to this point of anger, when they could've had Oliver/Team Arrow/Laurel "betray" him in an actual relevant way that would've made the way things unfolded a little less stupid IMO.
  16. She yelled it out at one of the Channel 52 camera guy who was filming as Oliver conveniently lowered himself on a wire fastened to a strategically shot arrow into THE MOON, and then gently lifted her up out of harm's way.
  17. It is, but Oliver's getting branded in the actual preview released for 3x19. Well, actually they only show him with his arms over his head and shaking in 3x19 - which I assume is the branding, so I could be wrong - they cut the actual brand out of the clip. It was in the preview clip for the rest of the episodes.
  18. The next time MG needs to sell a buttload of copies of his book, probably. Although if they were smart they'd make us pay for it.
  19. I seriously need to know why Oliver's getting branded with an arrow in 3x19 when he's not supposed to join the League until 3x20.
  20. If it's to do with the sex scene, I wonder if it might be because they're not bound to content guidelines the way they would be if some of this stuff was to air on broadcast television. If it's a true content issue, then I'm not sure people would be upset by something being in a preview that they legitimately could not show on TV (at least I wouldn't, so I'm speaking for myself) - I wonder if that's why this didn't air after the last ep like The Flash aired their preview after their last ep? If it was something they decided to cut for time or whatever, then yeah, that's stupid. Could just be that some of the scenes they put in the preview will be aired from a different angle or whatever, kind of like the kiss from the premiere.
  21. Nah, I don't think they're stupid enough to release something like this and then cut it out or censor it into pointlessness. It might not look exactly like this, but it'll be in there, and it'll probably be close to as graphic as the CW will allow.
  22. Yeah, I definitely think the brand is for his League name. The weird thing is that this scene is in the promo for 3x19, when he's not supposed to join (according to the synopsis) until 3x20. Unless this is toward the end and sets up the next ep. But then why is the offer Oliver can't refuse in the 3x20 ep when he's already joined in 3x19? I donut understand.
  23. So, "a heartbroken Felicity takes matters into her own hands"... I wonder if this heartbreak happens before or after the sex? I guess this is when she stands up to Ra's because she's angry about what he's making Oliver do? Kind of nervous about how that's going to turn out for her.
  24. Colton just posted this on his Instagram. Not sure how recent it is: https://instagram.com/p/0_tGz2DTDU/
  25. OR WILL IT?! And Ray can probably hover in that suit. Oliver and Laurel were such tacky a-holes, haha.
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