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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I think judging from set pictures is a pretty common thing that happens when any property gets remade or adapted to film from TV or book form. People love what is familiar, and they want the characters to look how they imagine/remember. I mean, I remember watching TMNT when I was younger, and he doesn't look like any version of Casey Jones I've ever seen. Most of those set pics look Oliver Queen-esque. If this was something I felt a lot of nostalgia for, maybe I'd be worried about it too. Is it pointless? Sure. Unfair? Yep. But it's not the first nor the last time a fandom will get all up in arms about something they haven't even seen yet, haha.
  2. I hope Thea gets a meaty story, but hopefully Oliver doesn't come back for something related to Malcolm wrt Thea, but since the theme of this season is supposed to be family, I'm worried that's exactly what's going to happen. Fingers crossed I'm wrong!
  3. Twitter's terrible, but to be fair, it's hard to ask someone a good question when you've got a 140 character limit.
  4. Probably because they wanted to pad The Flash DVD with extras, and they had some of the first footage of GG as Barry Allen lying around and figured they might as well use it? No DVD extras are necessary, it's just fun stuff that fans might want to see, hence the inclusion of it.
  5. I guess it just depends on how tied they were to the idea that they needed to associate Barry with Felicity to get people to like him. If they weren't that tied to it, he probably would've gotten the job anyway, they would've just dropped the whole crush storyline and introduced him some other way. If they were really tied to it, maybe they would've gone with another guy. It's impossible to tell.
  6. Wasn't he hired for a 3-ep run that turned into The Flash? So, his chemistry with EBR got him the spot on Arrow, and his actual acting and audience reception of him got him the spin-off?
  7. I don't mind it, only because Donaldson's getting screwed out of it by the Royals fans, so SA's just using his celebrity to get a guy in who would be in anyway if the Royals fans weren't being jerks about the whole thing. I also want this to work because SA bet he could hit a homer at a major league park, and I'd really like to see him try.
  8. No, the problem is that Royals fans are padding the lineup with all Royals, including the worst hitter in the league. Josh Donaldson actually deserves to be there, but (last I knew) he was being pushed out because of the Royals fans trying to stack the lineup with their guys.
  9. Yeah, the fact that they even had a chemistry read with EBR was strange to me, unless they were counting on people liking Barry enough to want a spin-off, but The Flash was already green lit at that point, wasn't it?
  10. Right. That's the revelation he needs to have - that he can be Oliver and be a hero. He didn't need to have a revelation about being able to be with Felicity, because he removed the obstacle to their relationship: the Arrow. He's just Oliver now, there is no conflict there.
  11. I guess I just don't see why him having a revelation about getting the girl is an issue here. His whole point throughout the season was that he didn't think he could be a hero and a normal guy, and he ended the season being a normal guy. Conflict gone, there was no reason to believe he couldn't be with Felicity anymore. It was a failure of the whole stupid "a man can't live by two names" story line, but that part at least makes sense to me. He didn't think the Arrow could have a girlfriend, and the Arrow doesn't exist anymore, so...
  12. I think next time you should throw a few more "fangirls" in there just to drive the dismissiveness home, because I'm still just a liiiiittle confused about whether or not my opinion matters. I occasionally vote in online polls though, so I guess maybe it doesn't?
  13. He really needs to market those island herbs.
  14. I think he was probably retiring from it at the time he made the decision to leave. I mean, after all he's been through and the fact that he couldn't even be the Arrow if he wanted to, it's not like he had a whole lot of options, and a nice, stress-free life probably sounded pretty good once he realized that there were people who could carry on for him. I don't think there's been any real identity resolution yet-I'm guessing it'll come next season when he puts his mask on again. All I was saying was that he's taking steps to be the guy who can be a hero and himself at the same time. I mean, the storyline was crap, but that's what I got from it.
  15. It's too bad Gail Simone wouldn't touch Arrow with a ten foot pole (<== not sarcasm). She would weep at the mess they've made of Dinah/Laurel, assuming she hasn't already. She says she hasn't ever watched Arrow, but I can't tell if that's her being diplomatic or not. She could maybe turn Laurel around and make her kind of awesome, but she'd definitely have to take her to a new show (and away from Oliver) for that to happen. Which would work, since she hates Oliver, haha.
  16. He didn't. That's why I wrote that he was beginning to realize it. IMO, that's the different person he's become that he wants to learn more about. That guy will be able to do both.
  17. It's probably "The Return" or "Home" or something generic like that. ETA: Nevermind, I forgot there was already a "The Return," haha.
  18. That would've been really stupid if that was their intention, because I never once got the feeling that Roy and Thea even wanted to be together after they broke up, haha. It was the most mature breakup/post-breakup friendship I've seen on a CW show, and a lot of other shows at that. They broke up, they were friendly, and it was nice.
  19. From my understanding, story = the general concept, and the teleplay is the fleshing out of the story with dialogue and such.
  20. To be fair, people who have been asking for a joint interview have been asking for one for a VERY long time. SDCC is probably the target now since it's the next round of publicity for the show - if they don't get one there, they'll move onto the next big event to try and get it to happen. And SA and EBR did a joint interview at SDCC two years ago, so now that they're an actual couple on the show I don't think it's a big deal. The main couples on other shows interview together all the time.
  21. I like that the panel they chose to highlight has Oliver saying, "It smells like egg roll farts." Riveting! ;)
  22. The contact information (including phone numbers and twitter handles) for all the CW shows' publicity people were included in the press release, yes.
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