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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Oliver is so guilt-ridden, that it could be literally anyone he's even remotely close to. But yeah, I think it's probably Felicity.
  2. I'm sure we'll figure out who it is during the cross over, and they'll find a way to stop it. Because weren't Stephen and Grant filming in suits fairly recently? Unless they just added that scene on.
  3. Yeah, the kid is obviously easily impressed, haha.
  4. Probably, to give him his privacy, since he got mostly naked and stuff.
  5. Is Anatoly still on the island? Whatever happened to him? Maybe that might be how the Bratva comes in?
  6. I think he knew that Roy was just a plant.
  7. Haha, I was just going to type the same thing.
  8. I'm convinced that DD has some kind of talisman that's giving him his "powers."
  9. They're big on parallels every season. I get that they want to show that he's not the leader anymore, but that was a bad time/way to do it. Why would they be looking at him like that when they couldn't figure things out on their own and went to him for help?
  10. Did Diggle not wonder where in the hell Laurel and Thea were off to for at least a whole day? Haha. This show.
  11. Quentin really is an idiot for opposing vigilante justice when his police force is chock full of incompetent morons.
  12. What good is knowing the date first if I don't know which month it's in?!
  13. I actually liked Malcolm more when he was around Tommy (as a villain, not as a decent human being). So Tommy sticking around and working through his issues would've made Malcolm more bearable, too.
  14. I wish we could get some clarification on their relationship timeline. Laurel went to Stanford while Oliver went to and was kicked out...what, four schools? Were they all in the vicinity of Stanford? But she'd lived in Starling (didn't Oliver mention that her place hadn't changed much over the years, like he'd been there before? Did she have a roommate then? Is Starling within commuting distance of Stanford?) If Sara knew 10 people he'd slept with, and there were pap pictures of him drunkenly hanging on some other chick, when exactly were they together and stable for long enough for Laurel to think they should move in together? Were they constantly on and off, or were all of those women he slept with women he slept with while he was with Laurel? I know at least one of them was, but what about the others? No snark - I just honestly don't know how anyone ever bought them as a legit love story.
  15. Haha, I got back from a trip to Europe yesterday, and every time I'd see a poster or a sign/document with a date on it, I wondered WHY IS IT LIKE THIS?!! Month/date/year makes so much more sense to me.
  16. Yeah, my biggest NOOOO for an O/L/T led show would be the never-ending love triangle that it would surely become. I don't even like watching a person torn between two others even one time - throughout the lifetime of a show? Nah. Plus, not saying it wouldn't or couldn't have been a good show, but I wouldn't have continued watching Arrow if I didn't know that Felicity came in full time and that she and Diggle and Oliver started working together. So, whether an O/L/T show would've worked or not, I probably wouldn't have kept watching it, so I'm glad TPTB went in the direction they did.
  17. Yeah, he and Serena Williams seem to be really good friends - based on his Instagram and Twitter (and hers, too).
  18. I mean, normal is different for everyone - it's impossible to define or (most of the time) say whether it's right or wrong, really. It seems like after living how Oliver's lived for the past 8 years, married life in suburbia is Oliver's ideal. I can't say that it surprises me, since he was forced into vigilante life and didn't enter it willingly like the rest of the team did.
  19. Yeah, seems like if they don't mention every single bit of information about a person the second you meet them, anything new is a retcon. Not that this show doesn't retcon some things but the two latest mentions of it: of Oliver/Laurel being retconned because of this new flashback love interest, and Felicity being a great hacker? Nah.
  20. If by "normal" you mean the nuclear family suburban experience, then yeah, she's never had that and seems to want Oliver to have his dream of living that way. If you mean "normal" as in non-crime fighting, then yeah, she's lived that life before.
  21. I think they just had Oliver use a slow cooker, because it a) seems so suburban, b) it's a gift that a neighbor would give to a new couple who just moved in, and c) it allowed the wife to make that joke that allowed Felicity's response to illustrate that she doesn't have much in common with the people in Ivy Town, and is a little bit restless about being there.
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