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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yeah, that was a really weird line - not relative to Laurel, but just in general. I wasn't sure if it was strange writing, or some kind of signal that he considers all these versions of himself (Ollie, Oliver, Arrow, Green Arrow, whatever) to be the same person, but...that doesn't really make sense.
  2. I think the more people who tell Laurel what she's doing is wrong, the more right she's going to be for doing it. Sara will thank her, all will be well, etc.
  3. [Edited by mod.] And IMO, the way they played that Laurel/Thea scene doesn't make it seem like she's concerned at all about Thea's state of mind because of Thea. Seems like she's concerned about Thea's state of mind because of Sara, and what would happen to her post resurrection. Yeah, I think she'll say it, but not in an awful way. She'd bring it up in an adult conversation (not throw it in his face) where she gently talks him through his anger with Laurel.
  4. I agree, I just think that argument works really well in the Oliver using the pit for Thea vs. Laurel using it for Sara debate. On top of the fact that Thea wasn't dead and Laurel had to do a little grave robbing, Oliver would've felt like he owed it to Thea to give her another shot at life by any means necessary considering he would've considered it his fault that Thea got run through in the first place, since he turned Ra's down. I'm really hoping that someone doesn't make that "well, you did it for Thea" argument to Oliver when he's pissed at Laurel for what she did, but I'm guessing someone will. It'll probably be Felicity.
  5. Seriously. He had some atoning to do there. Sara wasn't killed because of Laurel (in the show, anyway).
  6. They can bond together all they want, but the writers should probably come up with some kind of story for Diggle to confide in Laurel with that doesn't make him look like not such a great brother, and makes both him and Laurel look like idiots and the worst strategic thinkers probably ever.
  7. I would hope the people warning her about it would've given her enough of a clue, but...maybe not.
  8. They've been calling it a "world championship" since the late 1800's, when there weren't very many international players involved. It's just typical AMERICA!!!11!!! to call it a world series, like the winner of the Super Bowl is referred to as the world champion, even though it's only played at an elite level in North America.
  9. Look, I'm going to hold off judgment of Laurel's reactions until I actually watch the episode, but if she acts all surprised that Sara's completely batshit, I will laugh for days. And days.
  10. I see this sentiment a lot, but Thea's the only person we've seen it used on, and she wasn't even dead.
  11. It hasn't wrapped - SA posted a FB video earlier that mentioned he was filming the crossover today.
  12. JtV lost my interest over the last part of the season. I thought it lost its stride a bit, and I hate love triangles so I got tired of Michael vs. Raf. One thing I always loved about it though was that every time someone did something batshit or found out something batshit that information almost always came out. Whenever I expected someone to keep a secret, they didn't. And the show still managed to be dramatic and was great and surprising because of it. I tried watching the S2 premiere, and it's still not grabbing me like it once did, but I'll give it another try at some point.
  13. I think the layers also have something to do with it - my hair is similar. But I don't think there's a change in length. In the stills, where she's wearing that maroon dress, her ponytail is long.
  14. Her ponytail looks just as long to me in the bottom pic before she swishes it? It looks equally as long to me in the stills for the next ep, too.
  15. Laurel seems to know that Digg's judgment isn't so sound right now based on the fact that she and Thea had to go behind his back to get Oliver to help out with the ghosts, so my favorite resolution to this would be for her to be all Laurel about it and tell Oliver, Felicity, and Thea that the ghosts are HIVE. But she just did a little grave robbing, so I'm guessing it's not going to happen like that because plot for plot and plot.
  16. But...why wouldn't he want people interfering? That's why this secret is stupid. He can't find information on the group that killed his brother, whose death he allegedly wants to avenge. And yet he doesn't tell at least Felicity, who can help him find the information he can't find himself. He gives Laurel what information he does have, that he knows these ghosts that are taking over the city are members of a group called HIVE - valuable information for the team to have. Laurel recognizes this enough to know that John is being an idiot for keeping this information to himself, and yet, even though she just reminded John that they don't keep secrets, she's probably not going to tell the team this very valuable information that John gave to her. It's completely nonsensical.
  17. I'm sure she went right to the team and let them know that they're dealing with a group called HIVE.
  18. Yeah, it also makes him look like he doesn't really care all that much about finding his brother's killer since he can't find viable information about HIVE on his own (if he's telling the truth about that), and yet won't tell one of the very few people he can trust to help him.
  19. Yeah, I don't believe that he would've kept it, especially because of the reasoning he gave for keeping it. It's a family thing? Dude, you were just referring to Oliver as your brother last year. You let him use his Bratva connections to help you rescue your ex wife from prison. He was your best man at your wedding. Come on. It's also an ill-advised secret since Diggle said that all of his research led to dead ends, but what he managed to dig up matches with the "ghost" MO. He knows they're HIVE. IF that's all he knows and he's not lying to Laurel, it's stupid, and was revealed specifically so Digg and Laurel could have a moment and/or whatever it is he does know will come back to bite him in the ass later. It's ridiculous information for him to keep to himself, especially knowing that THESE ARE THE PEOPLE THEY ARE ALL FIGHTING. Hypocrite.
  20. I think she was just the sugar mama of the lair redo - I imagine she would've probably wanted to reinvest money that Oliver gave her back into their mission. Since Oliver was still a billionaire then, I'm pretty sure he was still funding everything else.
  21. Do you not think it's strange that Diggle wouldn't have shared that information with Oliver and Felicity - people with whom he's had no problem sharing similar information with over the past three years? People who know about Andy and went to great lengths to help him with other family business? They had Diggle keep an illogical secret in order to bond with Laurel. Now, I don't care that he bonds with Laurel, but I do care that they make him OOC to do it.
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