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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. He totally does. In She's the Man, he was basically Brick as a soccer coach.
  2. Yeah, that was some terrible writing to get to the "we'll always have each other" part. Especially since I think she said something about Barry's mom not being there for him, which...no shit, lady. It's not like she didn't want to be, she was just, you know, murdered.
  3. I thought it was more about him wondering if letting his mother die was the right thing to do? Which I can kind of understand. He ran back in time, risked the lives of basically everyone in the world - especially those he loves - to go back and change things, then wound up opening the breach into E2, caused at least a couple of deaths and the mass destruction of Central City for pretty much nothing. If only he'd shown as much angst over that as he did over his mom, haha.
  4. No. But next week's will.
  5. It seemed like it? There's definitely something going on there, regardless. Also super curious if she's carrying around a picture of herself in her pocket.
  6. I think I'd need to see a wide shot to judge, but it has to look better than it did on Arrow. And I'm guessing we didn't get any visual effects like this because of the $$$.
  7. An episode-long "Run faster, Barry" pep talk by the freaking speed force is just...it's too much.
  8. Well, it's not often that we need to make our ass, boobs, and face viewable to men all at the same time!
  9. I think for him it does - a couple of years ago a pap took picks of him on vacation over the hiatus, and it was pretty clear it had been a while since he'd worked out. I think he's just the type to get a little...doughy (probably not the best word, but I didn't want to use "soft") if he doesn't keep at it, but everything seems to...um...firm up pretty quickly.
  10. Yes we did - Felicity had a news feed (or something) with a pic of her dead body on her computer in the lair - HIVE dumped her body somewhere and the cops found her IIRC.
  11. Now that they've finally had sex, I hope the I-can't-believe-this-is-happening, I-would-do-anything-to-have-this-I-want-it-so-badly internal monologues die down. While I do think the chapters are incredibly lengthy, I enjoy the new information that we get in them - fluff, action, whichever. It's wading through the repetitive thinking to get to the new stuff that gets a little irritating. Since people have been complaining about the length, I'm kind of expecting the chapters to stay long (although maybe not in the 25k range). One little niggling complaint I have is that Sara has a broken wrist, and last chapter she was holding Ellie up over her head pretending she was Waverider. Raisa broke her arm, like...yesterday? And she's in the kitchen cutting vegetables. I've broken my arm before, and no way could I even hold vegetables for chopping the next day. The tension in my fingers would've killed, haha. Just little things that they should probably keep track of that are easy to forget when you're covering two days over a period of months.
  12. I think he was in Tremors - I think he met Bronze Tiger by the docks or something?
  13. I'm 99% sure he meant that his friend Tav introduced him to Klosterman's writing, and that Tav liked the introduction.
  14. Maybe we find out he had a hand in creating it? And yeah, I'm guessing Darhk tries to kill him at the beginning of the ep.
  15. What is Diggle doing to Papa Smoak? Gonna choke him? Gonna pat him on the back? One first, then the other?
  16. Maybe they didn't want to write, "Nameless lady - Arrow" on there? Although I'm pretty sure she did have a name. I think.
  17. I think @looptab is talking about the lady HIVE member Darhk killed after Armitage. If she had a name, I can't remember what it was.
  18. They are. The artist's name is on each of them.
  19. I've written fic for a few fandoms now, and personally, I like receiving concrit. I'm pretty well aware of my limitations and weak spots as a writer, so someone commenting on those things doesn't bother me, because I already realize they're issues for me. I write fic as the mood strikes, and the mood doesn't stick around for long, so I have a bunch of one shots that maybe took me an hour or two to churn out, and one multi-chapter fic that I wrote over a long weekend. So, if someone says to me, "You didn't get too in depth with this, I wish you would've fleshed it out more," or "I think this resolved too quickly, I would've appreciated a little more tension," or whatever, I go back and read, and 8 out of 10 times I agree. Because I do this for free in my spare time (and only post a story once I'm finished writing it), unless it's a glaring mistake, I usually don't bother to go back and fix the offending passage(s), but I do keep those comments in mind the next time I write something. Even though I write fic for free, I do want to get better at it, so if someone feels like they can help me do that, then I'd love to hear from them as long as they're nice about it. Someone replying with, "This story is shit," or "Burn your keyboard or cut off your fingers so you can never write again" (both of which I have received, haha) isn't helpful at all, although those comments do make me laugh. So thanks, anons!
  20. Is it possible WB is just adhering to some contractual thing since she was let go? Like, not promoting/making money off her likeness when she's no longer on the show?
  21. If this is true, they're just asking comics shops to take down KC's Arrow promo. People will still buy Black Canary merchandise without her name tied to it.
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