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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I'm guessing this convo is in reference to his comment about "Olishitty fans being triggered,"
  2. It's weird because DR's right - why would Diggle be mad at Barry? All Diggle's ever known is his son, because Barry erased everything else. Same goes with Barry erasing everything else - what are they going to be mad at? They don't remember anything he's changed. That's what makes it frustrating for the viewer because WE do. And his life just moves on all hunky-dory without any of this really affecting him personally, like, one of his friends needs to ditch his ass just for being dumb enough to do it (and he could've done it however many times - they'd never know). Anyway - I'm interested in how Digg finds out as well - hopefully Barry sacks up and tells him himself (but then he'd probably subsequently throw Felicity under the bus or something, haha).
  3. I love that DR said Diggle would handle it "much more compassionately than you might think," like...nah, I expect everyone to be super compassionate to poor Barry!
  4. I just don't get the point of having Chase be Vigilante and also Prometheus. Seems like such a hassle, haha.
  5. I don't want Tommy to be Prometheus because A) I don't really like him that much so I'd prefer not to see him again, and B) I really don't want to see anyone else who's supposed to be dead showing up in anything other than a flashback. I'm already irritated about Laurel showing up in whatever capacity even though I'm guessing it's going to be as Black Siren, because no way can these turds resist the predictable drama of having Oliver and crew see their friend alive again, only THIS TIME SHE'S EVIL!!11!!!! I don't know who Prometheus is, but the odds are that the reveal is going to be stupid. I'll be really surprised (and happy) if it isn't.
  6. Agreed. A consequence would be having one of his relationships suffer for his stupidity for longer than half an episode. But there has to be a desire to make that happen on the part of the writers, and there isn't. Like, even Iris's speech about forgiving him for his "mistake" was gaslighting the audience about the fact that Barry didn't run back in time on a whim - he knew what he was doing and even went to see her before he did it (even though she doesn't know that). And I'm not even fully convinced he won't run back in time again - I would bet actual money that something's going to happen to Iris and he's gonna run back in time to undo it.
  7. Seems like dying is a bad thing that happened to Barry's dad as far as consequences go, not Barry.
  8. Yeah. The way she's been mentioned so far, both in the main fic (when she thought about when she came to visit Ellie in the hospital), and in these one shots (being a handful, wayward, difficult, etc) never quite felt right, and now to know that
  9. If only there were an example of The Flash or LoT sharing their spotlight with Arrow... I mean, even one of the reporters that was at the 100th party was tweeting about all the great Flash scoop she got there - not a damn thing about Arrow - the actual show she was at a party for, haha.
  10. About today's FiCoN one-shot collection update: I cannot express how much I dislike
  11. Look at our BFF Suzanne Gomez lurking in the back there, haha.
  12. I think it's one thing to know something's probably bothering a person and to recognize they're deflecting, and another to guess at it when they haven't indicated there's anything wrong in the first place. I think it makes sense from what we know of Oliver that he might not think about Felicity harboring any guilt and beating herself up over it, since that's the kind of thing that he would do. I'll wait to judge until we see how the arc plays out - if Oliver's allowed to be there for her at all - but as of now I think I prefer him just not considering that it would be an issue because she hasn't acted as if it is one, rather than trying to rattle her by bringing a Havenrock survivor on the team to get her to open up about it, haha. But I agree with you - I'd like it if there were a little more to it than there seems to be.
  13. I doubt it was anything other than an oversight on the writers' part to how it would look, because all they wanted was to a) get Rory on the team and b) kick off Felicity's Havenrock arc - and in true Arrow fashion probably wanted to do both in as little time as possible. I just...how would Oliver know that Felicity was having any issues with Havenrock whatsoever? Seems like since the finale she's been going about her life as usual, and she specifically mentioned that this is the kind of thing that she doesn't talk to Oliver about anymore, so yeah...insensitive, but not totally shitty (like, Oliver not going to visit her in the hospital? Utterly, totally shitty). And I love Felicity - the things I love most about her are her strength and her unwillingness to take any kind of shit, especially from Oliver. I dislike the idea that she needs to be coddled or babied or tiptoed around when she's perfectly capable of sticking up for herself and saying if something makes her uncomfortable. Especially not when it doesn't seem as if she's given any kind of indication to anyone that this is something she's struggling with - and when she's the one who decided on her own to let Rory know about the part she played in Genesis. I mean, Oliver probably feels like the rest of us do - that she didn't have a choice, and those deaths aren't her fault. He has no way of knowing she doesn't feel that way - or that she's mired in guilt about it.
  14. Did he somehow not know she was listening? I thought that's why he asked if she was okay when he got back to the lair. I agree that it was kind of thoughtless, but he still did the right thing. Felicity wasn't going to be any safer with Rory running around NOT on the team - and it's not like Rory had any way of knowing that Felicity had any hand in Havenrock unless Felicity had told him herself - which she did, knowing full well what Rory was capable of.
  15. Not that I want any Arrow interviews to be released - AT ALL - but I think it's funny that a reporter from Entertainment Tonight is tweeting about Flash spoilers she got...at a party she attended for Arrow, haha. And nothing about Arrow btw.
  16. They were probably invited though, and just didn't go. There isn't anything that can be done about that.
  17. They managed to remember to schedule a party and actually invited people to it, which is a huge achievement given the competency we've seen thus far.
  18. He can probably get cozy with some finger sammies once they're inside.
  19. Same. By all means, be as half-assed as possible.
  20. Did you miss the part where she said it was the ship to end all ships? Anytime you tweet out that something is the whatever to end all whatevers, you're asking for people to disagree with you (pettiness and disagreements are how a lot of trends get started). She knows how this works.
  21. How strange to write that about a ship that isn't on the show you write for, haha. Is she looking for a job?
  22. Maybe this isn't the best comparison since Flash's ratings have taken a dive, haha.
  23. I wouldn't consider anything that sparks outrage/debate in fandom as having much impact on the ratings until whatever fandom is raging about shows up in an actual episode. Not that it definitively doesn't have an impact or anything, but the number of people who actively engage in Arrow fandom and also have Nielsen boxes is probably pretty small.
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