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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I just remembered - isn't 6x15 called Doppelgänger? Maybe they will be dealing with the fact that she isn't actually the Laurel she's passing herself off as.
  2. Being the parent to a toddler must've given Diggle endless patience to withstand tantrums.
  3. Same. I was like, oh no they wouldn't do that. I gave him the benefit of the doubt! I'm like an IRL version of that Tyra gif but instead of "I was rooting for you!" it's like "I didn't think you were that much of an asshole. HOW DARE YOU"
  4. And Quentin gave her that picture, and a rundown of all the cute things they used to do when she was little. And she knows he isn't going to turn her in since he wants her to be his daughter so badly. She's sure as shit smarter than Dick D who couldn't even be bothered to get hold of the $70 million Cayden stole from the city (provided we don't find out later that BS gave it to him).
  5. I think people are assuming that now that she's claiming to be OG Laurel that it'll be tough to get rid of her. The team isn't likely to want to claim Doppelgänger, although it could be easy enough to prove by exhuming Laurel's body (provided BS didn't steal it - Laurel does have a thing for digging up graves), and Quentin's pretty desperate to claim her as his kid. I guess they think she'll come around to being somewhat less of a murderous asshole - the show's sanctification of Laurel post-death does make it seem like they'd be reluctant to publicly sully her rep. I guess the flip side to that would be BS laying waste to Laurel's legacy with the public, and if that happens I'm not sure most of them would care if it meant she stuck around and there was even a possibility of her going good and Oliver falling in love with her.
  6. HOW DID 3-DICK 3-DRAGON NOT TAKE ANY OF THAT MONEY?!?? If he's really supposed to be a mastermind, I weep. Also, I'm surprised they had Curtis mess with Diggle's chip in a way that actually hurt him - and had Dinah so casual about it. Anyway, I hope all the newbies die. :)
  7. The guy on reddit with the spoilers posted them for episode 14:
  8. I like what they’ve taken the “if there’s a little bit of Laurel in her I’m going to find it” from Oliver and given it to Quentin. I get there being some conflict because the two Laurels look the same, but that should be over fairly quickly. Treating them like they’re the same and Laurel is replaceable with her doppelgänger is so gross. So if someone’s going to be a boneheaded moron whose mental health I have to question, I’d rather it be Quentin than Oliver.
  9. She says it's a graphic novel on her site:
  10. I don’t know if the two are or were intended to be connected, and I don’t really want to rewatch to get the answer. Hopefully someone remembers. I’d th ink if there was intended to be a link there that 3-Dragon would’ve mentioned it before he stabbed Cayden with the knife he printed out, but who knows with this show.
  11. I'd like to get some clarification on this 3-Dragon plan from someone in charge - I know the answer is likely nonsensical, but still. 3-Dragon sets up Cayden James to enact a revenge plot while Cayden's in ARGUS custody - assuming that he will then somehow get out. I guess he could've done some research about Helix and wagered that someone would stage a jailbreak - but...the only person who bothered was Alena, who only knew James for ONE DAY. Lucky break! 3-Dragon's plan involves Cayden targeting Oliver and getting him under indictment, fracturing Team Arrow, etc. so he can take over the city. But he stands by while Cayden builds this thermobaric bomb that he intends to use to level the city that 3-Dragon wants to take over. He then does nothing at all to stop James from detonating that bomb, and once James loses the thread and starts threatening to do that, 3-Dragon...tries to take off, only to be stopped by Curtis and Wild Dog. Was he just going to chalk Star City up as a loss and then go try to take over some other city if he'd been able to get away? Was 3-Dragon at least smart enough to siphon money out of the account that Cayden had Oliver wire all the city's funds to? If not, holy shit. What an idiot. I like Alena and I don't want her to be a rat, but at this point that's the only way this even remotely works - if 3-Dragon is her partner or her stooge, and she broke Cayden out for this purpose, had some way to stop the thermobaric bomb from going off if Cayden had pressed the button, and was smart enough to do something with the money he stole and told Oliver how to get back. If Alena isn't involved, 3-Dragon is the luckiest 3-Dumbass in the wide world. I mean, the dude even bragged about Team Arrow being fractured in a million pieces when THEIR ABILITY TO WORK TOGETHER IS WHAT STOPPED THE BOMB FROM GOING OFF, since apparently he didn't account for that in his grand plan. Lord, beer me strength.
  12. Yeah, I think any sort of chip malfunction would be inadvertent, like due to a glitch with tech to dampen BS's cry, or Dinah and BS screeching at each other until everything electronic within a 10-mile radius just blows itself up.
  13. It doesn't really bother me - Oliver's convo with William was a play to distract Cayden by playing on his emotions as a father. I don't think Oliver really thought it was the end, and I doubt Felicity or Thea would've either.
  14. That TV Line tweet makes me laugh. Quentin can't lead an intervention for Laurel, because no one on this show right now KNOWS this Laurel. Someone needs to lead an intervention for his creepy ass.
  15. Oh, Dinah. You can't take a swipe at someone for their inaction to save someone when you're carrying out a personal vendetta while the city is under the threat of a bomb and you can actually help stop it! These people are the worst, lmao
  16. No, that is his own alter ego and hashtag.
  17. Herson, her boy Aleno will be introduced after the break probably.
  18. Agreed. One reason I'm not looking forward to them possibly redeeming her is because if she's gonna be around, I prefer watching her being a snarky bitch!
  19. So...is Alena working for Diaz? I'm guessing it's a plot hole, but that's the only thing that would make this make sense. Otherwise, why would Diaz target Owen when Cayden was in ARGUS custody? Was he counting on Alena convincing Felicity to break him out? If not, that makes no sense. He could've killed any other rando criminal's kid for a distraction for Oliver and Co. and wouldn't have had ARGUS to contend with. Don't try to make sense of it, self.
  20. Not sure now what the issue over dealing with BS is. Since the only person who was for killing Laurel was Dinah. Are we going to rehash that argument in a month like we rehashed William needing to be reassured about losing Oliver tonight?
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