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Everything posted by Wavy

  1. Yeah, when Helen suggested to the kids that they skip school for a day of fun and they refused, I had a bad feeling there was going to be a school shooting. Glad I was wrong.
  2. Isn't it considered bad taste to propose at somebody's wedding? You'd be upstaging the bride and groom. Liza didn't look too thrilled.
  3. Yes, they never had very much luck with pets. Those are my least favorite episodes.
  4. I'd be interested in hearing Opera Man's interpretation of the Barr hearings.
  5. I agree about Beaver's friends. Especially Richard and Gilbert: They were often, as Beav would put it: "Rats."
  6. I remember an episode where Rafi told Bridg he graduated from a sober house. Guess it was last season.
  7. Doubt they would be "jelly" of her, especially her marriage.
  8. It's possible. I remember when Carter was elected and I was five.
  9. The guy who played McConnell really looked like him, chins and all. When the Manchin character walked by, I was hoping Schumer would deck him.
  10. Seems like Trump and his supporters are especially sensitive about being ribbed on tv, even tho he makes fun of people all the time.
  11. If you don't like politics, this isn't the show for you.
  12. True! Blamed the public for his liposuction, which led to emotional problems.
  13. It was almost like he had never heard about it. Maybe his doctors tell him to avoid the news? Anyway, he totally dodged answering that question.
  14. I was surprised that nobody brought up the fact that Barr had previously slurred Susan Rice in a similar way.
  15. People from NY will probably remember when Pirro first announced her plans to run for the Republican nomination for the Senate. As she was speaking, a big gust of wind kicked in, blowing her notes all over the place. It was like "someone" was trying to tell her something! She couldn't even beat Rick Lazio for the chance to run against Hillary. I think she's still bitter about that.
  16. Reign does look a little like the Bieb!
  17. Checked out Polling Report, and couldn't find a major poll where Trump is breaking even. I wonder which poll Meghan was referring to today?
  18. My Mom thinks Ryan resembles the actor Huntz Hall in that photo!
  19. This was a good episode. Wish more of the "famous" who left would allow Leah and Mike to interview them. I'm curious about the people who left but claim they still practice Scientology. I wonder how that works .
  20. I had no idea Jlo's father is a Scientologist. Heard Leah mention this on a talk show.
  21. I wonder if the Scientology Bigwigs pressured her to attend Tom and Katie's wedding? Maybe she made a "scene" because she really didn't want to be there.
  22. Leah has always said nice things about Travolta, even after she left Scientology.
  23. The promos always refer to this show being a big hit. If so, why the changes?
  24. Loved "Offensive Fowl." But, I never understood why Doug gave the chicken he rescued to a farmer. What did he think the farmer was going to do to the poor bird ??!!!
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