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Everything posted by Gwen-Stacys

  1. Isn't she vegan? If so, that could explain the sudden extreme thinness. But I've noticed her skinniness since season 2 and it might just be because she her weigh from The Secret Circle to season 2 Originals is hella striking. Only Rebecca. All of Kol's sirelings are already dead thanks to Elena and Jeremy on TVD
  2. Word. These two shows understood female relationships and how to juggle multiple characters/storylines without outshining the main one. In Nikita, even when the two main females (Alex/Nikita) were in relationships, the show never lost sight of the fact that their relationship with each was intrinsically important. Season 1 Supergirl did fine in regards to this (the Danver girls' relationship was front and center), but season 2 has definitely dropped the ball. This episode was the first time Jeremiah had even been brought up since about mid season 2a. Weird since season 1 Alex literally left Kara behind to go searching for him, only coming back when the big Kryptonian mind control weapon (that had been looming over all of season 1) was finally put into action. I forgot Cadmus was even a thing this season. Okay, not really, but it never felt like the big threat it should've been. Cadmus is, if memory serves me correct, supposed to be a secret branch of the government, not some hodgepodge Luthor family science project. But whatever. All I want to know is what is the big bad this season? Cadmus or the people obviously coming for Prince Douche? Who really knows? Just to think, instead of having Mon el and Kara date, they could've used him as a proxy for Kara to work out her feelings of abandonment re:Clark dumping her off on the Danvers almost as soon as she arrived on the planet. They touched on it the first 2 episodes as being a "maybe" thing and then it was gone...The only story line capable of emotional impact this season (for me) was Alex's coming out story. To bring it back to this episode, I think this just solidified that I'll probably finish out the season (by way of binging so I that can ff) and then I'm done. Sad. I used to love this show.
  3. You have to be 16 and some months to get a licence now (depending on the state). I know when I went to get my licence (a little over 10 years ago) the earliest you could get one 16 and a month (or 2?). My brother is almost a decade younger and the time period had definitely grown over 16 and a month
  4. Oh, I don't disagree at all. Bonnie crossed a boundary, I was simply saying I can understand why she did it, not that she was right to.
  5. I'm gonna have to agree with everyone saying that they could see both sides of the birth control issue. If my teenage stepdaughter confided in me about aspects of her personal life, I wouldn't share it with her mother (or father) unless I thought she was in danger. It isn't often that teens confide in adults as opposed to other teens and I think it is good for them to have that not-parental-but-still-an-authority-type figure in their lives. I don't necessarily agree with Bonnie actually taking her to PP (she should've nudged her in her birth parents' direction). But I can understand her reasoning for doing it. Abigail was going to do it any way, at least someone was there with her that has a relative wealth of BC knowledge that isn't the doctor. Oh! And one way for Bonnie to be completely in the right in this situation could be that she actually never took Abigail to PP...she just took the blame (mostly because Abigail didn't let her get a word in edgewise). And I took Nathan's reaction to Ed bringing the BC issue up to be one of surprise, as in the whole situation was news to him -as in this was the first time he was learning the catalyst for the argument. Which wouldn't make sense for the open sort of relationship we've been lead to believe that Bonnie and Nathan have. Alternately, Bonnie might not have even told him about Madeline going off on her in the parking lot, one of the other mom's could've (especially since he's a landscaper). This show has been very good about leaving some things purposely (I hope) vague.
  6. Nah, I think the writers were just playing with the whole prophecy paradox - did the prophecy become true because you knew about it (and your actions to defy it ends up making it come true: IE Voldimort trying to kill baby Harry Potter) or was it always going to happen no matter what you did? In this instance, Elijah knowing about the prophecy is the reason he ripped Marcel's heart out in the first place, and thus set into motion the very things he was shown. He literally saw Hope (and Hayley) covered in blood. I didn't like what he did (because actions are the root cause to all that happening) but it made sense when you look at it from his perspective. Elijah's number 1s are his siblings, Hayley, and Hope (being at the top, I'd bet). He saw every single one of them in danger because of Marcel....
  7. The way I see it is they didn't think that they had enough time to find another option other than Davina. They knew that Lucian was on his way to intercept Klaus and Hayley (per a phone call from The Stricks) and he had to be stopped else they loose Klaus and Hayley (leaving Hope orphaned) and Rebekah (and the thousands of vampires in her sire-line, some of which could've been as young or younger than Davina) Agreed. I'd rather watch 5 seasons of those two trying to co=parent than Hayley and Elijah's "will they or won't they" nonsense.
  8. Agreed. Especially since his No was very succinct and left little room for misinterpretation. Vincent is 100% anti-ancestors at this point, so him working with Marcel actually makes sense. He was a witch on the fringe of the covens mostly because he didn't agree with the harvest rituals and killing kids, which Marcel mostly put a stop to. Right now, I think their alliance is more of a "the enemy of my betrayer is my friend" kind of thing. I have to give Danielle Campbell props because that scene where she was begging Freya to stop gave me goosebumps. And I also love how you could see how guilty Freya was at having to do that to her in the first place, so Applause to Riley Vokel as well.
  9. I take more precautions during flu season/babysitting kids than these people do with a full blown, deadly virus circulating around their city. So far the only character I like is Teresa, the useless teen mom. Mostly because she's the only that seems to be taking the threat seriously ---could be on account that she's pregnant and actually wants to keep the baby?
  10. That episode...actually made me feel things.
  11. This show was filled with my biggest pet peeve when watching shows and movies about a virus spread: people who sneeze/cough without covering their mouths! Especially when they do it in other people's face like.....really?! You had all that free space to spit all over, but no...right in the face of the lone person....standing 5 feet away from you.
  12. I mean, I can agree with that. Julia's downfall has always been her hubris and jumping into things without thinking them through (playing the prank on Q, steeling the cabinet from Mariana, summoning a goddess, making a deal with The Beast, etc). But like I said earlier, all of the characters are deeply flawed, and achingly human. They've all done dumb things all for the sake of emotion (Alice refusing to let anyone kill her niffin!brother while she tried to save him, resulting in the death in a few people, letting the beast into breakbills in the first place, and almost getting herself killed; Penny being difficult in general; Elliot being self-destructive and almost getting the group killed, etc.) So with Julia, while I think she made a dumb decision with The Beast....I can understand why she did it. She's angry and feels both foolish, betrayed, guilty, violated, and vengeful: Quinton: Jules… Julia: Yea, I know. What the fuck were we thinking Quinton: You were trying to do good and you got duped. It’s not your fault. But Jules, you saved KAdy…. Julia: But what about everyone else? You know, what about…. Quinton: Hey, I’m going to help you. I promise, whatever that means Julia: It means find him. And it means kill him. And somehow I doubt that that’s easy or even possible. I'm still not ruling out another timeloop being introduced though. Julia knows about them (her friends made one in her apartment while her Kady were studying up) and so does Q...That has to come back in play somehow. Not to mention the whole, never seeing Julia walk into the wellspring/library and The Beast never noticing her until she had the knife to her throat. I need answers!
  13. Reynard is just as bad as the beast, arguably worse as he is a god and thus harder to kill. And killing a god, before Martin Chatwin had done, seems like it was an unheard of thing: most people didn't think it could be done. Why wouldn't Julia, a recent victim, think it was a good idea to partner up with the one person who could potentially solve all of their problems? Quintin and his group wouldn't have gotten anywhere without Julia. It was her idea that lead them to Umber, or whoever, in the first place (the only person willing to give it a shot being the person that she went with; in fact Margo all but called her stupid for suggesting it). With that in mind, why would she think that they could help her? Or even would, for that matter? They hate Julia; even said as much when Q showed up with her in tow. One thing the show has shown over and over is that Julia is the special-snowflake magician that Q thinks/thought he was. And she's fairly intelligent, I think there's a lot more to her plan than we know yet.
  14. Alice walks in first with Quinton: and Julia walks in last (pulling a Prue Halliwell the door as she walks in, by the way): No way she swiped it walking in....the only thing I can think is that she telekenetically swiped it when Martin showed up. Also weird that Martin focused/noticed everyone else....except for Julia. Actually, watching the end scene again, you only see a flash of Julia in the shack (a reaction shot) once he flutters in. Was that purposeful?
  15. IDK, I don't think she really screwed anyone. Even though she swiped the knife from Alice (though...how'd she do that without Alice even noticing? That's expert pick-pocketing right there), from the comments Martin Chatwin made, it actually sounded as if he knew that she was creeping up behind him. TBH, Julia was the only one to get the drop on him. It makes me think that had she not been there, instead of just Alice being a question mark, they all would've surely died. They weren't ready to fight The Beast. Julia has been shown to be capable of remorse, empathy, and selflessness in the past two or 3 episodes or so. She apologized to Quinton for what she did to him and even accepted that she had no right to expect him to forgive her for it. She's shown multiple times that she cares for Kady (in fact, if not for Julia's segments, this show would rarely, if ever, pass the Bechdel test.). From pulling her away from the demon thing living underneath the bridge to straight up jumping in front of her when Reynard was going towards her (and getting raped as a way for Kady to escape and live another day). So I think saying that she's always been selfish and never thinks of anyone else is a little unfair. Has she done horrible and borderline unforgivable things? Yes! Every character (save for maybe Alice) has shown that they're selfish and sometimes can't see past their own selves or their own pain. It's what makes them interesting....they're very true to life and the show never shows them as anything but flawed. And as the commenters above me have already said, we don't 100% know what her actual plan is yet or the reasoning behind it. I'm saving my judgment for 2017
  16. To be honest, I think Julia is still traumatized and still not 100% in her right mind. She just found out hours before that she'd gotten duped and brutally raped (a rape she endured to save another person's life btw....so not so selfish). Having that memory forced back onto her was probably like reliving it all again. Compound that with the guilt she probably feels at having gotten all of her friend's killed and having let an evil trickster spirit/god into the world, I think she just acted. Her killing The Beast wouldn't, logically, make Penny any less injured or Alice any less dead. So was her decision foolish? Hell yea. But selfish? eeeeeehhhhhh, I wouldn't go that far. She wants to kill Reynard as a means of vengeance, probably, but also because he legitimately needs to be put down. In Martin Chatwin, she potentially has an ally ---they're both victims of rape. And having seen what he did to his own abuser...it's not hard to see how her mind got from point A to point B. I think the thinking behind it was that the knife could kill a master magician....but not necessarily a god. Martin Chatwin figured out a way to take them out but it must be harder than a simple spell if he's yet to take out the other god just sulking in a tree stump eating rats and hoping people bring him cakes. IDK, I can't fault a (recent) rape victim that makes a questionable decision in regards to their trauma. I think most people see rape, the physical, and forget that it's also mental as hell...
  17. A black sky is a person. They haven't explained what it is yet, but I think most people who've read the DD comics can suss out why the hand who'd deam them to be so important. It would make sense why she'd be so highly coveted, as well trained as she is. They were trying to capture her, not kill her. In season 1, the first Black sky we see is trussed up in chains. Must mean that they don't always come willingly. And as for the afraid part, refer back to the spoiler comment. My guess is that was meant to set up the Punisher series that's been being discussed lately. It leaves some mystery/intrigue into where Franks story could, and probably would go. We also see him snatch a cd-rom he'd hidden in his home before torching it. As for the cabin....my guess is that it's still on the general's (or whatever he was) property. And he lived way out in a wealthy suburb....I'm sure most of his neighbors aren't hiking through the woods to break into his secret cabin. Well, it was cannon that both Matt and Foggy had (or were offered) jobs at pretty decent law firms. Not to mention, their tiny firm was the one to put Fisk in prison, before they ever took on the Frank Castle case. I think the consensus was they were on their way to getting Frank a substantially lighter sentence (on top of making him look moderately sympathetic) before Frank blew it to shit. That's two high profile cases they took on with little time in between. Safe to say his name (as well as Matt's) was probably out there. On top of that, his girlfriend pushed his name to her boss. Sometimes it's not just what you know, it's who you know. Jerry approached Foggy with the idea of taking on the cases of vigilantes, as there is a growing market for it (look at the upcoming Civil War movie set in the same universe). He's already taken on the case of 1 vigilante, and he's shown he's not afraid to go up against scarily connected/powerful people like Wilson Fisk. Why would someone offering him a job be a setup? It has been said (and shown multiple times) that he's actually a fairly competent lawyer.
  18. I just read the review over on AVclub, and the writer brought up they he probably stayed behind so that he could prove that he wasn't dangerous and to ensure that the Danvers sisters weren't held accountable for his actions. The quote that you highlighted I think was meant to signify that. And after sleeping on it, it makes sense (given what Kara said to him earlier in the episode about hiding who he was) that he would out himself. I think it was fear over Alex's safety and the inevitability of having to one day make that choice anyway that helped push him out of the extraterrestrial closet.
  19. Yea, I don't get why he didn't just go invisible. Whatever, maybe now he can just be John Jones when he finally gets let out of his cell. As to why they arrested him, I'm thinking it's because he was impersonating an agent. That's kind of against the law...And he later admitted that he killed said agent. Just from Kara. And after he was manhandled and the things she said to him (even though she was under the influence of red K, she admitted that there was truth to it) I think it's warranted. Even if he does truly love Kara, the man just got out of a relationship that ended because of the feelings he has for her. I'd think most (decent) people would need to take a step back to collect themselves. I'm mad that Kara was all but roofied by Max Lord (even if it was a happy accident) and now she's the one that has to suffer the consequences while he's off making more trouble, probably.
  20. They actually half-assed explained that this episode. They were all trying to kill him before and that's why he all but disappeared pre-TVD season 3 ---the same thing he and Hayley did at the end of this episode. He used a spell that made him impossible to track and just went into the wind. In TVD he really only came out-out because he had an opportunity to become the original Hybrid and most of the white oak Michael carried had been destroyed. And, to be fair, he was mostly confined to MF until it came out that killing one original killed all the vampires in their line. Then he went to Nola and hasn't exactly been hiding his presence (or the presence of his miracle baby), which is why come the end of the episode he, Hayley, and baby hope skipped town as a family unit. Like I said last week, Davina severing his sire line didn't just put a target on his back, but his daughter's as well. Which is why I honestly don't understand why she went along with Kol to the Michaelson compound in the first place.
  21. Elijah had it at the end of the episode. It's what he was threatening to shoot Aya with
  22. After this episode, I can't tell if the writers want me to like to Davina and understand her motives or not. Like...am I supposed to be okay with the prospect of her dying? I don't understand how she thinks? Marcel told her the stricks planned on killing both Elijah and Klaus -the brothers of a person she claims to love....and I mean she was there when he was overjoyed that those same brothers rallied around him when he was dying- and she thinks Kol would just be...okay with that? On top of that, she seems to be incapable of long term thinking. By putting Klaus in danger, she's also endangering a 1-year old girl who likely aren't going to stop at just killing her father (idk, maybe I've been watching Vikings and Game of Thrones too long and I just assume if people want to kill a "king" they're also going to kill his kids as well. Especially if they're oooold enemies.). I just....she needs to die. Maybe if she was played by a different actress that didn't make her seem so petulant, I'd be more inclined to cut her some slack....
  23. Lydia telling her mom that Stiles saved her made me Marge-Simpson-side-eye my tv. Everyone saved you, Lydia. Even your mother...and maybe even mostly your mother. Cause Tracy was about to snatch your ass up! And might've succeeded had she not paused to monologue
  24. Yea, they all make mistakes. Especially last season (and even in this episode), but the examples I gave prove that Scott does get penalized for his mistakes. He's still oozing blood and has a patch of skin missing from a wound he should've healed from by now. So not only did he die (and come back) because of his mistakes, he feels guilt over them as well. But I agree, we probably are just gonna have to agree to disagree.
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