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Everything posted by winsomeone

  1. To me, it seems like Jeremy has a very slight foreign accent, like English was his second language. Wasn't he born in the US?
  2. I hope that Max knows more English now, and that he is attending school somewhere.
  3. Did I hear Nicole say that she thought she might be happier without Azan after he was talking about healthy eating and exercise?
  4. In the car, on the way home to his parent's house I believe, Alexi said "This is where I was meant to be." Meaning Israel. Does anyone know if he and Loren ever returned to the US after their trip there? He sounded like he was not coming back.
  5. This is what I thought too. Plus, she has an 8 year old who speaks little English, maybe she needs to spend her time at home with him, helping him adjust to a new culture, rather than going clubbing? She has been here such a short time..give it a while, and she will make the female friends she is craving I think.
  6. I don't like Matt at all, and think he will eventually be abusive to Alla. But, why did she want to go clubbing after just being here for a few days? Did she want him to go with her, and he refused to go? Why couldn't he have taken her out drinking instead of his friend's girl friend? I don't think she is going to b happy living in his small community if she is already bored.
  7. How can Chantel's engagement be a secret from her parents..surely they must watch the show the same as the rest of us?
  8. OT, but has anyone heard anything about the couple from PA..the girl from Africa? Or the Morman couple?
  9. Why was Izzy allowed to beg everyone for food? And worse yet, was that everyone was feeding him from their forks...even that very small girl. I would be a bit worried about germs since I doubt he has been vaccinated for anything? Also, Jill was supposedly taught Spanish from Marjorie's mother, and also took classes in CA too. Doesn't look like she learned very much. Wonder what Derick's Spanish is like?
  10. "We do things differently". Check. I wish Jana had said that, instead she said "We do things different." as usual. Were they ever taught about adverbs and adjectives I wonder?
  11. I was going to say, I bet Donna is there as a paid care giver..helps Whitney dress, shave, etc?
  12. If Whitney is so in love with her morbidly obese body, why does she not seem to look for the same sized man to date? I would think that is the body type that would appeal to her..guess not?
  13. If she can't put shoes on, how in the world does she reach her feet to get her pants on over them I wonder?
  14. I think she looks smaller when she is standing up..when she sits she just spreads out all over the place. That is why she often lounges on the couches instead of sitting up straight I think..makes her look smaller that way.
  15. If I had thinning hair like Whitney does, I don't think I would take a chance and then bleach it.
  16. When Whitney was running down those stairs, and yelling at Will who was in front of her to get out of the way, all I could think of was she is going to fall, and roll right over that poor man and maim him.
  17. Not sure where to put this, but , she should have had that cruise before people turned against her. At one time she was liked, but no more.
  18. Not sure where this comment goes, but doesn't it seem odd, as fertile as Janelle is, that she had no children with her first husband?
  19. According to radar online, she announces
  20. All of that crying, mostly without tears, and not one mention of any sorrow for what Anna is going through. Just seemed odd to me. Josh cheating on her didn't harm his brothers and sisters, it harmed his wife and children. Period. It might have embarrassed the rest of them because it was made public, but to the point of crying on TV?
  21. Alex also has a crush on his teacher, they said on another show. Maybe he enjoys being around women who aren't constantly having sex and/or talking about it?
  22. I wish she would wash her greasy hair. Yes, the whole show is about her.
  23. Whitney doesn't seem overly concerned about the health risks that 400 pounds brings to her, so maybe she does need to be body shamed, as nothing else seems to work with her? Eventually she will be dancing from the waist up only, as she will be wheelchair bound...her bones and joints will give out carrying all of that weight.
  24. Saw a preview last night..Trent says he can swim, and Amber yells "bull crap." Nice. Last week she made him return a power tool that she didn't approve of. Is he afraid of her that he doesn't stand up to her? Myself, I think both of them are border line slow. Also, the children mind her too well, and after seeing the fire in her eyes many times, I would not be surprised if she isn't physical with them.
  25. PCOS or not, I don't think many 400 pound people have gotten that big without eating a lot of food. I keep picturing Whitney eating that huge container of ice cream in her SUV...how many normal people would eat that much at one time? She is wearing what she eats period.
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