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Everything posted by winsomeone

  1. I think sitters do a lot of the child care in that house, except while the family is on camera. Danielle has her gym time, the new business, her selling make up, plus her talking heads. She and Adam wandered up and down the street near her home alone last night..who watched the kids then? Maybe this is why the quints are so out of control..different care givers all of the time. The way they act, bet sitters are reluctant to return a second time? I just knew Adam hadn't been diagnosed with PPD..just his pastor said he has it? Next he will have PMS...Danielle needs to give the man his balls back. Surely they don't think people are interested enough to have half of the show high light his maybe fake depression?
  2. Did any professional medical person diagnose Adam with PPD, or just his minister? Seems like no one has if he is going to Nashville to talk with someone who might help him. Plus he is going on talk shows to talk about something he may or may not have? I think he needs to have his thyroid checked out before self diagnosing himself with depression. I know several people who suffer from depression, and they are medicated for it and it helps them a lot. Plus they don't go around discussing their condition with strangers either.
  3. How long does PPD usually last? The quints are 2 now..maybe Adam will have it the rest of his life? I think he is either gay or transsexual..he is so feminine, I can see how he got it. Are the quints even his, or did they use donated sperm like that other set of quints TLC had on in the past?
  4. " What should they do, get her contacts? Those are actually great glasses for little kids. The frames are softer and don't break, they are more comfortable than standard glasses, and they stay on. Babies don't really have a nose bridge, so getting glasses to stay in place is nearly impossible with standard glasses. Personally, I think little ones in glasses are adorable!" Why yes, contacts are what is needed..it's what all two year old wear. I have seen lots of little kids wearing glasses that are frame less, and they seem to do fine, and they don't draw attention to the child's face. Doesn't matter, as her sisters won't let her wear them, and that will be that. Often little ones wear arm splints until they get used to glasses, but in this case the sisters want them for themselves to play with I guess? There seems to be no one in that house that can make them mind, so Hazel's eye sight be damned!
  5. Who would take their kids into a store and let them demolish the place like they did? They need to turn off the cameras and work on the behavior of the girls..they are just totally out of control. I have never seen two year olds behave so badly. The glasses for Hazel were a joke..they were so clownish that they drew your eye to the poor girl's face immediately. Instead of down playing her disability, they just magnified it horribly. At this point, they reminded me of the Gosselin sextuplets, who acted feral at times.
  6. For the first time, I suddenly saw the maleness of Jazz..the way she lumbered when walking at times, her eating, burping etc. Before, she always seemed so feminine. Maybe it is because she is getting older?
  7. Is there still to be some announcement about Sam today, or were the pictures already posted it?
  8. It would be interesting to know who will pay their hospital bill..it must already be in the thousands. Since neither of them works I suppose the tax payers will pick up the tab? And most likely will, over and over again.
  9. " Amber has said they don't take any welfare like medical assistance and pay co-pays and deductibles." I wonder since there are 7 of them though, if they don't get SSI for some of the kids who have lots of medical issues?
  10. I have had enough of the medical issuers already..have enough of my own, and watching others in pain is just not my idea of entertainment. This whole family seems to have really low IQ's...maybe Emma is smarter then some of them, and the older boy? I just don't see how they ever qualified to adopt the two from China, when they used to be so poor?
  11. At the end of the show, it told what they are doing now. Abe quit his truck driving job as Rebecca wanted of course..she does have total control over him. He will stay home and help care for the two girls..one of whom is in school? Rebecca will continue to study for her GED..and after she passes, will head straight for college. No mention of what they will live on, or who will pay for college though. If she has trouble passing the GED, she will need years of remedial courses to bring her up to par for regular college courses I bet. Do any of them other than Kate work?
  12. Elizabeth looked more like 30 than 14, when in that beauty pageant. I thought the top of her dress showed way too much for someone her age. She and Alex are gaining a lot of weight. When I look at Alex, all I see is his huge head. They are doing him no favor by allowing his out of control behavior.
  13. OT, but I always wonder why Rebecca has such as accent, and none of the others do? I know English is their second language, but even Mary speaks it flawlessly, as does everyone but Rebecca?
  14. I still don't see how she manages to get off and on a regular toilet, and is able to wipe herself after going..her legs are too fat to separate all that much.
  15. Zack was upset about what his son will have to go though. He should have thought of that before getting pregnant. The odds were not in their favor to have a non dwarf child. They could have used different sperm, or didn't the little couple use sperm that was genetically free of the dwarfism? Maybe I have that wrong.
  16. This show doesn't appeal to me all that much. When Mr. Big Balls Trent starts bragging about the amount of sex he has daily, I immediately turn the channel. Not a very family oriented show to say the least. Can't someone stifle him?
  17. I thought heroin addicts are usually thin?
  18. Mary is just plain nasty acting at times, for a woman her age.
  19. Also, if he was stopping breathing over 50 times a night, why in the world wasn't he using a cpap? Can't be his age, because Will on the Little Couple used one when he was just 2-3 years old.
  20. For two weeks they have been saying Alex will have an anesthetic, and then brain surgery..seemed an odd thing to say, as who has brain surgery without an anesthetic? The mother really doesn't seem very bright at times. Anyway, right until the end, the parents were saying brain surgery, when it looks like he had surgery to remove excess bone growth at the top of his spinal column instead. The stitches were all in his neck area. Not saying that wasn't a serious thing, but it was not brain surgery.
  21. There is a former NFL football player named Spergon Wynn. Awful close. I wonder what nick name he has. His son is named Spergon too.
  22. Maybe in the future, they can do surgery on the husband and wife at the same time. That way neither would have to go through the after effects of it alone, and could better support each other?
  23. Radar on Line has a story about Lenny..he had a DUI years ago, but apparently he also has trouble controlling himself and has warrants out standing for that today maybe? Anyway, the mug shots of him from 9 years ago, with hair, he wasn't bad looking at all.
  24. When Whitney asked her mother why she couldn't get a guy, I wish she had told her the truth...because you weigh 400 pounds.
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