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Everything posted by renatae

  1. Really can't stand Loren's horrid mother. Each could have contacted the other before the need for a babysitter, but not attending the shower was so mean. Expecting an apology when YOU were the one being rude and hateful makes her look like a true narcissist. How embarrassing and nasty their behavior was. Marlene seems like a true control freak to be so insisting that her grown daughter needs to kowtow to her regarding where she lives. I understand being upset, but she seems more upset by the idea that she wasn't consulted. The threat to smack her was so egregious. I know this is far after the fact, but I didn't have a chance to post earlier and I just needed to vent, lol.
  2. Time bombs! Red flags! Positive pregnancy tests! What a bunch of train wrecks! Travis' mom. All the signs of a possessive MIL, but with a phony sweet smile. Stakes her claim on her son - demands to sit with him, holds his hand like a girlfriend, then takes the engagement ring and puts it on her own finger, saying she'll keep it until Ashley proves herself to her. (Or until she can convince her son to be her sonsband .) Both Travis and his mom, and even Ashley act like it's *her* job to provide for them. He's buying overpriced stuff they can't afford for his mom to make Ashley look good? That sure makes sense. All the while mom is planning to sabotage the relationship. Mm, mm, mm. Derek and his family. Yikes. Can this guy open his mouth without lying? Couldn't believe his mom was the one to turn him on to weed and dealing. Cameron - short with a shorter fuse, and another bossy, loudmouth family. He's looking like a real abuser/control freak in the making. Nathan flies off the handle for just about no reason. I find him scary, and not at all how he acted before Skylar got out. Run, girl - he broke your phone to punish you for spending time with a girlfriend.
  3. I was particularly noting the thickness near the waistline and the overall physique. It's going to be interesting to see what happens with the kids issue. Yet another person not telling the truth about what they're willing to deal with? I see Danielle getting sent home on the next flight after she tells her beau her true plan.
  4. This is truly the first time I've ever said this - I can't get into any of these people. I'm also having a hard time believing Gabe (?) is trans.
  5. PREd. What turd full planet did they get this guy from? He's caught visiting Rose and the only things he has to say are that Liz should have had his back, Liz is a Prima Donna and Liz is performing? He can't marry Liz because she's not perfect. And he is? Ed, I'm sure that planet you are from vomited you out, and all we have to wait for is Mother Earth to do the same.
  6. This is how I feel. As bad as Bilal is, Ed on this tell all shows himself to be a liar and manipulator par excellance. He is in a class by himself with his immediate deflections and inability to ever address any blame. It's Liz's fault he got "attacked" and she didn't run to his defense in the midst of the revelations of cheating, lying and abuse. Then he has the gall to accuse her of being a prima donna for not sticking around for more of his BS. He certainly has an exalted opinion of his trollish self, and it's utterly repulsive. Hopefully, what went on tonight opens her eyes, finally.
  7. Ed thinks Liz should have defended his assholery - his head is totally up his rectum.
  8. It was still a sly attempt at discrediting him, and she is a shrew for bringing it up. Then she says she wouldn't do anything to hurt Libby. Liar.
  9. What's with the attempted sensual vibe in the nursery rhyme?
  10. I think writing the book he did sort of cancels that out, but what do I know?
  11. Hi, everyone! Mine says November 2022 and it is not recording. I can't get it to record. 🤷‍♀️
  12. We didn't lose power but our pipes froze in the master bath. It flooded the garage, but we don't know for how long because we couldn't hear it. So sorry about your downstairs leak! Ed and Bilalzebub are birds of a feather. Ed approves of B's tactics because it's like him. Deflect, project, trick, gaslight. Loathe them both.
  13. I don't think she was surprised - she was just comparing it to being in India where supposedly no one understands her. Which is weird to me because IMO a LOT of Indians speak English. Her MIL doesn't. Maybe that's a blessing, lol.
  14. Grangela was so gross treating her grandkids like confidantes and burdening them with her adult troubles. Also, it's Usman's fault Michael is cheating. SMH. I'm here all day for Jenny telling PrEd he criticizes everyone but he's not perfect. Yay! Oh, and not to forget Jenny sacrificed her car!
  15. Yes! Edith started it when she called Mary a slut and messaged the embassy. She spent a lot of time deliberately trying to mess up Mary's life. As for Mary, she was basically carelessly cruel, and I don't remember any deliberate sabotage except when she informed Edith's beau about her past at the table, after Edith's hostile moves. Oh, and when she told the elderly beau that Edith was expecting a proposal from a silly old man whom she'd made fun of.
  16. I'm watching the marathon on PBS, and I was struck by the fact Mary didn't dump Sir Richard out on his ear as soon as he viciously threatened she'd be sorry if he ever crossed him. That should have been the final nail in his coffin. She also didn't act when she learned how he threatened Lavinia and what he made her do. I think that was way out of character for bold, "don't mess with me" Mary.
  17. Because she is looking for a long-term relationship. Apparently, however, she's aware he's playing the field, so...
  18. What's your problem?! He gives her *everything! * Some people expect the universe! If he gives in to this, next she will be wanting baby clothes and formula. Maybe a night a week away from him. /s
  19. I almost forgot to watch Part 3. Glad I didn't miss it! It was a trash fest extraordinaire. Debbie was over the top everywhere. I hated the way Colt spoke to her and he came off like the prize twit he is. But the way she went after Tania made her look like the nut case, not Tania. She's so overly invested; she really needs to step back. I hope she and Tony do well. Speaking of Tania, the on screen divorce was very sad for me. I think they both care about each other and like Natalie, I couldn't find reason to celebrate. The appearance of Natalie's hosebeast of a MIL was something I wish they had omitted. I hate the way Mike sits there mute every time monster mom opens her mouth to spew out her hate. Jamal, oh, my! Not a good look, and even though Tim is also overly invested, I'm glad he pointed out that Jamal seems to be shortchanging Veronica. Too bad she is apparently happy being one of many toys.
  20. I think Usman's game plan eliminated Kimbally as soon as he realized it would take as long to adopt his nephew as it would for him to marry someone else and have his own child.
  21. These user men are showing their butts all over the place. Gaslighting Bilal, telling Shaeeda and the world that he's giving her "everything" except of course, what she wants. And he's so worried she will find something else to want from him if she has a child. Because she's so demanding, right Bilalzebub? And your problems are all her fault because "no matter what, there's no pleasing her." Yeah, let's just keep playing "getting to know you" for the next 15 years or so, right? I still want to smack that egotistical mug. And Usman, "I could have anyone, but I'm sacrificing my fine self for you to get to the U.S." You can take several seats with your overly large ego as well, before you topple over from imbalance. Just as well, your plan to adopt your nephew was opprobrious. Taking a child away from his mother for your own selfish ends - how could you? Michael, you sure played the long game well. Find a less abusive ticket. Big Ed, not ready to get married yet. Nice time to come to that conclusion. I hope Liz becomes a great success in the restaurant biz. Maybe she'll marry her boss. I think he has his eye on her. 90 Days sure knows how to steal my holiday spirit. Bah! Humbug!
  22. Funny how whenever I heard him talk about the Covid rules, he always said, "I have to protect myself." Put a sock in it, douchecanoe.
  23. I originally was giving them a pass because of culture, but when you really look at it, it's not just ageism, etc., it's downright cruelty. I've read a lot of first person accounts from Indian people (and to a certain extent Asian cultures) and what they've been through is appalling. Say they grow up and marry a family approved person. If that person is a female, she generally winds up a slave to the MIL, who basically abuses her. The youngsters are kept under the thumb of the parents, and guilt manipulation is the name of the game. Suicide threats, minimalization and other tricks of narcissists seem to be standard practice. Here we are with Sumit. He must kowtow to his family or he is cut off. I'm waiting for them to say they don't care if he moves to the US; he's dead to them anyway. This is not love.
  24. Sooo, Jovi's friend (Baltimore? Cleveland?) thinks Yara is too controlling? Ahh, because she won't let the "relationship develop." Especially since Jovi doesn't go out catting and drinking every night anymore. Just a few nights a week. Awwwwee.
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