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Everything posted by Toonces464

  1. If you're not watching David Schwimmer now on Will & Grace, you should be! I'm amazed that anyone has bought into them, but I've actually seen a lot of people torn up over this "breakup." Most of them are Peta/Sharna fans, which isn't that surprising, but it makes you realize how much this younger generating of watchers that they're trying so hard to bring in are really in it just for the "#relationshipgoals."
  2. They were on a break! (Please tell me we have some Friends fans on here) https://www.etonline.com/dancing-with-the-stars-couple-alan-bersten-and-alexis-ren-are-on-a-break-115383
  3. I don't think there will be very few viewers left, but I do think the show will take a hit not being on in the spring. To me, the mini season was the same as no season at all.
  4. Well l know I'm shocked! Turns Out, Alexis Ren and Alan Bersten Aren't as Crazy in Love as We Thought
  5. I think the mini season is more to blame for people losing interest than Bobby's win.
  6. The biggest part of Gilles V2 was his partner. He was incredible with Cheryl. With Peta, he was intolerable. And this is coming from someone who LOVED Gilles V1.
  7. I'm sure many said the same thing about Gilles Marini and look how that turned out LOL
  8. Clearly you haven't watched this show for very long. Most people have moved on from Bobby's win and by the time next season rolls around in September they won't even think about it. No different than any other season. I think only a handful of people, mainly those who are pissed their favorite was eliminated early, are going to hang onto this season and Bobby's win and come next September say "Hmmm...Bobby won, I don't like the voting system, so I'm not watching anymore."
  9. The link doesn't work, takes me right back to the board?
  10. I'm willing to bet $100 Maks slept with his mirrorball after he finally won it LOL All kidding aside, Sharna is not on vacation, she is at David Ortiz's charity golf tournament and she was probably invited because she won so it would make sense for her to take her mirrorball there with her.
  11. I don't think Heather Morris was eliminated because there was a fix in for the winner. She was eliminated because she's a professional dancer and no one wanted to see a professional dancer competing in an amateur dance competition.
  12. So much this. I can see it now, Len finally retires, Maks bullies his way into the judge's seat and every season Val and Peta win. LOL
  13. People say that every season. People go on Facebook and complain every season. This is nothing new nor is it something that happened just because Bobby won.
  14. What makes it even better is Val leaving Utah before Jenna and showing up at Alexis's beer pong birthday party last night.....the only person who was there from DWTS. LOL
  15. Val tends to show up in some weird places that you never expect to see him LOL. I've also noticed that he tends to get close with a lot of the celebs and I'm surprised by it because he doesn't seem all that close with them during the season. Usually it's the athletes. Rashad, Derek Fisher and Jacoby Jones all come immediately to mind. I'll never forget how completely shocked I was when Jacoby and Karina showed up at the family celebration dinner after Season 16.
  16. But what I was responding to was luvthepros saying they never got to see just how good the other contestants were. The same is true of Cubs fans. They were showing David's dances on the Jumbotron, not the rest of the contestants. And again it comes back to social media. The majority of complaints about Bobby are what he said and did on his radio show and his social media. I don't listen to his radio show or follow him on social media --- I rarely, if ever, follow any of the celebs unless it's someone I really grow to like, such as Rashad. So what he, or any other contestant, says and does on social media has no effect on me whatsoever or how I feel about them.
  17. But that happens every season. They were putting David Ross's voting number on the Jumbotron during Cubs games and telling people to just dial it and vote. The difference is Rashad was hugely popular and the clear-cut favorite to win so he was getting all the "general public" votes while this season they were being split between Milo and Evanna.
  18. Nor did I and I watched every show live. I think a lot of people are hung up on what he was saying on his radio show and his social media, neither of which I"m familiar with.
  19. I've been watching this show since Season 6 and every season there are people who say they're never watching again until this is fixed or that is done. And every season there are people who do stop watching. And there are people who keep watching after saying they won't. I doubt this season will be any different.
  20. Yes but neither the long time fans nor the casual viewers are holding a grudge or sending hate tweets to Sharna, threatening that she's going to feel backlash against her for a long time to come. That was my original point.....the regular viewers of the show are not making this about Sharna. That's only a certain group of people.
  21. Tony was never a partner in Fred Astaire and he's not a partner now. He's the Co-National Dance Director.
  22. I don't agree that there will be backlash against Sharna for a long time. It seems the newer viewers and the ones upset that Tinashe and Juan Pablo were eliminated early are the ones who are upset with Sharna. The long time viewers said WTF when Bobby won and moved on, since this is the nature of the beast with this show.
  23. Oh I know, but he was a partner in DWM for like 8 years.....and then suddenly he just gave up that partnership to go teach at Fred Astaire?
  24. To this day I do not believe Meryl ever broke up with Fedor. Were you looking at Twitter or Instagram? I was talking about Instagram and the only people from DWTS he still follows on there are Derek, Tony, Erin, Cheryl, Lindsay, Witney and Sasha. I don't follow Charlie on Twitter so maybe he does still follow here there.
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