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Everything posted by Toonces464

  1. I still believe very strongly that going to once a year will be the end of the show. Look what happened with the athlete's season and how many people they lost. When the show's not around regularly, people will find other things to watch that are.
  2. Absolutely agree the lame cast and the money being funneled to American Idol's reboot are what's doing this show in. I also think the show is incapable of being more than one thing. They seem to be catering to a munch younger fan base right now with this group of pros who spent years chatting up fans on social media and visiting with them outside tour venues and a lot of younger celebs. This unfortunately has been off-putting to a lot of the older and longer-term viewers. I don't know why they don't mix it up more. Bring back more than just one of the original pros each season and rotate the current group. Mix up the cast better...even if it means changing up the way you do things to get more people interested in doing the show. Make the judge's comments and the results more organic instead of so highly manipulated by the producers.
  3. I wouldn't tune in for a show full of only D list males either, but at least that would be a bit more entertaining with the level of female pros the show has right now.
  4. Honestly, I think that would be the end of the show forever, even faster than all athletes. I certainly wouldn't tune in to a bunch of female D listers dancing with this lame bunch of male pros or, even worse, a bunch of unknown pros.
  5. DWTS has always been a popularity contest. I don't think they're going to cancel it because Tinashe got eliminated. There are other fun shows on the air however!
  6. Um.....every elimination pisses off a lot of people. Trust me, there's been a lot more outrage shown at many other eliminations. This one's not even a top ten.
  7. There is a huge difference between the core audience of the show and the ones who tune in for a particular season because they like a particular contestant. The core audience has ALWAYS driven the winner and, as someone pointed out above, this demographic seems to like a certain type of contestant. It has nothing to do with skin color or gender or even dance talent. It's personality and the journey. And, who the pro is. During Week 1 I said that I though the pros would drive this season more than anything and I really think that's where the show is now. Especially with this current group of pros, most of whom have huge social media fan bases that were cultivated over years of whining on Twitter about how bad they wanted to become a pro and all the interacting they did with the fans to try to make that happen. Those are the core viewers who do the majority of voting. I've often wondered if Nicole Sherzinger would've won if she'd been on a later season. Obviously she was head and shoulders above everyone else in dance talent but that's come to mean less and less over the years. Plus she was up against an Olympian just off Gold and a couple who were being shipped to high heaven who had a hugely compelling back story. Derek wasn't the powerhouse he is now (I think he'd only won once at that point). And none of that has anything to do with Nicole's skin color. It's just the way the audience rolls.
  8. So many people are using these eliminations to push a certain agenda, but maybe, just maybe, it's the fact that right now the female pros are about a thousand times stronger than the male pros? Seriously, other than Val and to a lesser extent Artem, this is the weakest lineup of male pros the show has ever had. Exactly the opposite of the old days when you had Cheryl and Karina as the only really strong female pros in a pool of very strong male pros in Derek, Mark, Maks, Tony and Louis. I remember years ago when people used to go on and on about what a bad dancer Kym was. I always loved Kym and didn't think she was bad, but no way she could hold a candle to Cheryl and Karina or any of the guys. Same goes for Edyta and Anna, both of whom I also loved.
  9. One of my favorite dances ever! I watched it during the commercial break after they danced tonight! My favorite trio remains the Alfonso/Witney/Lindsey Paso.
  10. I'm not sorry to see Tinashe go obviously, but I thought she'd last longer than she did. And I will say it's a travesty that she left before that idiot Bachelor. What an absolutely cringe-worthy routine that served to do nothing but allow Jenna an opportunity to do what she loves best...eyef*ck the camera. I had absolutely zero interest in the trios with the third person who had nothing to do with the show. Whoever came up with that idea should be fired immediately. If they couldn't find three more contestants willing to participate then they should have just thrown the troupe in. Or former pros. Oh my dear Rashad. I wanted to love it, but I just couldn't. Even with you in it. My favorite of the night was Milo, followed by Mary Lou.....two contestants I've liked but not loved. I think Milo could take the whole thing. I loved Bobby's routine. What child of the 80s didn't want to be MC Hammer and do that dance? If this is what's going to happen with Bachelor contestants because of that show's fan base, then they need to stop casting these people. It's not fair to the audience, the pros or the rest of the contestants. This really isn't rocket science. I thought Erin looked awful tonight. Even with a great body, that dress was way too tight with weird seams going down her boobs. You could see her Spanx/panty lines in it. And her slicked back ponytail just looked greasy. Considering she has a 37 member entourage with her at every show, you'd think someone would've had the balls to tell her this was not a good look. Regarding the comment above about next season being an All Star season, I think that's the worst thing they could do. The ratings for the last All Star season were awful and the audience made it clear they want to watch the journey of someone learning to dance. They need a better quality of stars, even if it means changing things up or reverting back to some of the old ways of doing things. And yes, let's bring back some of the old pros and have a mix of old and new. One old pro a season isn't cutting it as far as bringing in audience. This is really turning out to be one of the most boring seasons ever.
  11. Witney has been doing a lot of product placement on social media. I've always wondered how much they get paid for that stuff. She also just released a line of workout clothes. You mean Peta's choreographer, Talia Favia, worked the hell out of that choreography. Peta did not choreograph Nyle's freestyle.
  12. Wendy is a horrible person. I don't watch her show but from what I've read, she's trashed the show and a lot of the pros quite a bit since she was on, including Tony, who was her partner. I'm not Karina's biggest fan, but I thought that article was so interesting, finding out that she was so high above the other pros as far as her standing in the dance world. She recently started a dance competition with Elena Grinenko, which I find so funny considering they both have a past with Maks, especially with some of the stuff Karina referenced in her book.
  13. There was an article I read a couple of years back about how Karina was an icon to the rest of the pros because she was such a star in the dance world that they all idolized her, rather than seeing her as an equal as they did with each other. To be fair to Karina, she's very close with her best friend/manager Lindsay and is godmother to her child. I don't know if she has a lot of female friends, but she definitely has one.
  14. I would die! I loved Gilles and Cheryl so much. I'd love to see them dance together again to get the bad taste of his partnership with Peta out of my mouth.
  15. You said so eloquently what I wanted to say. Thank you.
  16. So do a lot of white women, and white men, and black men. It's not a race thing but the race subject always seems to come up with certain contestants when they are not the fan favorite. Personally I don't care if a contestant (or pro) is male or female, black white or purple. If I don't like them, or I find them to be cocky or arrogant or annoying, then that's the way I call it.
  17. And of course one of my most favorite DWTS moments ever...Maks dropping Kirstie Alley on her ass ?
  18. Christian de la Fuente. Twice I read your last line as Marie Osmond farting LOL
  19. That's the first season I couldn't stomach him. She's vile.
  20. Even worse, that Derek scored the big gig with JLo on WoD while Maks is hosting Chamber of Commerce Awards Dinners LOL That makes sense since I suspect they will do another tour and use the engagement to keep people buying tickets, whether Jenna is allowed to do it with them or not. They don't have many more of those we are family tours in them since ticket sales weren't very good for the last one. Maks used to be very good looking when he had a beard or stubble with an incredible body but he ruined it when he got that ridiculous tattoo. And that clean-shaven look he's been sporting lately makes him look like Mr. Potato Head LOL. I've never found Val to be that attractive but I think he's a more genuine person than Maks. I used to love to watch Maks dance while Val's dancing never did that much for me.....however, I saw them on their first Maks & Val tour and Maks has definitely lost a lot of his touch. Val was so much better. And let's not forget when they previewed the show on that season's finale and Maks tried to jump over one of the other dancers and couldn't do it. That was a train wreck.
  21. She'll be able to commiserate with her sister-in-law since I suspect by then Maks will once again be off being Maks LOL
  22. If Val had mentored, they still would have had him and his appeal on the show. And since he does so much teaching with kids, and claims to love it so much, I don't know why he wouldn't have wanted to do that. Adam Rippon as a judge was a dumb idea. I don't know why they're suddenly cramming all these former contestants/winners into doing things for the show. In the past, there were plenty of contestants I would have loved to see come back for a special guest dance or appearance, but they never did anything like that. Now we've got Rippon, Frankie, Jordan and Rashad all involved with the show. And, of course, Erin replacing Brooke (though I actually said after her season I could see Erin becoming the co-host.....just surprised it took as long as it did). I'm very curious to see how Amy Purdy does. I like Amy and think she did a wonderful job during her season but I've always wondered how much of that was because of Derek's talent and huge fan base. I'll be interested to see how she does without those factors. I will admit I'm shocked.....SHOCKED.....we're not getting Alfonso in a trio! LOL
  23. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't knocking Val for it. And maybe you're right about her just being a low-key personality. He didn't seem to have a problem with it or with her...he just didn't seem as enthusiastic as usual. That could also have something to do with his role changing on the show, between not touring anymore to do his own tours, missing out on the athlete's season because he was doing his own tour, and now being a judge on the kids show. And, of course, no longer being the hot single guy who generates huge new fan bases every season from the shippers. I still find it interesting that they went with Val, a current pro, to judge a show where all the other current pros are acting as mentors. Maks has done everything but tattoo across his chest that he wants a judging position and they've passed him up twice now in favor of others. But they also could have gone with someone like Tony or Louis or Anna, who are older and not really part of this generation of pros. Since the show was pre-taped in a few weeks it wasn't that huge of a commitment, and all have expressed their interest in judging the show.
  24. I've always loved Nancy and was so excited to see her on the show and to root for her. But she always seemed so timid and lost in the shuffle and I just couldn't put my finger on what it was. Then I read a comment a little while ago that really nailed it --- she didn't seem to want to be there. I don't know if it was her fractured foot or feeling forced to do the show, but while she wasn't outwardly negative like other contestants have been, she just didn't seem to have any enthusiasm for the whole process and Val seemed to pick up on that right away. I do give him kudos for not checking out on her like his brother would have done. I really wonder if that came from Erin or the producers. I know Erin is very close to Val so I could definitely see her pimping the relationship on her own, but with all the other ways they're shoving those two down our throats, I do wonder if the directive came from the producers through her earpiece. Remember when the big thing used to be pimping showmances between partners and pros? Now they seem to have moved onto the pro/pro relationships. Which is pretty funny since they had that going on right from the start in Edyta and Alec.....though they were certainly never pimped or sold as a couple. At this point it's getting annoying. It did nothing to endear fans to Maks and Peta (in fact, I think it turned a lot of fans off of them), it's done nothing to endear fans to Sasha and Emma, it hasn't done anything for Hayley (even without Derek on the show, everyone knows they're together). I don't know why TPTB think it's going to endear anyone to Val and Jenna.....especially because I don't think Jenna is a very popular pro outside of Val's fan base. I was looking at the list again this morning and I'm just floored. I mean seriously...you're going to put another dumbass Bachelor contestant who's never had a thing to do with the show up against Rashad Jennings and call this a fair competition?!? The only thing I do love is that Rashad is with DeMarcus and Lindsay. That's going to be one amazing number!
  25. No, I'm not going to provide an example. Everyone has opinions about the people on the show and they don't need to justify them with examples. I don't like Tinashe, I think she's cocky and has an attitude. That's my opinion of her. I don't like Jenna because I think she's annoying as hell, but I'm not going to provide examples of that either. It's just my opinion. I'm kind of starting to feel like this is a repeat of Normani and her season.
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