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Everything posted by Toonces464

  1. Actually, as soon as they came over, Erin asked Val to say a few words. She never asked Sailor to say anything, and I saw her hug and kiss the side of Sailor's head as the rest of the cast was coming out to her. I thought Erin handled that very well. She also did a great job a few weeks ago with giving Lamar a pep talk that he really seemed to need. I know a lot of people don't like Erin in the co-hosting role but I think she really excels at encouraging and having sympathy for the celebs. I think this season has been her best as far as wardrobe but I did not like the pants. Maybe I would have liked them better if they were a different color but I hated that puke green. Also, while she's a beautiful woman, she's too bow-legged to pull off that kind of outfit.
  2. How James didn't get at least one 10 I can't figure out. That routine was awesome and by far the best dance of the night. It should've been scored as the best of the night. As soon as they came back from commercial, I knew Sean wasn't going home. About a minute later, I knew it was Sailor. How, you ask? Erin has a lousy poker face. And it's at its worst when it comes to Maks and Val. That being said, I wasn't sorry to see Sailor go. I didn't think her dance this week was a good as it was scored (seriously, the same score as James?!?). She has no fan base and filling in for Mom became old by Week 2. I'm just surprised Val's fans didn't keep them in it longer, but I have a feeling a lot of them were thinking Val was safe so they were directing all their energy towards keeping wifey around. I know I wasn't the only one who saw Sailor's snot shot. Kudos to Val for noticing it too and immediately stepping in front of her to block her from the camera. I also noticed that when everyone came out to Sailor, Val stepped out of the crowd and the only one who went over to him and shook his hand/hugged him was Sean. As I keep saying every week, this new voting system was a HORRIBLE way to prevent what happened last season. The judges can't save someone or send someone home if they're not in the bottom two. And honestly, I don't think they can go back to giving Sean 4s and 5s now that they've all given him 7s. Like him or not, he has improved from his first week -- not much, but he has improved. So you can't mark him down. I do think they've been overscoring some people trying to keep those 7s as the low score, but it's not enough. They needed to still be giving 4s and 5s for there to even be a shot of Sean going home. Unfortunately, him still being around is NOT doing anything to help them recover from last season's Bones shitshow, and I really fear this will be the last season for the show. I'll end this by saying thank God it appears Christie was not there tonight. I can't begin to imagine how she would've thrown herself into the middle of Sailor's moment.
  3. I like Karamo a lot, but Jenna can't get off my TV soon enough.
  4. Thank you, I totally blanked on his name.
  5. Both of them were signed on for that season. I think that was their first married couple going up against each other and it all fell apart when she got hurt.
  6. I don't think she broke her wrist on purpose but I wouldn't be surprised at all if she signed up for the show with every intention of pulling out for some other reason at the last minute so that Sailor could step in. Christie is a stage mom who clearly wants Sailor to follow in her footsteps the way Alexa has followed in Billy Joel's, and what better exposure for the less well-known daughter than being on DWTS?
  7. I think both Tom and Erin are being coached by the producers to get on Len. Erin is also on him for every single critique he gives.
  8. I thought Daniella toured with Derek earlier this year?
  9. All the celebs (and pros) say their partner is who they hoped to be paired with, you ever notice that? And did you notice last night that almost every single celeb got music from "my favorite Disney movie"? LOL
  10. I just feel like every time there's a pro routine she's all I see LOL
  11. It really annoys me that all these married pros only dance with their spouses in pro numbers. I always liked the way they mixed it up in the old days so you got to see all different twosomes throughout the season, despite there being two married couples in the pro lineup. Can we please see one pro number that doesn't feature Jenna front and center? I thought we'd get a break from that when Mandy Moore left. Speaking of Jenna, I said it last week and will say it again this week -- she's a lousy teacher. I don't think she knows how to choreograph a routine where the spotlight is on her partner rather than her. I barely saw Karamo in that routine. WTF is up with them giving Gleb such a pass this season? That number sucked, yet they got 8s for it? And he's so damn cocky about everything. I wish they would've let him stay gone. I don't think Christie faked her injury at all. But I am starting to wonder if her plan all along was to pull out for some reason and have Sailor step in to take her place. She's definitely a stage mom and what better way to get her daughter exposure? Erin gown was really pretty but I would've liked it much better without that navel plunging neckline. Not only is it not her look at all but it was very distracting and took away from how pretty the dress was. My favorite moment of the night was Tom and Erin sitting on the floor with the dogs from Lady and the Tramp. That's what I would've done if I was there LOL. And points to Erin for being so in love with the dog that she didn't bother picking up her microphone to introduce the next dance. Kate has become one of my favorites but that dance did absolutely nothing for me, especially being that it was Jazz, which gives them a lot more leeway. I just found it boring and uninspired. I did love Kel and James's dances and don't know why Len is being so nitpicky with James. I don't think the changes in voting, scoring or eliminations is changing anything about this show having turned into a popularity contest. I'm afraid we're going to start losing good dancers now while Sean sticks around. Note to the show: if you're going to try to "surprise" everyone with no elimination, don't run stupid montages after you've said you're pressed for time and don't start running the credits before the first couple is called safe. Although I'm not sure why Disney Night requires that no one go home. Haven't there been eliminations on Disney Night in the past?
  12. I believe they retired from competing a few months back, I could swear Karina posting something about it on IG.
  13. I don't think she's more opinionated, I think she's being guided by the producers to get on Len for his scores. Even when they're negative she never gets on Bruno or Carrie Ann, and last night nearly every interview referenced Leah's useless comment. I think becoming Mrs. Chmerkovskiy has made Ms. Johnson pretty damn cocky.
  14. I'd like it better if they didn't do it every single season. The one I'm looking forward to most is Halloween. That's always fun!
  15. I've often said Maks does his best choreography and is at his most charming when he likes his partner. See Mel B, Erin, Kirstie and Meryl.
  16. Not just that, she was rude, obnoxious, attention whoring and worst of all, disrespectful. Not just to the judges but to everyone but making herself the center of attention. It should be about this season's celebs, not her looking for a handout since her Scientology show ended. Peta has been trashy since she first showed up on the show. I couldn't stand her from the start because she seemed more interested in becoming part of the fam (that was the season Nicole & Ted Volynets were in the troupe). Actually, I couldn't stand her during season 10 when she was dating Damian and always hanging around the show trying to get her foot int he door.
  17. I've always wanted to see Constance Marie on the show and hoped we'd get her after she was in the audience so much for Gilles. I'm disappointed Charlie Sheen backed out but I'd love to see someone else from Two and a Half Men, either Jon Cryer or Marin Hinkle (though with Mrs. Maisel such a huge success I doubt we'd get her). I also really want to see another baseball player. Mariano Rivera would be awesome!
  18. This a thousand times over. I "like" Val because he's the closest thing we have to the old pros and the only one I can imagine fitting in with that group. I was never a huge fan of Cheryl, Karina or Louis but I enjoyed their dancing. This group doesn't even come close to the talent level or the personalities of the old pros. I like Emma and Lindsay but they're not enough to carry the rest of this group. As annoying and biased as Maks was, he did offer a lot of good comments. That's why I'd love to see them bring back Karina or Tony or Anna or Mark as a guest judge. I've always thought the same, especially during her season when she was hanging out with Maks and Peta without Val around. She's also close with their NY fam members (Nicole in particular). What I thought was odd was when Rumer and Sailor said they used to go on family vacations together. Usually those close celeb friendships get documented in the tabloids and I don't ever recall Christie and Demi Moore being friends?
  19. I just saw a clip of her being interviewed after the show and she said that while she knows the judges are professional dancers looking at the technical aspect, "sometimes I just don't give a crap about the technical." Tell me again why they thought, of all the former contestants, asking her to guest judge was a good idea?
  20. I despise Leah Remini for the same reason I despise Kirstie Alley -- they're both huge attention whores who make everything about themselves and don't know when to shut up and sit down. I often wonder if they're drunk, high or both. I knew Leah as a guest judge would be a disaster. I don't mind former contestants coming back to guest judge if they have at least some knowledge of dancing or did really well on the show. Leah was a lousy dancer and she didn't even make the finals. And really.....what did her "You owned that!" or "You were amazing!" or, my favorite of the night, "I love your smile!" commentary add to the show? Clearly after the first round, and other than Lamar who she felt sorry for, she was being coached by Carrie Ann what to score people. She just made the show annoying enough that I was on the verge several times of turning it off. But it's not surprising because she was just as annoying when she filled in for Erin. Rather than this ridiculous stunt casting of former contestants or random singers who have new music they need to promote, why not bring back some of the OG pros to guest judge? I'm not talking about Maks.....why not Karina or Tony or Anna or Kym or Mark? I would much rather hear from people who know what they're talking about than someone who's just in need of a paycheck and some attention because her show is ending. And good for Bruno for speaking up about letting Len talk. I think even he was annoyed with Leah by that point because he's never spoken up like that before and the audience wasn't even booing that bad. I like Karamo but boy is Jenna a lousy teacher. As soon as that dance started I knew they'd be dinged for a lift and she should've known it too. Each week makes it more and more obvious what a mistake it was keeping Gleb and Jenna over Artem and Sharna. At this point, I even would have rather seen Keo and the new girl with partners over these two. Jenna is lucky that Val was ready to settle down and get married and decided to go back and settle for her. Unfortunately for us, this means we're now stuck with her. Kel now joins James and Kate in my top 3. He was so much fun tonight and maybe the bottom 2 scare was what he needed. I thought James's dance was better than his scores. Kate was better last week but I still enjoyed her a lot. The producers had to know this would happen when they cast Spicer. I think a few more decent dancers will go home before he even hits the bottom 2. For that reason alone he shouldn't have been cast if they were trying to remove the bad taste of season 27. Erin's dress tonight was absolutely stunning. However, she needs better people working with her. When she first came out with Tom I was wondering what happened to her boobs, which looked non-existent. Then after interviewing someone, the camera caught her making a comment to someone about her bra. I felt awful for Lamar when he got his scores. He had improved from last week so there was no reason at all for Len and Bruno to give him 4s. If for no other reason than to make him feel better they could've gone up to 5s. Not like it was going to affect the outcome.
  21. I find this hilarious because Sharna's fans (and also the Val and Jenna fans) were trashing Cheryl when her blog came out, but when Sharna says it...crickets.
  22. Like I said last week, the judges can't save/get rid of someone if they're not in the bottom 2 and so far the worst dancers have not been in the bottom 2. That's why I don't think this new system will work any better than the old one.
  23. Which makes me wonder how many rehearsals Maks is attending.
  24. I didn't think she was either. She left the show to do Dance Moms and that stage show with Meryl, Charie and Kristy. When those petered out, she came back to DWTS. She also doesn't have her own studio to fall back on like some of the other former pros, as her studio closed a few years back due to problems with the landlord.
  25. Christie is going to be the next celeb who never goes away. Christie Brinkley wants to ‘immediately’ compete on ‘Dancing with the Stars,’ says daughter Sailor
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