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Everything posted by Toonces464

  1. I'm not ruling DeMarcus out...those football players have a habit of winning everyone over and steadily improving. Plus Lindsay is one of the most popular pros right now.
  2. One of the worst things that ever happened to this show was the addition of the troupe. I so miss the days when it was just the pro and celeb out on the floor doing the required dance without all the bells and whistles.
  3. I'm shocked Erin didn't go on about how she danced on a broken foot when she did the show!
  4. Thank you whoever did NOT have Val dance with Jenna tonight in the opening number. I'd watch Val dance 50 times with Sharna if I never had to see him dance with Jenna again. What was up with the camera work tonight? After nearly every dance they'd cut to random people in the audience clapping rather than letting us see the partners interact at the end of the number. I don't mind when it's someone related to the dancer, like when they showed Camryn Manheim after Milo danced, but who cares about random people clapping? WTF was up with throwing out the phone votes? And not announcing it until the last second? I wonder who was REALLY supposed to go home? I don't like it at all when Tom does the interviews at the judge's table. The interviews with Erin lighten the mood before the scores. That doesn't happen when Tom does them and keeps them down at that table. If they're too short on time to send everyone up to Erin in the skybox, then keep her in the red room. Or tell people to just go directly to her rather than stopping to kiss, hug and high five everyone until Erin has to practically drag them over to the camera. What's up with the tour cast? Talk about weak. They've lost Val and now they've lost Sharna, Lindsay and Keo. I don't know many people who are going to spend that kind of money to go see Gleb, Witney, Sasha and Emma. I guess Artem is the "star attraction" now? Tinashe can go home any time now. She danced on stage with Britney Spears in Vegas? Really? That's the level of ringer I do NOT want to see on this show, especially up against people with no dance experience at all. Fortunately between her cocky attitude and Brandon not having much of a fan base, I see her going out middle of the pack. Sad that Danelle left before MMY. I wanted to see them work the dog into the routine. Kudos to Artem, he did a great job with her. I just think the physical disability/handicap novelty has worn off for people and I wish they'd stop doing it now. I love Nancy and want her to do well but she just seems so timid. There isn't a lot of personality being shown by her and she's being swallowed up by everyone else. I am so over not just the Bachelor, but also Jenna. I don't care for her dancing and I think she's a lousy teacher. She got lucky with Adam because whoever was paired with him was going to win.....I don't give any of that credit to her. But this engagement to Val is unfortunately going to keep her in my face now. Ugh, Donny Osmond. My worst nightmare.
  5. I think so much of this season is going to come down to the pros and their popularity. I can absolutely see Nancy getting by a few more weeks because of Val's humongous fan base. Same with Bobby and Sharna. I can also see Alexis or Evanna going early because Alan and Keo are too new/not popular.
  6. One thing I really hated when Maks went back and settled for Peta was that he would then only dance with her in pro numbers. Now they're doing the same with Val and Jenna. I know they do it with Emma and Sasha too but since they've been together as long as they've been on the show, I think they've pretty much always done that. But I would love to see Val dance with other pros like Sharna or Lindsay and not always be stuck watching him make googly eyes for the camera at Jenna, who never met a camera she didn't love. They may be good but I'm just not connecting with Mary Lou, Tinashe, Evanna or Alexis and wouldn't mind seeing all of them go early. Others may not be as good but I'm enjoying them much more. Nancy looked so much better this week but I found her old lady shoes so distracting. I'm sure they were because of her fractured foot but still. John was a really nice surprise. I didn't expect much from him but hope he lasts a few more weeks. I really want to see Danelle last too because the woman is trying as hard as she can at something that has to be so scary for her. Artem is doing a brilliant job. I would love to see him incorporate her guide dog into one of the routines like he did her cane. I'm enjoying MIlo a lot, which I didn't expect. I'm loving DeMarcus and Juan Pablo, which I did expect. And Bobby.....he may not be the greatest dancer but he makes me smile every time he's on stage. That's what I watch TV for.....to be entertained. I'm ready for Jenna and the Bachelor guy to go. In fact, I wouldn't mind not seeing Jenna again as a pro. But now that she's about to be Mrs. Val, I guess her place is cemented unfortunately.
  7. And that was within a few months of them announcing that he'd signed a new three year contract and would basically be on the show as long as he wanted to be.....but he made it very clear that it wasn't his choice not to return. They really didn't do right by him, I guess because they decided to give the babysitting work to Artem.
  8. Maks is only happy for people when they do something that benefits Maks.
  9. Maks and Peta are both still following him. I also noticed Val congratulated him while Maks didn't even acknowledge the post. And I realized that Tony was not at that dopey show Maks did a few weeks ago where he expected people to spend $1,000 to see the studio instructors dance. In the past, Tony has been at all the DWM related shows and events. In fact, he was probably the most engaged with the studios out of the three of them.
  10. No, Tony joined as a partner before Val, but he's not a founder. I remember quite well that Tony joined while Maks was off in Ukraine doing The Bachelor. I remember thinking at the time they did it in case Maks's fans didn't react well to him doing that, so they'd still have a DWTS pro to fall back on. I thought it was weird a few weeks ago when Maks and Peta were in NYC and Maks didn't go up to CT for Tony's charity golf tournament. I'm guessing Maks isn't too happy with him.
  11. Edit: I have no idea why this has a spoiler tag. It's not a spoiler but I can't get it off LOL
  12. Honestly, the only people I've seen who are excited about it, or even interested in it, are Val and Jenna's fans.
  13. Some of the other pros (past and present) should take notes.
  14. From what I've seen on his fan sites, no, they're very upset he's being "wasted" on Nancy. I wonder how many of them are voting for Jenna and the Bachelor dude since voting is apparently interchangeable when it involves members of the fam.
  15. They're doing a results show this week and next week. They have to fill that time slot until The Connors is ready to premiere.
  16. I meant more along the lines of what I said yesterday about the show needing to rethink what constitutes a star.....IMO, it's not social media influencers or Bachelor contestants.
  17. I think her biggest problem is that most people don't see her as a celeb.
  18. The male pro cast is so incredibly weak except for, dare I say it, Val. I like Artem but I'm still waiting to see him wow me one of these seasons. How about we bring back Tony? I'd rather see him than either Gleb or Keo.
  19. I could not tell which blonde was dancing at the beginning of the opening with Gleb. Say what you will about Sharna's bright red hair, but at least you know who she is. I even confused Cheryl and Jenna at one point during that number. What on earth is Val thinking with these costuming choices for Nancy? Both have been awful. Gleb really overdances his partner.....it was glaring tonight. No surprise she went home. Can we please end the Gleb experiment now? He's not hot or sexy, he just skeeves me out., When they said someone would be called safe before the six dances, I thought for sure it would be Danelle, to spare her. But she did good. I hope she lasts a few more weeks. And if she makes it to MMY, I would love to see Artem work her guide dog into the routine. I have absolutely zero interest in the kids version and frankly, I found most of them really annoying. Except Artie-On-Party-On. He was cool. I'm still not watching. I wish we could have the results show back every week (without the second dance). I much prefer it to the rushed elimination with 30 seconds left in the show. Thank you for the extended preview of A Million Little Things. I had planned on watching it, now I can't wait to see it. Have I mentioned how much I cannot stand Jenna? Between the Bachelor fans and the Val fans who are now splitting votes because she's his woman, I have a feeling we're going to be stuck with him (and her) way longer than we should be. Can I also just say that with all the female dancers that have been on the show over the years, Val and Maks both really settled for the bottom of the barrel LOL.
  20. And sometimes the ones who don't win get the career boost. Look at Erin.....she came in third, and now she's got the high profile gig co-hosting the show. What are Nicole Sherzinger and Evan Lysacek doing these days?
  21. As long as we don't get Erin's coke addled husband, I'm okay with a hockey player. So only other pros should be "wasted" on contestants that are older or aren't ringers?
  22. I've used that very same comparison when talking about Maks. That was my first season watching and that was my team, that's why I remember it so well!
  23. Jason Taylor was a football player. He made it to second place with Edyta in Season 6.
  24. It's funny you said this, because I've been laughing at all Maks's desperate attempts to draw attention to himself since the pro cast announcement that he wasn't part of. His silly little show in NYC with the teachers from his studio that he expected people to pay $1,000 to go see.....the inane idea that anyone is going to pay $25,000 to hear Dr. Seeds talk about health with the added bonus of a dance lesson from Maks and Peta.....the interview yesterday about all the big things he's doing and how he's done for good as a pro (has he ever NOT given an interview about all the big things he's doing and how he's done for good as a pro on premiere night when he's not on?)......all the interviews and sound bites he and Peta have been giving at D list charity events about having another kid. In particular, I thought it was shitty for him to be talking in that interview yesterday about him, Val and Peta touring again next summer and that they hoped to have Jenna join them but it was beyond their control. Jenna's still a new pro and she was nearly dropped a few seasons ago. I personally think her relationship with Val is what's giving her this second chance, but the last thing she needs is Maks pitting her against the show like that.
  25. I blame this in part on the athlete's season. I've always said if they go to once a year (which is what they basically did by running that crap), people would move onto other shows. I'll bet the ratings take a huge hit tonight up against the premiere of This Is Us. People also like to blame the lack of star power for the contestants, but I think the lack of star power for the pros hurts them just as much, if not more. I'm sorry, but Witney, Gleb and Keo do not pack the same kind of punch as Karina, Derek and Maks, and bringing in one original pro each season is not enough to attract a large audience. That being said, they really need to up what they consider a "star" -- social media influencers and Bachelor contestants are not "stars." How about switching up the athlete too? I always love the football players, but there are a lot of recently retired baseball players that are big enough names, and there are other sports they can look at too. Maybe they wouldn't have so much trouble getting good contestants if they didn't wear these people down with huge production numbers and two dances in Week 1.
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