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Everything posted by Toonces464

  1. Awww I was looking for him and missed him. I would still love to know what made him give up a partnership in a dance studio to go do basically the same thing at another studio as a non-partner.
  2. Season 10 was my favorite season.....I went into it rooting for Evan and changed my loyalty to Erin and Maks after their first dance. I've often thought how great it would've been if they hadn't brought a Pussycat Doll on and we'd ended up with a finale of Evan, Erin and Ochocinco. Not that I think either of them would've beat Evan, but it would've been a much more even playing field.
  3. They did technical and performance scores during Season 10. I thought it was a disaster.
  4. I did see an article about an interview Alfonso did a few days ago saying he was having a lot of the dancers over for Thanksgiving because, like him and his wife, they don't have family in LA. Annoying as he's become, it's nice that he does that and always includes them.
  5. And that is the show's biggest problem.....they've lost much of their original audience and rather than trying to get them back, they keep pushing on with things they think will attract a younger audience, which is not the main demographic for this type of show and is not working.
  6. To be fair, it isn't just comments with people being unhappy with the outcome. Some of the comments directed at Sharna are bullying and just downright hateful. There are also a lot of people blaming her for doing her job rather than just throwing up her hands and walking away. To give you an example, I saw this tweet last night sent by someone regarding the win. It wasn't sent to Sharna, but these are the types of things she's been getting:
  7. You would think DWTS would've learned when there was hardly any interest in Maks/Peta and Sasha/Emma. Back in the old days, I bet half the audience didn't even know Anna was married to Jonathan or Edyta was living with Alec.
  8. If they're back they really need to scale back the Val and Jenna. And dump Gleb.
  9. I've seen a few pictures from the plane and it didn't seem to be any different than any other season. What I wondered is why Val and Jenna flew with them.
  10. If I remember correctly, Cheryl also cited the new dance styles that she was not trained in as one of the reasons she left the show after Season 19.
  11. Charlie stopped following Sharna, and most everyone related to DWTS, years ago.
  12. And if I'm not mistaken, Sharna, Emma, Gleb and Keo were all in BtF, weren't they?
  13. I also think his voting bloc was able to take over because there wasn't one clear-cut winner between Milo and Evanna so that vote among the more regular viewers of the show was being spread out.
  14. I meant the newer pros. Cheryl is what they should be doing...bringing back the original pros, even if it's just a couple per season. I know Val wasn't in the original pro cast, but I've always thought of him to be more along the lines of that group. But right after him, when they brought Peta and Tristan in, is where I cut the line between older pros and newer pros.
  15. What's ridiculous is declaring a female will never again win the show when a female won as recently as three seasons ago, and 13 of the 27 winners have been female.. Not to mention Seasons 15-18 when four females in a row won.
  16. It's astounding to me how many there are. The difference was I think there was only one clear cut winner that season in Rashad. How many people split votes between Milo and Evanna?
  17. It wasn't just his fan base. Go look at Sharna's fan sites. Those people were just as rabid for her to win. And with her being the only fam member in the finale, she picked up a LOT Of the Val/Jenna shippers once they were both eliminated.
  18. I didn't hate Bobby like most people.....I actually found him kind of entertaining and I appreciated that he was enjoying himself and truly seemed to want to be there.....but even I'm at a loss for words at this one. For his fan base to break through over much more talented dancers and much higher scores when other huge fan bases could not overcome a better dancer and higher scores pretty much says all you need to know about the regular viewership of this show and where it's gone. Aside from this outcome, which may have just killed the show, I thought this finale sucked. I hated the opening, hated that Jenna is ALWAYS front and center in these group numbers thanks to her love affair with Mandy Moore. I don't like the inside/outside thing much, but since they've started doing it, there was always an electricity outside that was missing tonight. I wanted to see bloopers and the eliminated contestants dance. Why did Nancy, Danelle and Mary Lou even show up? DeMarcus and Nikki only came to be in Bobby's freestyle? And I'm sorry but the trio of shirtless Val/Artem/Gleb is starting to remind me of the Two Wild & Crazy Guys plus one. All the guys but DeMarcus going on tour? Yeah, I'm glad I'm busy the night it's near me. Here I was convinced Peta and Maks would try to steal the spotlight by announcing a pregnancy as soon as the show was over, but I think Erin beat them to the punch. Clearly she has a little coke dealer in the oven. Now that Sharna's finally got her MBT can we please give Artem a real shot at getting one himself? That was the one part of the finale I did love.....the pro dance between Sharna and Artem. That's another thing the show needs to bring back.....real pro dances, not these pro/pro couples up there doing kissy face to the music. One final note. I don't want to name names but following a certain person Twitter is hilarious. They claim their website is unbiased but every week I crack up watching everyone but this poster's chosen one get trashed and the passive aggressive tweets trying to get all the minions to vote the way they want. At this point, whether or not I watch again will depend on what else comes along on Monday nights. I've got something every other night of the week and if I find something I like to fill the Monday night void then so be it. I'm afraid that's the risk they run going to once a year. Thank you all for an enjoyable season. The season itself may have sucked, but I've enjoyed coming here and talking to all of you!
  19. Well, Peta did just post that she's on her way to DWTS.
  20. Don't be surprised to see Maks and Peta announce a pregnancy tonight between all his "look everyone I really love Peta!" posts and her post convincing herself she could get back into shape quickly after pregnancy (wouldn't want to miss out on all those acting opportunities!). Last time they announced right after the finale was over and I fully expect them to do something to take the focus off the show and put it on themselves. The only thing I wonder is if Erin will once again "accidentally congratulate them without realizing her mic is on."
  21. That's a huge difference. The original pros were champions in their field. Then they started picking from SYTYCD and BtF and I'm not even sure a lot of these dancers were ballroom champions. Is there anyone in the current cast, other than Val, that wasn't part of one one of these shows?
  22. What annoys me most is that if you read any DWTS site --- here, other board, blogs, reviews --- they all say the same things. Get better pros. Get better celebs. Stop manufacturing showmances and manipulating results. Bring back the results show. Stop with the big troupe-filled production numbers, just put the couple on the floor to dance. Yet the producers are so intent on pulling in the younger viewers, who are STILL not the main demographic for this show, that they're ignoring everything that would make the show more enjoyable again. While the current female pro lineup is much better than the males, it's still not that compelling like it was when you had Karina, Cheryl, Anna, Edyta and Kym. Now it's just a bunch of bottle blondes whipping their hair around and Sharna. Edyta in her skimpy costumes was sexy.....Peta in her skimpy costumes is trashy. Are we even going to try to pretend that Sasha, Keo, Gleb and Alan have the same kind of charisma and attraction for the audience as Derek, Maks, Mark and Tony? Maks ripping open his shirt (before he started overdoing it) was sexy...Sasha ripping open his shirt just makes me cringe. Gleb doing it makes me want to vomit. Viewers don't get to know the celebs that much anymore because there's too much emphasis put on all these pro/pro relationships. There are no more confessionals and interviews and behind the scenes footage without the results show. And I don't know one person who enjoys the troupe and wants to see them doing the bumpers and pro dances over the actual pros.....except the teenagers on Twitter who spend all their time tweeting the troupe members because they're so desperate to become pros that they think answering them back will raise their popularity enough for a spot. If this is the end of the line for the show, ABC has no one to blame but themselves. The audience has more than made it known as to what they want to see. ABC is just not listening.
  23. I've always said once they go to once a year that's going to be the beginning of the end for the show as people will find other things to watch. Not to mention the pros will move on since they need paychecks and we'll be stuck with a bunch of troupe people playing the role of pros. I hope rebooting American Idol was worth it for ABC.
  24. I wouldn't exactly consider Normani an A lister. I never heard of her before DWTS and I haven't heard a word about her since. Zendaya I do agree with. I think the ones that got the most out of doing DWTS were Brooke and Erin!
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