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Everything posted by seacliffsal

  1. Regarding Cam not being at the group event-I'm more surprised that any of them showed up. Those relationships are over. It could not be more clear to me as a viewer so it must be even clearer to an actual participant. Now, if they are contractually required to be there, I can understand why they're there (were penalties/fines levied against Brennan, Cam, and Clare for not being there?). Emily made a deal about Cam not being there and did reference 'who does therapy at night' about Clare not being there-but if Clare knew this was a filming date, she could have cleared her schedule for it. Emily was also snarking about Brennan not being there. Now that I'm thinking about it, it was Emily who was calling out everyone for not being there. But, outside of additional t.v. time or contracts, I can not see one reason to be there (free drinks? not worth it).
  2. The only people I felt sorry for during this episode (other than us, the viewers...) were the patrons of the bar/restaurant where the group activity took place. The background people looked like all they wanted to do was eat and drink in peace and enjoy their evening. But, noooooo, they had to witness the arguments, accusations, and word salad of the show's participants. I would have demanded that the restuarant or producers comp my meal. Really? They couldn't get a private room for these shenanigans? Oh, and during either the episode or Afterparty, Becca mentioned that she still didn't feel well from her surgery. I think it was a real misstep that she participated in this season as she obviously (based on her statement) wasn't feeling her best and it may have affected Austin as well as she did have limitations during the honeymoon and perhaps through the entire season.
  3. I was really hoping that the women who threatened to leave had left. I wonder if the producers talked them out of it with some type of incentive. I still like Brandon and Nathan, but the more I see Ty and Mitchell the less I like them. Ty especially was peeved that the existing women did not warmly welcome the new woman. What? Does he think that he's such a catch that the women should be happy to stay there no matter who he brings in? I was surprised that all of the farmers brought the new women home. McKenzie I understand as she was there at the beginning but then left due to an emergency. Okay, I'm grumpy, but I needed someone, anyone, to go home this episode. Have some dignity. Or they should have had the men eliminate someone. So, I guess, nothing really happened this episode except 4 more people were inserted into this mess.
  4. The more I see of Emily the more I dislike her. On the Afterparty, she really tried to deflect when Keisha asked if Emily cheated on Brennan. In the plethora of evasive statements she made, Emily said that she didn't consider it cheating. So, I was, 'yes, she did cheat...' Agree with an above poster that the women have turned this season into an us versus them season and have claimed the victim narrative. They act all hurt and can't understand why their 'spouses' aren't showing up to the group events. Why would they? A lost of the criticism revolves around the idea that the men didn't try as hard as the women, but the reality is that the men did not act/respond how the women wanted them to and that is a whole different issue. And Emily is showing herself as very negative in her comments, not the 'most positive person' persona. I'm not on anybody's side but I don't like the 'ganing up' mentality nor the victim narrative. I don't know what self-image Orion has, but it doesn't match his words and actions.
  5. I actually resented that I had to rewatch so much Bhanu in the 'previouslies.' So glad that the other tribes weren't shocked that he was the one voted out. I think the producers waaaaay overestimated his appeal. Hopefully they will get the message that Bhanu is not winning a million hearts. Oh, and I hope Sia shares my opinion as I don't want him to be rewarded in any way... Okay, I think I might grumble my way through this whole post, but...it irks me every time they reference the 'new era.' All it does is remind me of the original, better recipe Survivor (remember the failure of 'New Coke'? 'New Era' brings the sad predictor of failure to me). Q references quitting (then takes it back) and it's only day 10 or 11? That would be a drop in the bucket in the 39 day Survivor, yet here it's almost halfway through. Four immunity loses? Again, a drop in the bucket. Tribe of 3? Sounds good to Stephanie or Bobby. Oh, and challenges that didn't end in puzzles or tossing sandbags...Stop making me miss the 'old era' superior Survivor. I was glad Jem was voted out. I don't appreciate needless manipulation and her glee at making her teammates dig/search for 3 dyas wasn't entertaining to me. So happy to see other players whose names aren't Bhanu. Liking Ben, Maria, and Moriah from Siga. Would like to get to know the players better on Namu.
  6. Me too! The only reason I watched it at all is that I heard Boston Rob was part of the cast. I was so over original recipe Deal or No Deal, and in this version the game is very convoluted. But, BR is everything in this show. Rob so clearly understands the difference between playing a game and living real life. Once he's off the show, I'm probably done with Deal or No Deal.
  7. Francesca who then had the distinction of being voted out first in two different seasons. Love the idea about no chance second chance. Could people change up their games and last longer?
  8. I really enjoyed this episode. Nico and the reference to Alfred and Batman/Bruce Wayne, the Boo Hag (?) which reminded me of the show Grimm (which I was sad eneded), the fun secondary case (I enjoyed the "ex-wives of Atlanta" sequences). And, as always, I enjoy the character of Will Trent (well, I enjoy most of the characters).
  9. I think Miranda was totally right taking the personal offer. There's no guarantee how long she will last and she knows that Aron is not tight with her, and she's probably not in any alliance. Also, even if she made it to the finals, there's no guarantee that she will walk away with more than the $.01 case. And, yes, I think it was great that she shared her info (she doesn't owe Aron any kind of loyalty). I think Aron overplayed and his position may start changing. Rob may be looking for a new #1. This game has always been a lot of smoke and mirrors. They put focus on the high numbers and that dazzles everyone, but there are more lower number cases.
  10. I think they all had the same amount of cooking time as the groups were staggered entering the kitchen (so, first group was there 30 minutes before the second group and the third group came in 30 minutes after that). Thus, the other groups seemed to have more time, but in actuality it was because the three groups did not all start at the same time.
  11. I know that I am not up on all of the deisgn trends that HGTV promotes, but when did having a sitting/lounge area in the closet become a thing? Wine fridges, seating, fireplaces all in the closet? And why were the laundry areas either in or attached to the closet? The weather outside will be humid enough-they don't need to add more humidity to the closets! Outdoor showers are traditionally on the ground level. And, why have a mudroom on the third floor inside the main bedroom? All that means is someone will be tracking dirt/mud/sand all through the house to get to the top floor before washing it off. Again, I must be behind the trends. If these will primarily be vacation rentals then that platform bed will be nothing be a liability. People new to the home won't remember the platform when getting up groggily during the night or even in the morning. If they wanted to highlight the view, then don't wall in a third of the balcony with a useless (IMO) outdoor shower. There were several bedrooms/baths that had some nice design elements, but I really couldn't pick an overall 'winner' as there were many other elements that raised more questions for me (why? what? how?).
  12. The only thing I can think of is that they were part of that 'tech' community we saw last week so they have only been in the wild for a short time...really, though, why weren't they hanging out in the cabins where Rick and Michonne were heading?
  13. Loved the opening scenes with "The Good Life" playing. A bit of life when the walkers/CRM aren't around. Also found the calcification walkers interesting. Wow, I don't recall anyone else getting bitten on the neck and then having a 'death' monologue that lasted, what seemed like, hours if not days... The 'red gun' was no 'red machete.'
  14. The first few times they had three teams (Worlds Apart?), I really enjoyed it as I felt that I got to know names and people faster. But now, even with three teams, I don't really know who anyone is aside from the big 'drama' personalities upon which they focus. And it's becoming more apparent to me, that the contestants that the producers love and feature are not necessarily those that I love and want to see give countless confessionals. It was clear that Bhanu expected others to play the game for him and help him make it to the end, whereas that is not the type of contestant I like. I like those who are willing to strategize and then change their strategy/social game when needed. NOT someone who begs, pleads, and cries in order to manipulate others into helping them.
  15. I really enjoyed this Netherlands episode. No bickering or in-fighting by the couple. Beautiful homes/apartment and scenery. Overall, a nice episode. Generally, in many Masters and Doctoral programs, there may be more independent researching/analysis/writing than actual in-class time, so she may only be attending her university a few days a week rather than everyday, so the more central location may make more sense for them.
  16. I am not sure that I remember correctly, but wasn't Chloe the one who needed to not stay at the apartment for a few days so that she could balance herself or something and Michael was surprised that he would be staying there alone? If so, I find it interesting that she doesn't understand why Michael might want some time to himself to be able to make a decision about their marriage. Did she think she was the only one who needed to think about things? She has seemed 'all in' since she returned so it is interesting that Michael is now the one who needs some time to make a decision.
  17. I had forgotten how much I liked Kristen (I don't watch all the other shows mentioned which featured her). I thought the host transition was seemless. I am so glad that David was sent packing. Too many contestants on reality shows seem to be going for camera time rather than cooking/playing/strategizing (depending on the reality show). He went way overboard trying to get camera time (and never mock/criticize the judges!). I was a bit nervous thinking about future team challenges and that he would hurt whatever team he was on by not having a plan and rather just 'throwing' things together). I am so glad that the other chefs won't be burdened by him moving forward. I think he way overestimated how charming and 'sexy' he was. So far I liked several contestants-especially Michelle (?) winner of the pasta round. But, as always, I may change my opinion as we move forward and some of them reveal more of themselves. Glad the show is back!
  18. I just find all of them exhausting. And, I better understand why they all thought coming on this show would (finally) help them find a spouse. It takes a certain type of person to be willing to come on this show, be matched with an unknown person, and show the world how their relationships develop. But, the real issue seems to be that they all think that all the problems are due to the other person, and most participants aren't willing to look at themselves. So far I think only Austin and Becca have acknowledged that they each made their own mistakes. Oh, and the show should have professional therapists to help them-NOT the so-called 'experts' who only seem to undermine the relationships.
  19. According to my dvr, there's an episode scheduled for April 4th. Something seems to be going on with the show.
  20. I really liked Mary and Chris' demeanor and attitude. But, they just weren't a fit for the Race. But, it really did seem like they were happy just being able to participate even for just a short time. Several posts mentioned that it's nice to see positive parent-child relationships unlike last season. I just want to remind those posters that it was Anna Leigh's attitude towards her father that we didn't like because Rob and Cory were fabulous as a father-son team. So, just the one, not both. I laughed when the twins were explaining to a woman about using Google to find Elizabeth Taylor's house and she just told them (and there were many other people in PV who told Racers where the house was). No, twins, you're the ones among the few who didn't know Elizabeth Taylor and that she famously had a home there. I would like the half-sisters to go next. The one just couldn't accept what the pilots told her about missing a challenge and kept asking them the same questions over and over. I wanted them to just tell her to figure it out as they had to keep, you know, racing. She's the same racer who didn't wear the red handkerchef last week.
  21. I was surprised that the wife who told us that she was a World Champion Double Dutch jumper didn't take the rope challenge. True, her husband owns the business with her, but she's a champion so I thought it would be in her wheel house.
  22. I still can't believe that I actually liked Bhanu during the first episode. Just goes to show that first impressions aren't always to be trusted...
  23. If you still have cable, COZI and Hallmark Mysteries and Movies show all of the seasons/episodes. There are several episodes of the reboot that I really enjoy: the college one, the one with Tyne Daly, the Dabney Coleman one, etc. Obviously I don't know the titles... There are also some reboots that are, quite frankly, terrible.
  24. Even though I have watched every season and every episode of Survivor, I had decided that if Bhanu stayed I was out until he was eliminated. I am so glad that he is finally gone. There is a rage within him that first appeared with Jess and was starting to appear again IMO. His crying, begging, and hounding to know why they were going to vote him out was very performative (especially his railing against God-why did God put him on Survivor if he wasn't going to win [well, Bhanu, you're the one who filled out the application, filmed a video, went to interviews, etc. It's not like it was a surprise to be on Survivor...]). I think he tried to play the sad sack in order to guilt the others into keeping him. Tried to imply that they would look so bad and mean to vote out such an 'innocent.' I'm sorry, but I actually started doubting his back story due to his behaviors and actions during the episode-how did you afford to go to high school and college (and a graduate degree!). How did you even do school work when you couldn't figure out how to not tell everything you knew about your tribe to everyone in the game? I have seen the true poverty in India and my heart is with those who struggle to survive, but I don't really buy it from Bhanu. As for the others (who we may finally get to know a bit better now that Bhanu is finally gone...), I didn't care for Jem's fake beware advantage hunt. I feel it's mean and manipulative for no reason, just like the 'fake idol' given to Jess on the other tribe. I really enjoyed watching Hunter and am sorry that he will most likely be gone at the merge. And to think that he will be outlasted by some of these 'useless' characters saddens me. I wouldn't be surprised if Yanu could finally start winning now that their albatross is gone.
  25. I actually think it was a real coup to get Rob on this show. Whether one likes him or not (and I like him), he keeps the game going. He thinks strategically which means others have to think strategically as well (even though they don't always do so). He also puts focus on other players so involves them more in the game. As he said at the end-he didn't really think Kim was a threat to him but he needed to follow through with eliminating her in order to show his trustworthiness (heh) and keep himself in the game. I really don't think I would have even wathced this show in the first place if he wasn't in the cast. I was already tired of original recipe Deal or No Deal and am not impressed with the changes they made for this show. The gameplay among the contestants is the most interesting part to me.
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