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Everything posted by Ketzel

  1. Careful, there, Whitney - if you break that pool handrail, they're gonna make you pay for it.
  2. I don't think it's a spoiler just to say that the coaches Jessica is "introducing" Whitney to in the coming attractions for this episode are Sean M. Rigsby and Tayler Harris. But I will mark as a spoiler what I think that may mean for this episode.
  3. Oh dear. NoBSDance's Facebook group has dropped to 32. NoBSActive's, on the other hand, is now up to 634. Even if only 500 of those group members are paying customers, Whitney and Ryan are grossing in the neighborhood of ten grand a month. (Maybe a little less if a bunch of the customers took advantage of the discount if you pre-pay for a year, but I suspect the $20-a-month-pay-as-you-go-and-cancel-at-any-time plan is still what most people sign up for.)
  4. Alas, no. It seems Whitney seriously misjudged her ability to give up pork products, and was politely asked to leave the conversion class after she was spotted in the hallway stuffing a slice of sausage pizza into her mouth. Don't worry about it. Personally, I'm not sure anyone in this thread has a moral high ground when it comes to any form of interaction with this show! 🙂
  5. I guess I was hoping Chase would back out of another season, once he learned how obnoxious living in WhitneyWorld can be. Or that Whitney would be even more full of herself than usual when it came to planning the wedding, and TLC said to her production company, "Who the hell does she think she is? Kate Middleton? No, the budget for the wedding episode is the same as for any other episode, and if that's not enough, she can peddle her show somewhere else."
  6. Argh, Whitney has put up an instagram story in which she is wearing several pounds of eye makeup, obviously applied by a professional, with the caption "testing lewks for next season!" They've renewed this crap for yet another season? I thought Dot said the ratings were on a downhill slide?! Or is this just Whitney teasing the fans (and giving us haterzzz headaches?)
  7. I'm assuming Whitney is already parking herself with them any time she wants to overnight in Greensboro. Unless the whole "Whitney has to rent out her house to a local disc jockey and his girlfriend, so Buddy must leave" imbroglio was just part of the script.
  8. I believe she already has. Have you seen the pics on her instagram, shilling torrid swimsuits? (If you don't do instagram, I think they've been re-posted in the Social Media thread. But I'll just put one here . . . )
  9. Why would friends come to your new house to throw a party? Isn't a housewarming party supposed to be given by the person whose house it is? Whitney was worried about Chase and Ryan's friends seeing her as Chase's girlfriend? Did he say or do anything to demonstrate that they were a couple? Even when she won the drinking game, he gave her a kiss on the cheek that was the equivalent in enthusiasm to a high five. Whitney making a point of asking Heather in front of Ryan if she was wearing spanx was a total mean girl move. Reminded me of the time in high school when I was talking with a boy I had gone on a first date with and liked a lot, when another girl who was rumored to like him too, came up to us, peered at my face and said, "OMG, you have a mustache!" I responded, "OMG, you're as blind as a bat!" I wish Heather had said, "Not all of us need foundation garments to get our pants on, porky!" Yes, there may come a time when parents and children reverse roles, due to the parents' mental or physical decline, but Babs and Glenn both have a very long way to go before they need Whitney to take control of their lives. On the other hand, they raised the bossy narcissist that she's grown up to be, so they just have to deal with her now. They seem joined in a passive aggressive refusal to take her seriously, a strategy that is probably the best they can do for now, and at least has the benefit of irritating the shit out of her. The idea of Whitney as a personal trainer is yet another of her clueless insults to people who actually possess the skills, training, discipline and ability to qualify for whatever she imagines herself to be. True, I was certified as a personal trainer back in the dark ages, when it meant attending actual classes, and the final exam was done by demoing your skills on a volunteer "client" in front of a live examiner who asked you questions as you worked. At no time was a plastic skeleton involved, although I had to be able to name the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints involved in each exercise I taught "without hesitation." And showing poor form while demonstrating any of the exercises was an immediate fail. Looks like Whitney is planning to do it all online, where no one can see she can't demo a proper push-up because her belly protrudes so far, her arms aren't long enough to get it off the floor. I wonder if Buddy is planning to make amends to Kerryn Feehan? I'd love to watch that happen.
  10. But is he normal? I keep flashing back to the butt-sniffing instagram story from their time on the cruise. (There are two screen shots from the video on page 206 of this Social Media thread, and they are strange enough, but they don't do justice to seeing the two of them in action on the [now presumably erased] video.) Maybe he is a chubby chaser, or has a fetish for large derrieres. I know Ryan expressed surprise at the connection, because he had never seen Chase with a larger woman before, but is that preference something a bro would necessarily be open about with other bros? Mostly I am convinced this is all for money and laughs on Chase's part. But then I have flashbacks to that cruise vid! How much would you have to pay someone to do that??
  11. Social graces aren't his long suit, for sure. But remember that she'd already spent part of the day before with his sister and her boyfriend, his father obviously knew who she was, and she was technically the hostess of the dinner. Maybe the cameras made it awkward for Harry?
  12. It's likely even less than that. Every time we are shown snippets of the nobsactive routines, there seem to be breaks for Whitney to act silly, or a pause for Ryan to fiddle around with the camera or to talk about the exercise to come. I doubt the routines are 24 non-stop minutes of action.
  13. I like the argument between the ones who think she took the picture herself and the ones who want to know who took the picture, and isn't it kind of creepy to have someone photographing you while you sleep? (Also, the one who asked, if it's a selfie, where's her elongated rubber arm holding the camera?) I also wonder why he's wearing a hat. Interesting that Whitney thinks this pic (which she "just found") ... "pretty much sums us up. 😂 💤" What does she think the picture conveys? She gets naked and he starts snoring?
  14. Try as I might, I cannot "hear" Chase Severino referring to Whitney as "my love." It's such an old-fashioned term of endearment. Makes me wonder if the Valentine's Day instagram message from him was another Whitney Thore Social Media Production. In which case, she might just as well have sent herself a bouquet to photograph. Maybe she didn't think of it? Maybe she didn't want to pay for it herself? There's just this strong sense of cluelessness or indifference on his part, and of a very juvenile sense of how a couple in love should behave on her part.
  15. On the other hand, Whitney responded to this with "Love you, too, Baby. But ... it IS next year already." Severinbro7 replied: @whitneywaythore lol I meant next year’s Valentine’s Day when we’d be married, SHEESH I'm guessing the rush is to stage the marriage asap, or TLC might lose interest in another season. Or else it's part of the "she ends up with Buddy" storyline, so they have to rush to the end of the Chasney portion of the script. 🙂
  16. And Chase's mother said, "Heck, no, you can leave me out of this nonsense wherever it takes place." "Fine," said the producers, "Go to a conference for work, or something." "Fine!" says Chase's mother and walks away muttering "to think I was upset when he tried out for The Bachelor! Who knew it could get worse than that!"
  17. tl:dr The following is my attempt to make sense of the major part of this episode - the meeting with one parent. It turned into a lengthier recap that I imagined it would be. And I think I ultimately failed in my attempt. Read at your own risk of confusion! Watching Casey (heh) and Whitney share a bed, fully clothed, made it so apparent that nothing sexual is actually going on between the two of them. Come on, producers, could you make a little effort? At least have Chase take off his t shirt? It didn't help that the two of them are truly inept as actors. When with Whitney, Chase appears to have a maximum of four expressions: amusement, tolerance, annoyance and boredom. No, Chase is not lusting after Whitney. Okay, let's see if I can make sense of this. Buddy invites Whitney to attend his improv show in Charlotte on, I think, a Sunday night? Buddy "reserves" two seats (and a tip of the hat to whoever said upthread "but where was Chase going to sit?"). Chase wants to take Whitney to West Virginia that same weekend to meet the folks at their "summer yurt" in West Virginia, a six hour drive, even though his parents live in Clayton, NC, which is around three hours from Charlotte. (Well, OK, maybe he wanted to do a scenic road trip with her, in spite of the fact that it meant his mother wouldn't be able to join them in West Virginia?) Whitney claims she agreed, but told him they would have to be back in Charlotte by 8:00PM Sunday night to attend Buddy's performance. Chase says she never told him. He apparently never told her any of his plans for the weekend, or just enough so that she packed her "dinner leggings." On Friday, Whitney and Chase drive to the West Virginia yurts that are supposedly the summer home of Chase's family. The two of them have an "as you know, Bob" conversation in the car. (For those fortunate enough to never have had the urge to write a novel, "as you know, Bobs" are awkward conversations between characters that are meant to inform the reader of something, even though in real life, people don't randomly tell each other things out loud they both already know. For example, Whitney telling Chase his mother won't be meeting them in West Virginia because she has to go to a work conference.) When they wake up together on Saturday morning (see no.1, above) Whitney "reminds" Chase that she has to be back in Charlotte by 8:00PM on Sunday, which realistically means leaving around noon. Chase says he doesn't see any reason to leave early just to see Buddy do a student performance. Also, Whitney never told him they'd have to leave that early on Sunday and if they do, then she won't meet his family, because his plan was to have the family over for dinner on Sunday night. (Hadn't she already met his father briefly at that point?) Whitney says she thought she'd be meeting his family today (Saturday) and she promised Buddy she'd be at the show. Chase says she is effectively choosing between Buddy and him. He had arranged the weekend so that the two of them would have Saturday to themselves, and on Sunday, the available family (Chase's father, sister and sister's boyfriend) were coming to dinner to meet her. Whitney says that if he makes her choose, she is going to choose her friend of twenty years. Chase climbs out of bed (fully clothed) and dramatically exits. The whole scene was ridiculous (and badly acted) and then it proceeds to rise to the level of ludicrous. Despite her cruel rejection of Chase in favor of Buddy, Whitney then does a talking head where she says she has to be on Chase's side for the sake of the future of their relationship. But she's still really mad at him. And she doesn't want to upset Buddy, whose friendship means so much to her. Because she is "a performer" she knows it's better NOT to tell Buddy she isn't coming, because that will only upset him before he has to go on stage. (Even if she has more than twenty-four hours notice to give him? He won't get over his disappointment with that much time?) Much better, she "reasons" to be a silent no show, because then he won't worry about her. [SARCASTIFONT ON]I know I would much prefer to be staring at an empty chair, with no idea of what happened to the person who promised to be there before she set off on a six hour drive, than to get a phone message the day before apologizing for being unable to come. No reason to worry in that case! [SARCASTIFONT OFF] She then pulls on her best dinner leggings to go fishing alone and romantically with Chase, but after she gets to the crick (and sinks up to her knees in mud) she mentions that they're waiting for his sister Kylie and her boyfriend Thomas to join them. (Did Chase abruptly add them to agenda in order to not have to be alone with Whitney all day? Hasn't she at this point met all three of the people Chase invited her to meet? ) Why do I think that at some point even his father had made an appearance by now? Flash forward to Whitney and Chase making dinner on Sunday night, with Whitney whining about Chase backing her into having to cook, which is not her strength. She is also dressed in overalls (I am informed they are a 2019 fashion statement among the pre-teen set, so that explains the outfit) rather than mud-soaked leggings. She also is relieved that Buddy is probably on stage already so she doesn't have to worry about not being there any more.(?) Oddest moment of this scene -- Chase says "fuck" for some reason and Whitney shrieks "Did you just drop an F-bomb in front of your father?" Everyone looks at her blankly as she apologizes like a mommy whose little boy said a bad word to the supermarket cashier. Within minutes, Whitney says "shit" and then elaborately apologizes to Chase's father who doesn't look all that interested. Her manners in general are really atrocious, but undermining her own attempt to appear genteel in front of Chase's people was moderately amusing.
  18. I don't know - if they were willing to cast Olympic ice-dancers, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't characterize Big Whit as a ringer. 😄
  19. True, Dot. What they also don't realize is that even if Twit had a higher celebrity status than her current Z-list standing, which puts her way behind the many D-listers who want to do the show, she would still never be considered, because her insurance costs to the show would be way out of line.
  20. They know now. But this isn't being shown in real time. So, unless they were watchers of MBFFL before Chase got "involved" with Whitney, at the time she met them they would only know about Whitney from Chase. (She isn't nearly as famous as she likes to think she is.) Maybe he told them, but I wouldn't put it past the producers to ask him to spring it on them, so they could capture their genuine reaction. Or maybe he told his family he was going to be on a cable TV comedy-reality show with Ryan, where Ryan introduces him to the lead, and Chase is playing her love interest. So the whole visit thing is just fake for the show and they shouldn't worry when he shows up with this massively obese woman, pretending to be dating her. Or maybe the producers met with the family, checked out filming locales and coached them on how to be "real" on a reality show. Or maybe he knew after they had been dating for a couple of weeks and become "exclusive" that Whitney was the Love of His Life, and he wanted to share the joy with his family. "Umm, there's one thing you should know, dad, about this incredible, beautiful, talented woman I think I am falling in love with , , , ," Who knows?
  21. Moving my comment to the "Whitney Meets The Parents" episode thread.
  22. She forgot about that. She was too busy boasting about what a great swimmer she was. And then too busy explaining that she had never dealt with currents before, so it wasn't her fault she didn't know how hard it was to swim against them (and definitely not her fault that Ryan was rowing to the point of passing out, trying to tow her to the river bank. Those currents!) They have currents in the ocean in Hawaii, Whit. I guess you forgot you were a surfer, too, huh? Well, I can't blame you if you've wiped your conscious memory of everything about Hawaii. That whole trip ranks second on the scale of embarrassment to your skiing debacle. I'm not sure whether this whitewater experience ranks third, or displaces Hawaii. But I am quite sure that Ryan bitterly gasping, "Do you think I'm taking the scenic route?" is high on my list of favorite snarks at Whitney.
  23. A-a-a-nd the Facebook group for NoBSDance is down to 44. You go, girl!!
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