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Everything posted by Ketzel

  1. I'm a cat person too, but I consulted my neighbor-the-dog-lover who sent me to a dog training website that begins: I mean, you have to have some way to stop the as-yet-not-fully-trained dog from jumping up on you, or dashing for an open door to the outside, or chasing the cat. But I doubt the trainer was thinking about teaching the dog to accept being kissed on the mouth, or being used as a full-body pillow by a morbidly obese owner, or by whatever other bizarre behavior Whitney is trying to inflict on that poor pooch.
  2. If you look at the third picture, the one with Buddy, it's pretty clear that she's gained a lot of weight -- and not just by comparison to him. (He looks like he's lost some.) I admit I wondered in passing if she was going to react to the Chase fiasco by going all-out revenge body. I mean, one way to make lemonade out of that particularly sour lemon would be for her to get her diet under control and get some effective cardio exercise into her routine. "I'll show that loser," Whitney mutters as she churns away on her exercise bike. "I'm gonna make his baby mama look like nothing in comparison to me. Nothing, I tell you! RYAN!! Get me another water bottle and a rice cake! Not THAT one, you idiot! The low sodium one!" Or, of course, there was the alternative, where she sits surrounded by empty pizza cartons, guzzling a giant tub of ice cream, and washing it all down with Starbucks frappaccinos and bottles of wine. So it seems she's chosen Door No. 2. Unfortunate choice.
  3. I assume it was because he was staying in Greensboro with their father at the time, and (unlike Buddy) he quite rationally thought expecting him to leap out of bed at 2 in the morning and drive nearly two hours just to give his sister a lift home was ridiculous.
  4. I completely agree that it was originally intended as part of an eventual break-up motivation. Who could blame Whitney for leaving a relationship where the man was so negative about one of her most cherished goals? [Add eye roll here.] Not quite the same scenario when it turns out he's going to be someone else's baby daddy, and a younger, thinner, fitter someone else, to boot. Now she isn't rejecting him, he's rejecting her, and that's not the way the story line of her show was supposed to go. Hence the humiliation, the panic, and the reappearance of Buddy to the rescue.
  5. I don't pretend to have any insight into what Chase actually meant, or to his family planning practices. I am only speculating as to how Whitney's interpretation of what he said to her in Paris may have led to her panic reaction, once she learned of his impending fatherhood.
  6. I have to say that I think the weird conversation Whitney and Chase had in Paris about his reluctance to have children may also have played a part in her panicked reaction when faced with real reality. Both the content and the timing of the conversation must look to her now like a most humiliating rejection. He might as well have told her to her face that he wouldn't mind being a father, but he wasn't interested in having kids with her. Not that I think Whitney is actually interested in producing a child, even if she is physically capable of it, which is a big "if." But I think her most faithful followers probably view a husband and children as the ultimate in "fabulous" outcomes. And Whitney is no closer to that result now than she was in season one. (Yeah, I know, Buddy. But (a) I don't think he's sexually attracted to her in the slightest; (b) I don't know if TLC will come up with a big enough check for him to agree to fake it; (c) an immature, obese, addict in recovery trying to make it as a comedian in his late thirties, while working as a car service driver, is hard to see as a great catch.)
  7. Just clarifying the dates - North Carolina went under a stay-at-home order on March 27, 2020. The projected end date was April 29, 2020, but the governor extended the order until May 8, 2020. So when Whitney says Chase called her "a few days" before the stay at home order ended, that means around May 4th-ish? Are we supposed to believe that Whitney was in such good shape a few days after hearing Chase's news, that Babs just packed up and moved home on May 8, leaving Whitney alone with the cats and dog? Huh. I also wonder, if all Whitney had was a brief talk with Chase when he gave her the news, and she refused to have any further conversations with him after that, how did they coordinate the announcements? At the very least he had to know the date she was posting, or how could he have referred his instagram readers to her post for the details of the breakup? Just as an aside, we know (we've seen) that Whitney has had previous panic attacks. Remember when Kaite "hijacked" Big Girl Dance Class and Whitney was so stressed by the betrayal that she demanded Tal take her to the hospital immediately. And as Tal drove away with Whitney, Ashley ran out and screamed. "Where are you going?" Tal said, "The hospital!" Ashley responded. "Which one? The regular one or the mental one?" Cut to Whitney getting treated by a doc-in-a-box for "anxiety." A doc, I should point out, who greeted her as if he had seen her before. (I wonder if they got to the "regular" hospital and the film crew was refused admittance.) My point is that Whitney has some experience of these kinds of episodes, so calling an ambulance to rush her to the hospital in the middle of a pandemic, strikes me as bit excessive (not to say, nuts.) And then she sits in the waiting area of the hospital for over three hours, waiting for Buddy to drive her home?
  8. My guess is the original script had Chase behaving badly to Whitney, not in the manner of a cheating lover, but in the manner of an insecure, possessive, and perhaps too controlling lover. Whitney would get to confront him, assert her independence and refuse to be with someone who doubted her feelings and tried to dictate her behavior. Chase would slink off, after pleading for forgiveness and asking for a second chance, which she would firmly but kindly refuse. Whitney would deliver a TH explaining boundaries and self-respect to her fans, who would loudly cheer her strength and wisdom. She and Buddy would then wind up together, as the right time for them had finally arrived!! I don't think that would work under these circumstances. Not to say they might not try it. Ha! Since when have the producers ever shied away from making Our Whitney look stupid? Two ways they might do it: (1) have Whitney track down Chase's baby mama and confront her a la Avi. "Does sisterhood mean nothing to you??" (2) have Whitney throw herself on Buddy, who tries to act like a good friend but visibly squirms and resists being cast in Chase's role. Then he and Heather sit down to counsel Whitney on why Buddy won't marry her. (And maybe Buddy admits to having an actual girlfriend, too. That would be awesome!)
  9. So it seems the real problem with the Chase-Whitney "relationship" was Chase was all jealous and insecure about her close relationship with Buddy, and I guess that drove him into the arms of another woman (?)
  10. (a) Buddy (b) Babs, who agreed to take the dog if Whitney would just let her go home. (c) No one. Whitney or Buddy let the dog roam on its own through the common outdoor space. (d) A dog-walking service. (e) Tal and Jon, who arrived one day to find Whitney and Buddy giggling over a letter from Animal Control, which had determined from a DNA sample that Whitney's dog was been roaming on its own and pooping all over the common outdoor space. When Whitney finally understood that it was entirely possible A/C would take the dog and fine her, she threw a hissy fit until Tal and Jon agreed to take the dog home with them.
  11. Judging from the NoBS Active instagram, Ryan is either doing them solo or showing re-runs. Many subscribers are posting "miss you!" messages to Whitney on the postings. He (I assume) just put up a picture of Whitney kayaking, that was taken during her trip last June to the No Barriers Summit at Lake Tahoe. The NoBS Active subscribers (at least some of them) seem to think this is a recent picture, and are admiring of her strength and resilience in her time of loss, and hoping to see her soon.
  12. No mention of Babs? Wasn't she quarantining with Whitney before Buddy arrived, or does just being with her mother count as "physically alone?"
  13. That article is absurd! Chase wasn't with Whitney during the stay-at-home because his job was "considered essential?" He's a bartender! Oh, and "a construction company bookkeeper," which sounds like a prime example of work that could be done from a home computer.
  14. She's already a roaring hypocrite, faking all her televised "successes," filtering her instagram selfies to look as thin as it's possible for a woman of her actual size to appear, pretending to support Heather after Buddy broke up with her, while at the same time trying to move in on Buddy herself, using her Big Girl Dance Class to bolster her own image and self-esteem, and then dropping it cold when she thought she had better options, self-righteously refusing to allow Will to weigh her, because "numbers on a scale don't matter" and would only trigger her eating disorders, only to let Jessica weigh her when she knew she had lost some weight "even though she wasn't trying to."I'm sure there are many other examples, but these came immediately to mind. She might as well make a serious effort to lose a couple of hundred pounds now, because it's only going to get even harder once she's in her forties.
  15. Not to mention criticize him (Oh, Chase, you are so corny. Oh, Chase you are using the wrong fork! Oh Chase, I can't believe you are using that language in front of your father!) and order him around. (Chase, you get the rest of my bags out of the car. I have to talk to Buddy.)
  16. Whitney said Hunter was staying with Glenn. (I wonder how they divvied up the parents? Did Glenn and Babs have a say?) No reason to think he isn't still there at this point.
  17. I think there sort of were auditions for the part of Whitney's realio trulio boyfriend. Ryan introduced her to a couple of his buddies - there was the Thanksgiving dinner at his apartment with Whitney and Cam, where Whitney pulled off her shirt in front of him. That led to the whole "was she wearing a sports bra or a lingerie bra?" controversy. Then there was the No BS Active video where Ryan's friend Cort joined them, and Whitney started twerking at him, and then bent over and offered her rear to be spanked? Sniffed? I think there was one other, but can't recall the name - wasn't someone making her food? And then there was the New Year's Eve party that seems to have been at Ryan's mother's house, where Whitney spotted Chase and was annoyed that Ryan was introducing him to all the women there, but her. If that was a ploy on his part to make her really interested in Chase, it seems to have worked. But I wondered at the time if Ryan was mainly interested in making it clear he wasn't going to play the role. There he was, trying hard to hook her up with one of his bros, but she kept scaring them off. So he threw himself on the mercy of his bestie, and Chase was persuaded to step in, with the understanding that it wasn't going to be for real. I can just imagine Ryan saying, "Nothing's real about a show like this man. The money's good, you'll get to travel, and all you have to do is play her boyfriend on TV!"
  18. Well, NoBS Active Facebook Goup still claims 2276 members, and this is after the end of her "One Month Free!" promotion in April. If only half of them are actually paying, that little venture is bringing in $22,760 a month. And as far as we've seen, Ryan is doing all the heavy lifting (literally and figuratively) for the class. I'm no fan of his personality, but he sure seems willing to hustle, unlike his partner Whitney. She'll want him to do something to demonstrate his loyalty to her and repudiate his friendship with Chase, but otherwise, I don't see her shrugging off that much income, just because her fake fiance didn't see any reason to take his fake engagement seriously after the show ended for the season.
  19. I'm guessing Whitney doesn't want fans tracking down Chase's girlfriend because Chase's girlfriend looks a lot more like Ryan's girl than she does like Whitney . . .
  20. My take is that there's absolutely no way this "relationship" was anything other than a fake story line for the show. I'm inclined to believe Chase's actual girlfriend was never out of the picture, and that Whitney knew about her from the get-go. That would explain perfectly why Chase never showed anything but the most minimal physical interest in Whitney. He's not a professional actor and I would guess he felt extremely uncomfortable in the false position the show had put him in, even if he had volunteered for the part. All those kisses on the forehead? All the one-arm-around-the neck "hugs?" That's not the way a young man who is hot for a woman behaves. (It also explains why Whitney was so physically restrained around her "fiance." If they had had an actual sexual relationship, Whitney would have been incapable of keeping her hands off him in public.) Didn't it seem as if the show was heading towards a break-up, and possibly a new relationship with Buddy all along? I'd guess the scripted end had her dumping Chase as she realized Buddy was her One Twu Love. And then, what happened? Did the condom break? Did Chase wake up to the damage the whole story line could do to his real relationship, not to mention his general reputation? (I don't see him being thrilled with the appearance of losing out to Buddy.) Did the actual girlfriend get fed up with the situation, wanted him to stop the nonsense and get serious, and figured getting pregnant would force Chase to face reality ? Not to mention, force Whitney and the producers to drop the fake romance? I'd put money on the fact that she and Chase were living together all along, and decided to get married while isolated together during the pandemic. Whitney's instagram is just a way to save a little face. She's no more heartbroken over Chase than I am, but I bet the public humiliation is absolutely devastating. The "reality"star, the queen of fakery, bitten hard in the ass by actual reality? Karmic.
  21. Aww, thanks, goofygirl. (Ketzels can't blush, but if they could, I would. :))
  22. Oh Whitney Thore, may your thighs increase You’re proud and happy to be obese But let me give you a little clue There are very few people who agree with you Most think that lots of excess weight Is not attractive, safe or great And fear that in their isolation They may fall victim to food temptation Calories in, few calories out Makes people sluggish, grumpy and stout And once the fat becomes systemic The risk increases from this pandemic Corona virus is enough of a curse But adding pounds makes it that much worse So if making jokes about getting fat Is the best way people can push back on that Do you really think it’s the time for you To scold them for their point of view? Their choice of memes to self-protect Is not a shot at your self respect Nor should it arouse your assumed authority To speak for a worldwide fat sorority Exert a little self control Weight loss is such a common goal Why does it trigger such disquiet? Nobody’s asking you to diet Be fat and happy, if you can But most of us have a different plan To come out of this viral war In the same size jeans as we wore before
  23. I really don't understand her post. Why can't they be together? His clurb is shut down - I'm fairly certain there is no way to bartend remotely from home. As I understand from friends in NC, the governor just ordered North Carolinians to stay in place, starting this coming Monday. If she's filming in Charlotte, doesn't seem like there's any reason he can't get there. (Well, I can think of a few, but I doubt Whitney would admit to any of them.)
  24. Oh well, that's OK then. Can't transmit a virus with a microphone in your hand, right? [sarcastifont off]
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