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Everything posted by Ketzel

  1. So Whitney has put up another of her whiny posts about how people say offensive things to fat people when they are just behaving "normally." They say "aren't you brave!" when the fat person wears a sleeveless shirt in the summer! They give the fat person a thumbs up and say, "aren't you brave!" when the fat person works out in the gym! They say "aren't you brave!" when the fat person posts pictures showing the fat person "swimming, laughing or living life joyfully" (and some of them dare to say they are envious!) "Have you [by which she means not-fat people] ever thought," asks Whitney, "how BIZARRE that is?" And accompanying her post is a series of pictures of Whitney in swimsuits, with the caption "FAT WOMEN SHOWING SKIN ISN'T BRAVE. IT'S NORMAL" (emphasis Whitney's) Well, no. The only thing I find bizarre about this post is how many and varied are the occasions when Whitney has encountered people trying to applaud her for bravery. (I mean, outside of her followers.) Yeah, yeah, I get that her underlying message (and her assumption) is that it's condescending and socially controlling to praise fat women for doing/wearing things that women who are not fat do/wear without comment. (Or, quite possibly with less benign comment than "aren't you brave!" But has Whitney-the-Feminist somehow missed the reality that all women's bodies and behaviors are subject to critique in our society?) She is fond of the word "normal." I confess without shame, that I do not find morbid obesity "normal." I do not find Whitney's appearance in her trussed-up swimsuits "normal." Whatever you think of the Body Mass Index as a standard of "normal," I'd argue that being more than triple the recommended weight for height takes her past "normal" and into "get help!" territory. And I also promise that, should Whitney ever get on the track to "normal," I will not call her "brave" to her face.
  2. Funny, I saw their interaction as one of the indicators that she knew it was only for the show. He rarely touched her. And if she really believed he was into her, I think she would have been unable to stop herself from fondling him inappropriately every chance she could get. Not to mention stuff like doing a whole season from 'first date" to "engagement" without her getting to see him at his home in Wilmington even once, or meeting his family, except for his mother, mysteriously away for work reasons. To me, it all reeks of producer shenanigans to give the appearance of a relationship that everyone knew was a sham. I won't deny that she's capable of deluding herself. I just think she had been told quite clearly by the producers and Ryan, and the Greensboro Crew, and everyone else, from Babs to her cats, that Chase was play-acting. It's not as if he was hiding it from her. He's a terrible actor!
  3. We know from her instagram posts and stories that Ryan brought around his buddies Cam, Cort and Chase to audition for the role of her boyfriend. There was the Thanksgiving dinner with Cam, where she seemed very taken, partially stripped for him (leading to the infamous was she wearing a black lingerie bra, or a black fashion/sports bra debate) and subsequently learned he was not interested in the part. Then there were a number of scenes of Cort guest-appearing in NoBSActive videos, including the one where Ryan was trying to get her to pay attention to his instructions and she was coyly bending over and shaking her rump at Cort. She seemed more than willing, but too bad . . . I can well imagine an increasingly desperate Ryan begging his best buddy Chase to sign up, even if he had a girlfriend at the time. He'd get paid, get to travel, and they could hang out together. I cannot imagine Whitney seriously thinking that any of these guys were attracted to her and/or that she was in an actual relationship with Chase. My own opinion is that Chase was living with Sara all along, and that Whitney knew it.
  4. And now - menstrual cups! I thought PCOS meant she didn't often have periods; did the company know that when they agreed to her endorsement?
  5. Wasn't she getting therapy from some counselor in Greensboro who was all about healthy at any size and fat positivity? I seem to remember her making an appearance in one of the earlier episodes.
  6. Her new instagram story has her shilling green juice (and is labeled as an advertisement.) The link to the sex toy retailer is still in the post, but she's taken it down from her instagram heading.
  7. Ryan just put a picture in an instagram story of he and Chase strutting happily down a picturesque alley with the caption, "A year ago in Paris with my dawg, severinbro7!" They may have unfollowed each other, but he knows she's still lurking! I can't find it now, but a couple of months ago, Whitney gave an interview to one of those on-line sites that follow reality shows. She said there that Ryan was the face of NoBSActive while she was in the background. Given that the only thing Whitney had to contribute to that business was her face (meaning her social media presence and her fans) and he was doing everything else, it wouldn't surprise me if he read that and thought, "Oh, hell no."
  8. And if he brings Sara, too. And if he announces they are getting married. And if Sara turns to Whitney and says, "I'd appreciate it if you would stop telling people my fiance cheated on you with me. As you knew from the beginning, Chase and I have been together for years. All he ever was to you was a paid actor playing the part of your boyfriend on your show and all the moaning over how he broke your heart and wrecked your life is embarrassing for all of us. And no, you are not 'Uncle Whitney" to Aurora, I don't want you to hold her, and I think it would be best if you stopped following us on social media."
  9. According to my researcher, at 47 to 48 seconds into the video, Whitney does a slightly modified version of the lower lip protrusion. I admit I haven't verified it, but my researcher is usually reliable 🙂.
  10. And when Will fired her as a personal training client.
  11. I don't follow either of them, but I just looked and it's still there, in tiny type below his real name. And if you look at the comments, right above where it says the comments are limited, it reads "Liked by whitneywaythore and 3205 others." Very odd! Oh wait. I'm not on my own computer; I'm using a loaner while my own is being repaired. I wonder who at Computer House followed Whitney?! *roseanne rosanadanna voice* Never mind!!
  12. And it looks like Whitney was the very first one to "like" the pictures. And for some reason it looks like her name is pinned in some way to the top of his list of followers. If you look at his instagram name at the top of the page, right under "severinbro7" it says "followed by whitneywaythore." I haven't seen that on any other instagram page, has anyone?
  13. Looks like NoBSActive has crashed and burned. All references to Ryan on instagram and Facebook and all the pics and postings have been deleted. Meanwhile, Whitney has posted an instagram story asking for questions about her sexual practices, and she says she is very excited to be answering questions about her favorite positions and sex toys.
  14. I don't know. He appears from his posting to have been at the delivery. Surely if he had been expressing concern about the baby arriving prematurely, someone on the obstetrical team (or maybe his child's mother, herself) would have reassured him that the baby was full term at 37 weeks? So I think maybe his instagram announcement opening with "You scared me, little one, coming so early . . . " may have been a concession to Whitney and/or the producers as they tried to re-work the script for the new season. Especially since Whitney had informed all her fans that the baby was coming in October. (Or that Chase "would be a father in October" which may have been a deliberately ambiguous statement on her part.)
  15. I know, look at the feet! I wonder when that dog was last groomed professionally. Poodle fur gets matted so quickly without proper daily brushing.
  16. I also noticed that the back of the skirt hem rises inches higher than the front of the hem. No doubt the effect of the ever-photogenic projecting rear end of la Whitney.
  17. Today's insta story includes an explicit erotic line drawing. FWIW, the couple depicted are not obese. I am backing slowly away from her postings; it's not fun to watch someone . . . not sure how to describe it. . . behave so oddly?
  18. According to instagram, Ryan's newest inamorata. I wonder if he's introduced her to Whitney. Her name is Sydney Sommer and she's a fashion designer.
  19. Yeah, one thing we haven't seen a trace of is Whitney showing any insight into her own behavior, especially where her interest in men is concerned. 🙂
  20. Whitney has put a full screen quote in an insta story, lamenting that "most cishet men are disappointing their partner in bed," and that "sex is simply another form of unpaid labor that women are expected to offer their partner." Where is this coming from, Whitney? Who has been demanding you provide unpaid sex while being a disappointing partner? Buddy? (really?) Chase? (who seemed more interested in avoiding sex with you than demanding it?) The impression you give (on the show, at least) is of a woman who is totally eager to provide sex to anyone who is willing to have you, rather than that of a woman coerced by societal expectations into providing unpaid sexual service to unsatisfactory lovers. BTW, this particular complaint was au courant in the seventies, and there's a substantial body of feminist literature analyzing these issues, including the comparison between prostitution and marriage, underlying (no pun intended) assumptions that women don't enjoy sex, but only see it as currency, as well as whether a woman has an obligation to educate a disappointing sexual partner. There could still be an interesting discussion on whether things have improved, and if so, how and if not, why not? But I don't get the impression that's why Whitney posted.
  21. So it looks from his instagram as if Ryan and a yoga instructor are doing some kind of event/class together in Charlotte. Whitney has already posted a request to attend for free. (Ryan has said she will have to bring her new dog as her admission.) And in an insta story, Ryan says, "For those of you asking, nobsactive isn't going anywhere. Whitney and I love our members I could never leave y'all." Some members, however, may be capable of leaving them. The Facebook group has dropped to 1924. Still a decent income, so I'm not surprised he is hanging in with it.
  22. I noticed on his instagram that Ryan is apparently hanging out in Nashville with his usual crew of bros -- minus Chase, at least in the pictures. I wonder if this is Ryan being careful not to appear to take his side against Whitney*, or if this is Ryan actually breaking ties with one of his closest friends because Ryan is angry at Chase. On the other hand, it could just be Chase was unable to make the trip, or maybe declined to go specifically because he didn't want to put Ryan's business arrangements with Whitney in any jeopardy. *Judging by the way the Whitney fans are salivating over the bros and asking which ones are single, or are suggesting Ryan fix one of these guys up with Whitney, I expect Ryan is being careful about anything that touches on the Big Fake-Up. I mean the Big Break-Up.)
  23. So yesterday, Whitney put up a picture of Tal on her instagram, and wished him her standard effusive birthday greeting. ("You are the best and I love you endlessly. . ." ) Now, I am no expert on instagram etiquette, but I have had this question in my head before, so this time I will ask it of you guys. Why does everyone flock to Whitney's post to wish Tal a happy birthday? Shouldn't they go to Tal's instagram and wish him a happy birthday directly? I guess I understand it when she posts about her parents, since they aren't active on instagram, but Tal is, and even Whitney's post includes his instagram contact. It just seems odd to me, but months of quarantining-isolating-working-from-home and breathing through masks has, perhaps, made me a little odd. Or at least, odder than usual. 🙂
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