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Everything posted by Ketzel

  1. No, but he did arrange his facial features into a look of anxious concern. Actually, so did Ryan (keeping it on topic) but I think his concern was more that his back was going to give out, not that Whitney was going to drown on camera right in the middle of the U.S. National Whitewater Center.
  2. Well, why not? Lennie did it! Remember how she started to fall while she was skiing and he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her . . . Oh. Wait. 🙂
  3. I don't think so; I've seen the older woman in other pictures and I think she trains with Ryan but isn't family. Here's a pic of Natalie (his mother) with Ryan and her daughter visiting her in Ohio.
  4. Oh please, no. Of all the obnoxious story lines this show has pursued, they pick THE worst one to revisit? I really cannot take another season revolving around Whitney's dysfunctional ovaries.
  5. Ryan has just put up an instagram story advertising NoBSactive. It's a cute little video clip with him using Darla as a barbell, and two other women doing exercises alongside him as he invites all friends, mothers, sisters to come and exercise just 24 minutes a day! What's missing? Whitney.The number of members in the group is up to 572, and I think Ryan is silently promising himself he is NOT going to let Whitney wreck this nice little business he's done so much of the work on.
  6. You mean, he has to tell people he"s getting married to that girl from MBFFL, right? 🙂 Of course, if that website that claims her net worth is over a million dollars is correct (and let's just say I'm extremely skeptical of the accuracy of that site) he can also heavily imply that that he's marrying her for her money. What a catch!
  7. I think Ashley said the closet was full of Chase's clothes. It was Whitney who contorted her face into massive puzzlement, then said the clothes were Buddy's. No surprise there - Whitney was just itching to tell Heather her ex was a regular overnight guest .
  8. Before Whitney anoints herself a personal trainer, she should at the very least learn the difference between her rib cage and her abdominal muscles.
  9. You don't watch My 600 Lb. Life. Houston is where Dr. Nowzaradan, a/k/a/ Dr. Now, performs bariatric surgery on high risk cases of obesity.
  10. Whitney's said that, at least while the show is filming, she has a production assistant assigned to her alone, and credited that person with everything from keeping her on time to fastening her bras. I imagine doing laundry and emptying the litter boxes may have crept into her job description as well.
  11. Yes! Thanks, Dot. And I had to think twice about spending that much on Whitney's self-serving junk. (My town library keeps bees, and they also sell handmade honey drops for a nickel apiece.) Not to mention how I'd feel if anyone I knew saw me buying it.
  12. If you mean me, I bought her opus at my town library fundraising sale, so none of it went to her. (And my recollection is a little fuzzy at the moment, but I know I bought it within the last half hour of the sale, when everything gets marked down by 50%. ) So I'm pretty sure it was less than a quarter. 🙂
  13. Nada Louis. She, I believe, was actually led on by Avi, what with the whole introduction to her family, supposedly the preliminary to a formal proposal. But I don't think Whitney had too much to complain about. She herself said he told her he had a thing for big women, but liked to play the field, he wasn't interested in anything long term, he wasn't going to marry any time soon, he wasn't going to be her boyfriend. Which she promptly responded to by giving him money, planning to convert to Judaism for him, and telling her friends and family they were discussing marriage. And she was very vague about how much money she had given him and why. I never got that story straight but it's possible that she lent him @$1500 for a plane ticket (?) and he paid back some of it (?) or nearly all of it (?) and then she found out about Nada and he never gave her the rest of the money he owed her. But at that point, she was already threatening on Facebook to destroy his reputation forever and teaming up with Nada for the Great Avi Girlfriend Hunt.
  14. Yes. When she first found out she was "the other woman" she went on a huge Facebook rant, including multiple pictures of her with Avi. Within hours the whole post went down. We here theorized that either Avi got a good tech-savvy lawyer or TLC wanted her to shut up about what was clearly going to be a big story line for them. Or possibly both. All Avi's information and social media appeared to be scrubbed from the internet well before that season aired (according to the Whitney fans who were outraged on her behalf and quite upset by their inability to track him down.)
  15. If you're a twelve-year-old girl and you have a REAL boyfriend for the first time - like, he knows he's your boyfriend and he knows it's EXCLUSIVE, then you may go a little overboard in demonstrating to the whole world that you are a COUPLE and he gets to make decisions for you and you get to tell him all about some other boy you almost kissed at summer camp when you were eleven, and then he gets a little jealous and then you get to act submissive which is what real girlfriends do. Or something like that. Why a woman of 35 is acting that way is anyone's guess. That storage unit scene was just bizarre. She owns a house! It didn't look like the stuff in that unit would fill even a small basement. And I can't imagine Whitney tossing Lennie's "nude" painting of her into storage -- unless it was to blushingly have to reveal it to Chase and then let him tell her to throw it in the dumpster. (Maybe this script is being written by twelve-year-old girls. Or Whitney. Same, same.) She'll be sorry when Lennie makes it in New York City and she learns she could have auctioned her portrait off for the big bucks. And I always thought he was much better looking without the beard.
  16. Not sure I'll ever watch this whole thing, but in a couple of brief breaks from watching the American political history drama, I saw Chase and Whitney sharing a restaurant table. She was voicing over what they had in common. As she ate a mouthful of food from his fork, the comment was "He likes to feed me!" This comment made me slightly ill. Listen, Whitney, a man who enjoys pushing food on a morbidly obese woman is not a healthy partner for a morbidly obese woman. And don't be so quick to dismiss Buddy's warning that a man whose first housewarming gift is a full selection of hard liquor may, in fact, have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. Have you looked at his older (pre-Whitney) instagram pics? Nearly everything he's doing there involves alcohol. I'm not saying I believe this relationship is for real. I'm saying that even if scripted, it's not looking like Chase-and-Whitney is a good idea, even for her.
  17. No, Whitney, Lola doesn't think you are Natalie. Nobody mistakes you for Natalie, especially not a dog, who I am sure has no trouble smelling the difference.
  18. Exactly. People don't automatically turn into blithering idiots at the stroke of midnight on their 65th birthday. And for Whitney Thore, of all people, to act as if her parents are incompetent to run their own lives, and need to bow to her judgment, is absurd.
  19. I hear ya, Dot, especially about the boring part. I never managed to watch the whole thing, and I gave it three tries. The only segment that got my attention was when Whitney went off on her parents for not being sufficiently protective of her mother's health and well-being. Listening to this totally irresponsible and self-centered caricature of a woman lecturing her parents on their selfishness and carelessness was annoying enough. Listening to her condescend to them made me admire Glenn and Babs' self control. How they didn't burst out laughing is beyond me. But what I found most infuriating about that scene was Whitney's TH where she complained that she could not understand people refusing to do what was best for them, even when they were told exactly what they had to do. Maybe next time Whitney pulls this crap on her parents, they could return the favor by handing her a bunch of literature from various eating disorder programs and offering to pay for the one she chose.
  20. The closest I can get to believing Whitney is if I assume that Buddy got blackout drunk with her one night and when she unzipped his pants to give him a BJ, he has no memory of it. And while I think that's a plausible scenario, given he was drinking alcoholically for a long time, and she has no self-restraint at all, it's hardly one to boast about. Forcing a sexual act on someone who is too drunk to consent is a crime, no matter how much you want a guy to be your boyfriend. So of course, that's not what happened, is it?
  21. Why is strength even an issue for Whitney? I should think she gets enough of a strength workout just by being fairly mobile at her body weight. Why isn't Jessica pushing her endurance?
  22. Since she posted this announcement, the number of people in her Facebook group has gone all the way from 36 to 37!!
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