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Everything posted by Ketzel

  1. He was even wearing a woolly hat. On the other hand, he did (after one tentative "are you sure it's mine?") accept responsibility for Whitney's false positive pregnancy test (which she persisted in referring to as her pregnancy). So either they were having post-breakup booty calls (as Whitney coyly implied - or outright told everyone) or TLC was keeping him on-call for cameos as necessary. 🙂
  2. In this episode, Buddy doesn't scare Whitney, but he makes her uncomfortable! That's counts, right? 🙂 LINK to another TLC teaser on Facebook.
  3. Link to the teaser footage of Whitney being Whitney : LINK
  4. I have a feeling this episode should be titled "Whitney Chases Chase." What kind of "closure" do you need, once a man tells you he's now in love with another woman who is having his baby? Isn't that a clear enough message that the relationship is over? What's satisfying (or dignified) about hammering on a slammed door?
  5. Or they could bring back Lennie, still devastated from Whitney losing his baby, to suggest they try again, and also check out adoption as a couple. It would be pretty revolting, but I wouldn't put it past them. Or maybe Caneche, or Neeshi or Puppygirl or Goosiegirl, or whatever else she's calling that poor dog, could turn out to be of (fake) championship quality, and Whitney could start taking her around the country to compete in (fake) dog shows. A few fake blue ribbons would make Whitney feel so much better!
  6. Shill of the Day: On Whitney's insta story, a product that disinfects your cell phone.
  7. BONUS (?) FOOTAGE Here's a glimpse of what we would have seen if MBFFL producers had been able to use the "Whitney breaks up with Chase because he is too controlling and jealous" story line that seemed to be the direction they were going pre-baby. Chase tries to take a hand with wedding planning but things don't quite work out.
  8. OOOOO, Whitney's got a new man on the horizon already? Or was the "surprise visitor" at the end just Lennie again?
  9. "Well, Whitney, we think what we have here is an anxiety attack. The best thing for that is to stay as still as possible. If you have to get out of bed, make sure someone is there to walk you to the bathroom or down the stairs -very slowly, now! Anxiety is no joke, so remember, absolutely NO EXERCISE for the time being. Maybe in a month or two, you can try taking short walks," said no doctor ever. It's a perfect prescription for spiraling an anxious person into clinical depression. Was that Whitney filming herself as she was being taken from the ambulance onto the ER? It looked like footage from a cell phone, and it didn't seem as if anyone else could be getting that angle!
  10. And here we go! Today is an insta story shilling "Uncle Bud's CBD." Apparently "as a woman with PCOS" she's used many hemp products, but this one is her FAVORITE! It's a sublingual tincture!
  11. "They said extreme obesity is a risk factor, but nobody says why. It's probably because extremely obese people are more likely to be diabetic or have other risk factors." [Paraphrasing Whitney as she attempts to minimize the risk associated with unadorned extreme obesity.] No, Whitney, they do say why, and it's pretty awful. Here, if you're lurking, I dare you to read this article from Science magazine: Why Covid-19 Is More Deadly In People With Obesity - Even If They're Young."
  12. This is a response to a request for a link to the nobsactive clip where Whitney was twerking in front of one of Ryan's buddies. LINK Don't say I didn't warn ya, mamadrama! 🙂
  13. Taking my response to the Social Media forum. 🙂
  14. If I recall correctly, one of the Ryan options was a conservative Republican, who did not align with Whit's political views, one was involved with the woman he married a few weeks ago, and one was apparently put off by the enthusiasm with which Whit attempted to court him (that NoBSactive clip, where Whitney twerked in front of him, while Ryan was attempting to lead an exercise.) I think Ryan was running out of options when he got to Chase. 🙂 And, as we all know, even if Ryan had lined up every member of his fraternity, past and present, whoever Whitney picked would have fled the scene sooner or later. TLC would never be willing to pay enough to keep any sane man in the role, once he had experienced the reality that is MBFFL. (I predict Buddy's idea of comfort will look kind of scary, to me, at least.)
  15. She never seemed to understand the process. I remember the days, before she went to that plus size convention, when she would wear something and get repeated questions from her fans about where to buy whatever it was. She'd either ignore them, or she'd reply to one fan, whose message would move down the thread and not be seen by anyone else. Then it seemed she was coached by some of the women she met at the convention, and she started to name the stores where the things she was wearing were available. It looked briefly as if she'd gotten some arrangement with Torrid, but after a few weeks, she stopped giving Torrid mentions. I thought at the time she maybe had just been campaigning the brand, and had given up when Torrid didn't immediately reach out to her. Just another way she is letting opportunities slip through her hands like engagement rings 🙂 I guess if all she wants is some freebies for herself, she's getting them, and for the least amount of effort possible.
  16. Now she has an insta story and she's shilling for an electric toothbrush that comes with a bacteria-killing holder. I don't pay much attention to instagram influencers (other than a couple of artists whose work I like) so I can't help wonder if she's doing it right. All these kind of random objects (menstrual cups! FabFit box subscriptions! facial scrubs! bras! health drinks! toothbrushes! . . . I know I'm forgetting some things ***. . . ) She just puts them up and says how great they are and how much she likes them and she has a discount code. But is it enough to get people to buy the stuff? I guess I'm wondering how successful an influencer she actually is? *** The vibrators! How could I have forgotten the vibrators!
  17. I think a full-on Whitney tantrum also includes sobbing and guilt-tripping. No doubt we'll see that soon.
  18. Chase posted more baby pictures on instagram - that child is truly adorable. Also pictures of a beautiful meal he made for "date night" (Identity of the date is redacted. I am prepared to say, based on the ingredients alone, that it wasn't Whitney. 🙂 ) Since I am of the belief that Chase was hired by the production team to play the role of Whitney's admirer, and I also think Whitney knew that he had an actual girlfriend while she was playing his girlfriend on TV, I can't accuse Chase of "cheating." He comes across to me as a man totally enamored of his daughter, and he can cook! Plus he's hardworking, owns a house, and generally seems like a nice guy. As my eastern European grandmother would have said, "Such a ketch!" Maybe she did fall for him, but she sure didn't act it -- unless her idea of showing affection is being critical, demanding, passive aggressive, uncompromising and bossy.
  19. I think Whitney has been into her idea of hip hop slang, along with her own weird "cool" vocabulary since the beginning of the show. My favorite was the time when she was pissed off at Roy after he took her to lunch and kindly but firmly let her know he didn't like her "that way." She waved her cell phone at the camera, showing an unreadable text message from him, as proof that he had been pursuing her, saying "When he's tryna play ya but you got the receipts!" Ryan started out as her "homie" before he morphed into her "bro." I'm waiting to hear her refer to Chase's girlfriend as his ""baby momma."
  20. Interesting to hear from Glenn that his company produces labels and information handouts for pharmaceuticals, and so he is an essential worker. Creepy to watch Whit stop to kiss the infamous poster of her father in a swimsuit, as she goes to bed with her mother.
  21. But if she admitted he only needed a computer and internet access to do his "construction" job, she couldn't justify why he didn't quarantine with her once the bar closed. Better we should assume he's trudging out to a job site every day with his tools and his hard hat. 🙂
  22. I'm wondering if this episode will address why Whitney and Ryan couldn't keep NoBSActive going? I can understand if Whitney didn't want to be in the same room with Ryan while they worked out because she is at high risk for covid infection and complications. But surely they could have done something like taping Ryan doing the workout, then taping Whitney separately doing the workout with modifications, then editing the two together? It looked to me as if they were taping the workouts with their phones, so it's not as if they would need to travel to a studio space. (As an aside, I thought this was the "thriving business" Glenn referred to when he expressed the opinion that Whitney shouldn't leave Charlotte for Wilmington.) I guess we'll find out tonight!!
  23. I guess we're supposed to have forgotten that Chase told her he was not interested in having a baby? I guess we're supposed to have forgotten that PCOS is a significant impairment to fertility? I guess we're not supposed to know that morbid obesity is a significant impairment to fertility? I guess we're not supposed to know that being over the age of 30 is a significant impairment to fertility? While I am sure there are morbidly obese women with PCOS who conceived when they were over thirty, they are the lucky ones who beat the odds, not the norm. And how many of them conceived by tricking a man into unprotected sex after he had told them he didn't want to start a family? No, all Whitney needed was a few weeks quarantined with Chase and a condom with a hole in it and she'd HAVE HER BABY. Can't wait to see how the show pulls this off . . .
  24. I'm not much of a dog person (cats rule!) so I'm not an expert on canine behavior, but it looked to me as if Chase's dog Piper, didn't know Whitney at all. She claimed to have visited Chase five times between October and February and groused about having to let herself into "his house" and then wait around until he got off work. Wasn't Piper in the house?** Don't dog people make sure anyone they are interested in meets and gets along with the dog long before they propose marriage? (With my cats, I settled for benign indifference, which would eventually turn into into "you may scratch me at the base of my tail" acceptance if the guy stayed around for a while and occasionally doled out the dinner.) **Rhetorical question.
  25. Didn't Chase look proud and excited, introducing Whitney to all his co-workers/employees at the clerb? His celebrity fiance! I'm so glad they got a chance to dance together - it was so nice of whoever that was to push them out on the floor to dance, promising to cover for Chase at the bar! Oh, wait . . .
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