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Everything posted by Ketzel

  1. I am remembering Whitney's trip to the Philippines, where she went to a dog cafe with Tal and "fell in love" with a white standard poodle. She had that dog on her lap in a headlock and kept kissing it and telling Tal that the dog loved her. I remember thinking at the time that the dog, who was clearly not enjoying the experience, was lucky Whitney couldn't just haul it on a plane back to North Carolina. I feel for this new dog, who really will be treated like a stuffed animal. And for the cats, of course, who must be completely bewildered by this sudden change in their lives.
  2. Chase has an instagram story up, which oddly consists of Whitney doing a talking head for the show. She's talking about how she knew she wanted a second date with Chase after they played "some frat game" on their first date. I do wonder what he thinks the point of this post is? It seems so random.
  3. Still waiting for the post that shows Whitney and Chase staying in together at his home or hers. His club has shut down for now and she only has her TV show "job," so now would be a good time for those lovebirds to see what's it's like to share a home, wouldn't it?
  4. How many times did Whitney gripe about Ryan "spending all their money"? I lost track after seven . . . I, too, thought it was hysterical that, after Whitney asked Ryan to leave her alone in the room with Chase for "ten minutes," Chase amended her request to "half an hour, "accompanied by heavily meaningful glances. Ryan departs and Whitney uses their precious privacy -- to call her daddy. The train from Paris to Trigny takes about an hour, and no bicyclists are harmed in the making of that trip. Whitney's baby conversation with Chase was hella awkward. "So, I've had my period six times this year," she begins, and he looks horrified, and slightly greenish, even before she announces that "her body knows the two of them could make babies." I wish I could read his mind at that moment - he was probably thinking, "WTF? There is NOTHING in my contract that says I have to listen to this."
  5. And she is dressed like the portly mother of the young girls shakin' it on the dance floor. What, Whit - you're finally in a setting where your (always inner and nearly always outer) skank wardrobe and "dancer" persona could feel at home, and you turn into June Cleaver? Or did your " intended" ask you to tone it down so as not to embarrass him more than necessary under the circumstances? (Scroll down to see pic on Facebook. And you can click on it to see it larger. And OMG, those shoes!! In a nightclub!)
  6. But it would be totally out of character.
  7. So, Chase had an instagram post advertising a special "Hollywood Premiere" Latin Night at his club on Saturday ,March 14, 2020. The announcement included "Filming Live Reality TV Show!" A slightly breathless response from a fan: "Will Whitney be there tonight?" got the answer "Yes she will!!" Filming next season already?
  8. They could have gotten permission from USA Weightlifting. Obviously someone agreed to let TLC bring cameras and lights into the meet. Why wouldn't they OK a fake participant who couldn't alter the standings in any way, if the organization was paid enough? Given the other fake events Whitney has participated in, I don't see that as too much of a stretch.
  9. TLC made a big point of saying on Facebook, in their coming attractions for this episode, "Whitney Way Thore prepares for her first-ever weightlifting competition. Don't miss an all-new #MyBigFatFabLife tomorrow night at 8/7c. Make sure to set your DVR." But, as we've seen, the rules for the state championship plainly say "no first time lifters," and that all entrants at a minimum must have competed in at least one USA Weightlifting competition between the 2018 North Carolina State Championships and the 2019 North Carolina State Championships. So did she compete in an earlier sanctioned event and keep it a big secret? Did her coach pull a few strings and get her into the Championship she wasn't qualified for? Did TLC buy her way in?
  10. This was posted on Facebook in the announcement of the North Carolina State Championships for 2019. You can see from the scrambled dates that it was a cut-and-paste job that wasn’t proofread, i.e. it refers to the “2017” Championships, but then correctly says that a competitor must have competed in at least one sanctioned event since October 13, 2018.
  11. I guess coming in second out of two looks like a bigger accomplishment than coming in fourth out of four (which is where the original results report, now disappeared from the results archive, ranked her). Fourth out of four means she wouldn't have gotten any medal at all, which of course, wouldn't do. Not fabulous enough. But we still don't know why the USA Weightlifting rules say you can't go to a state championship as your first competition, but Whitney appears to be doing exactly that? Oh well, as far as I can see, Whitney has never participated in an event that wasn't faked in some way to her advantage, so why should this one be different?
  12. I thought she looked as if she wanted to try competing herself. But I guess since this wasn't a "team" event, she couldn't be allowed to upstage Whitney.
  13. Here's a re-post of my research into Whitney's weightlifting comp. And the next day, Yajmele replied:
  14. Flashback!!!! Fitty Smallz in "Gluteus Maximus" featuring Whitney Thore!! (keep that brain bleach handy!) And also "Muffin Top" if you want to keep going. 🙂
  15. Yes. That's when she was "Producer Whitney" full time on a morning talk show. The hosts persuaded her to put up her dance video on Youtube (not that I think she needed much persuading) and the rest is history,
  16. Supported by Glenn, Babs and Buddy's parents! Perfect!
  17. Well, he did pretend to believe that he was the father of her non-existent pregnancy (after offending her mightily by asking "Are you sure it's mine?" when she gave him the news. She claimed that they were getting together for "booty calls" long after the the breakup on the show, but she also claimed she seeing Avi the Cheating Lying Scum during that same time. Avi the CLS is the only one I would believe actually had sex with Whitney, because he was pretty open with her about his fetish for big women. I wouldn't believe Buddy knowingly had any form of sexual contact with Whitney if I saw it on film. (Urgh, pass the eye bleach.)
  18. Would you hire a disorganized person with dirty hands and clothes to clean your house, because you are intimidated by people who are more clean and organized than you are? Would you hire a stupid person to tutor your kids, because they are intimidated by the smart kids in their class? The antidote to being intimidated by people who are better than you are at something is not to take lessons from people who are equally poor at whatever it is. Whitney Thore is not qualified to be a personal trainer because her blanket of fat makes it impossible to see what her muscles and tendons and joints are doing when she "works out." She's not qualified because her fat makes it impossible for her to do many exercises with proper form. She's not qualified because personal trainers encourage their clients to eat balanced, healthy diets, and a super morbidly obese woman who refuses to alter her diet for any reason is not a role model for those purposes.
  19. Doesn't that really depend on Ryan? Whitney's fans will still want to hang out with her, at least until the show is cancelled and they lose interest. I think for a while they'll be all supportive and convinced she'll meet "the real ONE" very soon, that Chase wasn't good enough for her, that maybe she should re-consider darling Buddy, or even going out with adorable Ryan!! As long as Ryan is willing to put in the actual work of creating content and teaching it, while Whitney rolls around being "cute," or making passive-aggressive jabs at Ryan's asshole best friend, they could probably wring a last year out of their cash cow.
  20. Today, Whitney has posted a video of her dancing with Todd to Lizzo's "Boys." I didn't know instagram did throw-back days, but I guess Whitney does, because she posted the same video on November 5, 2019. No wonder the crowds are lining up to learn all her new and different choreography on NoBSdance!
  21. Buddy's in the picture, Dot. Heather has the names tagged in her instagram. From left to right is Chase, Whitney, Ashley, Heather, Ryan, Buddy (slightly behind Ryan) Tal and Todd, almost unrecognizable with that beard. Maybe a production photographer took it?
  22. More proof the "romance" is fake - can you imagine Whitney in that position and NOT grabbing the guy's ass, unless she was made to understand in advance that she shouldn't?
  23. Well, if you judge by their respective instagrams, Ryan and Chase are together, Heather is by herself, but wearing Whitney's engagement ring and Whitney is absent.
  24. Whitney correcting Chase's table manners/ use of knife and fork: According to kitchn.com: "There are two basic methods for eating with a knife and fork. The 'American' involves having your fork in your left and your knife in your right when cutting your food, then putting the knife down and switching your fork to your right hand to eat, tines facing upwards. (If you’re right-handed, that is.) With the 'European' method, the fork remains in the left hand and the knife helps coax your food onto your fork. The tines remain facing downwards." Chase was doing it European style and Whitney poked him and corrected him. Quite obviously, with her parents watching. Just as she loudly chastised him for "dropping an F-bomb" in front of his father. Her interactions with this poor schmo are starting to look like a rejected version of the script for "How To Lose A Man in Ten Days." Even if he is enthralled by gigantic rear ends, Whitney's isn't the only one out there. Maybe he should try and date Natalie; she seems kinder and more good-natured than La Thore.
  25. That's from the 2014 state championships. Perhaps the 2019 competition had different requirements?
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