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Everything posted by Ketzel

  1. Interesting. So we have Whitney posting a picture of herself, taken by Hope Leigh, standing on the steps of a building in Charlotte. NC. and posted "Happy Sunday." Of course, a picture like that could be taken at any time and posted later, so it's not really good evidence of where she was this morning. On the other hand, she's also posted an instagram story that she appears to have taken herself last (Saturday) night, in Raleigh, NC at a venue called Kings. It was at a show by a rapper named Nance, who she has promoted from time to time. (I think they share a videographer.) And Chase's friends' wedding took place just outside Raleigh on Saturday afternoon. Can't figure out if she's trying to hide the fact that she was at the wedding, or the fact that she wasn't! 🙂
  2. Just came across a third personal trainer/coach that apparently makes an appearance on MBFFL A Paris. His comments are below the picture - don't blame me for the English translation - he provided it, or maybe Google translate did. 🙂 Week-end de folie à #paris ! 🔥 Pour ceux qui n'ont pas suivis je vous avais parlé d'un gros projet et ce projet a commencé ce week-end ! 😁. J'ai passé le week-end avec l'équipe de télé américaine de #mybigfatfablife pour tourner un épisode de la prochaine saison ! 😝🎥. Je tenais à remercier toute l'équipe du tournage, que ce soit les ingénieurs son, les intermittents du spectacle, les cameraman, la production, les acteurs et surtout Bernice sans qui rien n'aurait été possible ! 🙏❤️. Je remercie également le @thewestinparis chez qui nous avons passé un super séjour 🎇 🇺🇲 . Weekend of madness at #paris! 🔥 For those who did not follow I told you about a big project and this project started this weekend! 😁. I spent the weekend with the #mybigfatfablife American TV crew to shoot an episode of the upcoming season! 😝🎥. I wanted to thank the whole team of the shooting, that it is the sound engineers, the intermittent of the spectacle, the cameraman, the production, the actors and especially Bernice without which nothing would have been possible! 🙏❤️. I also thank the @thewestinparis who had a great time 🎇
  3. And so ends Whitney's visit to the fabled City of Light, world center of culture, cuisine, art, architecture, style and romance . . . wrapped in a bed sheet and giving a BJ to a chocolate model of the Eiffel Tower. Now she's headed back to North Carolina - and I believe this Saturday is the wedding of one of Chase's frat brothers? Since I assume this event isn't being staged for the benefit of MBFFL, I am interested to see if Chase will be taking her to the wedding to show his "amour" off to all the guys. Maybe he could show them all this picture on his phone - who wouldn't love an older woman with that much . . . .uh . . . sass?
  4. We know that one of the NoBS Active people asked on the instagram page if he was, and he said, "yes, I am" but there has been no confirmation from Whitney. Maybe he was teasing her, maybe she just didn't want to spill all the beans on who was going, maybe it was dependent on how many sign-ups she has . . . Speaking of instagram, I came across an instagram story by a VERY fit personal trainer in Paris named Smail Berriah. (smail_berriah on instgram) He was filming something with Ryan in a gym somewhere, and he was also with Ryan, Whitney, (and possibly Todd and Ashley) at the top of the Eiffel Tower. No sign of Chase, but that doesn't mean he wasn't there. Instagram has been having a problem with the soundtracks dropping out of all the stories posted yesterday and today (lots of screaming from the internet, but no fix so far) so I can't hear what he is saying, but I think he was not impressed with the crew and he was impressed with Ryan. There's a brief moment at the Eiffel Tower where Whitney steps onto the glass edge of the viewing platform, where you can see straight down, someone who may be Todd hastily steps back off the edge, and Smail rolls his eyes. I hope the sound gets fixed soon; I am looking forward to what he has to say. Darnit! It looks like the video about Paris with the MBFFL group expired before the sound was fixed. But here's a comment Ryan posted on the picture: ryanandreas_ Jump squatted up to the top of the Eiffel Tower, then pushed it over and @smail_berriah started curling it.. #lightweight
  5. Well, so far he's been on the trip to Lake Tahoe and the trip to France. And from what we've seen, Whitney sleeps a lot or has production responsibilities, so he and Ryan have had a fair share of time free to explore, sight-see and drink together.
  6. It's a risk, I know. Someone should tell her we'd only be impressed if he started posting pictures with his hands all over her and posts about what a "freak in the sheets" she is.
  7. I think Whit is totally aware. Otherwise she'd have her hands all over him, and she'd be making non-stop innuendos or outright boasts about how hot their sex life was. If she believed Chase was really into her, she'd be unable to control herself. We saw a little of how she behaves when she thinks a man is really into her in the season of "Avi dumped meeeeeeee!!" Who can forget her smugly telling Babs that Avi had "a beautiful penis?" I think you're right - it's a very hard call as to which of the two has the worst job. But on the whole, and looking towards the future, I think Chase is the one who'll regret it more in the long term. Ryan, at least, will still have some cred as a personal trainer. Chase doesn't have much of a future as a gigolo, based on the way he looks with Whitney.
  8. Funny how the posters are all swoony over Whitney's guy, and then Ryan weighs in with the comment "My guy."
  9. Yes, generally speaking, men in love show more enthusiasm for physical contact with the beloved. Chase looks less enthusiastic than Glenn does, and I don't think Glenn is molesting his daughter. Of course, I have some sympathy for Chase if I am misjudging him. Perhaps what I see as him keeping away from lower-body-to-lower-body contact is just a reflection of the same problem Lennie had - she's so big he can't get his arms around her and her belly prevents that kind of contact. Remember Lennie looking mournfully into the camera and confessing he felt bad because he couldn't get his arms around Whitney when she was screaming for him to help pick her up as her skis slid out from under her? But seriously, this woman, aside from the morbid obesity and the narcissism, has told the world she avoids showering, needs assistance with personal hygiene, pees in tubs and pools, makes crude jokes about her sex life, huffs her cats' breath . . . it seems to me it would take a particular kind of kinky to find her desireable, and Chase, like Lennie before him, seems a bit too normal and passive to qualify.
  10. Again, look at the body language - in the first picture he isn't holding her to him, he's just about patting her on the back. And there is no eye contact, as she is so busy smirking into the camera, while he seems to be gazing intently at his shoes. The second picture is yet another in their series of award pecks - this time he's kissing her cheek and she is gazing romantically at the camera. And the final picture? Awkward peck on the lips. Someone needs to tell the two of them that adults doesn't kiss lovers by pressing their lips tightly closed and then lightly touching mouths. If you want to see a more genuine interaction, check out Ryan's current instagram story. There's one picture of Chase smoldering into Ryan's camera and one picture of Ryan riding piggyback on Chase.
  11. Poor Whitney - she must be getting so stressed at the demands her "job" makes of her! But not to worry - she'll be on her cruise soon and can recuperate. Seven days of being tongue-bathed by adoring fans will do wonders for her! Then she'll probably be able to go back to being condescending and dismissive of followers who suggest she has room for improvement, rather than bitchy and mean. Careful, Whitney - that's not the behavior of a sexually satisfied woman, and you're pretending to be one, right?
  12. The French pro biker, show biker and mountain bike racer Simon Rogier posted an instagram picture of himself on a bicycle, and Whitney, Chase and Ryan in the background with the comment (pardon my mediocre French translation): Aujourdhui, c’était une journée de tournage dans les rues de Trigny pour une télé-réalité américaine #mybigfatfablife . Avant, de les accompagner pour une balade dans le vignoble, j’ai fait une petite démo pour @whitneywaythore and @ryanandreas_ avec mon @lapierrebikes #zesty. Enjoy your ride 😜. #bikelife #realityshow #champagne Today was a day of shooting in the streets of Trigny for an American reality show, mybigfatfablife. Before accompanying them in a stroll through the vineyards, I gave Whitney and Ryan a little demonstration with my lapierre bike.
  13. But she had such a compelling reason, Dot! I have a vivid remembrance of the look on Roy's face when she announced (at her first day of "work" at the radio station) that she would never date a fat man, because it made the sexual logistics too complicated for her. "Only one fat person to a relationship!" she said, cheerily.
  14. It's him. You can tell by the responses to the posted picture - at least one of the comments refers to the poster as "Chase." Here's a picture of Chase definitely more comfortable showing affection with Ryan than with Whitney. Of course, even if Chase adores her, she wouldn't fit on his lap this way, nor would her weight be comfortable. But it does show Chase is capable of larger gestures of affection in public than the mimsy little efforts we've so far seen him make towards Whitney.
  15. Hey, Todd is there! And the whole TLC production team it looks like, fussing over their "star." Wonder if the rest of the barnacles will show? Whitney has posted a pic of her and Todd "casually" stretching on a bridge, with one leg up on the parapet, as if it were a ballet barre. Once again, I will not believe Whitney can get her leg up there by herself until I see unedited, continuous video of her doing it, like a dancer, in one smooth motion. Seriously, both of them need to be careful. Neither she nor Todd have the correct angle and they are both just asking for a back, knee or hip injury.
  16. Is that Ashley there with Whit? Whitney clearly has acquired a new stylist; the shirt and pants (although I suppose they could be black leggings - hard to tell in the way she's standing} look quite nice! She and Chase are exchanging "love yous!" on her instagram page. Then the accompanying pictures show him kissing her cheek with all the warmth of a nine-year-old nephew bussing his aunty, while Whitney throws her head back with her eyes closed. Don't overdo it, Whitney.
  17. Dot, look at his body language. He has his arms draped over her shoulders and his lower body canted as far away from her as possible. We have seen multiple pictures of him kissing his dog with more passion than he has ever shown Whit.
  18. Tal is posting blissed out instagrams, so I think he has no interest in leaving Jon and their new house to wallow in Whitney World. Todd may be annoyed - she probably left him with plenty to do to get NoBSdance up and running. Heather's kids are in school, so she couldn't go in any event. Maybe Buddy would have gone, but TLC would probably have wanted him to play the jealous suitor, and I doubt he would be capable of pretending realistically that he was jealous of Chase. Has Ashley ever gone on one of Whitney's TLC junkets? And Whitney just took the family to New York for her "award," so she doubtless feels entitled to a vacation alone with her two "partners" - business and boo.
  19. I did laugh at the comment she posted in her insta story to Chase: "Don't be mad at me, boo!" In the story, she's taking a close-up selfie with Taye Diggs and she has "heart eyes" emojis next to the picture. I'm pretty sure "boo" neither cares that Whitney is taking pictures with Taye Diggs, nor is afraid in the slightest that Taye will threaten Chase's "relationship" with Whitney. BTW, Whitney, where is Chase when you are getting this awesome, awesome award? The parents and Hunter are there with you, but not the boo? And we know from past experience that you gladly ditch the parents if there's even a chance of "boo" encounter . . . (Like last Thanksgiving when you went to Ryan's house to meet one of his buddies, rather than your family.) Methinks TLC wasn't paying, so Chase wasn't going, period. One more BTW_Hey Whitney, where are all the fabulous pictures from your time at PCOS-Con? Seems as if you've just rushed past what must have been a deeply important experience for you?
  20. TLC is giving Whitney an award! Woo Hoo! Looks like 3 years ago, TLC connected with some nonprofit to encourage people to fight bullying. And then they started giving awards to TLC stars and people who made appearances on TLC programs for fighting bullying. I guess they ran out of TLC-adjacent people, because Whitney is getting one of the awards this year. She is interviewed on the Monsters and Critics website, and even she can't explain what she did to get the award, but she's VERY happy to get it! Here's the link to the interview: LINK You have to scroll down past all the not-very-articulate description of what TLC is doing and who Whitney Thore is, until you get to the actual interview. Oh, and spoiler alert - she has never met nor spoken to Bill Maher.
  21. No, I didn't even try. Puppylover, I believe you, but it's amazing to me that you got to join without Whitney or Ryan vetting you to make sure you're in the class!
  22. I think they must be links to the private page for subscribers.
  23. I can just see her glaring at Todd and saying, "What the fuck do you mean, you don't want twerking in the first routine? Me twerking is what these people want to see! And they want to try to do it too! Look, Todd, I know you mean well but you don't know the first thing about choreographing for my people. You nearly destroyed BGDC when I left you alone with it for a couple of weeks. Now, when I say 'shake your skinny ass,' you better start vibrating like a sex toy, or you and me are going to have some serious trouble. Half these people signing up hate you anyway." Todd glares back. He thinks of about a million nasty comebacks, then thinks about the TLC paycheck, shuts up and shakes his skinny ass.
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