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Everything posted by TigerLynx

  1. So not only are the idiot writers doing the boring Ridge/Brooke stuff again, they also decided to double down and do Steffy/Liam/Hope again. Added to Zoe being back, and Xander will probably put in an appearance to. {Triple Face Palm} Damn you Thomas, for not being a proper psychopath and killing these idiots. Stop whining about the Logans and just kill them. Also, Brooke, I despise you, but when you accidentally knocked Thomas over the cliff, why didn't you follow up in the hospital, and figure out some way to do him in? Better yet, why didn't you shove Ridge over the cliff? Where is Bill? Bill and Douglas are the only characters worth watching.
  2. Bridget is a good person. A better person than Brooke or Katie will ever be. However, Bridget being a wonderful woman who can also forgive, doesn't give Brooke, Katie, and the rest of these idiots the right to ruin Bridget's life. My original comment was directed at the fact that I don't care if Brooke's life gets ruined. She is a horrible person, but Shana and Flo don't have any reason to be mad at Brooke. Bridget OTOH has a million reasons to wreak havoc on her worthless whore of a mother, but has never been allowed to.
  3. What does any of this have to do with Bridget? Brooke is a horrible mother, a despicable human being, and a waste of time. Bridget should get to ruin Brooke's life. Brooke has that payback coming from Bridget.
  4. Brooke fucked Eric's son when she was married to Eric. Brooke fucked both of Bridget's husbands. Brooke fucked her sister's husband. Brooke had to have paternity tests for Bridget and RJ because she was screwing two guys at the same time (Eric/Ridge and Ridge/Nick). Bridget loved Deacon. Fortunately, when Bridget realized Deacon was as despicable as Brooke, she dumped his worthless ass. Bridget has never killed anyone. Bridget was a good person. Brooke is trash.
  5. I would love for Brooke's life to be destroyed by Bridget. I don't give a damn about Shana or Flo. It would be amusing to see karma really come pay Brooke a visit, but it should come in the form of someone Brooke has wronged, and Bridget holds that trump card. As horrible as Brooke has been to other people, what Brooke did to Bridget was truly vile.
  6. I don't want Darlene groveling. She screwed up, she apologized, Ben told her they were over, and she should accept that. If Ben changes his mind, and Darlene realizes she needs to change the way she's been handling their relationship, then they can go from there.
  7. Which is another reason Carmichael is horrible at her job. Carmichael is the judge. She is not supposed to give the defense or the prosecution what they want. She is supposed to rule based on the law. Carmichael is not supposed to be having ex-parte conversations with defendants, or letting them testify dressed up as an avatar. As the judge, Carmichael is supposed to keep the courtroom from turning into a three ring circus. Not make the ridiculousness happen. Lopez is supposed to zealousy defend her client. If what she suggests is out of bounds, Carmichael shouldn't indulge her.
  8. No, she hasn't. Carmichael has gotten lucky that her dumbass rulings haven't come back to bite her, and the defendants, in the ass.
  9. I wish Darlene and David were done for good, but I won't be surprised if they get resurrected at some point. I'm wondering if David broke up with Darlene because his therapist recommended it. To date, David has based his decisions on Darlene, Roseanne, and Blue telling him what to do. He could still be keeping to his same pattern.
  10. I didn't say Lopez would make a good judge. I said she would be better than Carmichael because Carmichael is a lousy judge. Mark and Lopez are actually doing their jobs. Mark refused to use tainted evidence, and Lopez represents her client's interests instead of taking every plea deal that comes along. Carmichael is horrible at her job.
  11. I have figured out what is really annoying me. There are many things with this show, but currently, it's the fact that Hope's baby being stolen has ended up being about Ridge and Brooke. If that wasn't bad enough, it's also about poor Flo and mama bear Shana. The best moment in all of that awful not dead baby switch SL was Liam (finally finding a spine), and telling Flo that for months she didn't just watch Liam and Hope's marriage fall apart, she watched their lives be ruined and did NOTHING. However, there was no real follow up. Hope should have been the one to tell Shana and Flo that she appreciates Flo giving Katie her kidney (they did verify it was actually Flo's kidney right), but that doesn't change what Flo did to Hope, Liam, and Beth. Brooke could have backed Hope up, but that should have been Hope's moment. Instead this has turned into another boring SL about Brooke and Ridge and their never ending idiotic on-again off-again relationship.
  12. Louise was great. Katy Sagal is a good actress. Peggy, Gemma and Louise are different. Some similarities, but Louise is softer than Gemma, and nothing like Peggy. The flat tire scene was hilarious. I laughed when Harris blackmailed Darlene. I'm glad Ben dumped Darlene, but I'm sad to. I like Ben and Darlene as a couple.
  13. Brooke told Ridge that after the awful Ridge/Bridget idiocy. Ridge was dating Brooke when he had sex with Caroline when she was married to Thorne. Caroline had mixed cold medication with alcohol and though it was Thorne. The writers changed it later to Caroline knew it was Ridge, but pretended it was Thorne. The reason Ridge asked Brooke to move in with him after that was because he was afraid he would try to have sex with Caroline again. However, I didn't feel sorry for Brooke because Brooke knew Caroline was engaged to Ridge, and only became Caroline's friend in order to get closer to Ridge.
  14. Liam was reasonable and understanding with Wyatt. That was nice. Wyatt is a waffling prick, and Sally should never have gotten back together with him. Shana and Brooke are both idiots. Thomas is still a creep. Ridge is still a selfish jackass.
  15. What does Steffy have to do with it? Steffy wasn't even born when Brooke went chasing after Ridge when he was engaged to Caroline, or when Ridge was first married to Taylor. Brooke wanted Ridge, he was her destiny, and decades later Brooke's destiny still has another woman in the picture. This would be great karma for Brooke if the SL was written better.
  16. I don't know how Carmichael got to be a judge. Mark and Lopez would make better judges.
  17. No one, except Dr. Shady, paid for Beth's kidnapping, and everything else that went with it. That's just one of the many problems with this SL. If Bell or the writers had any talent, there would have been more consequences. They should have kept Flo's identity a secret even though Katie wanted to meet her. Have Katie and Bill try to find out on their own who donated the kidney. Instead after dragging the not dead baby switch SL out for months, this SL happened in two seconds. Brooke should have thanked Flo for giving her kidney to Katie, but told her it didn't change what she did, and left it at that. Chasing after Shana, not only, makes Brooke look like a hypocrite, it also highlights how insecure Brooke is about Ridge. Which no surprise there. Brooke herself told Ridge there was always another woman in the picture with them. Of course, that happens when you go after someone else's fiancée or husband, Brooke.
  18. I would say Brooke should have been the better person, except there is no way in hell Brooke knows how to do that, told Flo thank you for saving Katie's life, and left it at that. Going after Shana just made Brooke look insecure and jealous (which try a little insight Brooke and wonder why you are always so insecure where Ridge is concerned - here is a hint - Ridge is your problem), and gives Shana a chance to play the victim. If this were better written, I might enjoy watching Brooke squirm, but it's not. It's boring.
  19. I agree. I don't think the writers have a clue what they are doing, or where the story is going. I think this is going to turn out like Lost, HIMYM, Battle Star Galactica, etc. So far, I think Mr. Kaplan got the best backstory.
  20. I think Bond Villian refers to the guy whose face we didn't see last episode, but we did see him holding his pet. I didn't like the prostitute comparison, but the writers also glossed over some very ugly realities. Women had to marry for survival, and because it was expected (as in very little choice to say no) of them. There were very few jobs for men let alone women, they paid very little, and if a woman couldn't find a husband, she could end up being forced into prostitution.
  21. I'm glad Dwight isn't the only one questioning how Ned handles things. Ned really is tiresome, and dangerous. I like Demezla, but while education is important, it takes so much more to be able to succeed especially in this time and place. I wish George had killed Uncle Cary, and then jumped off the cliff. Damn, Dwight, usually I love you, but next time if you can't bring yourself to push George, at least don't save him.
  22. Bell and the writers also don't understand how to do an umbrella SL. It doesn't just mention characters and how they were affected, it shows them. Bill being MIA during the not dead baby switch SL is a glaring example of this, but he wasn't the only one missing. On AMC, they had an SL where Erica, Brooke, Edmund, Dimitri, Maria, Mona, Phoebe, Adam, Jack, Trevor, and the Pine Valley PD were working together to bring down a scam artist. Some of these people were related, had been rivals, married to and divorced from each other, business competitors, etc. It was a great SL, and Dimitri's look when he saw Edmund dressed as Eduardo was priceless. Thomas going over a cliff, and Flo giving up a kidney does not change anything, and they haven't even come close to earning redemption. I doubt they ever will. Especially, since Thomas still thinks he didn't do anything wrong. I believe this SL would be better if Shana and Flo had some end game that doesn't involve being a happy family with the Logans. If there was something more at stake, they were real grifters, and since the baby switch SL didn't work out, they moved onto Plan B. One of the things that made characters like J.R. Ewing, Richard Channing, Adam Chandler, Abby Ewing, Alexis Carrington, etc., popular was no one pretended they were the good guys.
  23. Even if Julie was a saint, Gabi is under no obligation to pull the plug on her husband just to give Julie his heart.
  24. I thought the biggest loss on the show was Brenda and Kelly's friendship and here's why: Not only, did Brenda and Kelly's dynamic change, the writers would never let Brenda move on from Dylan. She had other guys interested in her, she would seem to be happy, and then they would send her straight back to boring still hung up on Dylan territory. When Emily said you couldn't get more Beverly Hills than Kelly, Brandon commented, "She's changed a lot," and I thought, "and not for the better." I don't know what the writers were going for, but Kelly became a raging self-righteous judgmental hypocrite, and a complete shrew. She was constantly criticizing everyone and everything. And yet the writers wanted to insist Brenda and Kelly worked everything out, and everything was exactly the same. They wrote the SOD, but they didn't want to deal with the fallout unless it involved blaming Brenda for everything.
  25. I would be perfectly fine with Gabi telling everyone to drop dead, she is not letting Julie have Stefan's heart. It seems my default this week is to root for characters not to get organs donated to them, and hope they die.
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