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Everything posted by Traveller519

  1. Look, I'll always appreciate a Christopher Lloyd farce. Nothing is ever going to top the Ski Lodge episode of Frasier, but many of the Modern Family farces have been great, and the show has been at its best when it goes that route. But I have to agree that the whole premise felt icky with the family taking advantage of Alex. And really the only reason for it was the Robot Butler gag. They could have still gone on the "adventures" if they were able to wander the building on their own. Great heavy lifting by Stephen Merchant though. "Let me just slide back into my shorts" got me
  2. I was pretty Meh on this one. I think endings are hard for Storytellers when you're crossing multiple iterations/series, and especially when you have a rabid fan base who for better or worse has its own ideas about how to end it. So I am willing to give Abrams and crew a good bit of latitude here. I liked the Force Awakens for its ability to reset the tenor and spirit of the films, although in reflection it was a very close rehashing of A New Hope. I LOVED Rogue One because it told a captivating story and presumed you were up to speed on everything going on around the story and the battle scenes were amazing. I really enjoyed The Last Jedi, despite some of its flaws, because it felt like we were going to go in a new direction to close out the story. I really disliked Solo, because it felt like a comic book that gets released alongside a bigger media production, and so much of the movie was just *Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge. This one decided to go back to closing out the predictable beats from the first two Trilogies along with mass celebrations by everyone. Which I can understand, but still felt underwhelming to me. That said I did enjoy the Kylo and Rey storyline, right up until they kissed. Poe and Finn were well done, and the actors gave good performances. I do agree with the take that this felt like Abrams was trying to shoehorn his own ideas for what TLJ was supposed to be into this which really made it feel bloated. This felt every bit of its running time (which to be fair, TLJ did as well, for me). Palpatine being back wasn't shocking or interesting to me, and I would have enjoyed seeing the fallout from Rey had Chewie actually died in the Transport or Hux deciding to join our crew of ragtags. But all-in-all, it served its purpose.
  3. Of all the nicknames for Matt's underwear, my personal favorite was "Under Khakis" Possibly a decade too early for the "Jump, Jive and Wail" era of marketing, but that really spoke to Gap Employee Matt Bradley's passion for his product
  4. Sarayu Blue back on Thursday Night Network TV where she belongs! My apologies, I was one of the few people who liked "I Feel Bad" and especially her as the star, despite the show's other faults. It looks like she's in for a couple more episodes, which is probably right for the end of the initial 13-episode order. It's finally time to explore what a real relationship will look like for Wade, and the impacts on the family and social circle. Ben! Ben Ben Ben Ben Ben, not enough food show's up to your Kegger? Quickly see if there's a way they can send more (it's a mass catering BBQ joint in Raleigh, they likely have more) or just eat some humble pie and order pizza.
  5. Did it seem like Hayley was leaning HEAVILY into the Philadelphia accent right at the end of the story in the end tag. The "Onnne Hunnndred yards" really felt like it was coming from the front patio of Geno's. I hadn't heard that from Erica or really any of the characters' before.
  6. Did Gavin truly believe in Tethics? Or was this all a con to trap Richard? I'd like to think Gavin sees the long game, but the fact that "Hot Kisses, Cold Ie Cream" was ripped.off and he truly seemed to want that to do well leads me to believe it was all Gavin typical impulsiveness. I only wish he had found some exotic animal for his press conference to represent Tethics. The Jared vs Walden power struggle was definitely a bore. We'll see if that actually leads somewhere.
  7. I love the heart of this show. And the acting talent. This episode felt like it covered every emotion. I cannot get over how much the two actresses playing Grace and Natalie actually look like sisters. It makes lines like "They're really starting to look like Jill" hit with that much more weight.
  8. Of all the things there were to love in this episode, one of my personal favorites was Michael's explanation to Chidi of what he believes soulmates to truly be. That was so sweet and honest.
  9. One of the things I'm going to miss most about this show is all the little site gags. All the random disposable coffee cups in the Australian professor's office was well done enough, but then the label on the cup I Creme from a Land Down Under This was an absolutely perfect final season episode, it reminded us of how far we've come and gave us great insight into the characters' interpersonal relationships. I was glad to see Chidi get the focus when he's been somewhat sidelined this season.
  10. Wait.... Did I just...empathize with everyone in this episode? No one was a cartoonish farce? Incredible! That was a really enjoyable episode, because they didn't have to make anyone seem ridiculous to hammer the point home. Great work team. Pops, as usual, straight up steals every scene. Maybe it's those grey hairs
  11. This season had felt a little listless up to this point, but the Jared and Monica subplots this episode were absolute highlights for me. Everything about the interaction between Jared and his birth parents was delightfully absurd. I have to think Zach Woods lends a hand in writing these back-story bits for Jared, so I was delighted to see it get a little more focus. The set-up that it was as a result of getting genetic testing done for his risk of Marfan Syndrome was an amazing slip-in that is so bad, but on point. Everything about the Monica line was great too and gave her some character beyond "she smokes." The trying to weasel her way in, the "mentoring from afar" and then being bumped from the stage were great. And of course, it all leads to Lori discovering and being infatuated with Gwart" I also want to see what comes of this Guilfoyle, Jon "friendship"
  12. Cool that they got Barry Bostwick, I guess, but as the only one it kinda fell flat. I get this wouldn't move the needle for Susan Sarandon, but Tim Curry and Meatloaf didn't want to earn a paycheck for a half-day's worth of work. I hate to say it, because the wobbly legs of comedy appear to have finally started to buckle, but I think we're into the home-stretch of content here. Last year's "100% true story" about the living room was a jolt of energy to the show, this year's felt like "Hey remember that time??? Ehhh??? Ehhhh???" I can only imagine how tough of a project this will be for Adam F. Goldberg to warp up given how personal it is. The connection to his since passed father and grandfather alone, but I feel like it may be time.
  13. I enjoyed the Dunphy stuff (as silly as the break-ups were, they were at least humorous) but everything else felt quite tacked on. I actually felt let down when we transitioned from the Dunphy Kitchen to Mitch and Cam's. All the good energy and flow just felt like it hit a wall.
  14. The "Us" costumes were fantastic. Of course it's a shame they couldn't involve Devante in those. I adored the Ruby and Diane chat, especially Ruby's okay-ness with Diane stating this was a mistake she would have to make for herself.
  15. I'm guessing it probably was, it dovetails nicely with the opening shot of the season with he and Abby looking up at it. The 2019 scene was a decent epilogue, but I had kind of wished it just ended with Paul walking away with his limp, a perfect analogy for the period of New York covered by The Deuce. The ending felt quite put upon, but I enjoyed it as a stand alone. And to be fair, it works nicely with the scene of Vincent noticing how empty Leon's has become. It was very good to see all the old faces one last time, as was the case for Vincent I think. If I read into it all the faces he sees were dead. The paper confirms Eileen, Bobby confirms himself, I think we can safely assume Paul succumed to HIV, and Detective Ralph Macchio likely drank himself to death, or died while "cleaning his service piece" during his time at the academy, and Leon was pretty up there in age and looking slow during the last diner scene That leaves Joey, who we know is getting married (for the third time), Abby (who we see), and Alston (who we don't) for the folks Vincent regularly interacted with. I like to think Alston is retired and happy. Abby also looks exceptional for what would be approximately 60. That last one makes me wonder why they fast forwarded all the way to 2019. You could have gone to 2012, not changed much about the setting, and still had Abby a spritely early 50s. Yup, I had to look this up afterward myself. I guess Nathan was, according to Simon, the loose inspiration for Avon. Nathan felt it was a little more than loose. I'm sure this is Simon poking the bear a bit.
  16. I agree (concur!) with everything you posted. It's great to see sitcom television that treats grown-ups like grown ups. Sure Connie's reaction was out of spite, but she didn't do it in a demeaning way, she was trying to protect herself. And Richard Kind's response was perfect. George continues to develop as a great character. I enjoyed his early part of the show "Am I a kid or grown-up in this scenario?" and the later scene at the bar. Heck, even at dinner, "Can Sheldon come to the bar?" Sheldon's question landed with a lot of weight too. And I loved how Mary responded.
  17. I have to take a minute to acknowledge just how incredible Michaela Watkins is. She exists all over the Comedy/Drama spectrum so well. Even though they're both half-hour single camera comedies her character here is nothing like what it was on Trophy Wife. Her turn in Brittany Runs a Marathon this summer was spectacular drama, and she played sultry so well on Hung. It serves to further reinforce how terribly she was used on SNL. But unfortunately her stint there coincided with the height of the Wiig years when there was no oxygen for the other female performers.
  18. WELCOME TO THE BAD PLACE "Population: Your Mom" I had to get the pause on the DVR just right, but that made me laugh more than it should. Oh Tahani, I don't know if "Your Friend's" MOST problematic role is Finding Forrester. May I direct you to midway through Goldfinger. But I was very glad to see you get a fully developed plot again this week, plus some of your great background work. It's a little unfortunate that I feel like I have a good idea of how the show will wrap up its final plots already. The first season just set such a high bar for the mystery and then the twist. That said, I'm really enjoying the journey.
  19. I enjoyed the Santamonica story because it wasn't just all three kids approaching the same situation in a different manner. She got her own little story. Also I hope we get a Bow/Grandpa episode soon, he's done good work with the other children recently. I also enjoyed that Johan's strategy paid off.
  20. Lori's end was so sudden it caught me off guard, but well done. She's convinced herself things are finally going well and she's her own person, until she realizes she's back in the same spiral. All that money she had "earned" and none of it belonged to her. Was Sarah her real name? Or was that her trying to "rebrand" herself for her new independent turn? Abby leaving Vince will really be the best thing for both of them. I have a feeling Vince is back to Brooklyn/Long Island. It's the one place he's truly happy
  21. It's always nice when Missy gets more to do. I know with such a young actress is going to be managed a little bit more to one liners, but she is quickly becoming a very good actress, especially with the physical stuff. That catch was legit! I can't get over how much heart this show has, and how little it relies on cheap laughs.
  22. I guess the new show had to make do since they were a little young for ABC's "Cast from the past"(TM) week. Hey did you know it's "Cast from the Past"(TM) week on ABC? (Apologies to those who didn't watch off net work and haven't been fully bombarded by the promos. My heart broke for Johan when the black Barbershop said he couldn't get any of the styles he liked. Gary Cole looks like he's having so much fun with his role. I really enjoy the take on his character.
  23. I don't buy that Dre was THAT ignorant (the asking the waitress for a smile was full cringe, even for him) but the Jump-Rope metaphor scenes and his final scene with Junior were well done, I felt.
  24. I agree with everything regarding the Paul story. Chris Coy has been absolutely killing it this year with such a subtle performance. He played the quiet strength Paul needed so well through the first few episodes before allowing the to emotion creep-in during this episode, but not in an over-the-top manner. I doubt the Deuce has enough clout to get much Emmy buzz, but I'd love to see him get a nomination for his work this season, and I think this is the episode to do it. The opening scene with the family watching the Frankie video was incredibly well done too, it felt very genuine, and of course the video fading out to a porn tape was excellent comic relief as a button. Big props to Bobby on effectively playing the role of the man in the coma's "brother-in-law" and getting Black Frankie out in short order. I'm glad to see him do good. Any scenario I can see playing out for Lori from here, I don't particularly like.
  25. Brent, perfect representation of the "mediocre white-man" that he is, moved from outright annoying to "love-to-hate" for me this episode. "My assistant, Janet, hasn't worn any of the outfits I ordered for her" The characterization rings all to true. The privileged life he's lead makes him oblivious to his own shortcomings. I agree with Janet telling Jason about Bortles. Part of her evolution has been to realize that the truth hits a lot harder if you learn someone you love has been keeping it from you.
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