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Everything posted by bannana

  1. It looked truly horrific on Kelly (her neck is too short I think), so I guess it looked better on Phyllis, but really it was a horror on both of them. They must have sent the wardrobe people out looking for the most ugly dress they could find. Kelly snarks to Phyllis that she "fills out her dress" better than Phyllis. Yeah that is true, but not in a good way.
  2. On today's CDN, that dress that Phyllis and Kelly both wore was just about the ugliest thing ever. So Kelly is going the BSC route?
  3. I thought Carly seemed way to cheerful considering what a trainwreck she made of her life.
  4. That was such an odd moment. She said, we were with you (sputtering and finger wagging) but now that you are threatening people, well, you messed up, cause now we are not with you. I was stunned to hear that she thought that Americans, Canadians, anyone, was supporting hackers who revealed the personal information of something like 50,000 employees, SSN, etc. This is not a small crime, this is I am guessing a life time sentence if you get caught. And Whoopi was with them? Seriously? This is a major crime and has been for decades. She is so ridiculous. And I am so so sick of her tirades, and lectures and bullshit yelling at America, the audience, the fellow panelists. She is out of control and quite frankly has ruined her fucking EGOT cache (as if there ever was one).
  5. Bitsy defends torture. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/15/fox-news-sydney-hostage-crisis-host-uses-to-defend-torture_n_6329156.html?utm_hp_ref=media
  6. Yes, Whoopi missed the point. BJ telling her story about being drugged by Cosby validates the other women's stories. It doesn't matter that she wasn't raped. It shows the pattern of behaviour that is consistent with the other women's stories, that spans 5 decades of assault by Cosby. What exactly is Whoopi's view? That BJ wasn't raped so the drugging doesn't mean anything or matter? Or is it that she thinks BJ is lying and trying to get in the limelight for this?
  7. I was never a Steffy fan, and not really a Hope fan either. But the character of Hope is one of the worst I have ever seen on daytime soaps. So much sturm und drang, and for what? She acts like all of this has happened to her, and that she has nothing to do with her life choices. Even now, if she really loves Liam, and is dumping Wyatt, isn't she once again being unfair to Liam who has to be in a holding pattern waiting for her to return? What happens to Ivy. Of course Quinn is an idiotic psycho bitch, and she has wreaked havoc, but Hope, like Ridge, is responsible for her own responses to the situations that Quinn created. Hope did at least at one point acknowledge that she made some bad decisions, but blaming Wyatt for not protecting her, and then that bs about she only married Wyatt because of Quinn's shenanigans, so ridiculous. When they bring her back with a new actress hopefully they improve this idiotic and offensive character.
  8. I only caught the crafting segment with RO and BaWa. BaWa reminds me of mother who had Alzheimers.
  9. Yeah, that was odd, that the white shirts make her feel clean, but she also likes when they are threadbare and with holes. Olivia Munn actually kind of called her out on hat. Many of us have tendencies toward something, clothing wise, but I feel like Whoopi has to make it a big deal. She annoys me.
  10. I think this should go here...even though it happened on today's ep, it is more about the relationship between WG and RO. RO was saying how Claire Danes is on this other level of acting, that even as an actress when watching her, she RO realizes she could not do that level of acting (something like that). And WG says something like, oh I can (implying that she could play anything anyone else plays), and RO quickly came back with, of course, you're an EGOT. Now, RO was probably sincere but I think that their relationship is definitely strained. It also seems like WG is countering RO even when she presumably agrees with her.
  11. Olivia Munn was referencing the Hugh Jackman film where he tortured a guy (really and truly tortured, I couldn't watch it) that he believed had his kid or knew something about it. IIRC the torture didn't yield results and the way the child was found was not as a result of that. I certainly didn't get the impression that the movie was pro-torture. But that discussion to her point didn't happen. RO was really pushing back on NW today. I get the impression that Whoopi doesn't like RO and seems to contradict her most times she speaks, like she did today when she was talking about the photos and whether the ends justify the means. Whoopi is really full of herself, and she has taken over this show to the extent that no one else can really get a word in. She's bizarrely unappealing yet all the celebs seem to love her.
  12. I bet it will. I didn't see this ep, and would like to understand how this came up. Thanks--if you can provide insight.
  13. I forgot to mention, Whoopi's whole rant against the protesters was finally based on the premise that they were preventing the proletariat from getting to their low paying jobs--they would be responsible for the little people losing their jobs because of their protest! She wagged her finger and ranted and SHAMED them for their lack of consideration! When we all know she really was pissed sitting in her limo on her way to the View.
  14. And of course that led Whoopi into another I am right and everyone else is wrong rant.
  15. Well that would make sense, because after Nick's tour of all his wimmen from the past and present, I am sure he concluded he needed to add someone new to the roster.
  16. So at the end of today's episode when Victoria makes the big announcement that tomorrow morning she will know who the father of her baby it, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed for her. It sounded like a clip from Maury. What professional wealthy woman would want to keep going on and on about the fact that she slept with two men at the same time and doesn't know who her baby-daddy is. Something she could have downplayed or resolved earlier, I think. In the previews Sage finds bear-food Nick, so Gabriel will be seeing him soon. Wonder what he will do to him. The rest of the show was meh. I liked Sharon with Noah and Mariah, but the other Thanksgiving scenarios were boring.
  17. If it is Bill E, wouldn't Luke recognize him?
  18. I thought this ep was hilarious. I loved the way his shitty behaviour was trotted out in front of him, thanks to his own conscience. And some of those flashbacks were great. Not sure where this is going, but when I heard about this ep I thought I would FF, but it was highly entertaining. Nick getting caught in an animal trap at the end was icing on the cake.
  19. What was hilarious is that equally pathetic faux Luke kind of lazily waved the gun around as exited the "rubber room" and there is no reason why Luke could not have charged him as went through the door and escaped the room. Sure, they may have been guards on the other side, but seriously, he is just going to let him saunter out of the room like that?
  20. Whoopi's rant is like so many we have seen before. She puts her "view" out there, and then doesn't like it when in her daily life, the plebes like us call her out on it. You cannot have it both ways. If you are going to have these views, and espouse them daily, you are going to get taken to task. No matter what the topic. If someone yelled at her about her views on rape-rape, that should not be a surprise. What I find hilarious is that she is supposedly this counter-culture person who is then admonishing us, the viewers, or the audience. She has been pretty clear that she only does what she does for the money, so her contempt for the viewers/audience is a bit hypocritical. Would love for someone to call her out on that sometime.
  21. Cannot agree more. I think this is what the "news item" is really about. It was a different era, and you have described it well. My hubby when he heard this news--and he is 60--said this was probably what all male stars at that time did/got away with, plus producers, directors etc. It's not even a guess, the autobios are out there and women have been reporting this behaviour for years. The story/discussion should really be about how this was so prevalent, that women could not be heard. Now they will be heard, and there is absolutely nothing in it for them but heartache. Instead, we have a cast of women who mostly seem to want to divert from this real issue. It is similar to the issue of child abuse, which was hidden for many years, and spousal abuse. These things were accepted when I was a child. Now celebs are being called out for this.
  22. Did not know that! So then I am going to guess she is talking about Sharon Case, although I wouldn't have thought that of her. Maybe she's talking about MTS? Or ED?
  23. Maybe she is referring to Victoria Rowell, the other bridge-burner.
  24. Her comments in this interview are quite unflattering to Y and R. 1) there is so much drama behind the scenes there, and ego 2) the writers didn't give her anything challenging to do 3) Howarth is the best male actor she has ever worked with 4) Maura West wants her to do well in their scenes unlike another female actress she worked with who didn't want her to shine in a scene 5) she doesn't watch Y and R and doesn't care about the show or Phyllis. Looks like she is burning herself some bridges there.
  25. This. There had to have been a disagreement backstage for this to have gone down this way. RO believes Cosby is guilty and that really is what she should have said, and why, rather than challenging Rosie P on her viewpoint, and then calling Whoopi out for being angry. I am sure Whoopi was angry and when Ro said that it made her even more angry, you could see that in her face even with the profile shot. I truly don't get why Ro cannot just state her opinion, instead of "baiting" the others about their opinions. I feel this way and I actually agree with Rosie. I thought the social media commentary by Rosie P was not all that relevant. It's true that this turned in a shitstorm and Cosby is being impacted by it, but he also has declined to comment. (And he is not suing these women for slander.) He is in the public eye, it's going to happen and it happens to many many people, including people who are not celebrities. So her comments about social media just seemed not that important. And if the public is "big brother", what is actually wrong with that? I thought the tension was weird, instead of a discussion or conversation it seemed like they all were waiting for something to happen. On Ask Ro, her answers often imply that she feels she is being held back. I will say that I think Whoopi is the Queen on this show, and apparently she has a big following, so Ro is put in an awkward position when she butts heads with her. I think there is another angle to this story that they haven't discussed which is that powerful men, especially during the 60s/70s, could get away with this shit, and probably lots of famous ones did. Rosie made a good point about the "image" of Cosby as having an impact on the discussion. If it was someone less iconic or loved, would everyone be on tenterhooks?
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