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Everything posted by MartyQui

  1. Thank you! This was driving me crazy the whole episode. And someone with chest metastases was going to be in pain...were the parents giving him pain meds in his cereal? I have to hand wave over Dr. Melendez, man of many specialties, or else I wouldn't be able to enjoy Freddie Highmore's performance so much.
  2. I used to respect Nina, but in the past few seasons she's argued for some crazy stuff that isn't (IMO) good fashion, or even interesting. She was recently appointed Editor in Chief of Elle, and one of her first actions was to lift the ban on creepo photographer Terry Richardson. So, for that alone, she goes on my "do not respect" list.
  3. Tailored so well? He makes his straps nice and straight, but that's about all the sewing there is. That zipper in the pink pants was a travesty. And Zac, who is always about construction with everyone else, didn't say a word. Kenya's dress was nice, and Liris wore the hell out of it, but those wonky shoulder leaves were the only thing that distinguished it from a polyester dress at Kohl's. If I were judging on best interpretation of the theme, I would have picked Kentaro's outfit. That model looked ready to fight. Ayana's blouse was impressive, but it was so tight across the chest I doubt that model could have picked up her arms. Really unimpressed with everything this week. I hope next week is better.
  4. I think this is insightful...in many ways, Kate's emotional growth stopped when her dad died, and in this episode we saw the result of that. Also, what does Kate do for money? Does Kevin support her?
  5. "The rest of the episode was excellent, although I did want to punch every man in Boston. Geez. Did they really knock women out for births like that? I'd never heard of that. I thought women had to be awake to push." I was actually born in Boston, in 1960. My mother always said that they knocked her out at 8p, and at 10a she woke up and they told her she had a little girl. They had to use forceps to deliver me. She didn't have an "awake" birth until 1967, with my sister (her fourth baby). One thing that annoyed me was the location they chose to stand in for Harvard. It looked nothing like anywhere in Harvard, Cambridge or Boston, and it just took me out of the show for a little bit. Otherwise, I thought it was a great episode!
  6. Re the martini glasses, I have them. They're from William Sonoma. I really enjoy this show, even more so when I fast forward through the majority of the Robert and Sol scenes.
  7. Actually, the first tricyclics were used in the 1950s, so they would have had those.
  8. I used to work with a "Vanck", and even in a department full of nerds we all wanted to shove him out a window. No social skills (or desire to get any), constant complaining about the littlest things, absolute confidence that he was the smartest person around (and we worked with Nobel prize winners), and lazy, lazy, lazy. We worked on a floor adjacent to a clinic for kids with cancer, and he constantly complained about how rough *his* life was. Ugh. Even the little clips that they showed us reinforced my initial impression.
  9. The kid was Quinn's son...he mentioned that he had one and he had "screwed up". The student is Dar's boyfriend. The guys in camo were Dar and McLelland's operatives...clearly they had a dark state going, and I guess next season will be spent figuring out how deep it went. Great to see Linus Roache...last time he was on my TV he was dying in a Roman bath.
  10. I thought that the last straw for Lagertha was when Aslaug wouldn't let her participate in the blood sacrifice to send off Bjorn. Aslaug was such a bitch about it, and after all, it was Lagertha's son leading the expedition.
  11. The idea that they would feature Angola bride pissed me off a little. It's a dictatorship, with terrible maternal child death rates, and one of the largest gaps between the haves and have-nots in the world. And we're supposed to be thrilled that she spent $200k of her father's probably ill- gotten gains on her wedding dresses? Ugh. I switched it off.
  12. Probably she was a Botox rep...don't know how else she could her frozen face. I am so sick of seeing that dress. I did love the blush one that the first bride tried on..that was beautiful, and beautiful on her.
  13. Todd's had a rough few years...he's pretty much persona non grata in the Boston restaurant world nowadays (unpaid rent, stiffing suppliers, closing restaurants) so maybe it was just stress that made him look so unlike his formerly handsome self.<br /><br />Also, I work at one of the hospitals in Boston, and I had friends and family at the Marathon finish line. There's still a lot a trauma to be processed (we have to hear about the bomber's trial every.single.day), so if Top Chef wants to celebrate a group of first responders, more power to them.
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