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Everything posted by MartyQui

  1. A nurse anesthetist is a masters level nurse who administers anesthesia. My aunt was one of the first ones. Kind of like a nurse practitioner, they work independently of the doctor.
  2. Yes, they do it all the time at Boston Children’s, which was the first hospital to do the procedure. They usually see the defect on ultrasound and then correct the heart within a few days of birth. Children’s can also do it before birth, they were the first to do that too. Its still a multiple surgery procedure, but their success rate is 98%. I used to work there, it’s an amazing place. Poor little Warren.
  3. You needed to watch until the end...she sacrificed her life to replace the woman she sacrificed. Loved the ending.
  4. Late to the party, but I think one problem for poor Hannah is that she didn’t have a family...I think she mentioned in one episode that her mother had died?
  5. Two things...it always surprises me when the judges don’t know fabric or fashion. Joseph Altazurra called the large scale houndstooth a plaid...it’s not. I’ve been to that temple in Tokyo and one of the coolest things are the burners in front, where you can use the smoke to say a prayer and bless yourself. I would have done air/smoke for one look, and water (from Shinto) for the other. I thought their ideas were uninspired.
  6. I didn’t understand why she couldn’t use a shower seat in the shower...my sister has one that straddles the edge of the tub, so you sit on it, use your arms (if you need to) to lift your legs in, and then sit comfortably in the shower. I borrowed it when I broke my leg, and it works really well. My BIL wears AFOs, and he uses it too. It’s actually more secure feeling than being in a stand-up wet shower with very little control over your lower legs. The whole episode struck me as odd.
  7. I have hemochromatosis! Dr. Turner figured it out when he put all the symptoms together...they used to call it bronze diabetes, because the excess iron can turn your forearms and chest brownish, and it interferes with blood sugar. If you’re of Celtic descent (as I am) you should have your ferritin tested, it’s the most common inherited disorder among us.
  8. All I have to say is that I’m glad it was too late for Sergio to use Covid-19 as a theme for his collection. I can just see the gray dresses with green pleghm-fringe dripping from the hems.
  9. And then Paget took credit for the idea with the captain! What a tool.
  10. I think a lot of them are coming from another part of the vacation though, so they might have dirty clothes. If I were going all the way to Greece, I'd certainly stay for more than 2 days.
  11. Cabo...was something wrong with the husband's face? He looked like he had a facelift or fillers of some kind?
  12. It was $650 a yard fabric. I’ve drooled over it in another colorway at B&J Fabrics in NY. I liked that they had swatches of fabric in addition to what was on display that they could get. And I loved the printer...I’d like 3 yards of the black and white brushed circle print that one of the teams created, thank you very much. Overall, really enjoyed the show.
  13. Bratislava...I really liked the househunter and her friend. Her wish for a stand-up shower was reasonable, and she didn't seem to expect a mansion for $750 a month! Bratislava looks great (like a less touristy Prague, which makes sense).
  14. OCD has two components: Obsession and Compulsion...you may be compelled to straighten pillows or picture frames, or line up pencils, but you don't believe your child will die if you don't.
  15. I learned to tie a bowline in Brownies in the second grade...the rabbit runs around the tree and down the hole. It’s not difficult. Square knot: right over left and left over right, makes a knot healthy and tight. Maybe I should apply to be bosun...
  16. Ok, did they just hand wave Steve’s liver transplant away? If he was lost for eight weeks, was he buying his anti-rejection drugs from black marketeers?
  17. I have a friend (an avid skier) who used to live/work in Trento...they'd go skiing at lunchtime. Granted, it's Italy so lunch is 2 hours! But still, no matter that the house was in the city center, the mountains are minutes away.
  18. Hmmm...imagine if there were writers for the show who scripted this kind of behavior? This isn't real life, it's all played for the cameras, and these kind of stories are a lot more interesting than watching a bunch of competent people get along.
  19. Alex has had gray highlights in his hair for a while, but the decision to dye it dark reddish brown is weird...he must have passed the 50% point and they thought he needed to fix it.
  20. I don’t understand why they don’t use dowels when they do multi-tier cakes...that’s the proper way. But I guess that would compromise the “drama” of watching a cake fall over!
  21. I was so happy for Bailey...I really liked his personality, and he did a terrific job every week. Mariah and Gino are gorgeous dancers who don't need To win this show to have successful careers.
  22. I loved the Amsterdam couple...the apartments were nice, they were realistic about what they were going to get, and when he flew her Mom in for a visit I had a tear in my eye!
  23. Daughter was born in CA and went to college there as well (Linked In is your friend). She had some kind of job in Paris in graphic design that ended in June. The accent drove me crazy...she only lived in London for a little over a year! I can’t imagine sharing that dark little room with another person for more than a few hours, even if it did have a medieval glam kitchen. I have to give Adrienne a lot of credit...I’d be rolling my eyes so hard they popped out of my head with some of these people. Can we nominate her for an acting Emmy?
  24. They sell that cut of chicken here (Boston) (and I've had it in really nice restaurants), but they call it a Statler chicken breast. Delicious.
  25. I don’t understand why they couldn’t get a couple of portable induction burners if the stove isn’t working...I know it adds to the drama, but at this point it’s just silly.
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