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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Ditto. At first I approached this series with giddy curiosity, eager to at least enjoy scenes filmed in and around Savannah and its many fun hotspots. But these dim-witted producers even bungled *that* up and hardly show any fun local scenery shots a'la SC Charleston. So this show has officially become a trainwreck hate-watch for me now((much like "Apres Ski" or "Summer House" or "100 Days of Summer" or "Miss Advised")). I literally just watch it to wallow in my viewing misery and gleefully bitch about it here later. Looks like I'm not alone with this sentiment, at least!
  2. Agree so hard on this!!! I live in a good condo building and am so damned sick and tired of these gross smokers who find it perfectly acceptable to just toss their old butts into the grass/common areas. It's disgusting enough having to smell the stench they leave around their balconies, but the fact that so many of them are such blatant, shameless litterbugs is especially grating. Speaking of grating, as a non-smoker I find the trend of smokers being granted automatic smoke breaks throughout the workday especially frustrating. If these folks are automatically given breaks for their bad habits, I don't ever wanna hear anyone questioning me about MY breaks to either take a short walk or scroll on my phone or shove some vending machine shit down my piehole for a bit. And as for my pot-smoking neighbors? I really wish those jerks would take their extreme stoner stenches elsewhere((yes, I've reported the smells to our building management repeatedly)). Not cool when I'm hosting a lovely dinner party for some respected family and associates and most of them make assorted comments about the "interesting" smells in our hallways as they walked to my door. And I like to party as much as the next stoner, but even I'm thoughtful enough to keep other people from having to deal with the remnants of my own vices. Just remembered my latest pet peeve whine: people who constantly ask to borrow things and usually never return them!!! I have a co-worker who is guilty of this: asks me to borrow everything from ear buds to coffee mugs((two of mine remain unreturned)) to paper to basic office supplies to a phone charger to even my laptop power chord! She's even tried to bum money off me((to which I lied, "Sorry, I never bring cash to work.")) I about lost it on her finally when I stopped her as she was walking down the hall to go home for the day and said, "Hey, I need my charger back, please." Bitch had the nerve to do that whole "Whoops, I totally forgot, sorry!" routine as she guiltily fished it out of her purse. After that, I was DONE. Now when she asks me to borrow my shit I just smile sweetly and lie about not having whatever she asks for---nope, I'll help out anyone else, but I don't help disrespectful users.
  3. I'm also usually that weird lady with her hand on her hip or her arm/s held up/rested on something in most every pic. Why do I do it? Because my arm/body always appears slimmer that way; otherwise, if I hold my bare arm down it just appears squishy and flabby. Mind you, I work out and have muscular arms; the toned up look I strive for doesn't show without proper arm-placement; I'm sure Ramona deals with the same issue. Although she doesn't ever appear very relaxed in her pics and usually appears very stiff and posed, so she really should learn to be more subtle about her casual photo posing tricks.
  4. Following Kathryn on Snapchat for the past few weeks has certainly been an illuminating, slightly depressing experience. When she's not seemingly filming in various silly filters while clearly under the influence, she's taking endless little swipes at "Southern Charm", mostly directed at Patricia or Landon. She loves to reference Patricia Couture in particular---taking old lady filters/silly pics in weird outfits and whatnot while captioning references to it. It doesn't come off as amusingly snarky, but just pathetic and desperate. This chick is a grownassed mom who certainly doesn't act like one should((and the courts obviously agree))---its just childish and reeks of insecurity. Whoever here mentioned that she would be more appropriate as a "Teen Mom" cast member is dead-on. I think she'd likely have a full on mental breakdown if this show dared to keep filming without her.
  5. I think Austen's strictly in Chelsea's Friendzone despite their forced Showmance---there's just no real chemistry there, despite their occasional flirtations and implied sexual tension. If she did indeed sleep with the dude, it was probably just nothing more than a random romp/s a'la Shep and his overnight conquests. Nothing wrong with a gal simply enjoying a convenient fuck buddy without a real relationship being pushed, so I wish the show would just focus on that realistic aspect and be done with any pretense of promoting another potential couple. Women can happily sleep around and enjoy multiple conquests without "monogamy monotony" too, after all!
  6. Forgot to mention how human and likably vulnerable Austen became this episode---that was a brutal piece of info he shared, but it was brave of him to share it, nevertheless. The guy has definitely grown on me more with every episode. Lord knows he seems far more likable now than the verbal abuser known as Craig. Kathryn really needs to ditch her sadly stale modeling dreams and refocus all those energies on Kensie---that's a gorgeous little girl who definitely has far more future modeling potential than her delusional mother. Kathryn might want to consider a far more viable career for herself when her time on this show ends, which will likely be sooner than later for her given how little she's appeared this season and how over her most of the cast truly is.
  7. Interesting to see that the psychic's prediction for Cameron's maternal status was right on the money timewise---she's due to deliver that baby near the end of '17 indeed! Maybe that was just conveniently predictable though; she seemed somewhat intent on evading Landon's question about a clear romantic interest within that group. And why was Craig's other original question cut off((it was shown in the S4 trailers)) about someone being in the group who didn't belong there, or something?? It just seemed odd that his question was completely edited out of the entire episode. I don't blame Cameron one bit for being leery of Kathryn desperately trying to worm her way back into the group's good graces. It's creepy and almost pathological---girl seriously can't handle the idea of not being a major player on this show anymore. And I get that Craig and Shep just want to be peacemakers and all, but the girl is a mentally unstable drug addict deadbeat mom; what reason at all does she need to be hanging out with Whitney other than to beg for more screentime and party invites/drugs? She doesn't even act like she's concerned about having her kids back in her life or being a good mother to them; she's more worried about missing out on hanging/filming with the rest of the cast.
  8. Not to mention their overall lack of charisma to match their overall lack of attractiveness. I don't normally like to snark on appearances, but I don't think I've ever seen a more physically unappealing cast on any other Bravo reality show. It's not that they're ugly, it's just that...they're sooooo boring AND average/basic looking! Speaking of which, this show somehow managed to make a drag club seem so painfully lame and yawn-worthy. Also, the basic bitch blonde is totally a closet drunk. Of course if my best marital prospect was that mouth-breather Lyle I'd probably drink myself to oblivion too.
  9. Jenna was an LA friend of Whitney's, right? And she went to several gatherings at Patricia's too, so I'm assuming she was cool enough with Pat, but probably just seen as yet another one of Whit's more colorful, creative type cronies that Pat's used to randomly entertaining on his behalf. I admittedly follow Jenna on social media because I'm still beyond baffled/fascinated by her entire lifestyle. She doesn't appear to be involved with the wealthy married dude anymore((or else it's extremely hush-hush now)), yet she still travels lavishly around the world in a private jet, lives in a pimped out LA penthouse, wears expensive clothes/accessories and doesn't appear to work. I cannot fathom how or what she does to live like that since she didn't come from money---investments and gambling, she claims? Is it bad that I keep wondering if she's really an escort or drug dealer??((she and her buddies do seem high half the time))
  10. Admittedly, I hate those overpriced pet face kaftans of hers and think they're beyond tacky looking---they work much better as PJ's, like the ones she gave Andy Cohen with his dog's face on them. Damned shame about those, because the other kaftans she wears onscreen are otherwise so tasteful and elegant. But good for her for being savvy enough to strike while the iron's hot and capitalize on her popularity with a unique product.
  11. Something else that seriously bothers me about this show: I cannot handle actually hearing producers chiming in and asking questions/chatting with reality show participants during their talking heads. Unless this is "Big Brother", it just seems completely out of place. It just makes me think either the people are too boring to move these conversations along without someone provoking/prodding them, or the producers are so hammy themselves that they just want to hear themselves speaking on camera. Ever noticed how the successful reality shows don't use this tactic? Only the shitty ones. And definitely not the original SC.
  12. Catherine vaguely resembles Droopy Dog with long blonde hair and has a blandly droll, closet alcoholic personality to match. Given the vibe we've gotten from the rest of Savannah's single men on this show, Lyle's probably as good a man as she could possibly ever rate there.
  13. It's so true though---Landon's now an immature divorcée in her mid 30's. She's no raving beauty, just well-traveled with a respectable family, and that's it. She's never going to rate any of these dapper young rich ballers she thinks she deserves. She *needs* to start looking to hook up with older rich men and get herself happily settled; that's what Patricia did and look how well she did for herself! Better yet, instead of desperately pawning Landon off on Thomas, Patricia needs to start pushing her towards Whitney. Whitney and Landon would be a much better match than Thomas or Austen---they both mostly live in LA and are well-traveled, self-impressed weirdoes who annoy most folks, after all. Landon could even be like Whitney's beard. This could work; of course, this whole storyline is strictly a showmance, so why bother with the obvious. Craig needs some serious couples counseling if he doesn't realize that name-calling and fighting dirty is unacceptable in a healthy relationship. If he genuinely is worried that things aren't working between him and Naomi then it's for the best that they consider some sort of intervention. Never mind what a whiny, pouty baby he acts like with her when they're angry at each other: words hurt and are never forgotten. When my husband and I first got together he made the mistake of letting some put-down's and names fly in anger; I left him for a few days and put my foot down on that just to let him know that I would not allow such behavior if we were going to stay together longterm---10 years later and he's never let that happen again. Naomi needs to leave Craig for a while just to give him a few days to consider the harsh reality of life without her: kick his ass out or stay away for a while to let him sweat and that'll teach him!
  14. So THIS is hilarious: http://m.ebay.com/sch/i.html?isRefine=true&sid=rutledge29401&_pgn=1&_mwBanner=1 Cooper posted this link to a few auctions of junk he's selling of Craig's on eBay. In a hilariously snarky Instagram post, he detailed how he's trying to sell #CraigsCrap to recoup the cost of an up-and-coming designer's navy blazer sample that Cooper had lent Craig to wear at Fashion Week a while back. He went on say that the "inconsiderate turd" Craig never returned the blazer after Cooper's numerous attempts to get the blazer back. He also says he finds it funny that Craig wants to be a designer since he used/abused and completely disrespected another fledgling designer by stealing his one and only sample of this item. So not only is Craig an asshole, but he's also apparently a thief! I do enjoy JD and Elizabeth---they seem like kind, loyal folks who are trying their best to respectfully get along with both Kathryn and Thomas. Too bad they get stuck having to deal with Kathryn's endlessly self-pitying poutfests every time she doesn't get invited to yet another party or event. She's clearly become like a "Friend Of" cast member by this point, but she's too delusional to realize why T-Rav's way more fun to have around than she is. And she obviously doesn't like kids. I love seeing the men attempt to act all manly and occasionally go all "Garden & Gun" on us, even if their fashion choices are as discordant as they're amusing: Shep looked like Crocodile Dundee, Whitney ended up dressing like he's Lord Founterloy and Craig went from dressing like a beach bum to a prison inmate. Shep correcting T-Rav's little vocabulary blunder was priceless. It's so refreshing to see a reality show cast member properly correct another one's grammar!! Oh Landon...she's becoming more insufferable with every new episode.
  15. Wow...this isn't getting any better. Savannah itself is absolutely lovely, but this cast? Zzzzzzz....still lame. Doughy-looking. Not enough real estate porn between any of them. I can barely tell Happy and the other boring brunette Hannah apart...and her sock douche is every bit as bland as she is---I found myself nearly nodding off during their one sad little scene. Oh wait, Hannah is the one who is scandalized that her fella took his shirt off while golfing with Ashley, who stripped down to her bodysuit. Got it. So she's boring AND uptight. Bless her heart. I see the basic bitches are now banding together to slut-shame the town attention whore Ashley. Because of course they are. How dare she scandalize a bridal shower by wearing a little black romper, that harlot. I'll bet those Christian bitches even voted for Trump, right Ashley?! ((I actually agreed completely with her anti-Trump views, but that's thankfully where our agreements end)). Stick a fork in this series: if it doesn't get any better in 2-3 episodes, it'll be done.
  16. You really should: it's every bit as hilarious and as intelligently witty as she is. She shares her life history, tips on beauty/etiquette/fashion/decorating/hostessing, various favorite recipes of hers, what she's reading or recommended literature, etc. There are pictures and musings of her filming SC and whatnot in there too. Plus, she's included some of her favorite infamous lines and catchphrases in there as well and you'll recognize them all if you've paid close attention to her onscreen appearances over the past few seasons. My only complaint? I wish the pics were in color!! I would've loved to have seen a spread of her whole house and various included cast pics printed on full-page glossy pages in the middle((like most celebrity bios/books)), but I guess her people opted for the cheaper/quicker printing option. I'm slightly bummed that out of the cast that just Shep got offered a spinoff from this show because I think a show starring Patricia offering snippets of her glam life((parties, butler incidents and travels included)) and offering her own fabulous tips and pointers to others would be highly entertaining!
  17. Amen to the online sales issue---this is especially problematic if you're a female, because women tend to buy into that party hostessing/makeup sales BS. Never mind that ALL that party hosting/sales BS is just a Pyramid Scheme/MLM quietly masquerading as a "business opportunity" for so many of these dumb housewives. One month I got 8 different FB invites for these parties and realized I'd had enough and felt vaguely offended---did anyone actually want to hang out with me for *me* or because I'm gullible enough to buy their shit at their stupid parties?! I finally had to post and repost a message on my profile saying in a nice way, "If you're inviting me to a gathering just for the pleasure of my company, then I'll be there, but if you're inviting me out just to sell me your shit, sorry but I'M NOT INTERESTED!!!" The "ignore" feature on FB notifications has been a godsend, btw---I quit getting those annoying invites immediately thanks to that feature. And I quit seeing endless baby/children pics. And the endless humblebragging---I have a sorta friend who loves to share posts mentioning her Mercedes, shares endless selfies and reapearedly discusses how random students mention how "pretty" she is and shares pics of her McMansion, etc...she's about as annoying as the mommy friends who have nothing to discuss but their kids. I worry that these types will be the types to completely go nuts as soon as their kids move out because they obviously have nothing else going on in their own lives.
  18. According to this old Vogue interview((Tinsley was once a big enough society star to regularly garner these types of fluff pieces in print/online and on TV)) she has a BA in Art History: I remember being so in love with her previous apartment in the video above---she was shown moving into it on her previous reality show "High Society." She used to seem so level-headed and put together in these types of interviews so it's weird to see that she's almost morphed into this aging Barbie doll-type fading flower a'la Sonja. They really do have similar backgrounds though, both being glamorous blonde party girls, eternally stuck in their glorious pasts, having being left to fend for themselves in the city after high profile divorces from very wealthy men. And they both have mugshots. I still have some hope for Tinsley though---hopefully she's quit the drugs and gotten herself more together since that embarrassing arrest; I like that she at least "owns it"((tm Lisa Rinna)).
  19. Patricia is 76---obviously she's had some good nips/tucks done, but I think she still looks great! She hides her figure a lot with the caftans but when she does dress in jeans or a cute suit or skirt on her Instagram, she looks very fit. In her book she says she makes a point to stay active by walking, but I'm sure it helps that she's taller and holds her weight better at 5'9. She also had a serious horse riding accident as a child and broke her hip, so she likely gets naturally achey and has to sit for spells. Also, she claims she only has her one martini daily, two drinks if she's entertaining---she refers to a rule that if a lady can't walk down the stairs in heels, she's drunk, and true ladies don't get drunk! Didn't Shep admit last season that he didn't like Landon's bitchy side? Then he did a wine spit-take and practically fled in horror when she squawked at him "Maybe *I* love you!" And then this season he totally called her out on her "no millionaires, only billionaires" quote she supposedly made to his investor buddies. I think as much as he likes her on a superficial level and would enjoy a drunken romp with her, he is sooooo not into her like that---she's totally in his permanent Friend Zone.
  20. The way Patricia haughtily turned up her nose in total bemusement as she sneered "ANNE TAYYYYLORRRR!!!" over that pile of Kathryn's clothes on Whitney's bedroom floor made me an instant fan---one would expect such a horrified reaction from a woman who considers $10-18k Hermes purses to be investments, after all.
  21. Lyle kinda creeps me out. He's like a big clumsy caveman. But then again, Catherine doesn't appear to be much of a prize herself. Which means they're perfect for each other!
  22. Just as disappointed in this premiere as the rest of you all here. This is one shlubby looking cast of boring basics and two try-hard locals((Ashley and Nelson)) desperately amping up their local flavor for the cameras. The only charming thing about this show so far is the glorious city of Savannah, and even its effortless beauty and home porn wasn't given nearly enough justice. Speaking of desperate, every scene with Ashley feels like a bad one woman "Fried Green Tomatoes" stageshow---enough of the "I'm a STEEL MAGNOLIA" grandstanding and the look-at-me random diving and obsession with animal skulls. She's not remotely as fabulous as she obviously believes she is. They're claiming Nelson's not gay?! Now that's hilarious. He must be keeping himself firmly in the closet, right beside his musty old Dolly Parton costumes. Besides, what would the family think? I do agree with Ashley on one thing: the bareassed apeman really needs to get a haircut already. Then again, the other guys on this show have really bad hair as well. Maybe there's a shortage of decent barbers in Savannah since there's obviously a shortage of camera-friendly/charismatic locals willing to appear on this lame show. WTF was with that trashy opening theme song, btw?! After such a cute and swingy opening theme for the original SC, I thought they'd at least opt for something equally retro vampy. That was just trashy and bland. Oh but I'll still watch it, strictly for the only true star of this series so far, which is Savannah.
  23. I believe when she first joined this cast she was a practicing realtor? Her previous home downtown was equally gorgeous((she had a home tour on Bravo's site the second season))---I'm guessing she also comes from family money though, because she's shared her mother's beautiful house on social media as well and has apparently been in T-Rav's "OC" social circle for years. Having a sick baby seems to have really mellowed and humbled her; seems like she's quite genuine and well-liked by the cast, especially now that she's no longer putting up with Kathryn's antics. Amen. I was really looking forward to this in one way because I'm a PT Savannah resident and have some family there---it was a kick to see all the familiar spots and houses around the city. I know I've seen that blonde stylist chick around town at events before. But the cast isn't very naturally likable, attractive or charismatic and soooooo hyper aware of the cameras---just way too focused on being very....extra. And I really didn't need to see gross long-haired Billy Ray Cyrus-looking dude's bare ass either. If that's considered the town hunk, I feel bad for the single young women there; he makes Shep look like Brad Pitt.
  24. As a fellow anti-Kathryn viewer, I couldn't agree more---to me, the absolute worst aspect of her entire character((and there are so many other aspects to choose from, bless her heart)) is her extreme self-centeredness. Seriously, look back at alllllll her other scenes throughout the past 4 seasons: she has never discussed anyone or anything on camera beyond herself or how the situation pertains to herself. It's creepy almost. And it's very telling that she doesn't appear to have any other genuine girlfriends on this show or otherwise; beyond Danni((who likely was persuaded by producers to film with her)) she's turned on almost every other female cast member who showed her any kindness. I always loved that Cameron never once fell for her pathetic attempts at friendship; she's a smart cookie who had that gal's number from day one. And yes, the insanely hoarse screeching on the boat dock while chasing after Thomas, complete with the flying old lady fur and Thomas yelping "Get away from me!" will never stop being funny. She really is fun to hate, at least; this season she seems too stoned to deliver more emotional scenes like that anymore. Speaking of which, my other fave Kuckoo Kathryn scene is her "Hillbilly Femme Fatale" fight with Whitney:
  25. Sober and goofy Shep kinda won me over tonight---we may know him mostly as a drunken womanizer, but he's actually far more entertaining when he's simply hanging out without any booze around and being his charmingly cheerful self. Looks like he's willing to give yoga and other NA activities a whirl and he seemed way more comfortable and natural holding babies and interacting with children than even Whitney and T-Rav. Maybe there's hope for him yet before he turns into a 50-year-old man with no shoelaces! On the flipside, who knew Craig could be such a royal dick?! The way he was talking down to Naomi was beyond rude---I hope the tension between them was just ramped up for the cameras because that was just so embarrassing to watch. When he mentioned how she was "acting like a child" or a teenager, I snorted at the TV, "You mean like how YOU'RE acting right now?!" I've rooted for the guy for a while now, but he totally lost me with his cruelty towards her tonight. Cameron was spot on with her assessment of marriage---if you don't know how to compromise and respectfully communicate with your partner, you have absolutely no business ever attempting to marry your partner. And FINALLY a Patricia-laden episode!!! Such a consummate, considerate and elegant hostess. I just finished reading her book, and it was absolutely fascinating, just filled with all sorts of fun personal andecdotes and tips and recipes. That lady truly is one in a trillion and thus I'll always love Whitney for introducing his fabulous mother to the rest of the world. Also, "Southern Charm Savannah"??? Zzzzzz....what a bunch of lame try-hards, but I'll watch it strictly for the scenery/home porn.
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