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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. I actually enjoyed this episode a lot, probably the most I've enjoyed this show yet---I think it's mainly because Shep was back on his home turf and some of the SC cast was featured. He's a bit more likable and less goofy when he's not such a fish out of water. Too bad this show has dissolved into a Bachelor/Rock of Love-style mess now; just cue the drunk/bitchy chicks having weepy meltdowns, which apparently starts right on schedule next week. I'm glad they're not forcing rose ceremonies or final decisions and there's only 4 or 5 chicks so we actually get to know these poor girls better, but it's still the exact same typical competitive dating show blueprint. I guess I'll hang in there so long as no one mentions "fantasy dates", feeling "like a princess", or "this journey." Also, Payton's not "sassy", she's just a snarky bitch. Ditto the Brazilian chick; the other brunettes may be young, but at least they don't act like bitter hags.
  2. That nitwit would be me: pass the cheese dip and apathy!! I hate football, but love Super Bowl parties for that very reason: good food, great commercials, and gossip. But hey, I'm at least considerate enough to go sit with the other nitwits who are also just there for extra buffalo wings and to get weepy over the Budweiser ads. I gladly stay away from those serious football fan guests---which thankfully means extra nachos and vodka for me.
  3. I'm a random hate watcher. If it happens to be on and I have nothing better to do, I'll leave it on while I scroll online. I sure as shit don't seek it out and can't imagine who still does; I hope it's finally cancelled after all these pointless seasons, ditto "Shahs of Sunset."
  4. Here!Here!! Feeling your pain there---as a fellow lifetime long haired lady, my only slight complaint is that I've always shed like a sheepdog so therefore I constantly find my hair everywhere, nether regions included. No matter how much I comb/wash it, my wavy strands will still randomly fall like leaves from trees. My vacuum is filled with it, my sweaters are covered in it, my chair backs are layered in it...I even had an ex joke to me once that he still found my hair in his car for months after we broke up. On the flipside, I guess if I were ever to go suddenly missing, they could likely follow the trail of my hair. I ain't complaining though---it's nice to have healthy hair that's still long and wild, even despite these messy hair trails.
  5. Yeah, I still enjoy her on RHofBH for her witty banter, real estate porn and fun gatherings, but she's a bit different on this show, and not in a good way. She totally plays up the bitchy boss lady schtick and isn't nearly as mischievous or lighthearted. She comes off as some exploitative plantation owner who only pretends to care about her dimwitted slaves, and not in any remotely deep or caring fashion---they're just mere pawns for her and her Vanderpump empire. When she literally strutted like a peacock into Scheana's goofy masquerade party wearing the biggest and goofiest feathered mask in the place, I had to roll my eyes and shake my head. You know she was literally counting down the minutes until she could race out of that shithole filled with all her grossest, greasiest laborers.
  6. In her *very* slight defense, that's actually a very popular drink blend in Spain---I've tried that Diet Coke/red wine combo myself, and it's absolutely delicious!! https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/1428364 I'd have thought the self-proclaimed worldly and sophisticated Shep would've already known about this international drink, but I guess it was easier to simply use her odd drink preference in a bid to prove her craziness.
  7. Probably because he's stoned most of the time---the dude is a known pothead and it becomes more obvious every season his giggly unkempt ass wakes and bakes on television.
  8. He must photograph really well, because he always looked much better in their earlier pictures together, like a sleek preppy type. I assume he's going through some new agey, crunchy hippie yoga phase because he never used to resemble a dirty hemp farmer. Regardless, between the dismissive language and endless mansplaining coupled with Stassi's tee-hee'ing cutesy bimbo act, he did himself no favors with his onscreen appearance and probably figured he'd get crucified in the online comments. Maybe this was his final FU to Stassi, because that was rather painful to watch and probably looks far more fucked up than either of them realized it would. Hopefully they both stay far away from each other finally after this season. She's an equally awful person though, so we'll see if she can eventually bag a genuinely nice guy whom she won't immediately scare away.
  9. I think he loves her, but I definitely don't think he's IN love with her anymore. The way he talks to her/subtly puts her down and acts mostly ambivalent about their relationship shows me that he's simply bored and likely just keeping her around because it's easier than having to deal with a breakup. And yes, he definitely acted far more into Stassi than he ever has with Brittany. She's just hanging in there with him for obvious reasons.
  10. Seriously, his educated himbo hayseed in the big city act is getting beyond tiring. I really enjoy him overall on SC, but this is a bit more of Shep and his goofy dating hijinks than I can handle...he's coming off sadder and more pathetically hopeless with every new episode. It's easy to see why he doesn't do relationships---he's simply too immature and easily bored and it's easier just to flirt and be the eternal frat boy with any cute dumb gal who falls for his usual bar star schtick. Reminds me of the time Whitney took Shep to that party in LA and Whitney rather astutely noted just how pathetic Shep's game was with the women there. He definitely can't handle competing for the affections of worldly women in the big city...nice to see that the one gal had no intention of moving forward with him and politely declined. Although it was likely just a convenient plot device too, so who really knows. I'm beginning to wonder if Shep has a tiny dick. Lord knows his drunken overnight sexcapades don't seem to paint him out as a great lover, but there's gotta be more to this story beyond just being a shallow goofball playboy from a rich family who simply refuses to settle down, right?
  11. I'd be ready, provided you allow me to whip and hate-fuck you repeatedly.
  12. Stassi's ex Patrick....he is gross. He just looks greasy and smelly with his fuzzy man-bun, he has a nasally voice((how does he have a successful podcast with a grating voice like that?)), and he acts like a totally smug dickhead who gets off on putting down his significant other. THIS is the douche waffle she keeps weeping and whining and pining over repeatedly?! Ugh...a creepy guy in a man-bun who repeatedly calls his woman crazy to her face...yep, what a charmer. Also, buy yourself a thesaurus already, Stassi---acting like a giggly LA bimbo isn't a good look, even if your douchey tool of a toxic boyfriend supposedly enjoys acting intellectually superior to you. Oh Brittany...I wish I could pity her, but I don't. You sleep with that cheating dog you'd better be prepared to dodge his fleas. And Faith is officially even skankier than LaLa. What a thot. Trashy Jax needs to get his sexual addiction checked out already. Dude has a problem. Schwartz the "Schwasted" admittedly makes me chuckle...such a sensitive drunk! He seems genuinely bored and directionless...hopefully he can remotely get his shit together enough to competently run a bar one day. Adriana and her supposed lack of a sex life with Sandoval...that makes me very sad for them. Is she even attracted to him? Maybe she just doesn't have a huge libido.
  13. One of my favorite things about "Southern Charm" is the particular old South wealth displayed with their real estate porn---it ain't gaudy McMansions or sterile condos, but old historic homes filled with elegant furniture and posh antiques. So yes, the minute I saw The Rose's upscale Row home, I was also dying to see more. Wish they had a home tour on the Bravo website! He and his family definitely project that effortless, classic "old money" style in their various home furnishings and otherwise.
  14. Am I the only one who thinks the bar name itself is stupid and sounds awkward? TomTom?! That just is lame...Double T, T&T or T-Squared, sure---TomTom??? Nah...just way too twee and goofy for my liking.
  15. Yikes. That story legitimately annoyed the shit out of me---that girl is either full on the spectrum or just a spoiled moron. I can see how her mom tried her best to retrain her, but this dumbass is willing to risk her life and health because she's simply too stubborn to eat anything else? And this chick is proud of the fact that she has the limited palate and food reasoning skills of a toddler?? Oh hell no...and I'm assuming her trashy ass doesn't ever step foot into fine dining establishments. I once taught a kindergarten student who only ate microwave pizzas for lunch every single day. I worried for her because she was large. Mom said she "would only eat pizza." I was done with mom after that.
  16. Yes! Most successful models-turned-actors are not of the high fashion variety, lest we forget the laughable acting attempts of Cindy Crawford. Those other former models-turned-actors you mentioned, and more specifically Cameron Diaz? She was totally a commercial model, not runway/haute couture---she did a few soda/snack commercials and modeled in catalogues and teen magazines before she got lucky and magically scored her first ever movie role when she auditioned for "The Mask". Her story really is a rare old-fashioned Hollywood success story; you don't see that with many big actors anymore, although most of them still keep trying to convince themselves that they'll be so lucky. I'm sure LaLa has convinced herself of this as well, although I'm also willing to bet she's no stranger to the casting couch; just a hunch. It does break my heart to see how she and the rest of these chucklefucks are so young and yet so addicted to unnecessary cosmetic enhancements. No one needs Botox/fillers in their faces in their 20's and early 30's, I don't care what they say. Casting directors already admit these days to having trouble casting older actresses because so many of them are so desperate to appear young and are so pumped full of Botox that their faces barely move or emote. I'm convinced that LaLa((and maybe some of these other gals)) will definitely have a scary catlady face by the time she hits her 40's.
  17. I think Faith is an opportunist looking for her big break, plain and simple. You think she supposedly dated Max for his looks and stellar personality? Puh-lease...that girl has always been trying to claw her way from the background to the foreground of every scene. Apparently she's just not charismatic or interesting enough to be a cast member, plus she no longer works there anyway, so why have her competing with the likes of ex-SURvers Stassi and Kristen for screentime? You can tell she just pulled the Jax thing out of her ass for her big storyline attempt; I'll bet it kills her that her old buddy LaLa is a regular cast member now and she isn't, so I'm guessing this is her way of amping up the drama so she can benefit as well. Damned shame she's come off so lame with her thirst though, because this show could definitely use some people of color on its regular cast. Speaking of random supporting cast, where's Peter? Haven't seen him around yet. He's got the best of both worlds, if you ask me---loved by Lisa and considered her best worker, loved by the cast but not too immersed in all the crazy cast drama, loved by all the viewers but not a regular cast member/featured name in the opening credits...he's separate enough to be somewhat more anonymous but still known enough to get appearances or fan love regardless.
  18. Ugh...now that truly does burn me up. I consider that to be animal abuse, quite frankly. It's the same as if you had a child and treated him/her the same way. You don't just fatten up pets or kids because you can and because they repeatedly beg for snacks---it's up to you as a pet owner/parent to TEACH your pets/offspring good eating and exercise habits!!! That said, anyone remember how Maury Povich and Jenny Jones used to have those talk show episodes featuring morbidly obese toddlers and young children? Those poor fat kids literally all resembled piglets, no joke. And then the mothers always made me so damned upset because they'd be whining, "Oh but he/she was born this big! Oh he/she just has a big appetite, it can't be helped! I don't want my baby to ever go hungry!" Uh no, bitch--your babies didn't pop out of the womb begging for waffles, chicken fingers and pizza five times a day. Learn how to parent and how to say NO!!!
  19. Indeed. I get so goddamned annoyed by all these stupid "luxury residences" being built all over the heart of my city that start at 400k and above---who in the Hell can afford this shit but upward professionals in the health, legal and entertainment industries?! My husband and I only have our downtown loft because he was fortunate enough to buy it ten years ago before the recession/housing boom when it was still in the pre-building stages. Now we joke that we can't even afford our own place---it's now worth over $200k more than what he paid for it. Sure, we could sell and make bank, but we're city mice who don't want to live in a house and/or on the outskirts of town, so there you go. Total first world problem, but then again, it does irk me too that this is an issue across the country. It's almost criminal the way housing prices have gotten so ridiculous.
  20. Oh my god, I LOATHE that smug little dickbag. Much like his big sister, he thinks he's so much smarter and funnier than he actually is. Can you even imagine how insufferable he's going to be when he grows up and really starts to believe his own hype?! Chip off the old block indeed...although having seen just how thirsty and famewhorey Stassi's parents are, I'm not surprised that they raised such annoyingly deluded children. As for Jax, much like Vikki from RHofOC, I refuse to even imagine the show without him around. I just can't quit either of those disgusting old toads.
  21. Amen to that, @Caseysgirl; it's such a joke that he keeps trying to convince the world that he's genuinely looking for a wife and kids. He shows no sign of settling down anytime soon and "moving to the beach" doesn't prove a damned thing. He obviously enjoys this lifestyle and how it works for him and he seems quite content to string random bimbos along for meaningless flings; when he completely loses his looks is when he'll start to panic. T-Rav was actually right during that dinner party blow-up at him: he really would be nothing without his momma's money. Chicks are willing to put up with his goofy shlub charm when they know he's got all that family wealth and status to match all his "mailbox money."
  22. Oh Brittany *totally* is embracing that pathetically cliched delusion: the good Southern Christian girl who finally makes the LA bad boy change his naughty ways! She's got Jax going to church, meeting her family, working on the farm...she's the one who will finally make him see the light and settle down to be the perfect husband and father he was destined to be! Right. Most girls outgrow that bad boy fantasy eventually. I just hope she realizes what she's gotten herself into: the dude has a sex addiction and is a serial cheater. Nothing but therapy and a penis dysfunction will stop him from dicking around when he gets the chance. I guess the fame and good times in LA are also worth the heartache of putting up with a cad like him. And why does Jax have to move apartments literally every season? Is he that shitty of a renter?! Faith is gross, btw. Just as gross as all those other skanks who have come on this show just to admit on national television that they have slept with various cast members. Every season it's some random skank who either made out with or slept with one of the men on there, usually while in vacation...I cannot fathom how you could go on with your life having proudly admitted/argued to the world that you had a random drunken fling with one of those chucklefucks, but there are some extra thirsty bimbettes around LA, obviously. Speaking of thirsty, interesting that Kristen was barely featured or involved with this episode. It seemed more pathetic than usual seeing her skulk around and desperately attempt to get involved in some sort of onscreen scuffle with Jax and Faith. That being said, I've missed all these losers--the Tom's and their droll women especially. Even the husband-hungry, self-absorbed professional victim Scheana and creepster DJ James were missed. Can't wait to see LaLa skank up the screen soon!
  23. I find Marlo oddly endearing too! Despite the fact that she's got a shady past, a shadier taste for rich old geezers, a scary temper and a scarier flair for gaudy label-whoring, that crazy bitch makes for great television. Anyone who can easily dish back the stank bullshit that NeNe regularly serves up is a hot mess who deserves some quality random screentime in my book. I'm just glad she's a consistent "friend of" because I think my fondness would soon fade if I had to watch her special brand of cray full-time.
  24. I went from being bored by these women to being just generally repulsed by them all. What an unlikable batch of shrews they've become. Kandi side-eyeing/snarking and commenting under her breath during that RIDONKULOUS Porsha/NeNe spat was basically my same reaction throughout this entire episode. Just enjoy all your money and success and get away from these trashy toxic bitches already, Kandi! Speaking of toxic, I cannot stand Porsha's dumb bougie ass. Even though my appreciation for NeNe left long ago, I still side with her over Porsha and her pointless butthurtedness. So NeNe dared express her opinion on live television; so what? She needs to get over her damned self already. Kim is so pathetic in her thirst that I don't even know what else to say about her gross self. Go figure that she hangs out with the other most pathetic cast members left on this show. She was drunk off her ass and beyond desperate to get a reaction from Kenya. Love how her has-been loser husband just swept in out of nowhere to collect her trashy ass---is he her paid valet now?! Team Kenya all the way in that stupid excuse of a fight. I still like Cynthia; she's a bit of a clingy follower type of friend, but I still think it's kind that she stands up for Kenya. Hope she finally finds a decent beau who treats her right and can rock all that beach chic clothing right along with her. I see Marlo is still batshit crazy. Da fuq was she wearing on her head? Carole Radziwill looked stupid enough on RHNYC randomly wearing those same bunny ears a few seasons ago. That look didn't work then and it sure wasn't working for Marlo now. Otherwise...yawn.
  25. This season and the new one of RHOA have been soooooooo boring!!! And honestly, I think it's all because of dumb storylines, bad casting and stupid mean girl shit---like when women team up against each other and refuse to film with certain cast members or don't invite them to shit, it seriously RUINS the natural vibe and rhythm of these shows. And please God, can NOBODY ELSE on this show mention cancer ever again? I'd really appreciate that...it's the deadest horse ever beaten, especially on this particular series. One reason the RHofNYC worked so well is because the women genuinely seem to know how to party and have fun together. They might have stupid spats here and there, but they get over them and seem to not drag the overactive butthurtedness into actual storyline arcs. I hope Shannon gets some kind of hormones or therapy already. I used to cackle a'la Drunk Kelly at her melodramatic outbursts, but now they just make me feel unsettled and worried for her. Maybe now that David is finally gone she can chill out and learn to embrace her fun inner drunk and less of the anxious fat kid. I used to like Lydia but am with everyone else on this: she's annoying and sanctimonious AF. At least she somewhat acknowledged that she acted like an asshole in Iceland. Hope she rides her poor pussywhipped hubby's ball-free self away into the sunset forever. Megan is so boring to me. Oh wait, she's having yet another baby mealticket with her cromagnum husband to complain onscreen about again, oh good for her. Oh Peggy...cue the Vikki snoozing reel...go away. Tamara with her tearless crying/nasty put-downs takes over yet another set of reunions. At least she's "made up" with Vikki---those two crazy hags deserve each other. I actually much prefer them as friends than enemies; she and Shannon and/or Heather as sidekicks never rang true with me, but she and Vikki share the same evil souls, so I'm good if they're good. Vikki, I'll never stop loving to hate you. Or hating to love you. Whatever it is, I wish I could quit you and your ill-fitting clothes. And can we *finally* retire the "I'M DONE!" grand proclamation after every random blowup already? It's either running away crying or throwing shit while invoking that stupid line across the entire reality show universe, but this particular series((ahem, Shannon)) really wallows in that overused line. I'm done, I'm so done!!!
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