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Everything posted by ByaNose

  1. How did Li get Finn, a hospital bed & monitor into the dumpy motel room all by herself?
  2. I thought it was nice that Jack & Phyllis matched the blue picnic basket. I also give major props to Michelle Stanford and later Peter Bergman to continue acting while holding the lid to the basket because it kept wanting to close on them. After, the 2nd attempt I would have screamed out Cut!!! They know the show must go on and there is no time to stop taping in soaps. LOL!!!!
  3. Interestingly, the actor playing Rory is 32 years old, married and with a kid. Tabyana Ali is only 19 or 20. And, here I thought Nicholas Chavez was too old for her. LOL!!!!!
  4. Well, Omar admitted that lie in a confessional. Of course, he said that in front of Lindsay but she was only in jury a day or two and probably didn’t even remember it that far back to even bring it up. Also, Mike was in the Final 3. Unless, Mike brought it up at that final Tribal Council then no one would have known. So if Mike only found out watching it on tv then Omar really kept it on the down low. I think the 29 Day cycle almost helps people out because it’s so rushed and no one has time at Ponderosa to discuss much in between all the drinking and eating. LOL!!!!
  5. Actually, I think Lindsey, Maryanne and Omar were lucky to be still in the game because of Jonathan. If he hadn’t won all those earlier challenges they would have been going to Tribal Council a lot more. I don’t think they would have gotten as far without him. IMO! I’m looking forward in seeing how this all plays out tonight.
  6. I like Laura Wright but watching her as Carly all smug & self righteous as Nina testified had me spitting nails. Obviously, that’s the whole point but it drove me insane. That said, I’ll be back tomorrow and everyday thereafter. LOL!!!!
  7. I know Jenna was headed out for a special story about Fleet Week and airing from USS Bataan but in light of the horrible tragedy in her home state I wonder if that will be held off. Jenna being a former teacher will probably hit hard by it. Such awful news and heartache for all the families involved.
  8. I actually feel bad for Steffy but I wish Liam would leave her the heck alone. You have a wife and children at home Liam that need you. Also, JMW pregnancy has really thrown me off. I read today that she had her third boy and here I thought she was still pregnant, working and getting ready for maternity leave. LOL!!!! She really hides her pregnancy’s well. Even with the hoodie on she barely looks like she is showing. Amazing!
  9. Robert Newman has been looking really good lately. It might be the casual clothes and tight pants but I think he’s settled into the role and slimmed down a bit. I’m curious if he’ll stay past his one year contract or not?! I guess we’ll by the end of summer when there’s talk about prison being in his future. Also, nuSummer isn’t bad but she does seem so more mature than Hunter King was. It’s not a bad thing but she just comes off older. I think she is also much taller, too. It’s been throwing me off with the some of the people in the cast. Once again, it’s not a horrible thing but it’s just something I noticed and will have to used to. Recast are tricky. Usually, it takes me a few months to accept them…..or not. LOL!!!
  10. She’s a babbling rich woman. You’ve done well, Kelly. LOL!!!!!
  11. It also explains how Sheila gets out. That said, how did Li gets Finn’s body from the ambulance to her dumpy apartment? Only, on a soap. That said, I preferred Finn dead because the actor is kind of boring for a soap.
  12. After, hearing said cousin on the phone call I tend to agree he may have been the perpetrator. The twins wanted to cover it up which is sort of odd because no one else would have known about it. Maybe, being so young they thought one of them could get pregnant and needed a story. Also, there wasn’t even any DNA (which was understandable then but now they have helped lots of people in modern times) or direct evidence linking Simmons to any of this. It is interesting that the there wasn’t any police coverup with the records and it seems like the testimony were taken and written as explained to them that night. The twins aren’t changing their story and they will take it to their grave. I think this took place in 1977 and I was only 13 but it really was a lifetime ago.
  13. No one in production or CBS is willing to cave in and ask Doug Davidson back. I think they know there was a lot of backlash from the cast and some fans but figure it’s best not to draw attention to their mistake. Especially, when occasionally Lauralee Bell has been on. Granted the Bell name helps even though no Bells are in charge of Y&R. I thought he would have been brought back by now. Next year they are celebrating 50 years so maybe he’ll come back for a appearance.
  14. I’m assuming Sheila gets out…..I guess. A breakout seems to obvious but I’m not sure how Sheila gets out legally?! I think KB signed a long term-ish contract so I guess Brad Bell has something in mind but after the final scene with Sheila & Brooke something is gonna happen. I was glad to see that circled the wagons around on Thomas knowing what Sheila had done. Now, they just need to hook Thomas up with someone and get the daily view of his pecs. It’s summer, after all. Of course, it’s set in California which doesn’t matter but you get my point. LOL!!!
  15. Watch someone else besides Jonathan or Lindsay win Final 5 immunity. I saw a glimpse of the challenge and I guess anyone could win it because it looks so massive. I’m dying to see how that plays out. Depending on who wins it and if it drives a (certain) storyline we might know in the first 15 minutes. LOL!!!!
  16. That’s when cable was basic and you were exited you had HBO, if you were lucky. LOL!!!! I watched them, too. In fact, I wouldn’t have known about country music without them. I think it was there I fell in love with Faith Hill pre Tim McGraw. I just Googled them and saw this blurb. After their syndicated show was canceled, they returned to host their own show on The Nashville Network where they stayed until it was canceled in 1999 (as part of TNN's overhaul into a more male-oriented general interest channel, which eventually was renamed Spike, which is now known today as Paramount Network).
  17. The editors really hate to show true alliances a lot of the time. It’s funny because Rob Cesternino was confused weeks ago by Drea and her alliances. Here she’d been working with both Omar and Hai but the 3 of them were never shown together at the same time. It wasn’t until each one got voted out did we get the story. Even Rob said that was “the story”. The rise and fall in back to back to back vote offs of the 3 of them. Another thing I learned from his exit interview with Dalton Ross was that he didn’t necessarily have a fun time at Ponderosa and didn’t get a warm reception I’m assuming by Hai & Drea. So everything wasn’t entirely Hunky Dory with everyone. Of course, this is the season we don’t get Ponderosa videos which annoys me to end but I digress.
  18. They’ve pre taped Friday’s for years. I think Hoda likes to bolt after the 7:00 am show on Fridays to get a jump on the weekend. That said, Jenna could still do it live. She only does an hour a day and she lives in NYC but I guess they save money closing up shop early on Friday mornings. Of course, this all pure speculation on my part. LOL!!!!!
  19. A guest host fill in along with it being pre taped is all sorts of wrong. I'm just glad Kelly was able to recover from her bout with COVID to then fly to California where it’s supposedly worst there. I only say this because she loves to portray that she’s locked up in her house 24/7 but she flies all over the place but then has to fake not shaking the guests hands and such. I guess she’s in California (which was already scheduled vacation) seeing her kids or working on some project. And, then you have Ryan doing Idol that he can’t even come in on Mondays to do his primary job. It’s funny because Kelly gave Strahan grief for working a few blocks away in the same city. LOL!!!! Basically this long rant is about 2 people who don’t really care or too busy or don’t need to be doing Live. Just hire 2 new dependable people and let’s move on already.
  20. Days is my least favorite of the four soaps left. It’s just so non traditional for me and some of the acting is really bad. Hopefully, when the possessions are all done with it will go back to a somewhat normal soap less advising from Kristen now and then. LOL!!!! I don’t know how the actors keep a straight face with the devil talk. I watched the in the late 70’s and the 80’s. There was always Stefano but even then it didn’t seem so far fetched. That said, I’m sure their are a million other people who love all this and I am in the minority. I’ll continue watching but will fast forward when needed. LOL!!!
  21. I was trying to come up with a first, middle or last name that a character has/had used but I couldn’t come witching connected to Elizabeth though. Maybe, it’s Terry but why would she torment Biz? Lucky? Unusual name but I doubt he terrorize Elizabeth either. I guess we’ll have to wait till the mediums visit which I actually was kind kind of into. Very Dark Shadows. LOL!!!!
  22. First off, I thought it was great that Elizabeth and the medium coordinate their outfits without either of them knowing who each was and never meeting before. There is coordinating by the wardrobe people but this was way too much. That said, I thought Becky Herbst did a great a great job. It was so sad when she wanted “Franco” to know she was alright and such. It’s a shame she’s never won an Emmy. She’s always on point even with some questionable material she’s been given over the years.
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