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  1. Brianna looks great - I do not think she had any plastic surgery, she just lost weight. If you ever see a pic of her dad you can see a resemblance in their features. Also she looks like herself in High School and on the early seasons. It looks completely natural to me. Selfie facing cameras have a bit of a fisheye lens that can be distorting.
  2. The dress is good in concept, but in real life, I don't see it being a big seller. 1) Where will one buy this? Will it be sold direct from Leanne's web site? What's the price point? Is the only option to buy the entire package and get all the attachments? Or can you chose what components and colors you want? 2) If the plan is to sell this into retail, will each attachment be it's own sku? If so, no retailer will pick up every sku and offer every combination. 3) Once you obtain this dress, how do you store all the attachments? Seems like they would be shoved in a drawer or in a bin in the closet. 4) Even if you buy this and wear it to a couple events, charity, wedding, cocktail party, what have you, it's still the same dress and everyone knows it. You would not really keep going everywhere, being seen in it again and again even with different sleeves. 5) This maybe could be a bridesmaid dress concept, but in that channel I think this has already been done. I really don't like the Leanne character (that is what is is, a character), because she's always so ON, and her level of ON-ness is always up way to high. She reminds me of Puck. It comes across as so phony to me. It's like her TH interview ends and she is like "Scene!"
  3. I doubt she is serious. She's not going to dump him and then go back to being single - she hates being single! She will cling to him like the life raft that he is to her. Seriously - she dumps him, and then who else is she going to meet? She needs to ditch the idea of getting married and just be happy she met someone that wants to be in a relationship with her. I am not clear on why she needs to get married for the third time. I would just keep my house and my assets in my own name if I were her and relax on all the marriage nagging.
  4. I am watching some of the older seasons - Seeing Lynne and Frank and their kids is so crazy. They really had no parenting instincts and did not discipline their kids at all. I don't even mean you have to be a hard ass or a drill sergeant but do something! There was this one scene where they told Alexis to be home at a certain time and she wasn't. So they called her and she was like I am out, not coming home. She named the location where she was, and they just sit there like Oh gee I hope she comes home, I guess we can't get her to listen to us. So they sit there and look confused, text her some more. I would get up, drive down there to where she said she was and get her. They were like Oh hmm what now. What a pair of dum dums! Knowing now what happened to their kids it's really weird to look back at this. Then they got evicted, and Lynne left Frank. I really wonder about the two of them. What a strange couple of people.
  5. That was seriously impressive!
  6. Idk but when the people you hang out with are telling you that you seem sad, depressed, not fun, and negative, I always say that screaming while wildly waving your hands around getting angry and offended while yelling "I'm happy!" "I'm fun!" "How dare you accuse me of being negative!" is for sure the way to set them straight. They will know at once they were wrong about you, and will immediately begin to see you as relaxed, happy, lighthearted, and a person who loves their life.
  7. No it isn't. Plus size is typically 16 or larger. For example your typical Gap, Ann Taylor, Banana Republic, etc, is only going to go up to an 18 for XL. Once a store announces "Now offering Plus sizes" like Loft did recently, the Plus size range will include sizes 16-26. If you are shopping at a department store like Kohl's or Macy's, the "Misses" department will go up to 16 or 18 for the largest size and the "Women's" department will start at 16 and go up from there. There is nowhere you will find that will include a 10 in the plus size department. A size 10 is misses. I agree Emily looks great, she is proportioned, tight (not jiggly), she has no cellulite, and looks great in her bathing suits. However, if I were her, I would want to loose a few pounds. But who knows, maybe when she is thinner her face is not as pretty. Maybe she knows what she is doing. Without knowing her height it's hard to guess but I would guess she wears a 10, or 8 in the high end vanity size labels, and buys a L. Vicki, OTOH, shoves herself into a 6 and that is why her skirts and dresses have those unattractive horizontal stretch and pull lines across the front, like her reunion dress.
  8. This cannot be true at all. When Slade first started on the show, he said that Jo was 12 years his junior. She is 39 now, born in 1979. If you google Slade's age is says he was born in 1973? No way. If you google Jo and Slade on the first season it says she was 24 and he was 36. When it filmed was 2005. He's get to be 50!
  9. This is a recurring thing that goes on with Shannon. She's just so high strung and thin skinned, she gets mad and angry when she is not seen the way she perceives herself. She thinks the way to handle these instances is to get mad a at the person and scold them, yelling at them about the way she should be perceived, and shrieking about the kind of person she really is. This is a typical Shannon interaction, I will use the example with Meghan King Edmunds. Megan has an interaction with Shannon, where she comes to the conclusion that Shannon does not want to support a charity. Megan says out loud something to the effect of Shannon not wanted to support charities. This is incongruent with Shannon's perception of herself. 1) Normal reaction - Oh wow, really? I am surprised you think that because I support lots of Charities. Followed by reflection and self analysis why she was coming off this way, take steps to not come across this way in the future. Repair the misconception, show with actions and tone a kinder more generous person. 2) Shannon reaction - becomes angry and defensive, completely offended and angry that someone would misunderstand her so greatly. Incredulous how this person dare characterize her in such a grossly inappropriate way, swelling, almost violent anger. Scolds the person for thinking this way and having the audacity to accuse such a thing. Expects an apology. Huffs off angrily. As for her marriage, her hubby could not win with her. I have said it before and I will say it again Shannon is just not fun. She is not easy to be with. At best she is a droopy Eeyore, at worse she is a shrill screaming shrew. Her hubs may be a jerk, but he left her because she was terrible and no fun. I bet his new GF is like "Thank you for the birthday dinner! I am just happy for us to be together, I don't care where it is." Also her idea of being funny, her funny high pitched voice in her camera TH's, "I'm going to have LOTS of fun in Jamaica! Jamaica won't know what HIT IT!" is so tired and played out. A Melissa McCarhy character called, she asked that you stop talking like this. Also - I see that the Bravo blogs are up. Kelly Dodd mentioned something interesting about Shannon's meltdown and the producers deserving more respect.
  10. Jawow looks to me like the kind of guy that will eventually marry a woman like Brooke and then cheat on her with many Kaseys. Hannah is so funny how she keeps putting Conrad down, making fun of him, snidely calling him "a 23 year old" and "sweetheart" but then wanting to still go on vacation with him. I hope he sticks to his guns and says no. What kind of vacation can they have? Arguing constantly? Smoking and talking about their relationship? Wow sounds fun. They way she is talking about him is not how you would talk about someone you like and want to spend time with, She is coming off as desperate! Hannah: So glad Conrad and I broke up! I didn't want him anyway, some 23 year old that can't even treat me the right way. I've had so many better quality men treat me properly! Oh, there's Conrad. let me see if I can beg him to still go on vacation with me.
  11. Which Newport are you talking about? Gina was referring to Newport Beach, CA, which is where Shannon lives. Heather Dubrow also lived there, and at one time Alexis Bellino lived there too. I was also curious to know more an bout what Gina did not like about it. I thought Newport Beach was more desirable than Coto (where Gina lives now), since Coto is so far inland. There is no Newport in Long Island. The East Coast Newport is in Rhode Island. Re: Vicki - her face looks so bad. I see these women as a huge lesson in what not to do to your face. I mean we all hate aging and getting wrinkles, sagging jowls, etc, but when I see some of these ladies it's a big warning to not mess with my face too much. I don't know what exactly Vicky did but she looks puffy, distorted, doughy and pasty. I can't really put my finger on it but it does not look good. The NY housewives are all around her age or older, and they do not look this way. Ramona, Luanne, and Jill Zarin do not have this overdone look. In the scene last week when they were in Mexico when it was just Vicki and Shannon talking after the tequila tasting, Vicki's face was so poofy. Maybe also because she had been drinking, tired, and maybe retaining water? Re Gina - the filming we are seeing up to this point was before the divorce announcement, but that phonecall was pretty telling. Also I noticed her husband is not in the background of her opening credit, only her kids. And in Vicki's background its only Steve and Michael, Brianna and her family are not in it. I guess Brianna did not sign on this year.
  12. This was some straight up Dangerous-Liasons BS she was doing. I think Kasey knows it though and has hr number. I am not convinced Hannah is a gold-digger per se, but I do think she wants a guy who will fawn all over her. She already got annoyed with Conrad once because he had a different opinion than her about Jawow and did not indulge her in smack talking about him ad nauseam. Then she did not like that he was giving her the girl-buddy treatment asking her to pay him back for the cigs. She would have preferred he was like "don't worry about it, my treat to you". But he wasn't. This is really what set her off. I also caught a bit of dialogue at the tip meeting, she almost left her money on the table then came back for it, Conrad jokingly said "I'll have some of that" and she replied back "It's the other way around honey". Like as if to say I should be taking some of your money, I thought that was a little odd. Also at the club after they had their first breakup talk, she went back in to get him to see him dancing and having fun. She made a comment like she would have expected to find him sad and unable to have fun after the emotional toll of their argument (lol). He wasn't. In general, she seems lot a LOT, like a big drain. She is not fun, cannot be lighthearted and happy, she's a downer. She needs too much drama and too much fawning. I wonder what happened with her and that rich-guy charter guest from last season, Jason. I guess she did not land him?
  13. It depends on how they are, was it amicable or not, what were the circumstances. If your guy friend did something awful to the woman friend, would you really still feel the same about him? I think it's actually worse that Kelly dislikes Michael so much. Because she sees him as this despicable character that wronged her and no one should go near. I think couples who are more like "things didn't work out but I wish him no harm", it goes a lot different.
  14. All of that is fine, so then Vicki is their friend, not Kelly's, and then should just "own it", to use a trademark Housewives phrase, and say sorry Kelly I am really better friends with them. No. Saying I hope he dates is not the same as saying I hope he meets someone via my friend and my friend can double with him and his new GF. Yikes! And did Vicki set them up, did she not... Vicki can spin this however she wants. But when someone askes them how did you two meet, the answer is we met courtesy of Vicki Gunvalson... IDK.
  15. Vicki is the worst. Sorry - I am totally with Kelly on this one! What a horrible friend to do something like this. So we understand that the following happened: 1) Vicki had a party where Michael was invited (?) 2) Kelly was NOT invited 3) Vicki invites single women friends that can potentially meet Michael 4) One of Vicki's friends clicks with Michael and they start dating *** RED FLAG NUMBER ONE*** all of this has taken place and Kelly does not know, was not given a heads up from Vicki. Here is where things get even worse: 6) Vicki and her guy Steve go on double dates with Michael and the new GF. **RED FLAG NUMBER TWO** This is HORRIBLE. I do not care what Kelly said about hoping he moves on, hoping he gets a new GF, hating him for years, not wanting at all to stay married to him, trying to divorce him already once prior, it does not matter, you DO NOT do that when a friend gets divorced. You do not stay friends and buddy up with her ex. No, no, no, just no. If a friend of mine did that to me when I got divorced, I would not be friends with them anymore. This happened to Tamra, when she divorced Simpn Jeana was chummy with him. Tamra didn't like it either. It is just NOT OK in any stretch of imagination. It's a sign of a shitty friend, and a woman who in general is NOT kind to other women. For Vicki to be indignant and yelling "Stop it just stop it" in her scolding fishwife way to Kelly was gross. Vicki is just a lousy person. When you get divorced, you find out quickly who your real friends are. Kelly - Vicki is not one of them.
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