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Everything posted by Lambie

  1. It's a Golden Girls reference. I think Frankie is channeling Bea Arthur talking about/to Betty White.
  2. I get 2 episodes once a week on Channel 21 in New York. I looked up where I was in the storyline, and yup, 2005. What?! Many years ago BBCAmerica used to show the omnibus on Sundays. My husband and I got sucked into it and we sat there on Sunday afternoons watching over 4 hours of Eastenders. BBCA was only a few weeks behind the real broadcast so when I had to go over to London for work for a few weeks we were in our glory because we knew what was going on. I see that you can watch the 4 weekly episodes on line on BBC but there's a big ole jump from 2005 to now. I read the episode descriptions and I didn't recognize anyone's name. Those were fun days keeping up on a British soap. I wish BBCA would do it again.
  3. I think Ali's doctor is at the Cleveland Clinic. Didn't Leah say once it was a 6-hour drive? I remember being impressed that all the grandparents made it to Ali's appointment where she got the definitive diagnosis. I love that the editors hate Janelle as much as we do. They played that sappy song during the Nathan/Janelle reunion with him screaming 2 seconds later, "I'm free, bitches!!!!!!" Then a few minutes later Nathan is citing The Notebook as the model of their love story. Hee! Janelle is truly dead inside. I'd love to know more about her upbringing. Barb gets a good edit because she's raising Jace but I wonder how involved she was as a parent with Janelle other than shrieking all the time. Is Kail selling candles on the side? When Issaac was playing I thought I saw a huge display of wax tarts in the background. She could probably do okay with that, lots of military wives around, a little tv notoriety. Hopefully she'll go back to dental assisting though.
  4. I feel bad for BrandonandTheresa. You know they'll try to leverage this to get more visits with Carly.
  5. I feel bad for her and then I just can't. She didn't get the wedding (didn't she even buy the dress?) so now she's pregnant again? What a mess. She would have been so much better off with a clean break and maybe she would have gotten a new life going.
  6. I think he has bicep and pec implants too. He's lost weight in the last 2 weeks and he looks out of proportion. His triceps aren't as developed as they were when he first went into the house but his biceps are still round and big. I happened to see the episode of Botched with the human Ken doll recently and his weirdly proportioned body reminded me of what Caleb is starting to look like. I think Frankie has had pec implants too. His chest is so tight and hard looking. It's interesting to have a season where the men's plastic surgery procedures far outweigh the women's.
  7. Amber has threatened a few times today that the guys better not vote her out because her daddy is watching. This is why we can't have nice things, like strong women who can stand up for themselves or ones who aren't catty and take each other down. Is she 12? I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt by assuming she was trying to appeal to them on a human level, for the guys running the house to think of their sister or mom or daughter and that she's someone's daughter too. I know that's reaching though. I get that Amber had a shit season being strapped to beastmodecowboy but come on, girl. Show them that you're the fighter you came here to be.
  8. I am hating this season so much. I'm giving it one more episode. Was the green screen footage so obvious last season? It's awful. The writing is worse though. Can they make evil mustache-twirling overly ambitious FBI guy more one dimensional? At least Liev and Jon Voight can sell the shit dialogue they're given but Paula (and she's been amazing in everything else) and the kids are doing bad theater. And what the hell is up with Ray abusing Abby. It's disturbing and I'm not on board.
  9. Kacy's run was absolutely epic and I'm so thrilled a woman conquered a finals course but I don't think she would have made it through St. Louis. The rumbling dice was insurmountable for some of the strongest male athletes. Kacy is what, 90 lbs? She could never have moved 35 lbs of dead weight plus gravity across the obstacle and the done the grip hang obstacle right after. I think she got lucky with the pole obstacle because it was a break for her hands and arms. I hope Michele gets a wild card to LV. She killed the first half of the course. We have one more woman who made it to finals? Looking forward to seeing her.
  10. Absolutely. I wondered if the final specs were off from what was tested because it's crazy that only 3 people out of a field of amazing athletes got past it. Usually I think it's the body prop that thins out the field at that stage. Not a lot of excitement for the viewers and spectators once it was evident that, after awhile, they were all just going as hard as they could to get the best time knowing they probably wouldn't make it past cannonball alley. Kevin Bull was awesome. The best thing was he wasn't showboating when he did that, he just did what he had to do and it was spectacular. His fellow competitors' reactions were so fun to watch! I love how supportive they are of each other and Kevin was definitely a class act by thanking the vets. So rooting for him at Mt Midoriyama!
  11. Brittany is a liar. I'm so sad she's not going home this week. Her "I've always been a superhero" speech because she was a teen mom won no sympathy from me. She is crying poor and is worried her rent isn't paid but 15 minutes before said she uses Latisse for her eyelashes. That's $100 bucks a month! She's a lying liar who lies and who desperately craves attention as the hot mom. I hope people in the house are putting it all together with her.
  12. I thought Brandy was beautiful. When she first came out I thought maybe she had gained weight and was using older pictures of herself. She had some real sadness in her eyes though. She lit up when Jeff told her she was pretty. I think that was probably the last thing she expected. They seem like a nice couple, I hope it works out for them. If nothing else, she got herself into therapy (a Catfish first?) and seemed genuinely happy on the follow-up phone call. The bromance is just too adorable with Max and Nev. I liked that Max got the important job though.
  13. Wow, these girls are going to have unhappy lives. Ariana was a mega bitch in her episode but her ex totally outshone her in the reunion. Dr Drew, as always, did a bang-up job hosting. He should have had the kid thrown off the stage as soon as he threw the dollar bills. That was vile and beyond disrespectful. That kid was high as hell and could barely form a sentence. I didn't know she didn't put his name on the birth certificate. He, as ridiculous as he is, has every right to ask for a paternity test if he truly wants shared custody or visitation. Of course, that will mean regular child support, which will surely impact his ability to buy $500 sneakers. The rest of them blend in together: the girl who laughed off her boyfriend (husband?) cheating on her in their home, the homeless ones who have a lot of help now but she barely keeps in touch with the woman from the episode (?), I can't remember the rest. It was a parade of depressing stories and bleak futures. I suppose there will be a second part to this?
  14. I can't believe anyone gave these assholes any money. I hope they lose the business although what's one more bankruptcy to the Brown clan? Maybe that *is* their financial aid plan for the kids. I wonder how many really smart, potentially life-improving ideas are scrapped every day because the inventor/originators can't get funding. How many interesting movies and shows don't get made because they can't get the funds together? And these morons seriously expected a 2.5 million handout to sell their "fashion forward" shit. I like Janelle and her weight loss story has been interesting but I think she needs some medical advice if she's been stalled so long. She could be insulin-resistant, she's got that apple-shaped body that seems to be indicative of it. I have a friend who works out harder than anyone I know and eats a clean, non-processed diet. She's seeing an endocrinologist and it's helping because she was stuck for over a year at the same weight. Janelle could be in the same boat. I did like Logan rock climbing with her though. It's ice to see them spend time together on a non-Kody-centric activity.
  15. I loved when Solana whispered "we're going to die" while waiting for Elijah to come upstairs. I think that every single time they do the reveal.
  16. I expected something horrible to happen the way Morello was driving. She was practically in the back seat with Rosa during her Toy Story recap. I kept expecting them to drive into a semi whenever she finally put her eyes back on the road. Eh, I guess it's irony that someone did get killed and Rosa had her eyes laser-beam focused on what was going on. Did they know they had a 3rd season when they wrote it? That ending could have been a series finale for me.
  17. I get that Brent is a legend and he should have done better but even he admitted he had a bad year last year too. He's obviously a great coach -- his Gf was the first female to complete the qualifier and his protégée had the fastest time of the night. He may have to make the choice between training a new group of elites or focusing on his own success. What happened to his Alpha Warrior franchise? He and Kasey still wear shirts but the website hasn't been updated in forever.
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