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Everything posted by absnow54

  1. Tom is another long shot candidate. Logan told him he wouldn't forget when Tom was willing to be the fall guy for the Cruise controversy. Maybe he'll split his shares between Greg and Tom. I'm far more interested in the reading of the will than I am in the funeral. He did name Rhea as his successor at one point...
  2. I don't think she was upset that Tom was grieving. I think Shiv wants to hate Tom, because they're estranged and she feels betrayed by him from last season's finale. She doesn't want for him to be kind or reasonable or a comforting presence during a vulnerable time, because she doesn't want to let her guard down and allow him the chance to pull one over her again. I thought the face she made when Tom said it was a "tough day" was more of a childish "how dare he be reasonable when I'm obviously lashing out" type of reaction, because she's conflicted about their relationship and testing him. Tom was doing everything right in this situation, and it bothered her because she wanted him to mess up so she could convince herself that she didn't need him. And then, by the end of the episode, she walked into his embrace and then went home with him because she realized she needed his support. Kendall and Greg were kind of close until Greg realized Kendall was a total train wreck, and Kendall dicked him over with that watch.
  3. Just wait until Marcia comes back from Europe and tells her to eff off.
  4. I thought it was an interesting juxtaposition that highlighted that Connor is the only Roy child who wasn't living for his father's approval. The other three were carefully tightrope walking around the narrative of what their actions would do and how it would effect the company.
  5. I'd group Haley Joel Osment with Elijah Wood and Daniel Radcliffe (and maybe even Josh Hutcherson) as actors who had major success at a young age, and then shifted into quirky, dark comedies.
  6. I think I'm most excited for the reading of the will, so we can see how Logan dicked over his kids one last time. I mean, I don't think anyone would be surprised if they were disinherited, but what is the most spiteful move for distributing his shares?
  7. This is a really good point, but in Tom's absence, I think Frank would have acted as the liaison. Although, if Frank were the one to make the call, I would have believed Logan was dead in the first minute of the episode. Tom was the right choice from a narrative perspective, because he has such unclear motives, I don't trust a word from his mouth until I see the body being carted off the plane.
  8. Agreed. Roman was given the task of "giving her the heads up" that her firing was coming, but it wasn't a done deal. That was my impression too. Seriously, they should create a special category for this episode, so no one else has to compete with it. I'm going to have the theme song in my head for weeks after they sweep the drama category off this episode.
  9. absnow54

    The Star Wars Saga

    Rey just needs to wait 15 years, and a few animated series to flesh out her character, maybe she'll one day receive Hayden Christensen's hero's welcome back to the franchise.
  10. absnow54

    The Star Wars Saga

    I just saw the announcement, and so many Star Wars projects have been canceled, that my feeling is: I'll believe it when I see it. Still, I think this is the first time one of the projects has had an actor attached, so maybe it might actually come to fruition this time!
  11. Except they would be fighting over who got to kick and bully the battle droids.
  12. I feel like this episode was a fevered dream Stefan pitch from SNL. This episode has everything! Jack Black, Lizzo, forbidden interspecies romances invaded by privateers, kicking robots, space croquet, Doc Brown as a Count Dooku cultist... I was kind of surprised that Mando just let Lizzo babysit Grogu all episode. That planet was weird as hell.
  13. Brian Cox seemed so legitimately baffled by the remark that I wonder if it was an adlib.
  14. Kerry's wrath doesn't have any actual bite though. Her power hinges on her influence over Logan, and since Logan was the one who made the call, and Greg is only doing the bidding, there's really nothing she can do besides hurl insults and empty threats. Logan, on the other hand, could legitimately end Greg if he wanted to. Greg went to the Tom Wamsgans School of the Fall Guy will Eventually be Rewarded (...maybe)
  15. absnow54

    Disney Films

    Agreed, but Auli'i is in the unique position where she hasn't quite aged out of the Moana role, so I would take it! Moana had a great cast.
  16. I'm actually surprised they didn't adapt Kirigan's mad scientist Vladim(?) to be involved in the creation of jurda parem, since we actually saw him synthesizing amplifiers all season.
  17. Roman hasn't had his chance to be properly betrayed yet. Kendall had his dance with the devil in seasons 1 and 2, and Shiv took her turn in seasons 2 and 3. Logan has never taken Roman seriously, but I think he's starting to recognize his potential, so has convinced himself he's the new "chosen one." But Logan has impossible expectations, and Roman will eventually fail to meet them, and will get tossed out too. Logan's biggest mistake when it comes to Roman, though, is that he's planning on cutting Geri out, and he probably won't be able to hold Roman's loyalty without her. I'm wondering if Kendall thinks he's being a young Logan. Mattson is trying to intimidate them from fighting a deal, and Logan has typically been the one to get the last word in negotiations. Now Kendall is trying to step in to do the same.
  18. This actually is book material. It was just a clunky transition from the Shadow and Bone trilogy into the Six of Crow duology, because we see all the effort that Alina, a living saint, went through to attain so much power, and then they immediately they went "Psych! Have you considered drugs?"
  19. And Din will wear his helmet based on Pedro Pascal's filming availability.
  20. The random cuts to him planning the wedding were hilarious. I'm guessing this season will end with their wedding. No, this was the midseason finale. I actually don't mind the balance they've struck with Sid's wife. When we see her, she's likeable enough, and their relationship seems worth the effort, for now. I think they hitched Sid so that he wouldn't be an obvious love interest right away. However, I don't think they should pair him with Sophie, if anything they should pair him with Valentina. They had great chemistry in a few episodes last season.
  21. I wondered this about Tom as well, because giving Shiv the "heads up" about him and Naomi meeting was totally unnecessary. I think he was trying to tank the Pierce deal for his own gain, either because he thought it was a bad investment and couldn't say that to Logan's face, or he was worried it'd dilute the importance of ATN in the Waystar portfolio, and therefore his role in the company.
  22. I thought it was interesting to see Logan's ennui, as cutting out his kids means he's only surrounded by sycophants who have too much on the line to ever challenge him. I liked the contrast of him asking someone in the room to tell a joke, while across the country, the Roy siblings were as crass as ever in their humorous digs at one another. He misses his little morons.
  23. Yes, I figured there was a conflict with filming. Although they could have slicked his hair back and put him in a lot of hats for Enola Holmes, but COVID protocols probably made working on overlapping projects difficult.
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