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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. 10 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Dud Sam quit her job because she wanted to leave while on top?  Or was it depressing to realize where she might be in 3 years?

    Or she always sabotages any success she might have?

    10 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Also, I didn’t think it was funny for Sam to raid the supply closet as she was walking out the door. 

    That was a highlight of the episode for me.  I loved that she was just doing it, with no explanation.

    • Love 4
  2. 9 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

    I personally thought that was it but it sure seemed like a convoluted way to get revenge on him!

    I assume her scar came from Grindle, but now that I think about it, when would have inflicted it--after she provided psychological services?  Surely not before.  So maybe not.

    Also @Schweedie, you didn't mention her getting all the money among your possible motives. 

  3. 2 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

    Maybe Alex has to have a pro do her hair & make-up, and she did her own for today's show 😟.

    This is the third episode I've noticed the "messy" hairdo, although today it looked slightly less messy than the previous two.  But still not that sleek look she had a while back, that looked so good.  As @Fostersmom described it, unbrushed and just too much.  Unbrushed isn't the same as deliberately messy.

    2 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

    The Kitchen wasn’t on here in Houston today.  Some quirky woman named Mary doing a French cooking show and now blasted Beat Bobby Flay.

    Are you sure you're not an hour off?  The Kitchen was on at 10:00 Central for me (usual time), and quirky Mary making steak frites (as @annzeepark914 saw) and then Bobby Flay were on after that. 

    I can't watch that Mary.  She bugs me in general, and the moving camera drives me insane.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    Do we know that she is a nurse? I know she used to work in hospice and she is identified now as a "healthcare project manager," which could mean all sorts of things but doesn't sound like a direct care-giving, bedside role.

    She said she was stepping in as nurse and safety officer in the toilet-seat-up conversation.  And when Katina told her to let Steve speak when she jumped up, I thought, "You don't want to get between a nurse and her germ discussion.  They're passionate."

    • Love 3
  5. On 2/19/2022 at 1:27 PM, dubbel zout said:

    Adele kind of hogged things, but she's so exuberant I can't hold it against her. It wasn't intentional.

    I think Helen Mirren "deserves" the pole position more than Adele does, but do think Adele was better at it.  And I loved her genuine reaction when she said she always knows her dates and Graham pointed out that she doesn't know her Vegas dates.

    • Love 5
  6. 2 hours ago, ByTor said:

    None of the conversations hinted at him freelancing or being self-employed, rather he specifically said that he was not working, was unemployed, etc. and his family referred to him as a "vagabond."

    I'm with you, except on the After Show, in starting the discussion with Steve, Keisha said to him, "Self-employed and unemployed are two very different things."  That's when he did the air quotes thing with "currently employed."  Why did she say "self-employed"? 

    But then she asked about whether he has savings, which would presumably be important to a person who is unemployed; none of the employed people are asked about whether they have savings.

    And Steve isn't helping by not saying (or being shown saying, producers) outright, "I have a job and bring home money every month.  It's just that I do it on a freelance basis instead of as somebody's employee."

    I'm kind of liking your theory about him taking consulting gigs after filming, but before the After Party was filmed.  Maybe that's why Keisha was thinking in terms of self-employed, when it doesn't appear from the episodes that he's performing work.

    I get it--I did what Steve did for years.  I'd work for a while, then I'd quit and fool around for a while, and then get a job again.  BUT I was never responsible for anyone but myself, and never even intertwined financially with anyone else.  That's not the situation Steve is in. 

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  7. 20 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

    I agree but I don't think Steve owes US that information.

    Oh, I do.

    20 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

    I hope he is breaking it down to her though.

    If he is, it's obviously not persuading her, which makes me want even more to know what he's got that he thinks is "enough." 

    But also, how can it be that Mark has gone his entire life without eating a taco? 

    • Love 3
  8. 53 minutes ago, Intuition said:

    It's not just that he doesn't handle conversations and disagreements the way she does, he just doesn't want to handle them at all.  He wants to avoid confrontation and people not liking him. 

    Has he said he avoids confrontation because he doesn't want people not to like him?  I honestly don't remember, and ask because I avoid confrontation because I don't like confrontation, especially in public.  And I generally don't feel the need to have a confrontation at all because I don't care if people like me or not.  Not because I'm scared people won't like me.


    I think Lindsey deserves to be able to say something in response to Katina's snide faces and I think he should have supported her on that.

    I couldn't disagree more. 

    In a perfect world, Katina wouldn't make faces (and neither would Lindsey at Alyssa during the honeymoon).  But if Katina is going to make faces, the recipient of the faces has a choice:  respond or ignore.  Lindsey votes respond, Mark votes ignore.  But it's not just "respond" because Lindsey absolutely knows it won't stop at a response, and will turn into a fight. 

    I'd be really pissed if my partner knew how much I didn't like public fighting, and chose to have one anyway, especially over something I see as inconsequential--an acquaintance rolling her eyes at me.  Who. Cares.

    13 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

    I don't think it's that complicated but I will say he's not the best at laying it all out there in terms of information.

    Or the show is purposely not laying it all out there.  Just show me his most recent bank or brokerage statements and income tax returns for the last three years.  In no conception of any universe would I (or should any other person) accept "Trust me."

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  9. On 8/25/2021 at 8:18 PM, peacheslatour said:

    I remember her telling Ward she needed the car for something or other.

    They actually showed her pulling into the driveway in the episode about Ward putting up the basketball hoop.  It seemed to me she came in kind of hot, so maybe she's doesn't drive all that often.  😀


    There were times when she couldn't function at all.   Just about every time the kids did something stupid at school, the principal would call and want to talk to Ward. Not June, Ward.  I guess June was only good for house cleanin', cookin', and baby makin'.

    I just watched the episode about Pancho the chihuahua.  Mrs. Rayburn calls Ward at the office.  When Ward got home, June admitted that Mrs. Rayburn had called the house first, but June thought Ward would be better able to handle it because Mr. Rayburn used to be one of her teachers and she still makes her nervous. 

    Also, as for the location, in the episode where Wally goes on a date with the girl who sells tickets at the movie theater, she says her parents live in California.  June has misgivings about the girl, and Ward opines that it's because she's from California.  So I don't think Mayfield is in California.  Or she's a self-hating Californian.

    BTW, I loved June's backbone in the episode where Beaver gave Ward's suits to the school's clothing drive.  At the dinner table, Ward is talking about who needs to go to school to straighten it out--he's too busy, Beaver would be embarrassed, and Wally's a nonstarter, "So I guess whole thing sort of falls on you, dear." 

    June pushes back:  "I think we'll have a small recount here."  "Who put the suits where they were?"  Ward admits, "I did."  "Who forgot to tell anyone they were for the cleaners?"  Ward says, "Well, I guess I did...but I put a note in the pocket."   "And furthermore, who told Beaver to take the clothes that were in the hall?"  Ward:  "I guess I did."  June:  "Well then logically, who should get the suits back?"  Ward (sheepishly):  "Me."

    It was shot brilliantly, showing Beaver's head going back and forth like at a  tennis match.  When they finish, Beaver says, "Boy, mom, that was neat."  And Wally says, "Yeah, just like Perry Mason."  And a satisfied June asks Ward, "Wouldn't care to poll the jury, would you?"

    I like June, and I like Ward. 

    • Love 4
  10. 2 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    From 2015 to 2019 the median household income was 71k. So that's at least 2 people.

    I love demographics.  And for the sake of accuracy, I'll point out that a "household" can have just one person.  In fact, single-person households are the second most prevalent type in the U.S., after two-person households. 

    As for the show, what I find funny is that Lindsey is calling out Katina for rolling her eyes when she was talking, when on the honeymoon, it was Alyssa calling out Lindsey for making faces as she was talking, and I don't remember Lindsey saying, "You know, Alyssa?  You have a point.  Making faces while you're talking is immature and rude."

    And I'm on Mark's side.  So what if Lindsey doesn't like to sweep things under the rug?  She and Katina don't share a rug, or at least a rug that actually matters.  So what if Katina thinks Lindsey's an ass?  Why does Lindsey need to address that in public, and moreover, why does Mark need to address it on Lindsey's behalf?  (ETA: Especially because it's not going to be Mark saying, "You really hurt Lindsey's feelings," at least if Lindsey has any say in the matter.  Instead, it's going to be, "Rolling your eyes is rude and immature and you need to stop it."  I'm not sure anybody should be issuing that edict, but if it has to be someone, it should be Lindsey and not Mark--she's the one who has the problem with  it.)

    Then again, I'm not one to pick fights, and I couldn't last 10 seconds with a partner who picks fights.  All of this just makes me issue my usual lament:  "What is wrong with people?"

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  11. 8 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    I heard the number 65k being thrown around for Mark.

    For the record, in her bathroom rant, Lindsey said he makes "60 thousand" selling gym memberships.  I remember him being described as managing a gym earlier in the season (I noticed this because from the chest up he looks like a gym rat, but oof, that belly).

    And a tidbit from the after show:  Chris said he did exactly the same thing Steve did--he got laid off by an education company (which makes me remember that his friends call him "Professor") and used his severance to drive around New England and Canada for two months, sleeping in the back of his Explorer.

    There have been comments here speculating that Steve is doing freelance work, but on the aftershow, he made it clear he's not currently working.  He even asked why the title of "currently employed" (he used air quotes) is so important--he says he has "enough to take care of us."  I'd be real interested in knowing what he considers "enough."  Although I'm not sure Noi would ever be comfortable without actual cash money flowing in every month, preferably from an actual job.

    I have a friend who is terrified of dogs, and whenever she encounters one, you can see it on her face.  And I swear I see the same look on Noi's face when they talk about Steve not having a job.  What's funny is that one of his friends said his company is always hiring sales engineers, no doubt as a way to illustrate Steve's employability, but Noi's take was the opposite--she couldn't understand why he doesn't have one of those jobs right now.

    Also, Chris articulated what I'd said about Alyssa--that yes, she was trying, but she wasn't trying at the right thing, i.e., the marriage.  I noticed something similar with Lindsey.  At the bowling alley, Mark was telling her that it was awkward when she started provoking Katina because she knew how Katina would react, and she asked who he was there for, and he said he was there for her but that when she does stuff like this when they're together, it makes him uncomfortable.  She continued to defend her actions, saying she can't just brush stuff under the rug, and Mark said that they are a team, and if she can't get that, it's not gonna work.

    She immediately jumped into "I'm being a team for you in all your chaos."  How she took a day off work and put on a hazmat suit to clean out his apartment.  All of which is true, but it has zero to do with what was at issue right then--Mark saying that her picking a fight with Katina makes him uncomfortable.

    If you asked Alyssa if she was trying, she would honestly say, "Yes."  And if you asked Lindsey if she was being a team player with Mark, she would honestly say, "Yes."  And they'd both be wrong because they're ignoring the specifics.

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  12. 29 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

    I really would like those women with the fake hair to be able to keep their hands off of it. If it needs that much constant attention, either lose the extensions or wash them or sit on your hands.

    Serious question:  They pat their extensions because they're dirty?

  13. I wish we'd incorporate the after-party discussion into the regular thread.  What gets said there is actually really important to the main episode.  Although considering what got said at this after party, it's probably best that it has a lower viewership than the main episode.

    Anyway, I'm happy about the discussion about having sex 2-1/2 times.  It never occurred to me it was anything other than Lindsey masturbating and encouraging Mark to join in, and was shocked that she was doing that so quickly into a brand new relationship.  And that he was talking about it.  I figured I was just an old lady clutching her pearls, but maybe not.


    • LOL 3
  14. On 2/21/2022 at 2:46 AM, Cheezwiz said:

    I felt for Joel, because it's really tough when a good work buddy leaves. It's almost like having a friend move to a different city.

    That's how I felt when I realized there was only one episode left.  These people I love hanging out with are going away.

    • Love 6
  15. On 2/12/2022 at 11:00 PM, Irlandesa said:

    That said, I was happy to see him whip out olive oil and sea salt to top the whipped cream.

    I'm just gonna say it.  I don't like olive oil.  I even went to an olive oil store once, where you could taste them, and I didn't like a single one of them.  I'll eat it when it's in a saucer and you dip bread in it, but it always tastes rancid to me.  But I like bread so much I'll do it.

    I wonder if it's something like how I've heard that cilantro tastes like soap to some people.  But in that case, there are enough of them that it's a known thing.  I've never found anybody else who doesn't like olive oil.  Or maybe they're just ashamed to admit it.

  16. 29 minutes ago, Kira53 said:

    Smoke does not happen indoors with a hot drink.  Pot is more likely.  ...

    Maybe a diffuser as someone suggested but they don’t put out smoke.

    "Smoke" was just one description of what it looked like.  I called it wisps.  I think what it was was vapor, which does happen indoors with hot drinks, and with diffusers.

    I don't know anybody who smokes pot or nicotine as a cigarette--they all vape.  But what we saw was definitely not vaping.  I'm the one who suspected a hot drink, but I think that was because I've never seen a diffuser before; now that I know what they look like, I'm going with that.


    I think Olajuwon feels insecure around Katina. She is sexy and outgoing and he probably think she dates good-looking professional men. He has a muscular body, but he's pretty humble and leads a humble life.

    But to me, that's at odds with his being such a player.  Round heelers don't typically read as humble to me, and in fact probably the opposite.  But maybe he feels playerly confident only around a certain class of women.  Yikes.

    One thing I've noticed about Katina that I can't not notice now is her way of mispronouncing words to end in "in."  Like "husbind" instead of "husband," or "apartmint" instead of "apartment." 

    1 hour ago, Intuition said:

    It's a fine line between wanting to "help" someone and treating them like they need a keeper and are not able to manage their own lives.

    What stood out to me was when he was getting upset when talking to Cal, Lindsey said, "You want water?"  I can see offering someone a kleenex if they're snotting up the place, but surely this grown man knows if he wants water or not.  And he didn't. 

    And why was he needing to divest himself of his possessions right then?  This was not the time to be deciding whether to keep the family plates.  Why didn't he just get a storage space or use a friend's garage instead of putting his stuff in Lindsey's tiny apartment?  More practical, plus he could put off the keep or toss decisions that must have seemed like a lot when added to getting married and evicted in the course of a few days.

    • Love 11
  17. 13 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Same here. None of them seem to be doing well financially.   They are living like new college graduates with their first job!

    I was really surprised at their living conditions. One and two roommates each!

    Not Olajuwon, who people here were thinking is a garbage man.  He's talking about Katina moving in there, so I assume he doesn't have roommates.  I'm guessing he didn't have to shell out to wine and dine all the women he was having sex with, and could put the savings toward a house.

    However, I don't think you can judge everything on their residences.  As pointed out above, Lindsey appears to live in an expensive area and therefore has an apartment that is much smaller than she could afford if she lived somewhere else.  Plus, she seems to travel a lot, and apparently chooses to put her money toward that instead of a bigger living space.

    All that said, I think the marital apartments are kind of soulless, but there was one overhead shot that showed them being right on the water.  I doubt it's in the middle of all the exciting stuff for young people, but I thought it looked pretty attractive.

    19 minutes ago, Kira53 said:

    I didn’t see the ashtray or the smoke.

    There was no ashtray--just wisps of something.  At first I thought it was smoke, but then decided it was probably a hot drink.  (She does have a husky smoker-type voice, though.) 

    But maybe both she and Mark are smokers.  I shake my head at the matches the "experts" make, but putting a nonsmoker and a smoker together would be insane even by those low standards. 

    • Love 7
  18. 11 hours ago, Pine said:
    15 hours ago, Grizzly said:

    Berkshire, England. It almost sounds like Richard is pronouncing it "Barkshire". I wonder which is proper.


    I assumed it was correct because I watch Top Gear, and notice lots of pronunciations like this; I think the first one was "Derbyshire," which comes out Darbyshure.

    Whenever I'm in a new place, I watch the local TV news, and especially the weather, to find out how place names are pronounced.

    15 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

    I've noticed on HHI episodes is they spend a lot of time on couples discussing "how we met." 

    I've wondered if that's because the places not in the U.S. can be a lot smaller, so there's not as much to show, and they need content.  Whatever...I don't like it.

    • Love 4
  19. 11 hours ago, Kiddvideo said:

    How much money would you sacrifice to avoid going on market?

    Or is this just more artificial drama?

    I've always wondered about pocket listings, and this episode prompted me to look into them.  Turns out they're exploding.

    Here's an article from the New York Times that explains it pretty well, and the comments provide more insight.  (Yes, I actually suggest reading the comments to a news story.  I never thought I'd do that.)  As you'd expect, greed (the agent keeps the entire commission) and racism (telling buyers who would fit in the best in the neighborhood about the listing) are implicated.


    But further muddying the waters:  Personally, I'd be tempted to buy a pocket listing in particular if it meant there aren't pictures of the interior of my house on the internet for all eternity, at the click of a mouse.  Even if it's a staged version of what I'm living in now, I still find it incredibly intrusive.

    Obviously people on HH don't have that issue, but at least it's their choice to put that out there for all eternity, at the click of a mouse.  I like the olden days, when if people wanted to see what my house looked like on the inside, they had to wait for it to go up for sale and pick up a flyer, or take the initiative to peep in the windows.

    3 hours ago, Rootbeer said:

    My uncle was a coal miner in PA, not far from Pittsburgh and built a house in the 70's with a full bath including shower off the garage and next to the laundry just for that purpose.

    That's a good idea.  What I don't understand is having just a sink (and toilet) to deal with a coal miner's dirt.  I assume it isn't usually all over his body, but if you have the plumbing there anyway, put in a shower so he doesn't have to "wash up" in one place and put on different clothes just to have to take a shower in another part of the house.

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  20. 9 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    Maybe there was bad blood between [Chris] and the roommate over the roommate suddenly not having someone to share the rent with them. 

    I assume the show pays for the apartments the couples move into, and that they continue to pay their rent on their own places. 

    4 hours ago, princelina said:

    I thought he said the roommate moved out and left the cat behind?

    I can see inferring that, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't said, because I was confused as to why this roommate's cat was an issue at all.  If he'd said the roommate moved out, I wouldn't have been confused; I would have inferred the roommate left the cat. 

    44 minutes ago, Nancybeth said:

    (Oh my god am I getting a crush on Mark??)

    Probably just pity.

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