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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. On 2/15/2022 at 1:11 AM, Cheezwiz said:

    I like hanging with these people

    Me too!  When Sam and Joel are riding around in the car talking about who knows what (the dialogue in this show is magnificent), I so badly want to be there with them.  I want to drop by Joel's garage when he's exercising. 

    I was actually put off by the preview and its focus on the choir, but I decided to give it a shot and I'm really glad I did.  Except it makes me sad because I can't actually hang around Sam and Joel.

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  2. 19 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    What's to object to re: Chris's personality? Is he somehow offensive? IDTS. Does he run down any others? IDTS. Has he shown anything but equanimity towards Alyssa? No, not even a slammed door. 

    I like the way he was asking her specific questions in order to try to get real answers out of her.  It was like a cross examination, which I think is an effective tool but I can see people bristling, especially when they've been told the person doing the cross examination can be condescending.

    Something else about Alyssa is that she keeps saying she's trying.  She reminds me of Lance Armstrong. 

    Most of us think she should be "trying" to be in the marriage, but what she's actually trying to do is figure out a way to continue to participate in the show.  So in her mind she really is trying, and gets pissed off when it's implied or said outright she's not.  Because she's trying.  She's just not acknowledging in her mind what she should be trying at.

    Lance Armstrong did the same thing.  He knew everybody was cheating, so his cheating wasn't really cheating, because everybody was doing it.  And since he wasn't cheating, in his mind he could deny he was doping, since doping is what was cheating and he wasn't cheating.

    So in his mind, Armstrong wasn't doping.  And in Alyssa's mind, she's trying.  Delusions all around.

    16 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    It never even passed my mind to judge Noi or anyone for not knowing how to swim. I don't even know if anyone I'm around on a regular basis can swim. Who cares? 

    If you were on a boat and people were jumping in the water, or if you were on the beach and people were going in the water, you'd find out.  Would you judge a non-swimmer for it?  Maybe not consciously, but it could very easily set him apart from the rest of the group.

    On 2/11/2022 at 1:49 PM, becauseIsaidso said:

    When I was an undergrad in the 70s, many colleges and universities across the US required their students to be able to swim/float before they could graduate, which was, to me, growing up on the US East coast, a sensible life skill.

    MIT still requires a swim test, or taking two semesters of beginning swim classes.  Cornell still requires a swim test; in its rationale it says, "Drowning is the 5th leading cause of unintentional death in the United States overall and the 2nd leading cause of unitentional [sic] death in children. The CDC reports 10 people/day die from drowning."  It goes on to say they're trying to break the cycle of parents who don't know how to swim not encouraging their kids to learn how to swim. 

    Cornell was the first college in the country (other than West Point and Annapolis) to require a swim test and in fact instituted it because "a soldier who cannot swim is so much dead timber in the command."  The test for women was instituted because it was an important part of a well-rounded education for a young woman.

    14 hours ago, Katie111 said:

    I think Alyssa thought she was being cast for Real World or Big Brother. 

    Ha!  Mr. Outlier said that if they kick Alyssa off the show, that will leave seven strangers, picked to live in an apartment complex and have their lives taped...

    8 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

    I think Shark is banging the landlord in exchange for free rent.

    I don't know if it was on the regular episode or the after-show, but Lindsey said the landlord is a mother figure to Mark.  I hope he's not banging her.

    8 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

     Whats up with the bedbugs?  Is he not clean?

    Bedbugs can happen in even the nicest places.  Like lice--even rich kids can get lice.

    I'm learning all sorts of stuff today.  An article about the bedbug invasion in New York City about 10 years ago noted the assumption that infestation is confined to poor neighborhoods with dirty and crowded living spaces.  But actually, the infestation started with wealthy and middle income people traveling internationally and bringing them home in their luggage, and then it spread to stores and theaters and to poorer neighborhoods, where it's a real problem because they can't afford the treatments.

    So the poorer neighborhoods aren't more likely to get infestations, but they're more likely to suffer more profoundly if they do get them.  In other words, the usual.

    6 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

    About Ojawan’s job at Waste Management, that company sponsored a big golf tournament in Phoenix, Arizona today.  They showed what they do.  They recycle plastic bottles and make different things out of it, like clothes and useful everyday stuff.  Interesting.

    The show labels his job as wastewater treatment, not the company Waste Management (which handles solid waste--trash).  There seems to be a lot of confusion about this--I guess most people don't ever think about wastewater.  That's too bad, because it's fascinating--they're tracking Covid outbreaks by examining wastewater, and the existence of fatbergs should make everybody stop flushing wipes down the toilet.

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  3. 9 hours ago, OFDgal said:

    I was just venting because it aggravates me that they couldn't find apartments in Boston instead of Greater Boston.  Maybe because I live in the Dorchester section of Boston.  Or maybe because I'm a Virgo and am picky. Lol

    The show needs to rent five apartments with at least two bedrooms each in the same complex simultaneously.  I don't know about Boston's vacancy rates, but that would be a challenge in a lot of cities.

    19 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    And all that sunburn! I'm afraid I'm developing melanoma just looking at it. Haven't these people heard of sunscreen???

    With what looks to be 150% relative humidity and gale force winds, any sunscreen could have slid off or eroded away.

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  4. 3 hours ago, gingerandcloves said:

    The honeymoons were end of July-Aug 1.

    Was it Olajuwon who was saying the reason Alyssa wasn't going back to Boston was that it was 60 degrees there, and 90 in Puerto Rico?  Sixty degrees in July sounds delightful, and far far better than that dinner with all the shiny greasy faces and frizzed hair. 

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  5. 18 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    Swimming is an activity. I don't know why anyone would be shocked because someone hasn't learned an activity. It's very easy to not learn something you have no interest in. 

    Swimming is a life skill.  And to judge from what I've experienced every time I've been even within earshot of a pool, there are no children who aren't interested in swimming.  They love that shit.

    18 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    There is also a possible fear attached swimming  (drowning) that keeps people away from it.

    It keeps adults away.  That's why everybody should learn to swim when they're little.  You don't have to keep doing it for the rest of your life, but it can literally save your life and it's one less thing to mark you as an "other" in social situations.

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  6. 7 hours ago, glitterpussy said:

    How do these people reach adulthood without knowing how to swim?

    It's particularly common in the Black community, in no small part because of history--lack of access to pools because they were prohibited from swimming in them because of segregation, or the areas they lived in didn't have the infrastructure investment in pools.

    My favorite nonprofit gives free swimming lessons to kids in underserved areas.  I love it because it's the LAST thing a parent with limited means is going to pay for for their kids, and no person has ever been better off not being able to swim, so the kids get 100% of the benefit of my donations. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, Milburn Stone said:

    I'm not even sure that background is real. Half the time I wonder whether it's digitally created and then green-screened. The pendulum-like action is too smooth.

    I don't think getting a smooth camera movement would be an issue. 

    I've noticed that the host looks straight into the camera the entire time, and wonder if they're standing on a lazy susan that's tethered to the camera.  That seems crazy, but it's the only way that would work, right?

    That said, I was looking at the edges of Alicia Malone's sleeves on a purple dress, and it looked a little "unnatural," like green screens can do.  I had Mr. Outlier look at it, and he said if you watch the pillow on the couch as the image moves, you can tell it's not a 2D background.  But it might be some sort of fancy 3D graphics thing that they're using.

    Whatever they're doing, it's a lot of effort for something that's annoying. 

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  8. On 2/6/2022 at 12:18 PM, sugarbaker design said:

    I wish Almodovar and Cruz got a chance to speak more about Parallel Mothers, it was one of my favorite movies of 2021.

    I generally have no problem whatsoever with spoilers, and in fact sometimes seek them out because I don't like suspense, but I was shocked at what they laid out as far as the plot.  Just like I was in the movie when I figured it out. 

  9. On 2/2/2022 at 12:59 PM, Chaos Theory said:

    With Hutch this whole thing started because a couple of idiots robbed his house and on his way home after not killing them he ran into some other idiots one if which was the brother of a Russian psychopath who was a close representative of who he used to be.     I like that motivation.  

    I do too, now that you articulated it for me.  Thank you!

  10. 24 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    Graham said he was going to turn off the video, at least of Penelope so she wouldn't have to be "on" all the time, but that didn't seem to last too long.

    I gathered that she was there to help translate for Almodovar if he wasn't understanding what people were saying. 

    24 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    I think they video guests should be on for a specific time and then bid adieu. It makes it easier for everyone, IMO.

    A big part of the magic of this show is the flow, and even talking over one another a little.  It's kind of okay if the Graham and the video guest are talking, or if one of the guests is talking to the video guest, but when everybody's chatting, like they do so effortlessly on this show, the video guest just doesn't work at all.

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  11. 6 hours ago, Rinaldo said:

    I've speculated (without really knowing) that it's a film not in their own library, and somewhere in the pipeline some employee sent the wrong format.

    I don't know anything about TCM's film library, or even how movies actually show up anywhere, but here's a data point:  In the case of In the Mood For Love, the version TCM showed on TV a couple of nights ago was not letterboxed, but the one available that same day as streaming on TCM's website was letterboxed.  The one available for streaming on HBO Max's website on the same day was letterboxed, as well. 

    I guess they have more than one "copy" in their library?

  12. On 2/8/2022 at 11:04 AM, Mondrianyone said:

    In a good way, I'm assuming? I stopped recording it, so I think I missed a show that might've been worth watching.

    It depends on whether you approve of Jeff's antics or not.  He was in full flower, including throwing a football.

    Katie's use of canned enchilada sauce to make enchiladas bugged me.  Maybe because I don't have a "favorite" because I've never tried any of them.  I tried canned menudo once and that was enough to make me insist on "freshly made" when it comes to any Mexican food.

    But we got to see GZ served a dish with canned enchilada sauce, not by Sunny.  That kind of made the show worth watching.  I don't recall if they showed him actually tasting it.

  13. Even better was when Nicole Lecky was using her Spanish on Penelope Cruz, asking her to be her best friend ("mejor amiga"), and Graham asked what she said, adding that all he heard was "whore." 

    I'm kind of resigned to having guests on video sometimes, but it just doesn't work when they're trying to be part of the panel. 

    I think I saw McAvoy's lips starting to turn red when he was telling one of his stories.  Nothing like what was in the photo from when he was young (yikes!) of course.  What a strange affliction.


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  14. 12 hours ago, AntFTW said:

    The ruthlessness doesn't surprise me at all. George was willing to spend the extra money to build a new railroad right beside an existing railroad as opposed to buying the existing railroad just to make a point.

    It was more than that--it was laying groundwork.  He said because of this incident, when he's negotiating with people in the future, they'll know that his counter-offer is the last one he's going to give, and they'd better take it. 

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  15. Okay, I bitched about this a couple of years ago, and I know that TCM Imports doesn't have a lot of traction here, but dang.  Alicia Malone introduced a movie by Wong Kar-wai, and referred to him as "Kar Wai."  "Wong" is his surname. 

    They shouldn't get that wrong. 

    Also, while I'm complaining, I can't stand the moving camera in the new intros.  I keep waiting to see where it's going to stop and go back the other direction.  Is it an "I'm old" thing to be comfortable just being talked to by someone standing there?  I'm glad they're not interjecting jump cuts or other nonsense, but it's still annoying.

    Oh, and they didn't letterbox the Wong Kar-wai movie she introduced, even though the one you can stream is letterboxed.  And I know it wasn't just my TV doing some thinking of its own because the WKW movie after this one was letterboxed.


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  16. On 2/4/2022 at 10:59 AM, LittleIggy said:

    The shower consists of a shower head and a drain in the floor right underneath. No curtain, no enclosure at all.

    Is it designed so the other fixtures don't get wet?  On HHI you see "wet baths" in places like Thailand(?) where the whole bathroom is the shower.

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  17. 7 hours ago, DawnDavenport said:

    pretending to study for the bar exam using a 2006 BarBri book?

    That's hilarious.  Never mind why (because Farrah), but where would you even buy that, especially in apparently mint condition?   And then she goes all Rick Perry and dons glasses.

    I'm actually kind of speechless.

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  18. Well, I watched both new episodes.  The pillow-talk one was zzzzz even though it was the episode with Jade's surgery and mom taking off with the Percocet.  I very much missed Father Cheyenne.  But I have to hand it to Cate, sitting there eating take-out french fries and macaroni and cheese on camera. 

    The one with them running through the obstacle course was eye-opening.  You assume they're getting plastic surgery instead of actually exercising, and this proves it. 

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  19. 2 hours ago, rhofmovalley said:

    There's a reason why there are bars on all the windows.

    And non-decorative iron(?) fences around the fronts of all the houses.  It was a really dispiriting area. 

    I also noticed that there were used tires in the yard next door.

    Also, that covered carport?  Was it a trellis, with stuff growing on it?  It didn't look impermeable, which means her furry car is going to get wet even parked under there.  And what does she do if she needs to go to work when it's raining?  Really, even in Southern California, having a car you can't take out in the rain seems like a not great idea.

    ETA:  When the episode ended, I was trying to remember what her current place looked like, but then realized they never showed it.  I'd really like to see it.

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  20. 17 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

    He told me he would rather be broke than work for his asshole boss destroyed his health.  He would be happier being broke.

    That's fine, but Steve wants to be married right now, and wants to have kids.  When he was single, taking off on a driving trip to Florida because he didn't have to work to make ends meet was possible, and maybe even a good idea.  If it didn't work out, he'd be the only one affected.

    But if he wants to have kids, he really should choose not being broke over being broke, even if it makes him less "happy."  He doesn't have to be a wage slave, but he needs to think about the future, both immediate and long-term, more than Single Childless Steve has to.

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