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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. On 4/11/2022 at 8:48 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

    I thought you had to plug in the RV for power and have a septic tube for the shower and toilet.  

    RVs don't have to be hooked up to anything--they have batteries for power, and holding tanks for fresh water and waste water.  There's actually a term for staying in them without power or water.  Or, actually, two terms:  "boondocking" or "dry camping."  (The difference between them is the subject of great debate among RVers, but both involve not being hooked up to any utilities.)

    Batteries have to be recharged when they get low, and holding tanks have to be emptied when they get full, but depending on the RV, it's possible to boondock for long periods of time. 

    On 4/11/2022 at 11:36 PM, ChiMama said:

    I believe at one point he even called that shit box on wheels a “luxury” RV 

    Even worse--he called it a "luxury motorcoach."  On no planet is a cabover Class C like his a "motorcoach" at all, and even when his was new, it wasn't luxury. 

    The man is as delusional about his camper as he is about his relationships.

    However, I will say that if he's planning to travel to national parks, he's got a good unit to do it in because he can fit in pretty much any RV site that's out there, and with everybody and his brother buying an RV during the pandemic, campgrounds are full to bursting so having a small camper is a real benefit.  I would give him credit for making a good choice, but I'm thinking what he has is all he could afford.

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  2. 15 hours ago, configdotsys said:

    Long Island has insane property taxes. Centereach may have some $400k homes, but they'd probably be 1200 square feet

    I guess that explains why a $2400/month apartment has an air conditioner unit that is installed in a hole in the middle of the wall.  And a circuit breaker box is the first thing you see when you come up the stairs.

    15 hours ago, configdotsys said:

    She should have stayed with her mother. That's a lot of money going out every month needlessly when they had a place to live.

    It was only in passing, but I think I heard Lawrence say that the new place is an hour less of a commute.  That may or may not make up for having to pay rent, but I would definitely factor it into the decision.

    19 hours ago, configdotsys said:

    Boy, Emersyn looked like a totally different person in the TH as she did when putting together the hospital bag. Make up does do wonders. 

    Yet no amount of makeup can fix that crooked mouth of hers, which makes everything she says look like it's being sneered.

    19 hours ago, configdotsys said:

    Is Aden ever nice to Jenna?

    Apparently he used to be nice if "nice" means giving her presents--she has photo evidence of that.  And apparently he doesn't do that any more, even on mother's day.  Unless she bawls in the car over it.  

    I don't like the guy, but one of their issues appears to be that Jenna has the baby sleeping with her, and isn't budging on that.  Aden does construction work and has to get up really early in the morning, and I can see not wanting to have the baby sleeping with him.  I think Jenna cares more about her crunchy mom self-designation than she cares about Aden, and that will cause problems.

    As for his stoned affect, I think in the beginning he was actually tired from work, but I think it's become more of his "look" for the show, partly because he doesn't like the cameras and partly because he doesn't like Jenna, and particularly doesn't like talking to Jenna on camera about his shortcomings.

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  3. I've never seen Ninotchka before, and watched it this afternoon. 

    Restaurant owner:  What'll it be?

    Ninotchka:  Raw beets and carrots.

    Restaurant owner:  Madame, this is a restaurant, not a meadow.

    Meadow!  I laughed out loud sitting here all by myself. 

    Usually when I'm called on to tell a joke, I say, "Horse walks into a bar.  Bartender says, 'Why the long face?'"  Because it's short, and easy to remember.  But I may work on the one about coffee without cream if the situation can handle a little longer joke.

    And I'm thinking that for Halloween, you could just wear street clothes, and that hat.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Milburn Stone said:

    I'm perversely interested in seeing these.

    You were warned.

    I'm old school and do everything on websites, so this may or may not help you.  But on the TCM website, the episode I saw is on there after I click WATCH NOW, and under that click WATCH MOVIES.  I'm able to log in using my DirecTV account and watch it.  That one is called "Doris Day Today" from 1975.

  5. 1 minute ago, amarante said:

    That is solely because that is where they are out of the way because placing them any place other than there would mean they would be obstructing the relatively narrow aisle.

    Sure, if that's the only place it'll fit.  But it looked like the trash cans in the episode could have been elsewhere in these bathrooms, and closer to where someone would be who's throwing away cotton balls and kleenexes and whatnot.

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  6. On 4/4/2022 at 1:34 PM, Hedgehog2022 said:

    slow down mom...you'll get your screaming grandbabies in a few years.

    Or maybe you won't.  It's his life.

    14 hours ago, Grizzly said:

    but how do you have company with that shared driveway? Where do your guests park?

    I've noticed the same sort of "shared driveway" in new construction in cities, although in those cases, it's usually townhouses that are all smooshed together and not houses spread apart like in this episode, but it's the same issue.  Maybe they can park on the street at the entrance to the driveway?

    I've wondered about this for houses that are on streets that are all traffic lanes with no parking.  You can get a couple of cars in the driveway, but once that's full, where does a visitor park?  Maybe they just deal with having to park around the corner on a side street?

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  7. 1 minute ago, Charlie Baker said:

    The evening was hosted by Dave Karger and Phillip Brown, who was the child actor who played one of DD's sons in the sitcom.

    All I saw was Brown saying that one day the director pushed his head up against a wall and Doris either saw it, or saw the immediate aftermath and the kid told her what happened, and Doris went away and a little bit later it was announced that they'd be getting a different director.  You go, Doris.

    I apparently saw some of the second variety show.  It had John Denver, Rich Little, and Tim Conway, and I've never been able to stand Tim Conway for some reason.  So I didn't even watch the Tim Conway parts and it was still awful, and I'm pretty forgiving of the 70s.

    59 minutes ago, Rinaldo said:

    When her husband died in 1968, she discovered that he and her lawyer had embezzled from her, and that moreover she'd been committed to a TV series and some specials, without her knowledge.

    I remember my mother telling me about this, for some reason I can't fathom.  I also remember her talking about an actress who was really too sick to be working and had to kind of be propped up to do her scenes and then go lie down and be sick, and am thinking that was part of this Doris Day conversation, too.

    And Doris's son Terry Melcher had some involvement with the Manson family, and had been living in the Cielo Drive house before Polanski and Tate moved in. 

    I guess that's why I remember the conversation with my mother--pretty hot stuff for the Doris Day I knew of.

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  8. On 4/2/2022 at 11:29 AM, Charlie Baker said:

    Tomorrow is Doris Day's centennial. TCM is showing some expected titles during the day, but has also slated some of her latter-career TV work, not widely seen these days, in the evening.

    And judging from what I saw of it, should remain not widely seen.  Did anybody else give this a shot?

  9. On 4/2/2022 at 3:49 PM, Faceplant said:

    **I never even thought I had time to be sexually assaulted but a serial predator doesn’t stop.

    This one's interesting because I've noticed that she does the "I don't have time for..." thing all the time.  Like if she's beefing with somebody, she says, "I don't have time for this."  Or pretty much anything that annoys her--instead of explaining anything, she just says, "I don't have time for this."

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  10. This episode just served to remind me what women do to themselves. It kind of breaks my heart to see a powerful woman like Lori gushing over how great those socks make her feel when wearing those high heel shoes.  At least it's a show where she's sitting down and doesn't actually have to walk in them.  But I compare her to chrome dome over there sitting in his comfortable suit and flat shoes.

    And with a guest shark who apparently made her fortune in girdles shapewear.  For women. 

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  11. 16 hours ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

    Also, just so you know I caught your snark about the NY Post...

    I think it's always better to judge an event on the actual event rather than someone's version of it.  And if you are going to judge it on another's version of it, consideration of the source is not trivial.

    1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

    I get that Jada has been very fortunate in life, but long hair has been forever associated with femininity, and we're used to seeing bald men. Many women actually find the look really sexy. 

    The bald men women find sexy are usually completely bald, and many of those men aren't really completely bald--they shave their heads, usually due to a receding hairline or the crown-of-the-head bald spot.  They're disguising the hair loss, which is the equivalent of a woman wearing a wig.  And men have been mocked for wearing wigs and toupees forever, while women typically aren't. 

    I really don't think that women typically find Larry David-type baldness attractive. 

    And not to go too far afield, but I have a friend with alopecia, and she shaves her head.  She's white, with dark hair, and when it's not freshly shaved, you can see the extent of the hair loss--she has only a few little tufts of dark hair scattered around on her head.  It really does look awful, and the only way to deal with it is to shave it off.  No amount of styling is going to fix that mess. 

    But I was seeing pictures of Jada and wondering where the baldness is, knowing what my friend's is like, and found a photo and video from the end of last year where she's showing her bald spot.  I'll just say I don't think it would make a compelling poster for a campaign about the heartbreak of alopecia. 


    2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    I was puzzled by that remark because his hair still looks mostly grey to me. What is he doing, just adding a few dark streaks? 

    Sounds like it's more than that.  He said if he didn't color it, it would be completely white and look terrible on TV and make him look older than he is, which is already considered too old to be on TV.  Or maybe when he says "white" he means the gray we can sort of see, and it really is just some dark streaks.  

    Regardless, I've never been a fan of his hair.  It's always looks like nicotine-stained hair to me.  Men just can't seem to get color right.  At least he's not Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sumner Redstone red, but don't these millionaires have access to the best colorists on the planet?  I'll never understand it.  If you're going to bother to get it dyed, get it dyed well. 

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  12. 4 hours ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

    "Dr." Maher couldn't have given a more inaccurate description of alopecia as a common thing that goes along with the aging process...WRONG! It's an immune disorder, asshole. It has nothing to do with growing old.

    I did watch the show, so my perspective may be different from one gleaned from a New York Post story.  But it seemed to me that he was talking about losing one's hair for whatever reason, and alopecia is no different from male pattern baldness when it comes to deleterious health effects--there are none.  So, as @After7Only just said, it's a vanity thing, and it's no more serious (my word) than any other reason women choose to wear wigs, including many women in that audience that night.  Many of whom I'm sure were spanxed up to their necks.  Because, as he and Laura Coates said, we have to do the things we have to do to be where we are, including Bill Maher coloring his hair.

    I did love the guffaw when Laura Coates said, "I don't know.  I woke up like this." 

    29 minutes ago, After7Only said:

    If you asked today I think the number would be a lot less once people really thought on it and how crazy it was.

    Why does it need to be "crazy"?  I'm troubled that hitting another person for something they said would ever be considered acceptable by anyone.   

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  13. On 3/30/2022 at 11:40 PM, Hedgehog2022 said:

    unless she goes to the same online law school Kim Kardashian went to.

    I'm kind of embarrassed to know this but Kim Kardashian isn't going to any sort of law school, in person or online.  California doesn't require a law degree to take the California bar exam and allows people to do sort of an apprenticeship program instead.  That's what Kim's doing.

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  14. On 3/31/2022 at 7:35 AM, cardigirl said:

    And if he was selling gym memberships, which happens at the gym, I don't understand how he can eat the way he does. Surely the fitness industry might have encouraged him to try more than flour-based food and meat. 

    I've said before that I think he has a terrible non-aspirational body for someone selling gym membership, and selling supplements as a side hustle.  Customer:  "I don't want to look like you."

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  15. On 3/30/2022 at 8:28 PM, Katie111 said:

    In the clip where O and Katina were talking about how they made up the night before, O appears to have the large new tattoo on his neck.  He’s wearing a turtleneck type sweatshirt (I think to try to hide it) but when he turns to kiss Katima you can see it.  Weird! 

    No, not weird.  Deceptive. 

    This clearly was recorded nowhere near the time of the fight, and yet the show is happy for us to think it was.  And really, that's insulting to the viewers because it's so obvious.  And sure, this is just some dumb reality TV show, but it's no wonder people have trouble discerning fact from fiction in far more important areas, just because of shit like this, where we know what we're seeing with our eyes but we're told it's something else.

    At least with the conversation between Noi and Michael, they weren't manufacturing situations after the fact.  I've wondered why they continue to record people while they're eating, because viewers can see how the liquid levels in glasses are inconsistent with the timeline of the conversation they're portraying.  My only conclusion is that the producers think the viewers are idiots and don't notice, or are idiots because they don't care they're being played.  Regardless of why, they think we're idiots, and I'm insulted.

    Also, speaking of the Noi and Michael conversation, I watched it a couple of times, and noticed how much of the "conversation" was Noi talking in a TH with visuals of the two of them at the table.  Or showing each's reaction shot when the other is talking, instead of seeing them saying those words.  And then during the big dum dum DUM moment, where Michael asks her, "So what are you going to do," and she answers, "That's where I'm at right now, Michael," that whole scene had a goblet that was empty with just ice in it, but when Noi says, "That's where I'm at right now, Michael," that goblet was about 1/3 full with a light orange liquid.  So that conversation did NOT go that way.

    But at least in that case they're using existing footage for their editing and possible frankenbiting.  At least they have to work at it a little.  But having Olajuwon and Katina making up a whole scene well after the fact in a way that is presented as if it's contemporaneous?  That's a bridge too far for me, especially because it's obvious the show doesn't even care.

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  16. 21 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

    I don’t know. I was just spitballing there. Maybe he enlisted at 18, spent 20 years there, and has a young face.🤷🏼‍♀️

    I'd easily put him at 40, and assumed he did his 20 years in the military and retired.

    In the opening, they showed the woman and the microwave in the pantry, and Jesse closing the door on her.  But I swear that wasn't in the actual episode.  Do they do that routinely?  I often skip the opening because I assume it's all in the episode. 

    Also, I never saw a refrigerator in the kitchen.  Did anybody notice where it was?

    15 hours ago, kirklandia said:

    The owner has lost the key?

    That was so weird.  Losing the key is one thing (and as you said, easily remedied), but the way Jesse lunged when she went to open the door.  If it's locked, it just won't open, right?  Why the alarm?

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  17. 11 hours ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

    they're the teenagers and Jade is the parent

    And she's doing abut as good a job as her parent as it looks like Christy did for her.

    10 hours ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

    Or put them on the show Intervention....something, anything is better than the life they lead.

    This would be a perfect situation for that.  I've always wondered why the people who are on Intervention don't grok to the fact that they're on Intervention.  But on this show, they could tell these two they're testing out doing a spinoff focusing on the families of the original "talent," and say they're going have to use a different crew, and call in the Intervention folks to take it from there.

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