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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. 21 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

    I don’t know. I was just spitballing there. Maybe he enlisted at 18, spent 20 years there, and has a young face.🤷🏼‍♀️

    I'd easily put him at 40, and assumed he did his 20 years in the military and retired.

    In the opening, they showed the woman and the microwave in the pantry, and Jesse closing the door on her.  But I swear that wasn't in the actual episode.  Do they do that routinely?  I often skip the opening because I assume it's all in the episode. 

    Also, I never saw a refrigerator in the kitchen.  Did anybody notice where it was?

    15 hours ago, kirklandia said:

    The owner has lost the key?

    That was so weird.  Losing the key is one thing (and as you said, easily remedied), but the way Jesse lunged when she went to open the door.  If it's locked, it just won't open, right?  Why the alarm?

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  2. 11 hours ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

    they're the teenagers and Jade is the parent

    And she's doing abut as good a job as her parent as it looks like Christy did for her.

    10 hours ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

    Or put them on the show Intervention....something, anything is better than the life they lead.

    This would be a perfect situation for that.  I've always wondered why the people who are on Intervention don't grok to the fact that they're on Intervention.  But on this show, they could tell these two they're testing out doing a spinoff focusing on the families of the original "talent," and say they're going have to use a different crew, and call in the Intervention folks to take it from there.

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  3. Briana gets on my last nerve.  Poor Stella.  Of all days to force the rarely present Loo-is on her--Stella's first day of VPK (very pre-kindergarten?).  And you KNOW the coven made a super big deal about it, so Stella was probably nervous, and no doubt she was kept up late as part of them discussing whether Loo-is would show up, or whether Devoin would, or any other number of adult matters they like to involve the kids in.  Actually, I kid about that--she was probably just tired.  But getting kids up for the first day of school, if they've been sleeping in for the summer, could likely be a problem.  Why compound it by having strangers showing up?

    It's like when she had Stella stay over at Loo-is's house.  She barely knows the man!  Stop it!

    And Roxanne with her texting Loo-is even though Briana said not to.  Fuck you, Roxanne.  Yeah, you're so important that you were able to impose your will--he showed up.  And everybody was miserable.  Good work.  And, really--good work.  Y'all seem to thrive on being miserable.  Mission accomplished.

    And complaining about Devoin waiting until that morning to say he wanted to take Nova to school.  Does anybody think Briana answered, "That's a great offer, but Nova has her big-sister heart set on taking Stella to VPK, to show her the ropes.  But she's excited about you seeing her off on her big day."  Without adding, of course, that there's exactly zero chance in hell that she'll EVER let any of these kids' first day of the school year be anything but a coven activity.  I'd like to hear Devoin's side of the morning texting.  And I know everybody texts, but I can't help but think an actual conversation would have been a lot better.

    Plus, it was the night before that they were asking Loo-is to show up.  That's not a whole hell of a lot better than the morning of. 

    That said, I love me a school uniform and thought the girls looked adorable.  I spent grades 1-3 in Catholic school in the 1960s and still unconsciously gravitate to a navy blue skirt and white shirt whenever the opportunity arises. 

    And...why was the giant clock on the kitchen wall saying 9:45?  Re-enactment of the inside drama?  It did look like the sun was just coming up when they left the house, so maybe that's real.  Or, it's probably real.  I'm learning not to trust anything on this show except maybe Briana's cluelessness.

    Although she's not even remotely clueless in her podcasting adventure.  Tell me again why they couldn't do that remotely?  Or, don't.  We all know why, but Briana will deny it until her dying breath, all the while tugging on her lower lip with her fingertip.  I can't help but wish her all the worst.  Instead of sending Kail a treadmill, she should send every viewer a session in a rage room, to get out our frustration at watching her.

    Jade, first of all, please push your glasses up your nose.  Second,, she's all about how Christy imposes on her, but Christy has a point(!)--she's providing free babysitting.  Although according to Jade, she was just sleeping.  But I'm not sure that's much worse than Sean, because at least Christy could put the sticky candy up out of Kloie's reach while she and Jack Sprat were napping.  Jade refuses to see reality, and it's maddening for this viewer.  Even with Sean--HE was the one who left, when Jade should never have been letting him stay there at all.  When Sean is showing better judgment than you are, you need to reevaluate everything

    But damn, that Christy.  "I didn't have to go to jail after all.  Can I come see Kloie?"  At least Jade said no, but how many times has she said no and then relented? 

    Leah?  Don't care.

    Ashley?  Don't care, but I was looking at Shen's neck tattoo and thinking, "I can see how this woman's son would think forehead tattoos would be a good idea."

    • Love 8
  4. 26 minutes ago, NowVoyager said:

    The name escapes me now, but it wasn't Planet Fitness. It was a much smaller, less well-known brand. I remember google mapping it while watching the show when the topic came up.

    Just to clarify...he and Lindsey were shown working out at a PF--you can clearly see it at the 3:08 mark on the online version of the bondage episode.  But it turns out that wasn't the gym he actually worked at. 

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  5. Hey!  Bed Bath and Beyond let me log into their website without having to engage in two-step verification!  Huzzah!

    All I want is my regular 20% off coupon, to buy a Sodastream CO2 canister.  The only thing I've ever done with my "account."  And for the past year or two it's been REQUIRING two-step verification (getting an email with a code) just to log in.  Didn't even ask me if I wanted the enhanced security to access my 20% off coupon--just started requiring it.  

    I was not enjoying the irony of being able to log into my bank account just by using my user name and password, and not being able to log into my BB&B account without getting a code emailed to me.

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  6. 4 hours ago, bilgistic said:

    The fact that people spend money on nothing tangible is wild to me.

    I'm not trying to explain the concept; you don't want to hear it and I don't really understand it myself, and what I do understand of it kind of makes me want to throw up.  But to your point--stocks are intangible.  Or, well, there's theoretically a certificate, but there are trillions of dollars invested in stocks and the buyers never see even a stock certificate. 

    NTFs are like stocks in that they can be bought with the hope of selling them later at a higher price.  It doesn't even matter what the NFT is, just as it doesn't really matter which stock you buy--you're just wanting to pick one that will increase in price. 

    Some NFTs actually do represent something (like some art work, or Jack Dorsey's first tweet), but they're not necessarily meaningful in and of themselves--they're just something that's produced for people to buy hoping they'll make money, or to own something rare.  Not unlike the sneakers that are produced that are never intended to be worn. 

    And in the case of the NFTs on this episode of Shark Tank, their website says, "Our digital collectibles are an access pass to the full round21 community & experience," including:


    Early access to certain special drops.
    Tickets to certain round21 special events IRL.
    Access to co-creating products with us 1 times per year.
    Automatic addition to our Random Acts of Kreativity list.
    Access to certain digital events in the metaverse.

    Seems to me it's just another bullshit made-up way to leech off people without adding anything of value to society, except maybe making people feel special because they gave you their money. 

    I'm heartened by knowing they'd sold only $20,000 of NFTs (I think that's what she said). 

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  7. On 3/25/2022 at 10:39 PM, TM101 said:

    Most boring season of products ever.

    Maybe I'm just engaging in burnished nostalgia, but I run across old episodes on CNBC occasionally, and they remind me of what I liked about Shark Tank in the early days.  People asked for $40,000 for 20% of their company, and the product was some little gadget or fix for a problem.  I enjoyed the cleverness of the products, and the smallness of the enterprises.  They just wanted help.

    These days, they want $500,000 for 2% of their company to supplement the X number of rounds of funding they've already had, for a company that's still not profitable.  And all too often the products are solutions looking for a problem, or an app.  Zzzzzzzzz.

    Plus, the current show reminds me of the stranglehold social media has on everyone, which makes me long for the days of real word of mouth about clever or ingenious products. 

    I remember when Mark forced the show to quit taking a cut of every presenter's business just for appearing on the show.  At the time, I thought it was really noble.  Now I miss it, because there are an awful lot of them who seem to be using Shark Tank just for the exposure and getting a deal might be at most icing on the cake, or possibly not even actually desired.

    • Love 15
  8. On 3/24/2022 at 1:00 PM, magicdog said:

    Have you considered this?  I hear a a great alternative to insurance.  Some retirees use it as backup as do many self employed individuals.

    Before joining any healthcare sharing ministry, research the ever loving tar out of them.  Any payments ("sharing") for healthcare they reimburse you for are 100% voluntary and never contractually required.  The plans have pre-existing condition exclusions.  They have lifestyle requirements.  Mental health care is not eligible for sharing.  They're not subject to government regulation.  John Oliver devoted one of his shows to them, and set up one of his own.

    I found an interesting provision in the "sharing guidelines" for Liberty Healthshare, (the one linked to).  They've changed it to "medically necessary" now, but a few years ago, they said a hysterectomy is eligible for sharing only if the woman receives a second opinion "from a physician approved by Liberty HealthShare."  Hello.

    Their current sharing guidelines exclude hormone replacement therapy except in children.

    The guidelines also state that members must "exercise regularly and eat healthy foods that do not harm the body."  Whatever that means, but it doesn't really matter what it means because this isn't a contract--everything is voluntary, except members' monthly "contributions."  Another healthshare ministry requires, among other things, that members "attend worship regularly as health permits (Hebrews 10:25)."  Definition, please, so I can know what constitutes compliance.  Although, again, it doesn't really matter--they can do what they want.  There are levels of appeals, but they end at arbitration, not in court.

    Anyway, there are plenty of people who are happy with their healthshare ministries.  And I do think that a lot of people's dissatisfaction stems from not understanding what it is they're buying and assuming it's insurance.  That's why anyone considering them should research research research, and understand on a molecular level what it is they're buying.

    • Love 7
  9. On 2/26/2022 at 5:02 PM, dubbel zout said:

    It's like soy chorizo. It doesn't fool anyone on its own, but if you use it as in addition to other ingredients, it's perfectly fine.

    I tried Chipotle's plant-based chorizo (it's not soy).  I just substituted it for the barbacoa I usually get in my burrito, and left all the rest the same.  My burrito isn't particularly meat-forward because the hot red salsa I get is somewhat overpowering.

    The first few bites were okay, but after that I really missed the barbacoa, and the flavor of the chorizo, which I could definitely taste despite the salsa, wasn't really doing it for me. 

    (Totally off topic but it drives me crazy that Chipotle has the drippy barbacoa closest to the glass, so it drips juice on both of the meat containers between it and where the burrito is put together.)

    • Love 1
  10. 15 hours ago, Amethyst said:

    The cinematography combined with the score was incredible.  I liked how the discordant notes would play when Rose was around, to emphasize how drunk and disorderly she had become.  

    Since you mentioned the score, and @Simon Boccanegra mentioned Jonny Greenwood upthread, I'll link to a Fresh Air interview with Greenwood.  It talks in more detail about his score for Phantom Thread, but it offers a lot of insight into his scores.


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  11. On one of the aftershows, Lindsey said Mark claims to be fluent in Italian even though he told her he only took it in high school and doesn't remember it.  Keisha said something like "Mark says he's fluent in Italian?" and Lindsey said, "Look at his Linked In profile."

    So I did, and under "languages," he has "Italian."  I'm not familiar with the standards on fluency on Linked In, but I would think it would be more than taking classes in high school and forgetting what you learned.   

    Anyway, in one of the episode threads, I surmised that he worked at Planet Fitness, because that's where he and Lindsey worked out.  According to his Linked In page, he didn't; he was working at some other club, but there's somebody associated with PF among his friends or whatever it is on Linked In, so I'm thinking this other person is the one who arranged for them to work out there for the cameras. 

    He lists his occupation as "entrepreneur," and apparently he didn't go back to the health club he was working at that told him to come back after the show finished filming, because his current job is at Chick-Fil-A.  I'm not sure in what capacity, but he has on a name tag in the photo. 

    • Useful 7
  12. On 3/19/2022 at 12:48 AM, Vermicious Knid said:

    I fast forward through pretty much everything but the actual battles and it's like 40 minutes.

    I watch everything but the actual battles on 1.3 speed (I like Chris and Kenny), and FF through the commercials, and it takes a little over an hour. 

    I don't remember which bot it was, but last night one of them got sent into the air and it wasn't flipping or spinning, just soaring straight up, and it actually made my stomach drop.

  13. I like Max Brooks, I like him a lot, but if I were scoring, I'd say Bill won the mask/vaccination debate with him. 

    I think Max could have pwned him if he'd said, "Sure, none of these measures ensure that you won't get the virus, and they don't ensure that you won't spread it, but you were just expressing sympathy for the plight of healthcare workers, and the best way to support the healthcare workers is for you and everybody else to not need to be in the hospital due to Covid, and these measures indisputably do that."

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  14. So "unfollowing" is now a weapon.  I know, I know, people are addicted to social media.  But that doesn't make it any less ridiculous.

    Then again, the article reminded me that Leah was in that cult.  So there's that.


    • Love 6
  15. I've mentioned kitchen cabinets that don't go all the way to the ceiling before, and the condo the Denver guy with the porn mustache chose is a good example.  There's an empty space of about 3 inches between the top of the cabinets and the ceiling.  You can't put anything decorative up there--it's just a space to catch dust. 

    And I think there's a soffit above them (the dropped ceiling thing).  They might not be able to raise the cabinets because I'm sure there are standards for how high the bottom of the cabinets needs to be for functionality, but couldn't they lower the soffit a couple of inches to avoid leaving the gap?  I can't be the only one who thinks it looks like carelessness or a mistake.

    16 hours ago, Grizzly said:

    Didn't realize Denver had so much modern architecture.

    Apartments/condos like that are springing up everywhere in Denver.  They're revitalizing some industrial areas with them, but they're also tearing down old buildings, and by old I mean ones that are of the age to have been built near downtown when it was being settled, and are often picturesque, but not necessarily "historic."  But they're a big part of what gives a neighborhood its feel, and they're vanishing.


    • Love 3
  16. On 3/21/2022 at 4:11 PM, PupCal said:

    Wow. Medicaid is for low-income folks and they come from all walks of life.

    No doubt.  I was speaking in generalities about the demographics of Medicaid recipients.

    On 3/21/2022 at 4:11 PM, PupCal said:

    I'm actually in Maryland and you can literally apply for Medicaid online.

    There's an online process for applying, but documents can be required to prove things like your identity, income, social security number, residency, citizenship:


    After you apply for coverage through Maryland Health Connection, you may need to verify information in your application. You will receive a notice in your inbox if we need documents to complete your application.


    To verify the social security number, among the documents you can present are the actual card, or tax forms.  And if TLC has been paying her, she'll have a 1099, and presumably tax returns (although it's not unusual for the talent in the teen mom universe to neglect paying income tax on their income from appearing on the show). 

    And if she is indeed applying for Maryland Medicaid, it doesn't look like just knowing the number is enough.  But the website says if you don't have the documents listed, they'll work with you to figure out how to prove what you need to prove. 

    I guess the kid she already has is on Dee's health insurance through the military, and that's why she's not already immersed in Medicaid/CHIP? 

    On 3/22/2022 at 2:32 PM, readheaded said:

    I think she’s afraid to do anything that might upset him or anything that might prompt him to ask her to see her parents even less.

    I would be shocked if he's asking her not to see her parents.  It pissed me off when in one of the THs, she said she wanted to see them more and he mocked her, calling her a baby.  Asshole.  [ETA:  Although I wouldn't be surprised if he's made her think it's her idea not to see them.  He scares me.]

    Although I couldn't help laughing when Kylen was on the couch with her parents, talking about how she'd grown up and moved out of their house.  Uh, you just moved into some other family's house, without a job and with a boyfriend who doesn't have a job, either.  That's not growing up.

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