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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. On 3/21/2022 at 2:03 AM, magemaud said:

    I’ve NEVER in my life had to show my actual SS card to anyone, just memorize and write in the number on forms. In fact, you aren’t supposed to carry it with you.

    I don't even have a card.  My dad had all the kids' SSNs on a card in his rolodex, and if you forgot it (which never happened after you got into college because you used it CONSTANTLY), you'd just call him to get it.  (This did lead to an issue, though, when I was taking the SAT and called to get my SSN and whoever it was read me the one for my little brother, so I took the SAT with his social security number.)

    But then came trying to deposit $70,000 in cash in my boyrfriend's company's bank account at Bank of America.  I laid the stacks of bills (wrapped in plastic, from another bank) on the counter with the deposit slip.  The teller asked for my social security card.  I said I didn't have it but I know the number.  Back and forth, I know the number, you have to have the card.  No dice.  I asked to speak to a supervisor and the teller snottily said, "You're going to get the same answer."  And she was right--same answer, even though I pointed out that in my life I'd gotten a driver's license, a passport, gone to college and to law school, had jobs, bought cars, bought a house, and never had to have the card before--just the number.  Tough.  Pound sand.

    So I stuffed all that money back into my coat pockets and walked through the bank and parking lot to my car, feeling just a little vulnerable.

    I went home and got every piece of paper that had my SSN on it I could find--college transcript, social security statement, anything.  And I went to a different BoA branch a few miles away (during an ice storm in Texas, of course) and got to the teller and this time was smart and didn't lay all the money on the counter, and said, "I want to deposit cash into a BoA account but I don't have my social security card but I ..." and she cut me off and said "Do you know the number?"  And I said "Yes" and she said, "That's all we need."  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    So it does happen--much to my surprise.

    I'm betting Tiarra (pronounced "tee-air-uh" for some unknown reason) is trying to get Medicaid (does her boyfriend's military job cover his kid?), and I wouldn't be surprised if some instructions somewhere say to bring your social security card, and she's taking it literally (like "bring your birth certificate), even though that particular instruction might be only because people might not have their number memorized (as I said, going to college solidifies that thing in your head, and I'd be surprised if most people on Medicaid have had that experience).  So this could very well be just another way of saying, "You're going to need your social security number." 

    And maybe Tiarra doesn't know her SSN and would need the card to find out what it is, but maybe not.  And if so, as suggested above, get a replacement card.  

    I'm with the rest of you and her own boyfriend in thinking that she just wanted to go back to Kentucky all the time, and this was a convenient excuse.  Because, as with the rest of you, I've (almost) NEVER been required to present the actual card.

    And can I just say that if she can afford to be flying to another state to get routine prenatal visits, maybe she shouldn't be qualifying for Medicaid in the first place, and I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that health insurance companies, including Obamacare, don't require a social security card.  I'd really like to know what's she's actually doing. 

    • Love 5
  2. On 3/19/2022 at 10:38 AM, Snarky McSnarky said:

    He didn't attend West Point.  He went to West Point's prep school after high school, and then attended Georgia Military College followed by WVU.  It's on his LinkedIn page. 

    Thank you for doing the Lord's work.

    • LOL 8
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  3. 3 hours ago, Rinaldo said:

    There was also the further possibility of confusion with John Heard, emerging around 1980 as another promising "new" actor with star possibilities.

    And John Heard and William Hurt look somewhat alike.  To me, anyway.

  4. One thing I like about TCM is that it shows some movies that I wouldn't necessarily make a point to watch, like pulling out a DVD or something, but when they're on, I'll stop what I'm doing and watch it.  Most recently was The Goodbye Girl a couple of days ago.  I don't know how many times I've seen it, and there are a lot more when I watched just part of it, and it's always time well spent. 

    Another is Terms of Endearment, but I don't necessarily look forward to the ending because it's so sad, but the happy ending of The Goodbye Girl, with that song playing, is so wonderful. 

    • Love 1
  5. 23 hours ago, JustHereForFood said:

    I liked Trevor talking about the situation of women in abusive relationships. We need more men to address the issue.

    But I can't stand the format, with the multiple cameras, cameras moving and swaying, and Trevor talking into space.  And segments like this tend to ramble. 

    I'm with @ruby24 from six months ago--the at-home format was gold, and became must-watch TV for me.  Now I'll watch it if I surf by, but I certainly don't make a point of it. 

  6. 17 hours ago, mojito said:

    Getting away from crowds, crime, pollution, and traffic is one thing, but getting away from materialism? If you don't like it, don't participate in the purchasing of things.

    I couldn't agree more, but I bet it's hard for some people, especially if you have kids.  Even though I eschew all of it now, I remember what it was like being young and caring about what everybody else was doing and wearing, and wanting to fit in.

    And maybe it's so hard for some people they have to take themselves out of that environment and be somewhere where they're not tempted.  I'm happily nonmaterialistic, so it's not an issue for me.  That said, I make a conscious decision not to keep my favorite candy in the house, which is probably not that different from what they're doing, on a theoretical level.

    15 hours ago, Cetacean said:

    I realize that there are online curricula and lesson plans but how can you go from teaching reading to a first grader to teaching physics to a teen in the same day? 

    Just hand it over to the kid.  I have an old boyfriend who was raised Amish, and went to school only until 8th grade, I think it was.  This would be around 1960.  He sent off for a high school correspondence course, and taught himself.  Including algebra! 

    He got accepted to college (a "famous football school," as he referred to it), and eventually became a lawyer. 

    Probably just to show his parents they were wrong.  😀

    3 minutes ago, tessaray said:

    I've noticed homeschooling is popular these days with military families and others who move a lot, including ex-pats. While you lose that local interaction, there is less upheaval for the kids. 

    I understand the trauma of upheaval, but think the local interaction would be so enriching.  But maybe it's the sort of thing the victims appreciate only in hindsight.

    However, the HH family was apparently going there to stay, so it wouldn't be constant upheaval for them. 

    And actually, going to the local school is not unlike moving to a new town when you have a job waiting for you there.  It gives you a place to be and some structure built in, and makes you part of the community immediately.

    • Love 3
  7. 5 hours ago, kirklandia said:

    So I giggled at the ganja-lier's quick comment to Olajuwon that a ganja-la is not related to ganja.

    Ha!  I know a guy in Telluride who always calls the gondola that goes to the other side of the ski area the "ganjala" and it is definitely related to ganja.

    I didn't recognize the river in Providence until @Mercolleen identified it, but that's probably because I've seen it only once and it was on fire.  But the best thing to see in Providence?  The campus police cars for the Rhode Island School of Design--they say "Defenders of the arts" on them. 


    Mark's work situation is strange.  He said, "Work has advised me to come back when filming's over."  Why?  We do know that they filmed at a Planet Fitness, which I assume is where he works, and maybe they didn't like it?  But doesn't the show have to get permission to film anywhere they are, and get releases and all that?  PF could just say, "No."  But instead they fire him for a month?

    And you know how everybody, especially on reality TV, is incapable of getting the "me" or "I" thing right--they say something like "it's not for you or I to judge" and you want to scream, "To see if it's 'I' or 'me,' take out the 'you or' before it."  Apparently even that doesn't work any more.  Lindsey said, "Is this a combination of things for you and for I?"  Aack.

    • Love 8
  8. On 3/15/2022 at 8:06 PM, DiabLOL said:

    What on earth does “safe as brandy” mean?

    Yeah.  What does that mean?

    11 hours ago, limestation said:

    Some of the acting is just criminally bad (Marian)

    Okay, I know pretty much nothing about acting, but her performance hasn't bothered me because I assume it's true to her character--that Marian is plain and kind of dim.  What am I getting wrong?

    • Love 7
  9. Did Gabby's lips look a little bigger on this show than they did during the season?  I hope it was just makeup.  Or maybe I'm just kind of scared after seeing Clare and Cassie.

    49 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

    Because no one really expects that the producers aren't going to find a way to turn this into a them pitted against each other shit show, right?

    I very seriously doubt it was Clayton's decision to break up with Gabby and Rachel together because even he's not that dim, and I found it interesting that that was such a bone of contention for both Gabby and Rachel, and he just took it.  I guess he's happy enough with Susie that he doesn't need to defend himself.  Or he doesn't want to breach his contract.

    So I wouldn't put anything past the producers and honestly find it hard to believe that people continue to trust them enough that they go on the show. 

    43 minutes ago, Bluesky said:

    Get an educated successful established guy, one worth fighting for.  

    He seems like a lunk, but according to ABC's website he has a degree in health science (whatever that is) with a minor in business and Spanish.  So he's educated, all appearances to the contrary.

    Wait--I just looked it up and his BHS is for, among other things, people who want to go into medical sales.  Who knew.  I thought people in medical sales just kind of fell into that job.

    Slightly off topic--I hate it when somebody rubs my skin in a small area like Rachel's father was doing to her mother's shoulder.  About once a year, I remind Mr. Outlier that if I'm ever lying in a hospital bed and unable to communicate PLEASE do not do that. 


    • Love 12
  10. 7 minutes ago, aghst said:

    Dr. Cosby or other celebrities with fake PhDs insisting on the title

    I can't tell from your sentence construction, but if you're saying Bill Cosby has a fake PhD, that's not right.  He earned his. 

    Many celebrities have honorary doctorates, and the use of "Dr." by those people can be controversial (Maya Angelou, for example).  Personally, I don't like anybody using "Dr" in nonprofessional settings, and I don't like Bill Cosby, but if people are using "Dr." for PhD holders, he shouldn't be excepted.

  11. Hey, even the thread title doesn't have "sir" in it.  And, really?  You can't give the person's name without putting "sir" on it?  That's ridiculous.  But then again, it bugs me that medical doctors always refer to themselves as "Doctor So and So."

    And I wonder which of these SIR Kenneth Branagh would prefer:

    (a) Kenneth Branagh is aging very very well, or

    (b) Sir Kenneth Branagh is sure looking rough for his age.

    Also, I forgot to mention Bill's comment about needing captions for Belfast.  I use closed caption devices at theaters, and some theaters have a sheet where you put your name and phone number to "sign" for them.  There's hardly ever any action on there, and I've been known to see my own name on that sheet, because so few people use them.  But not this time--there were a couple of Belfast caption users on there from the days before I was there--a new record.  I just thought, "Smart move."

  12. On 3/13/2022 at 1:42 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    People (both men and women) tend to tell women to smile more.  "Hey, it's nice out, why don't you smile?"  Or at work, "Smile."  Or anywhere, "Smile, aren't you happy to be alive?"  etc. etc. etc. 

    Fortunately I'm old enough that nobody cares what I look like any more, or even notices that I exist, so I don't have to put up with this nonsense any more.  But in my past experience, people (all men, in my recollection) would tell me to smile without even giving a reason why I should be smiling.

    So I howled at the joke.

    • Love 9
  13. 2 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

    I'm totally in camp Susie here: If you are thinking about marrying someone, it's character-revealing to see them in difficult situations without the added help of telling them exactly how you want them to act in said situation, which was basically Clay-en's complaint against Susie.

    I whole-heartedly agree...in real life.  But while people are ultimately responsible for their own decisions, I can't ignore the effect the producers have on the people on the show.  This isn't a case of him just declining to get/become more involved with the other two, or even declining to get involved with some fox sitting at a bar somewhere--he has people in authority actually making arguments to him why he should do it, and being disingenuous (if not untruthful) about the landscape. 

    I like to think I would be able to withstand that, but I just don't know.

    13 hours ago, PBnJay said:

    Love that the sound technicians amplified the mics on both women so their crying would be broadcast through the entire echo-y building. Nice job show.

    The microphones they wear are for recording, not broadcasting--they're not hooked to speakers.  Those were real sobs echoing so loudly that Clayton had to talk over them.  Epic.

    12 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

    That thick sweater should not be tucked in.

    That's what I thought when I first saw it, but then realized she was somehow pulling it off--it wasn't bunchy and didn't make her look like she had a spare tire around her middle.  

    4 minutes ago, Jax7917 said:

    I used to think Cassie was one of the most beautiful girls that's ever been on the show. But she's really done a number on her face like the rest of them . Why can't these naturally pretty girls just leave their faces alone? They all make their faces so tight and pulled back and hard to look at because it's so botoxed.

    And before they get procedures, it's these false eyelashes.  I thought Rachel never looked prettier than when her makeup had come off during the crying jag.  But I think she might be the one who combs her eyebrows up, so I'll reserve final judgment.

    Also, it must be SO awkward to be trying to sit on the floor or some stairs in 5" heels.  You can't put your feet flat.  Although I give Rachel a pass because she had a reasonable belief she'd be standing during the rose ceremony.

    • Love 5
  14. On 2/25/2022 at 3:10 PM, SassyCat said:

    Shes got one hell of a midriff bulge going on there and should invest some of her exercise time in sit-ups instead. Guts like that also can indicate something going on with the liver.

    It looks like the dreaded meno-pot to me, and no amount of sit-ups is going to make it go away.  I do wonder, however, how much her alcohol consumption contributes to it, by making her puffy.  And maybe her diet, which can go out the window when you're drinking.  Regardless, a meno-pot is a stubborn bitch.

    I'd actually feel kind of bad for her if she weren't so obnoxious.  She was confidently wearing a two-piece bathing suit just a few years ago, which has got to make the betrayal particularly hard.

    • Love 5
  15. So now I'm looking at the bras.  Something that I hadn't realized is that they pull over your head.  Oh, hell no.  I have a Champion sports bra from like 20 years ago that I'm tenaciously hanging on to because it has a back clasp like a regular bra.  Those over-the-head things roll up on me when I put them on, and never feel quite right once they're on because they ride up on my small ribcage, and getting them off over my head is a nightmare.

    But something else is the way these Behave bras look.  I'm definitely a function over form person when it comes to bras, so I want them easy to put on (see above) and it's vastly more important for them to fit right than to look good.  That said, I think this looks particularly bad.


    There's a part of the website that says you might be able to tuck the stayz into the bra, depending on the shape of your breast.  But surely you would lose part of the purpose of the stayz if you did that, and from looking at this, could you make it completely invisible, since the stayz is a straight edge that would be being tucked into an L-shape?  Maybe for a photo, but for running around all day?  I'd think it would work its way back out.

    [ETA: I'm on the lower end of their size range, and have been able to find a bra (note--a bra, as in one particular manufacturer and style number) that works for me, and I have a fleet of them.  But they have wire that I hate, so I was really interested in the Behave bra as a possible alternative.  It is not to be, but for women who are on the other end of the size range, it's possible Behave is a game changer.]

    I don't care about giant hats, so no comment on that.  Except to say I think they're dumb.  So maybe I do care.

    But on the kid's clothes line, Barbara was remarking on how inexpensive they were, like $20 for the dress, and they should be in every Target.  But isn't the $20 possible because they're direct-to-consumer?  They wouldn't be $20 if there were a middleman involved, would they?  My impression is that retailers double the wholesale price.

    Also, Kevin (I think) is always pointing out products that are for only certain segments of a market (like only for tall women or something like that), and yet it seems to me these African-inspired prints might have issues with cultural appropriation depending on who's wearing them.  Personally, I think they're cute, and they're not blazingly kente print or anything, but they do smack heavily of Africa to me.

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  16. 21 hours ago, Marley said:

    Also pretty sure she has not worked a day in her life as a medical assistant.

    I'm no Jenelle expert, but I watched this show back in the day and I recall her working as a medical assistant.  Maybe for a short period of time, but I do think it happened.

    The thing about Jenelle is that I think she may actually be the most intelligent of her batch of teen moms.  Admittedly the bar isn't all that high, but she's certainly more intelligent than either Chelsea or Leah.  I'd guess Jenelle and Kailyn are more similar to each other when it comes to smarts than they are to Chelsea or Leah, and remember back in the day giving Jenelle the edge when thinking about his.  Although I have to force myself to remember this, in light of what Jenelle's life has become.

    • Love 3
  17. There's a difference between deodorants and anti-perspirants, although people usually don't understand the distinction.  Deodorants, many of which are "natural," don't prevent you from sweating but do prevent the sweat from stinking (and may mask the smell with another scent).  Anti-perspirants actually prevent the sweating and therefore the stinking, and all anti-perspirants I know of have aluminum as the mechanism for preventing sweating, and also have anti-smell properties that deodorants have because sometimes there's too much sweat to completely prevent it.  The label on those will say "anti-perspirant/deodorant."

    It's confusing because people don't distinguish between the two, even though they're very different products.  And they see "aluminum-free" and don't notice that the product is called "deodorant" and not "anti-perspirant/deodorant."  Take a look at the labels.  It's clear if you know what you're looking at.

    At one point in the pitch, she said her product prevents sweating, which of course made my ears perk up because it's touted as being aluminum-free and "natural."  And sure enough, her website says nothing about any anti-perspirant properties of the product, and the product is called "deodorant," just like every other underarm product out there that controls smell but not sweat--many of them calling themselves "natural."

    If her product prevents sweating, like she said on the show, why wouldn't the website even mention that?  In fact, on the website there's a quiz you can take on which product is best for you, and many of the questions are about how much you sweat (I answered all of them with the sweatiest option), and the result was:  "Congrats on making the switch to aluminum-free deodorant! You're making a great choice for your body, and our goal is to keep you smelling your best."

    Hmm...smelling your best.  Not a peep about controlling sweat, even though it asked me how much I sweated. 

    I hate how hard it is to be an informed consumer.  If you don't care about the amount of sweat and just don't want to stink, then a deodorant is perfect for you.  But if you want to prevent sweat, you need to know that a "deodorant" won't do that, and you need an "anti-perspirant/deodorant" and good luck realizing that without applying the skills you learned in law school to read the labels.

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  18. 1 hour ago, For Cereals said:
    On 3/9/2022 at 12:38 PM, TooMuchRealityTV said:

    Brianna--What you are missing in your relationship is drama.

    She needs to grow up.

    As if. 

    I tried to find out what this "deflamation" lawsuit was about, and apparently Briana made a talking-head video about Kail beating up Chris, and Kail has sued her.  I'm old, and simply don't understand this constant barrage of videos by everybody about all sorts of shit that's none of their business.  Stop it.  And now she's going all the way to Philadelphia to meet up with Chris to be on his podcast.  (Seriously.  ENOUGH of the fucking podcasts!  They remind me of when my local paper started allowing people to leave messages on a "rant and rave" phone line, and would publish them--I referred to them as "letters to the editor for the illiterate.") 

    Even Brittany, who isn't exactly the most level-headed person in the world (but will always get somewhat of a pass from me for having an abortion instead of putting herself in the same situation as Briana) was calling Briana out on the ridiculousness, including when Briana said she's taking Shirley with her to Philadelphia instead of her fiance Javi because she's more comfortable with Shirley.  Brittany says, "Shouldn't you be most comfortable with your man?"  And of course Briana gets that incredibly annoying "Who me??" thing going.  Yes, you.  The same one who took up with Kail's baby daddy Javi, no doubt just to piss off Kail. 

    And then when I was looking into the lawsuit, I find out that Briana sent Kail a treadmill.  That is not the action of a grownup.  And I know child support is for the child, but Briana whining about how much she spends on gymnastics lessons and all that other shit is a little grating when she's sending fucking treadmills to her enemies. 

    I don't like Kail one bit, but Briana?  Can you explain exactly how Kail's white privilege factors into filing a lawsuit?  And I'm not letting you off, Kail, because you had Devoin on your podcast, no doubt to spite Briana.  (Seriously.  ENOUGH of the fucking podcasts!!)  But Briana is really taking the cake. 

    Both of you:  Just stop it.

    On 3/10/2022 at 1:10 PM, MaggieG said:

    Only Jade and Sean could make a simple trip to the drive thru into a huge fight. Hopefully he gets his crap together at rehab. 

    Sean is heinous, but how stupid is Jade to let Sean take the car anywhere when she needs to be at work in 45 minutes?  Never mind for donuts at noon. 

    1 hour ago, For Cereals said:


    We could only dream.  It's Kloie.

    Shouldn't computers be smart enough now to sniff out when someone's talking about a reality star's kid's name and uses a "ch" instead of a "k" and do an autocorrect?  In this case, it would still get it wrong, but it would have at least gotten the always important K in there.

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  19. People do crazy shit when under duress, even without guns held to their heads.  Like confess to crimes they didn't commit--I guess you could say they "chose" to confess, but it's much more complicated than that.

    And here I am analogizing Clayton to something complicated.  I didn't see that coming!

    • LOL 4
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  20. 3 hours ago, Recyclorette said:

    By letting him do this thing, she learned exactly who Clayton is.

    I agree completely, but feel I have to acknowledge that Clayton was manipulated by the show, so it might not be 100% Clayton she was seeing.  I just can't imagine what it must be like to have all these production people whispering in your ear and, really, running your life for that period of time.

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