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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. 2 hours ago, chediavolo said:

    I’ve always thrown away the toilet seat in every place I’ve lived. 

    It never even occurred to me to do that.

    But I'm gross, because I like carpet.  And I just realized another reason I like carpet--it's quieter.  I really hate the noise when people walk on hardwood floors.  Even slippers make a flappy, scrape-y sound.

    • Love 7
  2. 4 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

    I'd say...mostly it's her fingernails. They are so strange (& in a way, unhealthy) looking.

    I'm totally ignorant about the manicures people get these days, but aren't most people's fingernails fake, especially the ones that are all painted up?  They all looks strange to me, but not necessarily unhealthy because I assume I'm not looking at their actual fingernails.

    I remember the from-home episodes, and she didn't have anything on her nails, which wasn't like her but I figured she wasn't getting manicures during the pandemic.

    I'm jealous of Iris's bespoke baby food. 

    • Love 1
  3. 17 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    It sounded like Lindsay went in assuming these were uncouth, inexperienced travelers and she was going to do them a solid by telling them to speak Spanish. Olaj's initial response - I'm a grown adult and I know how to behave when I travel, was spot on. It sounds like that didn't shut Lindsay up either.

    Why can't people just ignore other people?

    Maybe Lindsey thought she was providing a useful suggestion based on her having been there many times, and maybe she was just being an ass.  Either way, what does it matter?  They'd just met, and Olajuwon wasn't married to her, so just let it go. 

    It sounds like she was annoying on the plane, but again, he's not married to her and he's not going to have to be spending a lot of time with her while he's on his honeymoon, so ignore it.

    Don't people just secretly roll their eyes any more?

    6 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

    If someone I’d met yesterday told me my shoes looked cheap or were ugly or whatever I’d be like “what is your problem?”

    I'd assume they were either trying to be funny or just an asshole.  If I thought a reply was warranted, I'd probably say "Well I like 'em," or maybe even, "I know!  They're the worst."  The last thing I'd do is have a confrontation over it.  There's a chance that's what they want, so why give it to them?

    2 minutes ago, Kira53 said:

    Sales engineer is a great career that pays very well.  

    What is a sales engineer?  Or what makes someone a sales engineer?  I understand mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer--they design and implement mechanical and electrical systems.  How does someone design and implement a sale in a way that makes him not just a salesman but a sales engineer?

    Is this one of those jobs people have these days that I don't understand what they do?  I pine for the days of teachers and bookkeepers and secretaries and factory workers.

    • Love 7
  4. On 1/26/2022 at 10:24 AM, Browncoat said:

    Under One Roof?  Facsimile of Yours, Mine, and Ours.)

    In the Vanity Fair interview I mentioned upthread, Anderson talked about his friend Gary Goetzman, who played one of the Beardsley kidsand how Gary tells him crazy stories from his life, including about the time he went to New York to promote Yours, Mine, and Ours with Lucille Ball, and he had a chaperone.

    On 1/26/2022 at 11:35 AM, lasu said:

    They were also smart to keep it just on the edge of becoming a truly physical relationship.

    Maybe I'm naive, but I don't think Anderson was intentionally walking that line, but instead that it's just how the story went.

    • Love 1
  5. 4 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    Regarding our lovely experts. Who on this planet would think a 38 year old unemployed vagabond who never keeps a job for very long is a great candidate for marriage and children? Because he said so? 

    The "never keeps a job for very long" is news to me.  I thought this was the first time he'd done this, and he was laid off due to the pandemic, and presumably enhanced unemployment benefits made the decision to take a trip instead of look for a job more attractive/feasible. 

    3 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

    What the hell was that argument between Michael and Jasmina? They had a conflict over whether there would be more conflict? Oh brother.......zzzzz

    My impression is that they were talking about the Olajuwon and Lindsey beef, maybe, and Michael was saying there's bound to be conflict in any new situation, and Jasmina was questioning that--why is it assumed there will be conflict?  Can't people just get along?  That was their disagreement--whether conflict is inevitable in every situation.

    I was confused by his statement but then mention was made (maybe in a TH?) that Michael always looks for the negative, and I guess they're tying his assumption of conflict to his negativity. 

    I'm with Jasmina--why assume there will be conflict, especially in a situation where people are meeting new people?  And I'll go one better--if Lindsey's bothering you, ignore her.  If Olajuwon seems threatening, just think to yourself, "What an idiot; I'm glad I wasn't matched with him" and move along.

    2 hours ago, Empress1 said:

    I was doing other stuff during the show - did they say Jasmina always had long distance boyfriends?

    One of the brides said she'd always had long distance boyfriends, and I'm pretty sure it was Jasmina.  I can't say with 100% certainty, but I'm also pretty sure it wasn't any of the others.

    • Love 3
  6. On 1/6/2022 at 5:10 PM, JustHereForFood said:

    And once again I was impressed by Graham's quick wit, when he said we will finally see what the Oscar buzz about Jack Whitehall's movie is about.

    He is so good at that. 

    On 12/18/2021 at 7:53 PM, BusyOctober said:

     I have a huuuge crush on Jack Whitehall,

    What a dreamboat.  I was scared about the beard, because he's such perfection when clean shaven.  His perfection shone through the beard (which was, of course, perfectly groomed).  That guy.

    On 12/18/2021 at 7:53 PM, BusyOctober said:

    As usual, I had no clue about the musical guest.  I’m sure he’s very talented and successful, but facial tattoos just make me squirm.  I do not like them!

    You didn't warn us about Erivo's nose ring.  Gag.

    The face tattoos on the musical guest were unfortunate, because he was so sweet when he told Olivia Colman he liked her, too.  Additional points for making Whitehall look like a midget when he sat down near him.

    • Love 1
  7. 18 hours ago, eskimo said:

    About Ashley, I don't remember his exact words but basically he thinks she's hot.  He said he loves his wife and all, but damn, that Ashley.  

    I don't think it was that sinister. 

    Cheyenne asked if they'd come back and watch another episode.  Her dad said, "Let me tell you something.  I have more joy watching my baby girl, you know, doing her little five minutes of fame than watching these other folks.  But I'd watch 'em again. There's a couple of stories I'd like to stay engaged with."

    Cheyenne:  Like whose?

    Father:  I don't care about the Bar and Ashley story, but I like Ashley.  She's cute.

    Stepfather:  You know, I was just thinking that...

    Zach [pointing at TV]:  You got one, Bar.

    Then some crosstalk, and Stepfather says something like, "She was cute."  That's when Cheyenne's father says, "Now that I said that, let me say this.  I love my wife. I love my wife."  I didn't hear anything like "but damn, that Ashley."

    I agree that his comment about Jade's mother looking like a trucker was a cheap shot, but anybody who goes on a reality TV show signs up for that, and at least he didn't tweet that at her.  As for his wanting screen time, if you're on a pillow-talk show, that's your job--being on the screen, and saying things people will find entertaining.  And the reason Jade's mother was even a factor was that she wanted screen time, which actually kind of makes me sad because did she really not have a clue how she'd be portrayed?  That's what always boggles my mind.

    I do have to say that I've always pretty much skipped Cheyenne's segments on the actual show because I didn't know who she was, and there's some Challenge guy involved, who I have no interest in.  And I'm still not super interested, but it appears that somebody in this Teen Mom mess appears to have a loving, functional family, while usually I just look at these people with despair. 

    I'd rather have him here on the couch than engaging in Twitter wars with haterz.  (Oh, lord, please tell me he's not engaging in Twitter wars with haterz.)

    • Love 3
  8. 13 hours ago, eskimo said:

    I had the opposite impression of him based on all of this.  I'll start out by saying he's not necessarily wrong, but this old man commenting on people's looks just came off as shallow, imo.  But that's something that bothers me anyway (with the caveats of the self-inflicted butt mutilations and poor tattoo choices. 

    Well, this old lady will just have to join that old man in his shallow comments.  Given the amount of plastic surgery she's had, I'm assuming she's choosing to look like she does in every respect.

    I am a little squeamish about the wide platform Cheyenne's dad's comments were on.  For example, I'm fine with anything anybody says here that might hurt a castmember's feelings because the castmember has no business reading here if she can't take the heat.  I'm 100% the opposite when it comes to commenting to someone's face (or the closest we come these days--via Twitter or whatever).  I simply do not understand why someone posts hurtful things to someone's social media page--what's the point?  To hurt them?  As they say, that says a lot more about the person posting than anybody else.

    So I thought about a castmember watching this Pillow Talk version, not expecting to be made fun of for their looks.  But I think it says more about MTV than anybody else--that's who's choosing to air the comments that make fun of their own talent and possibly hit below the belt. 

    TLC gets a lot wrong, but you don't see anything this harsh on their pillow talk episodes for 90 Day Fiance.  And frankly, they're not as much fun, because they're not saying what everybody else is thinking.  Although for the record, I don't think Briana looks all that old.  But I think it's funny Cheyenne's dad does.

    13 hours ago, eskimo said:

    There are enough character flaws on these shows to not have to stoop to Jr High level comments on appearances.  Especially his comments about Ashely at the end.  Gross.  Plus those comments could cause problems for Cheyenne. 

    What did he say about Ashley at the end?  I can't remember.  I do remember him calling his own daughter dumb as a rock.

    • Love 5
  9. I remember seeing Katie in two different kitchens on the from-home episodes.  One had her working on a counter, next to a sink and I think a window on the wall above, and the other had her working on an island, with Iris googooing from what seemed like the other side of the island.

  10. 4 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

    If I ever dated again I would have to meet in Starbucks too.  Staying up is a struggle!!  Plus if you are clicking, you can make plans for dinner!

    Starbucks would be too much pressure, just looking at each other.  After emailing back and forth for like three weeks, Mr. Outlier and I met to play miniature golf--no awkward silences there.  And we did indeed decide to go down the street to dinner afterward. 

    That was in 1998.  Thank god, because I can't even begin to imagine online dating these days.  And all this show does is reinforce that to me.

    • Love 8
  11. Is anybody watching this Pillow Talk show?  I wasn't because I can't stand these people, but I dropped in tonight and I might be in love with Cheyenne's father and stepfather, and I actually kind of like Zach and Cheyenne.

    It starts out with a segment about Bar getting his GED and Ashley throwing him a party.

    Cheyenne's Father:  So when the cute girl got with the tattoo man...

    Cheyenne:  [explanatorily] Ashley got with Bar.

    Father:  ...Did he have the tattoos then?

    Cheyenne:  No.

    Father:  Oh, so she was making love to a decent looking guy.

    Cheyenne:  He says that he got the tattoo off of emotion, sadness.  He's now getting them lasered off.

    Cheyenne's Stepfather:  I was gonna say he must be sad he got 'em.

    Cheyenne:  He said he's getting...god dammit David.

    Father:  Sad and...

    Stepfather:  Yeah

    Father:  ...jobless

    Stepfather:  How 'bout that.

    During a segment about Briana, they show her talking about Javi the tattoo artist she was dating, saying "He may look a little rough around the edges."

    Cheyenne's Father:  She looks a little rough around the edges.

    Cheyenne:  Dad!

    Father:  I'm just sayin'.

    Cheyenne:  My god, that's so mean.

    Father:  Well she'll never hear this.

    Cheyenne:  Yes she will!

    Zach guffaws.

    Cheyenne:  She's gonna watch this!

    Father:  They'll edit this part out.

    Zach guffaws.  Stepfather laughs and says, "Oh, shit."

    Then later, still on Briana:

    Stepfather:  Where she live?

    Cheyenne:  Florida.

    Father:  That's a whole nother comin'.

    Cheyenne:  Okay, I'm going to, you need to get kicked off this goddamn couch.  Please put in the notes to take him out.

    Then after another shot of Briana:

    Father:  She looks like she's 30 though.

    Cheyenne:  Dad.

    Father:  I'm just telling you.

    Cheyenne:  Oh my god.

    Father:  This is called teenage--teenage pregnancy?

    Cheyenne:  No, Dad, just because it's called Teen Mom...

    Zach:  Teen Mom 2

    Cheyenne:  ...does not mean that everyone's a teen mom.

    Father:  I understand she was a teenager.

    Cheyenne:  I made a diagram for you guys to understand everybody on the show, because I knew you was gonna have a lot of questions.  Let me just get it.

    Father:  Why does she look so old?  That's my question.

    Cheyenne [getting up off the couch]:  Dad!

    Father:  And she's not a teen, right?

    Cheyenne [leaving camera frame]:  Oh my god!

    And there's more.  In a segment featuring Jade, they show Jade's mother:

    Cheyenne's Stepfather:  Oh, who's that?

    Cheyenne:  That's her mom.

    Father:  That's her dad. I mean--oh.

    Cheyenne:  That's her... [puts her head in her hands]

    Zach guffaws, Stepfather says, "That's just wrong."

    Cheyenne:  Oh my god.

    Father:  Looks like a truck driver to me.

    Cheyenne:  Cut the goddamn tape.

    Later Amber discusses the paparazzi following her in California, and mentions Kevin her bodyguard.  But then Cheyenne's dad disses Leah's hair. But Amber continues talking, as do Maci and Taylor and their friend (friend isn't bad), as do Tyler and Caitlyn and Tyler's mom.  Then the show shows Jade talking about how at 24 it's not a good idea to just run up and get married.

    Cheyenne:  So at 24 I had nothing figured out.

    Father:  Dumb as a rock.

    Cheyenne:  Okay I didn't say dumb as a rock, Dad.  I just said I didn't know anything.

    Stepfather laughs charmingly.

    And later Cheyenne's father asks why Farrah isn't on.  Cheyenne says she's not on the show, and her father says, "She was exciting, though."

    I hate to admit it, but it's not the worst hour I've ever spent in my life.

    • LOL 16
  12. I assumed the black and white version of Nightmare Alley would be going mainly to art theaters when it expands, but in the Chicago suburbs, anyway, it's going to "regular" theaters, like Cinemark and AMC, and kind of a lot of them.


  13. On 1/23/2022 at 6:43 AM, Scout Finch said:

    I really dislike Sarah Sherman's obnoxious persona and there was too much Kristen Wiig (not to mention that both have made unfortunate and unflattering haircut choices!).

    I adore Kristen Wiig's haircut.  I've had hair that short for years at a time but finally had to admit that I don't have the face for it.  I think it looks fantastic on her.

    ETA:  Oh, the show.  I'll admit that I'm biased because I love Pete Davidson, but the guy who bought a boat thing was so funny I immediately ran it back and watched it again.  Watching three people have such fun is a treat.

    • Love 2
  14. On 1/23/2022 at 4:09 PM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

    She doesn't care about the pandemic, I feel she seems to not believe it's a big deal and just wants her feelings to not be assaulted anymore and for him to come for her needs and f*** everything else.

    Well, she is in Idaho, so I'm not shocked.  But I'm picturing Johnny poring over state-by-state Covid statistics and getting a feel for the "temperature" in Idaho (and concluding Hell No), and enjoying the contrast between that and the research Americans do when they go the other way.

    22 hours ago, Dirtybubble said:

    She's in love her fetish not with Johnny specifically.  Any Japanese man would do for her. 

     Then she'd probably have better luck if she looked in Japan and not China. 😉

    Elijah looks like 90% Alice The Goon, with a 10% dash of, maybe, Tin Tin?

    • LOL 6
    • Love 3
  15. On 1/19/2022 at 4:12 PM, Bastet said:

    First up was him wanting carpet.  Yay.  I don't care for it, but it's nice to see on HH since that hardly ever happens. 

    I prefer carpet and try to be unapologetic about it, but usually fail.

    On 1/19/2022 at 4:12 PM, Bastet said:

    But then he wanted it because he doesn't like his feet being dirty.  Okay, but hard floors stay much cleaner than carpet with routine cleaning.

    Maybe he was referring to the grit you can feel if you walk barefoot on hard floors.  You don't feel it on carpet.  Because the carpet brushes it off your feet and no doubt sends it deep into the fibers, but that's another issue.

    On 1/19/2022 at 9:30 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    [Houston] This house is so big it looks like the center of a shopping center with an atrium.  

    It looked just like an Embassy Suites with those little balconies sticking out over the lobby entry area.

    • Love 7
  16. I wonder if Coco stayed perched on the 3" of the front of her chair seat for the entire runway and judging.  Maybe her legs were long enough to keep her perched there without effort, but it didn't look comfortable.  Or maybe it was just an extended isometric session.


    • LOL 1
  17. On 1/16/2022 at 1:00 PM, HyeChaps said:

    Was there ever an official announcement that Alex was part of the regular cast?  IIRC she started showing up during quarantine times and just stayed.

    She showed up before quarantine times because I remember she would never shut up, which was annoying, especially since she was new, except what she was saying was usually useful, so I wanted her to talk, but at the same time I wanted her to shut up.

    I loved Alex trying to open the tube of crescent rolls.  I do think she'd done it before in her life, as she claimed (and I laughed at Zakarian telling her it's okay if she hadn't).  I had some a while back and hadn't opened a tube in a long time, maybe back when you whacked the tube on the edge of the counter.  So I had to read the directions, and I'm wondering if Alex usually needs reading glasses but doesn't wear them on the air, and couldn't read the directions and didn't know what to do.

    When I was a kid, I was in the kitchen of a friend's house, and my friend told me to get something "out of the pantry" and I just froze because I didn't know what a pantry was.  It was embarrassing.  (Obviously, if I still remember it 50 years later.) 

    • Love 3
  18. I need to rethink my assumptions.  Costello is three years older than I am, and I figured if Cat Stevens's music made it to my small town in Texas, it must have been much more prevalent where Costello was hanging out, and it would be like the Beach Boys or something, where you might not like their music but you'd be familiar with many of the songs.  I definitely didn't like Cat Stevens's music--the vocals were always too jerky for my taste--but I recognize it, perhaps against my will.

    I found the cover that Costello made for Gervais, and I like it a lot--it's at least tied with the original.  Although remember, I never liked Cat Stevens's vocals, and I've always found Costello's interesting.  Even then, I mainly FFed through the song he did on the show.

  19. 5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    I've read Costello's door stop of a memoir, Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink, and it's safe to say that Cat Stevens wasn't any sort of influence, so I'm not surprised he was unfamiliar.

    But Cat Stevens's music was all over the place.  I didn't like him (I was a Rod Stewart gal) but I'd heard his music enough that I still recognize Sitting from the first couple of notes.  Then again, I'm not a musician so my brain wasn't being filled with musical influences and possibly shoving aside the the merely familiar.

    But this has made me realize that maybe I subconsciously like Ricky Gervais because of music.  He has Rod Stewarts's Handbags and Gladrags at the end of The Office, and Cat Stevens's Tea for the Tillerman at the end of Extras, and as I said, I never liked Cat Stevens but that use of that song turned me into a fan somehow.  And now I find out he had my boy Elvis Costello excellently cover a Cat Stevens song for a movie, giving me a new appreciation of that song.


    He sat back and enjoyed his wine, hee.

    I have to say he makes excellent use of his cards, the way he flaps them around.  I think he was using an ipad or whatever on the remote shows, to much less effect.

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