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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. On 12/14/2021 at 7:27 AM, hoodooznoodooz said:

    A classmate of mine in elementary school ate salami sandwiches every day and, in my opinion, it affected her “aroma.”

    Some woman has written a book about sweat, and I heard an interview where she said there was a nurse whose sweat was red and it was staining her clothes.  She went to multiple doctors but was healthy and nobody could figure out why her sweat was red, and it was finally determined that the red was coming from the MANY bags of some sort of spicy chips she ate tons of every day. 

    Bodies be weird.

    • LOL 3
  2. Can anyone tell me what Stan leaned down and whispered to the man in the bed, in a scene near the end?  It was about four syllables--not enough context for me to make it out, and the damn caption machine didn't work for this movie.


  3. 4 hours ago, Jess14 said:

    I’m not familiar with the area, but it seems like it would be difficult to meet people in her age range since she is working remotely and bought a house that seemed isolated.

    I know about northwest Arkansas because of mountainbiking--it positioned itself to become a destination (and did a good job).  And now it's becoming popular as a place to actually live, among the people who work remotely.  The same thing happened with Bend, Oregon, although Bend is closer to Silicon Valley and burgeoned a little earlier, and is therefore more ruined already. 

    I do wonder about the remote working HHs and their social lives.  I'm sure it will all magically happen via social media somehow. 

    16 hours ago, Grrarrggh said:

    And anything she does to get back at her parents for giving her that horrible name is alright in my books.

    Aargh.  I can't remember her name.  What was it?

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  4. You know, I've seen bookshelves that were assembled based on the color of the spine, but never taken the time to look at the actual titles used.  Until now.  Amber appears to have far greater depth and breadth than any of us give her credit for.

    But...can a hashtag bring suit for defamation of character?  I think #booklove might have a case.


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  5. 2 hours ago, amarante said:

    I also have no desire to buy a home as a 30 year old and have a roommate.

    I can kind of see that, maybe, but at one point (and I admit I was only kind of watching because she annoyed me and I was afraid one more "northwest Arkansas" was going to send me over the edge), her mother said that at one house she would have to have a family with kids as roommates upstairs, and I don't think it was a separate unit.

    15 hours ago, Grizzly said:

    Lose the belt,

    Burn that belt.  What was she thinking??

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  6. 12 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    The lady in line was a good example too. She could have just said, "I'm social distancing"; but immediately lashed back at Larry, who really was reasonably polite in asking her to move up.

    But is Covid even in existence in these episodes?  I took the scene as just one of those instances where people leave a giant gap, and if I'm behind them, I always worry someone's going to cut in line because of it.

  7. I think using fabric instead of wrapping paper is ridiculous. 

    Oh, and Jeff?  Nobody's making a blouse out of the fabric from wrapping a present, unless it's a jungle gym.  I still remember way back in the day when a friend and I were discovering sewing, and she marveled, "Do you have any idea how much material it takes to make a sleeve??"  It really is surprising.

    • LOL 1
  8. 12 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Andrew Dismukes as Chris Cuomo. Uh, sorry, no. He may be sketchy AF but Chris Cuomo is handsome. (Unless that was part of the shade, to have a not particularly good-looking guy play him, in which case, nm.)

    I've always thought Andrew Dismukes is cute.  There's something about his mouth, the same as Tim Daly (Wings) and Chris Eigeman (Gilmore Girls).  Like they have braces, but they don't.  Anyway, looks-wise, I'd take Andrew Dismukes over Chris Cuomo any day--Cuomo has a jug head that I find unattractive.

    12 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Meh on WU except for the part with Taco the dog speaking by pressing word buttons with his tail.

    That's funny.  Those were his paws, but the dog kept facing sideways instead of forward.  As @Melina22 pointed out, it can be hard to get good dog actors these days.  I wonder if it's because they're all so spoiled and therefore don't take direction well.  😀

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  9. 58 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

    She can’t entertain for shit, can’t even put a tablecloth on a table,

    I'm confident she is capable of putting a tablecloth on a table, but chose not to.  I'm actually kind of impressed--I'd prefer that to somebody chasing me around with a coaster all night.

    58 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

    Orders catering to make an impression. 

    Or maybe to provide her guests with great food.

    I find Heather repellent, but I don't have a problem with her wanting her party to have a certain look, or a certain menu.  For sure, if somebody's feeding me sushi in their home as part of a gathering, I'd be a much more relaxed guest if the people from Nobu were in the kitchen making it.

    1 hour ago, kristen111 said:

    I’m wondering where everyone was going to sit for the main course. In the foyer on their laps?  Behind the ropes?  How goesh.

    It's a mystery why everybody was corralled into that small area for the beginning of the party, but there's a lot of other square footage that could be used for serving the main course. 

    In fact, we just moved into a work building the same size as Heather's house--22,000 square feet.  It's all open inside, and I stand in there and look around and even accounting for Heather's closets and bathrooms, I still boggle at having that much room for a residence.  Shoot--we have bicycles to get from one end to the other!

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  10. 1 hour ago, Cosmocrush said:

    Well, in the case of the Dubrows they already look like bragging jerks so I don't think that would stop them from talking about any charitable causes they support.  

    Oh, I know.  That's why they're not a great example of people whose charitable contributions might not be publicized--it stands to reason that these two in particular will talk about every dollar they ever spend, if for no other reason than that it adds to the total they are perceived to have.  But you just never know--they may have some weird personality quirk that causes them to crow about everything but their charitable givings.  I want to see their tax returns.  Shoot--I want to see everybody's tax returns, come to think of it. 

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  11. This is an example of decent show, that would have been greatly enhanced by having Will Smith there.  I loved Tom Holland saying he told his brother, "Sucks to be you," and think how much better it would have been if Will Smith had been there with his trademark laugh.

    No matter how much Graham gushes over his musical guests, I just don't get it.  I guess I'm old because it all sounds the same to me.

  12. 2 hours ago, chlban said:

    $36,000 for that stupid party?

    There's a chance that Bravo paid for part of it, like they pay for the trips.  But even if the Dubrows paid for it themselves, appearing on the show is an income-generating activity for them, and the $36,000 for the party could be considered an investment in that business.  In which case maybe they wrote it off their taxes. 

    2 hours ago, chlban said:

    I, and several other women, just spent hours of preparation and an entire day putting on a boutique/bake sale at the animal shelter where I volunteer. We were thrilled that we raised over $5,000. Not because we sold $5,000 worth of stuff  but because our supporters, many former adopters, would hand us $100 for a pack of cookies priced at $3.50 and refuse change. Bless them, they helped us save more lives.

    Really, this is no different from when nonprofits put on galas and charge a bunch to attend them--people always wonder why the attendees couldn't just give the money to the nonprofit, skipping the gala middle man and bringing in more money for the nonprofit.  In your case, it's just on a much smaller scale; they could have given you $100 and not made you spend hours and days working to make something to sell for $3.50. 

    2 hours ago, chlban said:

    If  you can afford to toss money away, at least put some of it to a good cause.

    We don't know that they don't.  As someone upthread pointed out, it could (maybe should) be assumed that they trumpet all of their good works, but maybe they don't.  Until we see their tax returns, we can't know for sure.

    It's almost a no-win situation.  If celebrities advertise their philanthropy, the run the risk of looking like bragging jerks, or (maybe worse for celebrities) of alienating some fans because of the causes they support, or of alienating friends whose causes they don't support (or don't support enough).  But if they don't tout their philanthropy, the general public thinks they're assholes with mansions who don't give to charity.

    I've always wondered what would happen to charitable donations if they weren't tax deductible, and if they were required to be anonymous.  I suspect they would plummet, and because of that, the entire landscape is very complicated.  For nonprofits, it's deciding how much you can ask Donor A for, and how frequently.  Or whether it's better to ask Donor A for $100 outright, or to offer him a pack of cookies for $3.50 that will allow him to become memorable by paying $100 for it.

    And for the donors, especially famous ones, it can be a minefield, where even deciding to stay anonymous can have repercussions.

    Okay, that's it.  I'm done defending celebrities, and in particular the Dubrows.  For me, I go deeper and am chagrined that there's THAT much money to be made in plastic surgery that isn't performed on burn victims or children with cleft palates. 

    • Love 2
  13. On 12/7/2021 at 10:32 PM, lightninggirl said:

    They're smart enough to know that it will be difficult (and time-consuming) for a gay couple to be approved for adoption in Mexico - even if it's an HIV-positive child - so they were probably hedging their bets that Kenny would be discouraged and quit trying to adopt (or it would give them even more time to wear him down and talk him out of adding to his brood).

    It sounds to me like adoption is a non-starter, because Armando said adoption isn't part of Mexican culture.  Which I find odd because my understanding is that homosexuality isn't part of either LDS or Mexican culture, yet Armando flew in the face of that.

    Perhaps more tellingly, Armando said his mother was against adoption, and in favor of a "blood" baby.  And he also said, when Kenny said he wants to move to Mexico City, that he's against it because he believes it's dangerous there, but he also said because his mother would be scared for him.  And Kenny said there's already a risk of resentment that he took Armando away from them, and he doesn't want to make it worse by taking him farther away, so he's not pushing it.

    And what got me was that he said this in front of his own kids, who he moved far away from, himself.  And yet he doesn't want to take Armando away from his mother.  I think the kids are being ridiculous, but I can see why they'd feel a little insulted.

    • Love 1
  14. 16 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    I still don't understand why Heather is shutting things down instead of asking Shannon to leave her house, again.

    And what exactly got shut down?  Heather said something to the catering people about not getting to the entrees, but the next day Gina said she was out really late.  It just doesn't add up.

    15 hours ago, 65mickey said:

    When Shannon was walking away from the party she looked like a linebacker lumbering along. Some of these women need to give up these shoes. 

    With those short and/or tight dresses, it's as if you can see all of the skeletal and muscular systems working to facilitate the walking process, and it's not pretty. 

    15 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    Dr. Jen's husband Ryan's mouth, ick. 

    I'm not sure what you're referring to, but I noticed that he's a mouth breather, and I simultaneously feel sorry for and am repelled by mouth breathers.  But the "feel sorry for" falls by the wayside when they cradle a dog at dinner in a restaurant.

    10 hours ago, Cheezwiz said:

    I found it really hard to look at [Nicole] because one of her eyebrows was stuck in an exaggerated raised position, and it was distracting as hell.

    And if you look away from the eyebrow, what you see is a nose that is uncomfortably close to Michael Jackson territory.  What a mess, and I bet she has no idea.

    14 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

    Oh no!  I must be maturing now that I’m in my 7 th decade.  I am now considering giving up yet another Bravo show. 

    Maybe it's an age thing?  I'm midway into my 7th decade and the same thought occurred to me as I was watching (and ultimately turned off) last night's show.  Maybe with age does come wisdom.

    14 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

    This show is now so contrived and driven by production it has become beyond ridiculous.

    I can take a decent amount of reality show tomfoolery, but don't insult me.  I felt insulted last night.

    • Love 19
  15. On 12/6/2021 at 7:05 AM, Ailianna said:

    I noticed the camera keeps cutting to Will when other people are talking, even though he is quiet and listening intently.

    I actually liked that, even though it meant more screen time for him than a lot of people would like.  But face it--he's a huge star compared to anybody else there, so of course he's going to get more camera time.  But everybody on the show benefits when he's shown paying attention to what they're saying, and riffing with them.  (Of course, when he was asking the podcasters about doing their podcast in an arena I think the wheels were turning in regard to a possible new revenue stream, but still.)

    I was impressed by his using kilos because although misguided, it showed some effort.  And actually, he doesn't have to be there the entire time in the first place, but does it.  And this time, was just one of the crowd as much as he can be. 

    The whole show was a big win for me.  Richard Osman doing his rap and when Will Smith complimented it, telling him to give props to his electrician co-author--that's the sort of thing I watch this show for. 

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  16. 27 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

    Wow.  For a supposedly trained doctor, he has no clue.  

    He's a trained internist.  He has some sort of certification in addiction medicine, but I can't find any indication that he's done any study in the field of counseling or even psychology. 

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  17. Say what you will about Sunny, but I don't think she's done the "oosh" thing, where instead of "dilution" you say "diloosh," for example.  Jeff started it, but I swear I heard Zakarian say it on the most recent show, and maybe Alex, too.  Just when Alex seemed to back off "literally"s to about two per segment. 


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  18. Sorry--I can't figure out how to post a trailer.  Here's a link:


    Man, I loved this movie.  I looked up director Mike Mills's filmography and realized I've seen and very much liked all of his previous feature-length movies, without knowing I was doing a completist thing.  There aren't that many of them, but every one is a winner, and now it's going to be an automatic "yes" whenever one of his films comes around.

    I thought Joaquin Phoenix and Gaby Hoffman were excellent but the kid Woody Norman was remarkable.  It's a very good year for young actors, between him, and the kid in Belfast

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  19. 13 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

    I'm going to have "I hate people individually, but I love mankind." embroidered on a cushion.

    That's a nice companion to the scene in Clerks, about who's going to go to a wake:

    Dante:  You hate people.

    Randall:  But I love gatherings.  Isn't it ironic?

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  20. On 12/4/2021 at 2:53 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Evelin, I think she looks busty because her regular dress is either a bikini, or a slip dress, so if she's wearing a bra, she will look bigger.    

    Well she was definitely wearing a bra, and a burly one at that.  I was transfixed looking at the outline of it.  Do people not look in the mirror?


    20 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

    I Googled the birth control question.  Websites came up with all sorts of answers from "use your own judgment" to "it is forbidden".

    Welcome to The Internet 2021.  I doubt The Internet 2022 will be an improvement.


    12 hours ago, Adeejay said:

    Steven saying that Kenny looks older in person was low, even for him.

    I agree.  Well, with the saying it out loud part.  Kenny looks rough.  I'd say he doesn't care, but he works so hard on his hair and his look that I think he does care.  But not enough to stop crying--red puffy eyes really don't help.


    10 hours ago, GrammyPammy said:

    Also…although Kailani, Corey, and Armando were raised in the Mormon church, I do not believe any of the three still consider themselves to be that religion any more.

    Mormons do seem to be unduly represented on this show.

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