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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. 41 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    Digression! I, too, saw "Turandot" at the Met! My only Met opera---my husband and I went to see Pavarotti! The set was nothing like your night's!

    That was the second time I'd seen Turandot with those sets, and even though I knew it was coming, when they opened the curtain I was almost blinded, and this time I was farther away, in the balcony.  This was 15 years ago, and I remember thinking, "How in the world can they charge only $100 for this?" 

    It makes me think about how many times the judges on PR say, approvingly, that something "looks expensive."  I think Brandon said it in this episode, and when I think about it I hear Nina's voice.  Zeffirelli sets certainly fit that bill.


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  2. On 10/20/2021 at 12:49 AM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    Drives me crazy the way everyone keeps blaming 'jealousy' for Kayla J not wanting Mecca to be with Makel and whatever woman he happens to be dating this week.

    I do think it's jealousy, because she's made it clear that she wants to be together with Makel, and was even talking about having another kid with him.  So while I agree with her about not wanting Mecca to be around rando girlfriends, I'm not convinced it's her primary motivation.

    And while I agree that having the kid be around rando girlfriends is bad, does Kayla J have a vote in that?  Does she have any authority to stop Makel from doing anything he wants to when he's with Mecca, as long as it's not dangerous enough for a judge to get involved and prohibit it?  While I think their story has no business being on this show, it might at least reinforce the advice that girls/women be very careful about who they breed with, because if things go south, there's no guarantee you're going to get your way on everything when it comes to the child.


    On 10/20/2021 at 12:49 AM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    Rachel is so stupid.

    Well, she's smart enough to know that her mother is willing to be walked all over, constantly. 

    On 10/20/2021 at 12:49 AM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    Also, how long do you think it'll be before her 'best friend' has had it with her being a 'grown up' while living with her. And how long before Rachel quits that factory job (work!) or leaves Hazelee with her friend's mom and goes walkabout for a day or two and then gets upset when she's called out on it?

    Who cares?  The worst that can happen to her is that she gets upset.  Then she'll move back in with Stephanie.  Same old same old--she just has to put up with a little grief, which is no doubt a lot easier than working in a factory.


    On 10/20/2021 at 12:49 AM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    Kiaya is Jekyll and Hyde. Seems so mature and reasonable but she sure can turn on a dime.

    I just can't pin the labels "mature" and "reasonable" on somebody with those fingernails.  Just can't.

    And I'm still annoyed at her reaction to Teazha's saying that when her parents die, then so be it.  They've been "gone" her entire life already.

    Just because Kiaya misses her dad doesn't have anything to do with how Teazha feels about either of her parents.  The most Kiaya should have done is express regret at how things played out with her own father, and tell Teazha is could be food for thought.  But nope--Teazha needs to work hard on her relationship with a father who's allowing her to live with him but doesn't speak to her, according to Kiaya.  Which starts a huge fight.  Good work, Kiaya.

    Although I have to say that I almost cried watching Teazha at her birthday party, when she said nobody has ever done anything like that--the joy on her face was palpable.  She tugs at my heartstrings.  And deserves much better than Kiaya, or Kaiya's mother (whom she seems very attached to).

    Then again, I think I read somewhere that Kiaya and Teazha are doing some sort of MLM scheme, presumably based on their fame from this show.  So fuck them.

    • Love 4
  3. 12 hours ago, CSunshine76 said:

    Are you serious? Driving from Brenham to Houston? You’d be on major highways the entire time. It’s not Vidor in the 1960s. Good Lord.

    The OP called it "Bumfuck Texas," so I think there was a lack of knowledge of where exactly Zack would be driving.  It won't be long before Brenham is a suburb of Houston.  I am glad they showed Ryan saying he grew up 15 minutes from there--I'd wondered.

    And BTW, you might want to update your "Vidor in the 1960s" by at least 30 years.  ☹️

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  4. On 10/14/2021 at 1:35 PM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    I think that was her hair dryer bonnet.

    I don't know...the part at the back of her neck was folded over, but it didn't look like the hose would attach in the part that was in the fold, and I couldn't see a place where it would attach anywhere else. 

  5. On 10/17/2021 at 3:44 AM, 7-Zark-7 said:

    "… and don’t you dare say Michael Costello to me…” - And there I was sitting listening and thinking “…but what about Michael Coste… oh “.

    I have a friend who bought a shiny gold strapless gown at a thrift store for like $6, to wear for some Zoom party.  We met at a fabric store for her to find some sort of something to make straps for it, and it still had the tags on it that said "Michael Costello" and I told her I could swear he was a Project Runway designer, and (for once!) I remembered right. 

    I hadn't given him a single thought since his season, and seeing his name on this dress made me think he'd been successful.  Well, except for the $6 NWT at a thrift store part.

    19 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

    I did not mean to dis opera. I live in central California, so not too many opportunities, but opera is not my thing at all. Still, I bet it’s awesome to see at the Met! It just makes me crazy because it seems very specific and not super common, but they all say it!

    It makes me crazy, too.  Or maybe it's product placement, because opera doesn't generally appeal to young people.  Which is probably why it's always so noticeable when these young people have their "girl" going there.

    I took Mr. Outlier to the Met once (we both wore jeans--it was February and freezing), and I specifically picked Turandot, and specifically picked the Franco Zeffirelli sets, because I figured if that doesn't make him a fan, nothing will. 


    He didn't hate it, but he hasn't asked to go to any others.  😀

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  6. On 10/16/2021 at 10:15 PM, Throwing Shade said:

    It was said on the show.  Katie said Bobby was there "hocking" his new book and it sounded like hocking, not hawking.  Even the closed captioning spelled it "hocking".

    I didn't realize that; my original post was addressed to a poster who wrote "hocking."

    I don't think Katie's West Virginia accent would reveal a difference between her saying "hawking" and "hocking."  I know that with my Texas accent they sound exactly the same.  When Katie says "put," it sounds like "putt" (like in golf).  I don't know what she does for "owl"; when I say it, it sounds just like the name "Al." 

    I wouldn't put any stock in what the closed captioning says.  I use it extensively and it's at best kind of a guide to what it sounds like the people are saying.  I notice errors constantly, and when it's something I genuinely can't make out, chances are the captioner (be it man or machine) couldn't, either.  Grrrr.

    As for the current episode, I liked it, and I'm happy to have Sunny back inside.  When they were talking about the Halloween pranks, Alex was genuinely asking Katie if she'd done the prank with her head.  That's the sort of banter I enjoy.

    And that scene of Sunny falling down never gets old.

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  7. 2 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

    Always love witty nicknames that are found here.  From here on out, I will refer to Aaron as "The Silver Fox".

    He looks distractingly like the gray-haired guy who used to be on Catfish on MTV.

    6 hours ago, 7-Zark-7 said:

    I really wanted him to go home until.... he threw Darren's cigarette away. I laughed so hard, I thought "Okay, stay forever".

    That was wonderful.  And possibly more effective than the ads that show someone with a tube in their throat from smoking.  Just how addictive is a cigarette that you have 30 minutes to salvage your appearance on Project Runway by making an entirely new dress and you choose to spend any of it smoking?  Frankly, I'm surprised to see anyone that age smoking actual cigarettes.  Have they not heard of vaping?  Not that I endorse vaping, but at least it's less noxious than burning tobacco.

    • Love 7
  8. I don't usually watch this show but I saw in the description that there was going to be a 652-square-foot two-bedroom house and I wanted to see how that could be, and if they were going to have to add on to make it livable.  They didn't add on (although I don't know if the unpermitted bathroom was included in the 652 square feet), and I could definitely live in it.  But not for $888,888!

    They said it was in Highland Park, and I didn't realize I'd been there until I looked it up and the Galco soda pop store is in Highland Park, and I was there a few years ago (you can make mix your own bottle of soda pop with flavors you want, and use a device to put a cap on it--pretty fun).  I remember thinking the area seemed rough.  But it supports almost $900,000 for a 652-square-foot flip.  Heavens.

    After their brief discussion about staging, I looked at the finished product with a more discerning eye, and realized how important it can be.  The bedrooms were small (of course--it's 652 square feet!), and I didn't notice a dresser in either one.  I can see a person going in and not noticing that because they're distracted by other things, but if they went into an empty room they'd be saying the bed would go here, and a nightstand here, but where would we put the dresser?  We can't even fit a dresser in here.  Let's go.

    I also have to hand it to the contractor for letting Tarek look at his bid.  I would have been scared to do that if I were him.  But maybe they all have more business than they can handle so it doesn't matter.

    • Love 2
  9. 12 hours ago, MerBearStare said:

    I feel like Nina in particular doesn't like when a plus size model wears something voluminous. Like she'll accept that fat people exist and are allowed to wear fashion, but she can't comprehend that a fat person wouldn't be super concerned about looking bigger than they are.

    What I thought was funny was that she criticized the lavender robe, saying she couldn't see the model's waist.  I thought, "Uh, yes you can, because it's the biggest thing on her."  What Nina couldn't see was a nipped-in waist, which people who are shaped like apples don't have.  Now, should garments be considering flattering only if they give that illusion?  I don't know, because I'm still in the camp that thinks clothes look better on beanpoles.  But I find the inclusion of just a couple of big models to border on tokenism at best, and unfair to the designers at worst.

    Didn't they used to do a "plus-size challenge"?  I'm sure that's all kinds of wrong, but it would at least create a level playing field, which I think is important in a competition. 

    12 hours ago, novhappy said:

    Christian really genuine and great to watch.

    There's nothing genuine about his combover (combforward?), and it makes it hard for me to watch him because I'm always trying to analyze what exactly it's doing, and feeling sorry for him that he feels like he needs to go through that.

    3 hours ago, novhappy said:

    Thinking about it I’m calling producer shenanigans on the gold column dress being in the top three. Basic af, no innovation or interest. It was top three to promote the drama. 

    I agree.  I have no doubt they had the top two, and it doesn't matter what the third one is, so they used this one.  And, have they done this before, where they don't say who the top three are, but reveal them one by one?  I found it a bit coincidental that the first time I saw them do this was in a case where the last look out would be the controversial one.  We'll see if they keep this format for the rest of the show.

    34 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

    Megan is totally going to lose it and I will be watching

    Me too!  Although I do wonder about producer shenanigans when we see her lying on her bed weeping while looking at paper photos of her dead mother, with two people trying to meditate five feet away. 

    Anybody else still get print issues of The New Yorker?  Their advertising pages are down to about zero, except for a women's clothing company from Sweden, I think, that takes out full-page ads of clothes that are layers on layers and look just like the clown clothes Katie makes.

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  10. 7 hours ago, gingerandcloves said:

    I didn't get what Jose meant when he said Rachel left - he was the one who locked her out...what is he talking about? 

    I was confused, too, because he told her to get the fuck out, before locking her out.  But then I remembered that the next day, she came back and was packing her stuff to leave.  I think that's what he's talking about--she was choosing to leave at that point.

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  11. 22 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    Mackenzie films another MTV Teen Mom infomercial for her Body By Mac brand. Guy at gym wearing a mask and emphasizing how they adapt to covid protocols. Mac and her boss, no mask, no social distancing, walk up and put out their hands for a handshake which I imagine gym guy felt he had to shake or risk putting them off. 

    And after that limp noodle Mackenzie extended, I bet he really regretted it.  You're not an artist in New York City, Mackenzie.  Learn how to shake hands.


    18 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    So here’s my take on the Nick appearance!

    MTV is conditioning him for the next generation of Teen Mom or maybe even Teen Dad. 

    Run Nick!

    No need to go sideways on the family tree; the OGs are populating the next generation of teen moms and dads themselves.


    On 10/13/2021 at 6:27 AM, Mr. Miner said:

    Purdue alumni and bisexuals are minding their own business and here comes Amber Fucking Portwood! 

    Dammit.  I was so bored by this episode that I was hoping it would be my last, but then I wouldn't understand comments like this, and my life would be poorer for it.

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  12. On 10/11/2021 at 5:44 PM, Rickster said:

    Previous seasons have been on Discovery. Of course, they could put it on streaming Discovery+, or start it there before putting it on broadcast.

    And I think it was the Science Channel that had reruns later in the week.

  13. 14 hours ago, NoWhammies said:

    I am a huge fan of tipsy Myrla. She is delightful and totally someone I could hang with. Everyone else - meh.

    I really despised her at the beginning, but have grown to appreciate her as the season has played out and I'm liking her quick wit and honesty.  And I think it was more on display when she'd been enjoying the 25-cent martinis. 

    13 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    Condensed advice to Myrla: "Kwitcherbellyakin!"

    It works for Larry David.

    At first I was put off by her negativity, but I've changed my view.  Their honeymoon rooms really were not the stuff dreams are made of, the pool was small, and you did have to walk across a marsh to get to the water.  She wasn't wrong.  And it's not like she pitched a fit and left because of it--she just made observations that were factual. 

    She's got snappy comebacks and takes and dishes shit well.  I like that in a person. 

    ETA:  Anybody else get second-hand Tourette's watching the selfie videos?  That just shows what you get when you don't have a producer leading talking head interviews--they were having to manufacture sentences out of four-word bits.

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  14. 2 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

    Dont shoot the messenger. 

    I think it's acceptable when the messenger is relaying his own message. 

    2 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

    This is a show where you are stuck with a stranger for 8 weeks.  Bring your best.  Especially on TV.

    Well, see, I'd say "Bring your self." 

    2 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

    She looked like a mess that scene.  You dont need make up because you are a hotty- patttati, and probably have great genes, but Brett did need makeup.

    You've never even seen me!  Is there any woman who thinks, "I'm so beautiful I don't ever need to wear makeup."  The women who don't wear makeup are the ones who think, "This is what I look like.  Deal."  You know, like men do.  Like I wish women could.

    • Love 9
  15. On 10/9/2021 at 1:30 PM, Rae Spellman said:

    Rachel is at an age where it might benefit her to be more mindful about her finances and the many options she has to entertain herself in the summer. She went to the World Series by herself.

    And can I just say that I was really impressed she'd done that?  There are a lot of people, especially women, who would never do something like that alone.  Good for her.

    • Love 3
  16. In another thread, @Bruinsfan said, "I've never seen Rami Malek come off well on a talk show or in a public appearance of any kind." I couldn't agree more, and while watching this episode, I was thinking how I've never seen Dave Grohl be anything but great on any talk show.  I loved that story about his being born to applause (literally, applause as he emerged) and the way it's affected him his whole life.  The pandemic was hard on him.  😀

    And all his other stories were entertaining.  It really did feel like he was just chatting, talking about his parents, how Foo Fighters is a stupid name for a band (and he made it plural so people wouldn't realize it was just him).  And when Grohl said he'd gone to some remote part of the world to get his head together after Kurt Cobain died, and I gather it was in Ireland or Scotland--somewhere where it's notoriously bad weather--and Graham said, "Did you have nice weather?" and Grohl actually thought for a nanosecond and said, "No!"

    That's what I watch Graham Norton for. 

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  17. The identify-that-food-by-feel segment at the end reminds me of how much fun the show can be.  Sunny's clue:  "I would never eat it" and Zakarian blurts out, "Tofu!"  (But she added that she actually does like it.)

    I remember this episode from when it first ran, mainly because of Katie's ruffled bell sleeves.   She hiked them up for the feel-the-food segment, but had left them dangling while making her (delicious sounding) squash things, and I don't think they made contact but good heavens, the anxiety while watching!

    But the most interesting thing was that when Zakarian and Jeff were sitting next to each other at the counter, they were the same color!  I hope Zakarian watches it and groks.

    Years ago, there was a local TV haircaster who got a makeover, and the biggest change was darkening her hair.  She'd been coloring it for many years, and it gradually got lighter and lighter--so gradually you don't even notice until you compare it to something earlier, and in the case of TV people, you have video you can use.  It wasn't even going back to her natural hair color, but just stopping the progression at a more reasonable point, and it made a world of difference.

    Zakarian could use a similar intervention with his tanning, although I should probably just be grateful he let his hair go gray and didn't go the red-shoe-polish route that so many men who have the means to get decent hair color go (although Zakarian might be a little young for that). 

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  18. 1 hour ago, Spectator said:

    Poor Bao - her body language when Johnny became unhinged and screamed from the other room while she was speaking to the camera spoke volumes. She wrapped her arms around herself for self protection. Nervously rubbing her arms up and down. That was so sad to see…this show has dropped this poor girl in a very volatile environment. It’s getting scary.

    One thing that's always bothered me about her is that she has a demeanor kind of like that all the time.  Even when just shooting the breeze on Unfiltered, she is hunched over with her head down, looking up.  Maybe even with her arms wrapped around herself.  So I'm not sure how much of what she was doing during the tantrum was unique to that moment.

    1 hour ago, Spectator said:

    All of that being said - I beg to differ when Bao repeatedly refers to her “gourmet meals”. I’m sure they’re fine, but you can tell a lot about someone’s culinary skills by the way they work their kitchen prep tools.

    It looked like while Johnny was with his family, Bao was making lunches for the week for both of them, in little individual containers.  I wonder if when she heats one up one at work, everybody is all envious comparing her lunch-from-home with their sad little freezer burned Healthy Choice frozen dinner. 

    1 hour ago, qtpye said:

    I think one of the biggest ironies about this couple is that Bao gave the show a list of names of people she definitely never wanted to be paired with for marriage. I thought she was a bit much at the time for doing this...

    I wonder how she chose who to put on that list.  It appears they were picking from a limited community, so did she put everyone she would be remotely compatible with on the list, leaving only Johnny and people she would obviously not be compatible with?  She did say she'd had a crush on him for all these years, and this would be a clever way to set it up.

    Then again, the last thing the experts seem to match for is compatibility, so there goes that theory.

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  19. 1 minute ago, seacliffsal said:

    but maybe, just maybe, Johnny's father knows who/how Johnny is and that this is going to end of going very badly for all involved. 

    I got the impression that Johnny's father lives in some other part of the country and has for some time, maybe even when Johnny was young, which makes me think Johnny and his father don't know each other that well.

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  20. 57 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

    I don't know that Brett thinks he "deserves" a model type - but for the sake of clarity, who "deserves" a good looking person and who doesn't? What are the criteria for earning a partner of immense beauty?

    I do think that Brett deserves a partner he is attracted to, as does everyone.

    For the sake of clarity, Ryan is the male half of the couple, not Brett.  😀

    As for the criteria for earning a partner of immense beauty, I think it would be being a person of immense beauty to begin with.  There are some successful couples who are mismatched in the looks department, but people generally end up with someone in their own ballpark.

    • Love 9
  21. FWIW, here's a photo from the ultrasound studio's website.  I don't know if you can tell whether a baby is good looking from any of this, but I do know that the advertised image looks much less like a creature than the one the yelp reviewer got.



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  22. On 10/7/2021 at 2:52 AM, antfitz said:

    Rachel should run from Jose. She wants to go to Europe and he wants to drive-through the dried land of Texas. Whoohoo! 

    To be fair, he suggested going to the Hill Country, which is quite scenic, especially by Texas standards.  Then again, it's a whopping 250 miles from Houston, so BFD.  For the dried land of Texas, they could go to Marfa and be super hip. 

    23 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    I think that Rachel CAN go by herself but I also think one of the things she pictured herself doing with her husband was traveling.

    Actually, she said as much.  She said she's gone to Europe with a friend before, and with her mother, but wants to travel with her husband.  Which is what dating is for--to find out if you can get what you want from the guy before you marry him, or if you can't, whether it's something you can live without.

    20 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

    Brett plans a physical outing thinking Ryan will enjoy. She thinks there is no way she can do the first task. She tries anyway and succeeds without a word of encouragement from Ryan. He's just standing there like a fucking robot. 

    Did she succeed?  I thought she didn't make it over the wall.  (No shade--I'm not good at heaving myself up over stuff, and couldn't do a pull-up at gunpoint.

    18 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    Not only that, she had towels and clothes all over the floor of the bathroom and closet.

    There was what looked like a towel on the floor of the shower!  In the Houston humidity!

    17 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    What we have here are ten almost middle aged singles that despite numerous boyfriends/girlfriends and lots of hook ups and live in's could not find a spouse on their own.  We are working with some damaged people here.

    Eh, I was 41 when I met Mr. Outlier over 20 years ago.  I'd had several multi-year relationships, but never actually lived with any of them.  They didn't work out for various reasons, but I wouldn't consider myself damaged goods. 

    Which is not to say that the people on this show aren't damaged goods, but I don't equate not marrying with being damaged (but of course I have a dog in that fight 😀).

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