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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. I laughed out loud when Bao and Johnny were throwing darts, and the prize was getting what you wanted in bed that night.  When Bao lost, she dropped to the floor in anguish and cried, "I don't want to play video games in bed."  Ha!


    16 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    So hate me if you must but goats smell bad and those baby goats had some really creepy eyes!

    A friend who had goats once told me that goats pee on their own faces.  Yuck.  And those eyes are creeeeepy.  I'll stick to lambs, which are much less creepy looking, and unfortunately, delicious.


    5 hours ago, Booger666 said:

    It’s hard to believe Myrla is the introvert she says she is when she is all about going out to hip, busy restaurants where she will be surrounded by people.  

    As others have explained, being an introvert doesn't have a whole lot to do with wanting to go to a hip, busy restaurant.  Plus, on Unfiltered, she said she cooks three meals a day and likes a break from that occasionally.  So she's not really "all about" going out.


    3 hours ago, Racj82 said:
    3 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    I don’t even know why [Gil's] on this show.  Maybe on a dare from his buddies. 

    It may at least partially be because of his job that he is on the show. It's probably hard for him, in regards of free time, to date.

    On Unfiltered, it became clear why dating, especially if it involves writing a profile, hadn't worked for him.  Before the foot massage, Myrla said that she had suggested that they watch the sunset and he said he didn't like sunsets.

    So he gave her the foot massage instead, even though she said she really appreciates foot massages only when her feet are sore, and hers weren't because she'd been home all day working.

    I'd call this one a draw.  I mean, would it have killed Gil to sit there and watch a sunset?


    3 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    I don't really like Jose but I'm bothered by everyone's certainty that he is gay. He presents himself as heterosexual. He married a woman and has said he is attracted there and has had sex with her. He presents as heterosexual. It feels disrespectful to insist that he is a closeted homosexual because of some dated stereotypes about how gay men are. 

    Myrla presents herself as someone who doesn't want to have a dog, and yet plenty of people are happy to impose their beliefs about the cuteness and desirability of dogs on her. 

    • Love 5
  2. 2 hours ago, Aradea831 said:

    Never in a million years would I have thought that was Ari...maybe some like a younger sister but not her. Or maybe her if at some point after this she'd had reconstructive surgery from a major accident. Which I honestly had thought that might have happened...her face is kinda ...crooked for lack of a better word.

    You know who she looks like?  The Sewing with Nancy lady who had Bell's Palsy, if Nancy used more eye makeup.

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  3. 1 hour ago, salvame said:

    Sad to admit I am a junkie for these shows. They keep me humble, I guess. We have had our share of family drama, but it never came close to what I see on these shows.

    They keep me arrogant, when I compare myself to the people on these shows.


    1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Yes there is.  The group following this show.  I think it's Young and Pregnant.  Now that one's a ball buster.  lol

    I thought the same thing, at first, but realized the people on Young and Pregnant aren't really lame, like the people on this show.  The Y&P people are noxious and disturbed and stupid.  The ones on this show, absent Amber (who is disturbed), are lame because they've either slowed to a stop or continue to make the same bad decisions they've been making for 10 years.  That's lame. 

    The girl on Y&P who said, "Co-parenting with someone in prison is hard," referring to her baby daddy X'Zayveon?  That's not lame.

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  4. 4 hours ago, Dehumidifier said:

    But the cherry on top of it all was at the very beginning when she said something about how she and the husband met at work as cops when she "backed him up on a few traffic stops *nudge wink nudge*."

    I took that as them getting it on in a patrol car parked in a remote area. 🙄.

    Looking at her, I thought it had something to do with cops and doughnuts.

    • LOL 6
  5. On 9/14/2021 at 12:52 AM, Back Atcha said:

    I agree.  He's disappointed in himself, in Armando, the living conditions, day-to-day life.  He has always been "a good guy," so he'll just cry more often (privately) and get so depressed it will be dangerous.

    I'm wondering if the laws of physics would allow Kenny to cry more often. 

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  6. 13 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

    Holy cow! Y'all weren't kidding about the Naples woman. She was a caricature of her former self. And she's a shrink? Physician, heal thyself.

    She's a psychologist with a doctorate degree, not a medical doctor.  I've never been a fan of using Dr. for those people in non-work situations (I'm not a fan of using Dr. for medical doctors in non-work situations, either, but that's a battle I'll never win), so it really grated when the narrator said something in the intro about "These two doctors are..."  I, of course, thought, "She's a doctor???"   No, she's not.  She's a psychologist who writes books.

    Actually, if she were a practicing psychologist, I'd be tempted to stake out her office just to get a look at her clients.  Because, as @Grizzly pointed out, who could stand to listen to that voice?  You could close your eyes during the session, as if you're deep in thought the whole time, but that doesn't help with that voice.

    And thanks for the clarification on the wig.  I'm real ignorant when it comes to wigs and extensions, and was picturing her teasing her natural hair to get that big bump up on the crown, and teasing hair always makes me shudder--scraping all those hair cuticles the wrong direction is gross.

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  7. 21 hours ago, KFC said:

    Meh, no one on this show is actually documenting real purchases or rentals. Everything is staged, so it's all subjective anyway.

    I know someone who was on the show and most of the story was only based in truth, but the house they showed them picking was their house.  Which they'd bought a couple of years prior, but it really was theirs.  But maybe that's not documenting the purchase, now that I think about it. 

    6 hours ago, aghst said:

    Seems like she was kind of thirsty for the HH.  They had her play the role of the friend and the agent in this one, with them kayaking together for the little scenes of the HH doing something in the new city.

    You forgot going shopping for new clothes due to his weight loss.  Bleh.

    As stupid as some of the constructs seem (like having a "friend" along to offer counterpoint, or having someone pose as an agent), I appreciate them when they're gone. 

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  8. Why are the baby's first and middle names in different fonts on the sign?  The first name and the stats are in one font, which means the curly Rose font was a conscious decision. 

    I don't like babies but have to admit that this is a cute one.  That bow, though.  Ugh.  I apparently hate all bows like that; for a while, I thought it was just the lacy ones that were so repellent, but rustic doesn't cut it, either.

    Then again, if she can look cute with that bow, then she must really be cute.

    • Love 3
  9. 2 minutes ago, Rt66vintage said:

    I remember that Armando had a dog grooming business, and that's a needed service in most of the world. Kenny could easily work as his assistant, answering the phone, collecting the fees, and washing the dogs.

    If the show accurately depicts his command of Spanish, answering the phones is a no-go.  Shoot, even washing the dogs might be sketchy because they probably speak only Spanish.

    But here's an idea--if he's bored or rootless or whatever, he could immerse himself in learning Spanish.  Treat it like a job, even--not just sitting in front of the TV.

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  10. On 9/11/2021 at 1:15 PM, Gator Stud said:

    In Miami and Texas people do this all the time. Send money back to Cuba or Mexico. 

    They're called remittances, and apparently people all over the country do it all the time because remittances by immigrants in the U.S. are three times the amount of foreign aid the U.S. sends to other countries.  In 2017, remittances were almost $150 billion.

    1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:

    I don’t like her not liking his dog. Hype seems like a sweet boy and all she does is mention that he slobbered on the floor. Get a paper towel and clean it up you lazy spoiled prissy bitch.

    It's not her dog, and she doesn't even want a dog, no doubt in part because she doesn't like slobber (Myrla and I have that in common; I'm not sure how she feels about rheumy eyes, but they gross me out).  Why should she have to clean up after it?  The cleaning up should be done, in order, by (1) Hype, (2) Gil, (3) Pastor Cal.  I think Myrla would would be number infinity on that list. 

    I actually feel kind of sorry for her because it's annoying to have people pooh-pooh your stated preferences, and she's going to be judged a terrible person because she doesn't want to clean up dog slobber and dog shit.  I ran into the same shit with my insistence that people I went out with didn't have kids, only to be told, "Oh, you haven't met my kids.  They're great!"

    1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:

    And it’s time for her to kiss that man and give him a little. They’re married. Be a wife.

    As others have observed, she showed real affection when he pulled up in the fire truck.  I think she likes him and if she's not inclined to kiss him--yet--I don't think she should feel obligated to.  If Gil doesn't like it, he can choose not to continue the marriage.  It might seem like a raw deal, but it's no more of a raw deal than being forced into an apartment with a pit bull mix whose owner doesn't come home every day.

    2 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

    Oh, and totally unrelated to my previous paragraph-Myrla's grocery bill is quite low considering that she is also buying expensive champagne (per the empties in her apartment [and yes, I realize she probably doesn't buy it all the time...]).

    I don't know what numbers she was looking at when she said what she spends on groceries.  In Texas, grocery stores can sell wine but not hard liquor, so champagne might be part of a grocery store run, but tequila wouldn't.  So is tequila from the liquor store considered a grocery purchase?  And as someone else noted, people buy all kinds of stuff at grocery stores these days.  I bought bath towels at H-E-B once; I wouldn't consider that groceries, but it's on a grocery store receipt.  Same with cleaning products, batteries, flip flops in Corpus.

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  11. 4 hours ago, Rightside said:

    And I don't think they even showed the name of place, have they? Doesn't that always happen?

    They show the name all the time, on a vertical sign on the side of the building.  I'm working from memory, but I think it says "Latitude."  However, I think it was New Orleans that they consistently showed the outside of a building and it wasn't the one they were living in.

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  12. 17 hours ago, Fukui San said:

    I liked this. I had no attachment or knowledge of Shang Chi in the Marvel Universe, but it's heartening that they were able to marry the superhero flick with Hong Kong action movie aesthetics so well.

    I posted upthread that I was seeing this only because Tony Leung is in it.  I'm a long-time fan of Hong Kong movies, and know pretty much nothing about the Marvel Universe.  (I read Archie when I was little and generally shy away from CGI extravaganzas in my dotage.)

    So imagine my surprise, and thrill, at the scene on the bus, which was so like the hundreds of improbable fights I've watched (and loved) over the years.  I was in.  And then Shaun had a poster from Kung Fu Hustle in his room.  And Michelle Yeoh kicks some ass.  And there are places with big rock walls and flying dragons.  While Tony Leung is all over the place.  I sure was happy.

    I'm not sure this is going to draw me to the Marvel Universe in the future, but dang it was a great two hours in a darkened theater.  Thank you, Marvel fans who keep this franchise going.


    Shang-Chi's second weekend at the box office is the next big test of the film and Disney's theaters-only gambit.

    Hmm...maybe I should see it again this weekend, to help bolster those numbers.  I love seeing movies in theaters.

    I found out from this thread that I need to stay through the credits, which I always do anyway (as did the other four people in the theater I was in, and it made me feel like a member of the club), and I was agog at the sheer number of people's names.  I was thinking, "If you paid every single person $1,000, it would be a boatload of money, and the vast majority of them are paid a lot more than $1,000."  I'm kind of surprised it cost only $150 million to make.  And I'm in awe that I can see it for $8.

    • Love 9
  13. 13 hours ago, karenbrady said:

    Myrla looks sickly. I'm not a make-up girl either but after a certain age you need to do a little sumtin-sumtin.

    This really grates because I don't think any female babies emerge from the womb thinking, "I hope nobody sees me before I have a chance to put on some lipstick and a little mascara."  So where does that come from? 

    People don't ever say about a man, "He looks sickly.  He needs to do a little sumtin-sumtin, especially at his age." 

    My problem with Myrla's looks is that she has those eyelashes that look unnatural, which creates a mismatch when she doesn't have a face full of makeup to go with them.  That mismatch is jarring to me.  And her skin texture is kind of slick, like it's the product of facials or dermabrasion or whatever, which also looks unnatural to me. 

    10 hours ago, endure said:

    Myrla owns her shit and she is one of the most confident women I’ve seen on this show. 

    Interesting.  I wonder if that factors into people's harsh judgments. 

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  14. 4 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

    I didnt say she should live in the Outer Loop. I just said with $50K+ of clothes in her tiny closet, she needs to get a bigger apartment- or else that means she is spending too much on clothes and not enough on a living space. 

    I guess I misunderstood when you said, "she could be living here" and linked to a particular house.

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  15. 12 minutes ago, Gator Stud said:

    You dont want to live in the Outer Loop in Houston.  Its a cultural wasteland.

    Then why did you suggest it for Myrla?  Or actually, the >2,000 square foot house you linked to is in a golf course community 15 miles as the crow flies outside of the Inner Loop.  It's not even inside the Beltway (second loop).  Not a single thing we've seen about Myrla tells me she would want anything to do with it.

    (What I find amusing is that one of the features it touts is a sauna.  Um, Houston is a sauna.)

    I'd be more inclined to put Myrla near Rice, like where you chose to live, which is a very nice area close to the action.  Or the Galleria, where you say she is (and where I think she belongs).

    3 minutes ago, Gator Stud said:

    I think she spends rent money on clothes. She could have a place twice as large for $300/month more. I lived in a better place when I was in grad school and had no money.   So I just dont get it.

    I don't remember her apartment, except for the pictures of her doing backbends on the beach.  What was so awful about it? 

    I've lived in one-bedroom apartments almost all of my adult life, and certainly when I was Myrla's age (and beyond).  I could easily have afforded a two-bedroom apartment, but I never really even considered it because I didn't need or even want a bigger space, and I found one-bedroom apartments that I liked.  

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  16. 14 minutes ago, Gator Stud said:

    But in Houston tiny apartments are like $600/month.  I am not saying this is the best house, but she could be living here:

    I hope that's not your former crib, because I'm almost twice Myrla's age and don't even need to be where the action is, but I'd consider killing myself if I had to live there.

    I would probably feel the same way about Jose's place in Pearland. 

    5 minutes ago, Gator Stud said:

    Gil is smart.  No matter what happens, he is obsessed with looking like the good guy, smoothly smiling. He knows after the show he will probably get a higher paying job and unlimited dates.

    Jesus.  I hope nothing that happens on this show would be taken into account when HFD considers Gil for a promotion, and I can't imagine any other career that he would be able to insert himself into based on being on the show. 

    2 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

    I seriously doubt any of this is the case for Gil.  He is a firefighter and depending on the rules of the department all firefighters can be required or strongly encouraged to have short hair and definitely no beards.  Again it depends on the specific department.  So I see no forcing Gil into any cultural standard going on here.

    FWIW, take a look at the Houston Fire Department's recruiting page.  (The picture isn't insertable here because it's not an https link.)


    The only person with no hair is a white guy who does look like he's balding.  The black guy looks to have a pretty good hairline; not up to the level of the Asian guy, but not noticeably way back on his head.

    5 minutes ago, Gator Stud said:

    I actually like Myrla more after watching her.  After the first few episodes I really couldn't stand her.  

    Me, too.  In fact, I'm doing a flip flop on my opinion of those two, except my opinion that they never should have been matched.  That one's not budging.

  17. On 9/4/2021 at 8:58 AM, chlban said:

    Charities had to pay back money Bernie Madoff had donated. It wasn't his money to give, it was stolen.

    What I've read about was charities/foundations that were Madoff investors, and they had to pay back money just like other investors.  I can't find anything about Madoff making big donations that had to be paid back. 

    FWIW, here's an interesting article on why Madoff courted charities in particular as investors, and why they wanted to invest with him.  Diabolical.

    Charities: the foundation of Madoff's scheme?



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  18. 7 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    But of all the arguments raised, I haven't read "Charity." Caritas. The Beatitudes. The Widow's Mite. Where does Myrla stand? Her stock might rise if she said, "Yes, but for every Louboutin I buy, I donate that amount to [insert your favorite charity here]." 

    I think, as I write, that that might be at the heart of Gil's concern, for he has made a career of helping others.

    And yet when they briefly waded into politics, it was Gil who said he votes based on who will help him financially, while Myrla said she votes based on who will help other people.

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  19. 2 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

    Any subsequent transferee. But showing good faith and lack of knowledge is not necessarily easy. 

    Thanks for the reply.  That seems to me how it should operate, but in an episode thread, several posters were insistent that subsequent transferees have to give it back no matter what, including if they acted in good faith.  I asked for the legal doctrine that covers this because I'm interested in the justification for it, but didn't get any replies to that.  But people said things like this, which seem to contradict what you're saying:


    The Bankruptcy Trustee is going to claw back all of the money that should never have been paid out



     If you receive stolen property as a gift or a loan you have to give it back, and this is so even if you pay for it.  



    Yes, if your dad robbed a bank and gave you the money you would absolutely be responsible to pay it back. Your dad cannot give you someone else's money.



    you are not entitled to keep "gifts" that were stolen.

    As I asked before, if somebody could just point me to any statutes or case law, or just a general legal doctrine, that cover this, I'd be happy to go read up on it myself.  But I'm having zero luck doing google searches.

    And to clarify--this isn't about whether Erika can be required to pay anything back.  It has to do with anyone Erika transferred the money to can be required to pay it back, for example as payment for a product or services, or as a gift, if they accepted the money in good faith.  Lots of people are saying they can be, and that just seems wrong to me, so I'd like to know how courts or legislatures justify it.

    I suppose that in the case of buying something that turned out to be stolen, the remedy could be that the purchaser can sue the seller to get his money back, which makes sense.  But that makes me wonder about the actual mechanics of making the purchaser give the item he bought to the original owner.  How does that actually happen? 

    In a bankruptcy proceeding, I assume there would be a judge who could order it.  But if it's just that somebody robbed a bank and made a gift to somebody who accepted it in good faith, who orders the recipient to return the money to the bank?  Cops?  How do they make it happen if the person refuses to do it?


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  20. On 8/29/2021 at 8:39 AM, SomeTameGazelle said:

    I often skip the musical numbers when I watch The Pirate -- at least the singing, because Gene Kelly's acrobatic dancing is one of the delights of the film for me. 

    I now always skip everything but the dancing with Gene Kelly and the Nicholas Brothers.

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  21. On 9/1/2021 at 10:17 AM, tvfanatic13 said:

    I have been a bankruptcy lawyer for 32 years. If the law firm fraudulently transferred assets to EJ or her LLCs (without consideration, actual fraud, etc.), a subsequent transferee from her if they took in good faith and without knowledge of the original fraudulent transfer, may keep the money.

    Does your example include only vendors who received the money for providing a good or service?  What if Erika gave money to someone as a gift?  Would the recipient have to pay it back if the recipient took it in good faith and without knowledge of the original fraudulent transfer?

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  22. 13 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    I've said before about this topic, I'm not talking about people who sweat in their sleep or engage in adult activities. I'm talking about people who just sleep and wake up. There is no funk on me I need a whole shower to wash off. Coming home from work? Yes I do.

    Aren't you a FedEx driver, or deliverer, or something?  I think it was you who's had issues with dogs while delivering packages.

    If so, then you're doing basically an 8-hour workout, and for sure taking a shower after that would be a priority of mine.  I've never had a job where I ran around outside all day and got actually dirty.  When coming home after driving my car to an office and sitting around for 8 hours and driving my car home, I never felt like I needed to wash the day off me.

    And if I were a FedEx driver, I might not think it's a big priority to shower before going to work, since I'm going to get all grimy anyway.  Same as if I know I'm going to be exercising in a couple of hours--I don't shower before that if I'm just hanging around until then.

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  23. 18 hours ago, DocTerv said:

    I'm really having trouble getting into this season because there is not a single couple to root for.

    This statement made me realize I'm a "wrong reasons" watcher.  I'm not rooting for them to fail, but I often enjoy watching it when it happens. 


    17 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

    It’s like they don't really know how to be playful (as in, no giggling?).

    Unless they have light sabers!


    13 hours ago, greeneyedscorpio said:

    Exactly!  If I knew anyone where I live (New Mexico) that showered 3 times a day,  I'd have something to say about it.  Completely irresponsible. 

    To be fair, New Mexico doesn't have humidity.  In Houston, just walking from the car to the grocery store in the sun can make me break into a sweat I can live with for the rest of the day but have to wash off before I go to bed because I hate trying to sleep if I'm sticky.  In addition to my non-negotiable morning shower.

    And, not every shower has to be a 30-minute spa experience.  If I'm doing a rinse-off-the-sweat-especially-from-the-back-of-my-neck shower before bed, it takes just a minute or two of water.

    14 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    What is sleep funk? If I'm literally just sleeping, what funk is on me?

    I've always called it "that sleeping smell."  It's musty. 

    7 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    Also, we are still dealing with covid. Vaccinated or not, this needs to be a wake up call to what we are coming across everyday. Looking at what we bring home. Its much harder to just blow off cleanliness these days.

    But we did find out we don't need to wipe everything down with alcohol and fear surfaces.  I would think that washing one's face before retiring would be sufficient in the case of respiratory viruses. 


    8 hours ago, karenbrady said:

    Also,  woman, stop it with the 4 alarms. Get your GROWN, working azz out the bed in the morning..

    She should get an alarm (or more than one) for deaf people that shakes instead of making noise, so it doesn't wake up Jose.  I've had one forever and having something that blares at me when I'm sleeping has come to seem extremely uncivilized.  And it's particularly uncivilized if the other person doesn't need to wake up.


    5 hours ago, CSunshine76 said:

    I don’t know if you consider hunting and eating the meat “hunting for sport”, but I can almost guarantee Ryan and/or his family ate the venison from that deer for many months after. Many Texans hunt deer and fill our freezers for a year with venison.

    My family had a deer lease and hunted, and a freezer full of venison.  I have a brother who's been a vegetarian for almost 40 years and he said the one thing that could possibly make him eat meat again would be the venison pan sausage we had when we were kids.  I once took a frozen roll of it on a plane with me to college.

    I never shot one myself, and could have done without seeing the deer hanging upside down in the garage.  Actually, I did do without it, by learning not to go out there until it had been taken to the processor.  I also don't tour slaughterhouses or chicken farms because I freely admit I'm a huge hypocrite when it comes to meat. 

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