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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. 33 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

    Wasn't the top line "Geico" with an enormous number next to it? I couldn't figure that out. He can't spend that much on insurance.

    That's what it looked like at first but upon closer examination, I saw two three-digit numbers with a slash between them.  I thought it might be two different payments he makes to Geico, like maybe one for car insurance and one for homeowners insurance?

    33 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

    And for the record, I have no issue with showering in the morning (I have terrible bed head).

    I have this horrible ability to smell that someone hasn't taken a shower after sleeping all night.  You know how old people can smell because they haven't bathed in a couple of days?  It's not underarm b.o. but just a funkiness.  I smell that on people who simply haven't taken a shower in the morning.  It's annoying, and for the life of me I can't figure out how to monetize this superpower. 

    • LOL 5
    • Love 3
  2. 23 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

    I thought it was hilarious how she was talking into the microphone almost exclusively at first.

    I loved that Luann pointed out how she was always talking into the microphone and thought it was funny.  That's the Luann I see glimpses of every now and then.

    16 hours ago, njbchlover said:

    Does Luann have implants?  If so, they are the perfect size for her body, and looked very natural to me - not that I've done an intensive study on breast implants on anyone!   

    There looked to be too much flat space between them to be natural, but I agree that they look pretty good.

    Now, Eboni's boobs?  Yikes.  It was even more jarring to see her TH in the gold dress, with them pushed up under her chin, knowing what they look like unfettered.

    • LOL 3
  3. 6 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

    We literally paused the episode for at least 10 minutes trying to parse José's graffiti-tagged budget board. Some of it added up but a lot made no sense at all. The numbers directly under "MONTHLY EXPENSES" included $7,200 savings, $1,400 HSA (presumably Health Savings Account), $70,000 401k, and $3,000 stonks. Those are absurd monthly numbers, but make sense for ambitious annual amounts. His job title earns somewhere between $56k to over $100k/year, so if he's putting half his paycheck into retirement and pre-tax health spending, the $3000/month he seemed to be working with could make sense as take-home pay. 

    I also paused and scoured.  The items literally under MONTHLY EXPENSES had to be annual amounts, and the items over to the left of MONTHLY EXPENSES looked like monthly expenses. 

    There was an $800 floating around subtracted from something, and none of that made any sense.  And the words DEBT FREE seemed odd, because it's not like a countdown $X until I'm debt free.  The whole thing seemed like a mess, and I'd think it was made for the show except it was already up when whatever expert surprised him with a visit.

    6 hours ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

    From that, he was breaking it down into bills, "expenses," and savings. The bills included AT&T, T-Mobile, and FUBO, so homeboy is connected.

    But not fed, because none of the items had to do with groceries or eating out. 

    Or clothes.  Or gas for his car.  Or property taxes on his paid-off house, even though property taxes in Texas are significant (Texas doesn't have an income tax). 

    • LOL 1
    • Love 11
  4. 17 hours ago, amarante said:

    About a decade ago they started putting up those ultra modern homes and they haven't really aged well in terms of desirability - not to mention really clashing with the other homes in the area.

    When those ultra modern houses first started springing up, I was taken with them (while acknowledging that they usually don't fit in with the adjacent houses).  But I always wonder how they're going to age in terms of desirability.  Like the PT Cruiser car--when it first came out I loved them, but just like a year later, I kind of hated them. 

    I think the ultra modern ones haven't been around long enough for someone to think, "Did anyone like this even when it was new?"  Like a lot of houses built in the 1970s--they're ugly now and I just can't imagine people thinking they were fantastic looking even when they were built.  At least with the Craftsman houses that are springing up everywhere, they're cute.  Right now, anyway.

    While I've about had it with the world these days and sometimes think I'm just kind of biding my time on the planet, I would kind of like to hang around long enough to see what happens to the ultra modern houses in the court of public opinion.

    • Love 3
  5. 5 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

    All a 815 score means is that you can borrow more money at a lower interest rate. It doesnt mean you have money.

    I do think that someone with an 815 is more likely to have money than someone with a 500.  Or, rather, money that is actually theirs and not listed as a receivable somewhere.

    But to me, all Jose's 815 means is that he doesn't over-extend himself and he pays his debts on time.  I think this should be graded more as "meets expectations" than the colossal achievement he seems to regard it as, especially for a person who is single and has a presumably decent-paying job.

    I think Rachel said that she got a new credit card in order to pay for her trip to Italy or Switzerland.  I'm kind of impressed that Jose didn't faint. 

    Also, I was hoping this episode would explain it a little better, but it just repeated what was already said.  What exactly is Jose's plan for finances?  They both put all their take-home in one pot, and he takes out the expenses, and then what happens with the rest?  Rachel was making it sound like he was going to dole it out to her?

    • Love 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Alexander Pope said:

    You know I actually liked her better this week.  She seemed a lot more engaging and funny in a larger group.  And she seemed to be vibing a little better with Gil.  She has more humor than I gave her credit for.  She's still extra and complains way too much IMO, but now I think it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to hang out with her.

    I think she has a quick wit, and I appreciate that in people.

    2 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

     I find the name-changing “problem” to be making a mountain out of a molehill. Many women have careers prior to marriage and it would be bothersome/confusing to change one’s name in a business setting. Keep your maiden name, go by your “married name” unofficially if you have kids in school, and use your maiden name for the outside world. There’s no point in legally changing your name as long as you aren’t trying to con anyone. PLUS, when you get divorced, you don’t have to go to court to get your name back.

    I don't get the feeling Gil would be okay with Myrla using her "married name" only unofficially if they have kids in school.  I can't remember...who brought it up at the reception--Gil or Myrla?

    • Love 2
  7. 7 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    He did say he has a dog walker.  But why he would expect Myrla to walk the dog just because they're married didn't sit right with me.  Suddenly it's too expensive?  Like her time isn't worth money?  She has to work too!  Again, I think he is just messing with her because he knows they are not going to make it.

    I hope so.

    I was thinking of this in the context of my being matched with someone with a big boa constrictor as a pet.  I might bring myself to live in the same house with the snake (assuming it's in an aquarium), but I just don't like snakes and I'd do what I could to never even look at it, I would prefer not to be in the house if it's slithering around getting exercise (and if I were, I'd insist being behind a closed door and god dammit if you quietly crack open that door and let it in as a joke, it's over), and I sure as hell wouldn't feed it live prey just because the snake's owner had a scheduling conflict.

    And I would feel the same way even if I didn't have a job and my time was therefore worth zero.  Myrla doesn't like dogs, no matter how cuddly they are.  I don't like snakes, no matter how clean they are. 

    7 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    But yeah, the more Gil opens his mouth the more I am kind of forgetting about what a hunk he is.

    It started with the name-change thing at the reception, but I kind of gave it a pass.  Now he's saying his compromise will be for her to have an extra long new name.  I notice that he's not suggesting that he change his name, too, so they can have the same extra-long name he thinks she should accept for herself.  So it's not just a matter of their having the same last name, which might, might, be useful for practical matters.

    And I'm disappointed by what he says drives his world view, and now he expects his new wife to put up with dog hair all over her expensive possessions and pick up the shit of the dog that's putting all that hair in her world.  And we haven't even gotten to handling money. 

    I think what really bugs me is how the "experts" don't respect what the applicants tell them.  In this case, most of them are at least 30, so I would think you could assume they mean what they say when it comes to things like, "Will you change your last name once you get married?"  I can almost see ignoring Myrla's desire for a non-bald man, because physical attraction can be unpredictable.  But for core values and world view, people can change, but they generally don't.  And to match them with someone they clearly clash with on matters like that I find actually insulting. 

    And speaking of insulting, I don't want to run the risk of insulting anyone here, but is Jose's credit score really all that great?  Sure, it's as high as it can get, but doesn't that just mean that he has or has had mortgages and loans he makes timely payments on, and that he probably pays off his credit card every month?  In other words, that he lives within his (presumably substantial) means?  Seems to me that should be sort of the baseline, not something to crow about.

    • Useful 1
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  8. 7 hours ago, ByaNose said:

    Just watched new Brandon. Whatever. I totally agree about the bedrooms. They were so small. I’m talking NYC small and I’m not even from NYC. The bathroom was huge but it also was the only bathroom so they had to go big.

    I don't understand this trend of devoting so much square footage to a bathroom.  I can actually see having two sinks, because that allows two people to utilize the space at the same time.  But those ones that are just big, with the business parts around the edge, and the open part in the middle is used only to pass through to get to another part of the bathroom--I'd rather have that space in another part of the house. 

    Then again, I don't mind a cramped bathroom because I just use it for a bathroom, not an oasis. 

    • Love 5
  9. 10 minutes ago, Meowwww said:

    I have depression and anxiety.  On my bad days, showering is hard.  She said sometimes she gets sad or something happens.  Sounds like me. With all the times she talks about her faults, I bet mental health has something to do with it. 

    Yeah, I noticed she said she might not shower when she gets sad, and I wonder if it's more significant than when she comes home and is too tired to shower.  Personally, I can't stand going to bed if I've been sweaty that day, so I don't get it, but I also don't get people who don't shower in the morning.  Fortunately, this was all hashed out in the discussions about that filthy pig Mindy, so we don't have to get into it again.

    3 hours ago, spunky said:

    I agree with Myrla, politics is a deal breaker.  Especially if the other person is on the extreme end of the political spectrum. 

    And I think she made a good point about concern about others driving one's political views, in contrast to Gil saying it was all about what would help him advance.  I was actually disappointed because I loved Gil when we first met him, but that started wearing off with a quickness in this episode. 

    10 minutes ago, Meowwww said:

    I like Gil and Myrla with their bantering.  

    I do, too.  And I adore Myrla's laugh.  She's making it very very hard for me to even like her, and then she'll give that throaty laugh and I start trying all over again.

    1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

    I don't particularly care for Myrla, but she specifically stated that she is not a pet person.  And what did they do? They matched her with a guy who owns a bull dog.  Not a chihuahua;  a freeking bull dog. 

    I'm (obviously) no dog expert, but my understanding is he has a pit bull mix, which to me is different from a bulldog, which I think are those smashed-face fat little dogs that can't breathe right.  Pit bulls are different.

    That said, I find chihuahuas very annoying.  I don't fear they're going to maul me, but that's about the only good thing I can say about them in comparison to a pit bull.  Well, maybe their shit is smaller.  But it's still shit, and maybe it's a hideous sign of selfishness, but I don't think someone who doesn't want to should have to pick up the shit of a dog they don't own.

    My satellite was going in and out.  Did Gil say who walks his dogs when he's doing his 24-hour shifts?  If he has a dog walker, then why can't he keep having the dog walker?  On Unfiltered, Johnny was trying to tell Myrla that she should be honored that Gil wanted/trusted her to walk his dog, and presumably to no one's surprise, Myrla wasn't having it.  [And if Jamie Otis says "gotcha" one more time, I'm gonna scream.]

    In other news, why didn't they just drive the boat out there to get Johnny?  And kudos to the guy who was hooking them into their parasailing equipment and said, "Y'all are crazy.  I wouldn't do this."  I think he and Myrla would be a good banter match.

    • Love 7
  10. On 8/24/2021 at 11:09 AM, Dehumidifier said:

    She talked about one of the kids using an air mattress when they are both there, I guess in the living room.  I thought, couldn't she get a trundle for under her bed and share her room with the daughter when both kids are there?

    I wondered why she couldn't have the two kids share the extra bedroom during the intervals when both are there. 

    When all five of us kids were out of the house, my parents built a new house and had one extra bedroom, just big enough for two twin beds.  If more than one kid happened to be there at a time, they shared that room, regardless of the gender mix.

    On 8/24/2021 at 8:44 AM, laredhead said:

    I did not know the distance involved, but a map shows it as about 52 miles via I-5.  I know some people who live about 45 miles from my city, and they commute daily, but it's an hour at most via the interstate - barring any wrecks.  Of course, we don't have California traffic here. 

    I lived near Carlsbad for six months a few years ago.  I'd go to Irvine once a week or so, and it was a real soul killer, and I didn't even have to go during rush hour.  A chunk of the drive is along Camp Pendleton, so there are very few exits along there.  That's good, because you don't have people getting on the freeway and causing back-ups, but if something goes wrong and traffic stops, you're trapped

    When she said she's been making that drive daily for 15 years, I almost cried.

    She did, however, make me walk back my usual "Do you really get up early enough sit on your balcony and drink coffee before leaving for work?"  Because if she keeps getting up at the same time after she moves, she's going to have HOURS to sit on her balcony before work.

    19 hours ago, snarts said:

    The way she pronounced Peyton was interesting too.

    I noticed that, too, but I'm from Texas where there are no hard Ts in the middle of any word, and wondered if it would stand out to normal English speakers.

    I felt kind of sorry for her son Gavin because they said his name so many times I started to kind of hate him.

    • Love 3
  11. 13 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

    While I was watching I was thinking that, if I was hospitalized, I would want my nurse to already be “adulting.”

    Well, maybe a non-adulting hospital nurse who's just changing bedpans and letting a doctor know if an alarm is going off might be okay, but she's a surgical nurse, which I think (hope?) is more skilled. 

    15 hours ago, Grizzly said:

    Noosa, Australia. This is an interesting dynamic. We don't usually hear this much from the realtor. That first place was the most modern studio apartment I've ever seen.

    That looked very much to me like a short-term rental.

    • Love 5
  12. On 8/7/2021 at 12:21 PM, chick binewski said:

    As my palate has developed over the years I've moved from the Ruffles tuna shovel to Wavy Lays

    Just for the sake of completeness, I'll report that a couple of days ago I tried Wavy Lays as a tuna shovel, and I agree that it's excellent.  I normally like to do head-to-head taste tests (I have a root beer one in the wings), but didn't want to have a bag of Ruffles and a bag of Wavy Lays in this two-person household, so I tried just the Wavy Lays and it's a keeper.  Thanks for the recommendation.

    Also, a while back Katie Lee suggested using lentils instead of ground meat for stuffed peppers, and I tried it, although I cooked up dried lentils instead of using a can like she does.  And I used my own recipe and not hers--I just substituted lentils for meat.

    I think I missed the meat, but Mr. Outlier didn't, and said this version was actively good.  Huzzah!

    I'm sure this is not earth-shattering for real cooks, but I think this is the first time I've ever actually made a dish that I saw on any cooking show. 

    • LOL 4
  13. 13 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

    For real. In the early nineties I lived in an apartment building in Memphis that had razor wire on top of the chain link fence surrounding it. The building was a renovated early 20th century one near downtown. 

    The apartment complex I lived in in Austin had pineapples on top of the brick wall that surrounded it.  I never even noticed them until I was telling someone where I lived, and he said, "Oh, the place with the pineapples?"  (Obviously back when Austin was a much more manageable and knowable place than it is now.)  So I looked, and sure enough, pineapples. 

    I like to think that I would have noticed razor wire, and wouldn't have to do as much digging to find out what it represents as I did with pineapples, which, I found out, represent hospitality.  Razor wire?  Probably not so much. 

    • Love 2
  14. 23 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

    It was worth it, if for no other reason than to see the clips of Asuelo, dressed like a demented Christmas elf of sorts, "escorting" Tammy and Mother Auselo out of the house like a bouncer at a rowdy bar

    I saw only the 30-minute preview, but it was worth it to me to see the loose skin hanging over the back of Angela's outfit, and imagining the nightmare that must have been existing under the triple-spanxed jumpsuit, but that's just because I've grown to hate her.  Usually, I'd feel sad about someone who thought she looked so irresistible when she clearly doesn't, but Angela?  Nope. 

    • Love 17
  15. 5 hours ago, chlban said:

    Yes, if your dad robbed a bank and gave you the money you would absolutely be responsible to pay it back. Your dad cannot give you someone else's money.


    4 hours ago, amarante said:

    It doesn't matter whether you or Erika knew about how the money was obtained. They are not holding you criminally liable - they are just taking back the money that was illegally or fraudulently obtained by your father because he had no legal right to the money.

    I'm not doubting you, but I'm interested in the justification for making an innocent recipient give back the money.  And I'm really interested in the example @HotHW gave, where Dad had $100,000 before he robbed a bank, and gives @HotHW $20,000; how is it determined that the $20,000 is from the bank robbery?

    I'm trying to research this, but apparently can't think of the right terms.  (I'm NOT interested in gift card scams, Google!)  What legal doctrine covers all this?  Maybe I could search using that.

    • Love 1
  16. 10 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:

    I am awful. The entire episode I wanted the realtor to take his shirt so I could check out his tats.

    Ew, not me.  But it looked to me like he could have taken off just the left half of his shirt to expose all his tats, and was wondering what the advantage would be to having tattoos only on your left hemisphere.  

    • LOL 3
  17. 16 hours ago, Grizzly said:

    Huntsville, Alabama. I hear all the time about service families having to live on food stamps and yet this family can put up half a mil. Is it due to their 20 years of service?

    Were they paying cash?  If not, then I assume they would be getting a mortgage just like most people, and they might be a better risk because their income is from military pensions.

    As @LittleIggy pointed out, the woman had 20 years of service and the man had 30.  Military retirement "vests" at 20 years, and includes not only the pension but healthcare for the rest of their lives, which is a significant benefit.  Retired military can also shop at base exchanges, which can be a benefit for the frugal minded.

    The military members on food stamps are lower-ranking (and therefore lower paid, just like in the regular world), and have families, and oftentimes the wife doesn't work.  This situation doesn't describe the HHs in this episode.  They did it smart, and are reaping the benefits.

    What I don't know is if they planned it.  It could be they joined for any number of reasons, and then realized that if they stick it out for just 20 years, they'll be set for the rest of their lives. 

    I really think mandatory military service for everyone would be a huge win all around.  I actually kind of regret not investigating it further when the military recruiters came to my law school looking for people to be in the JAG (judge advocate general) Corps.  But I thought, "Gosh, I'll be 30 by the time I get out."  And that's coming from someone who got into an elite law school!

    Certainly these two HHs show how joining the military can pay off down the road, and really, not that far down the road.  (Although I think young people now think they'll probably stop working when they're about 50.)

    Of course, there's the risk of having to go to war, which is a definite disadvantage.  But then again, you might get stationed in Hawaii, like these two did. 

    • Love 8
  18. 1 hour ago, anoninrva said:

    As far as medical pot, sure, that's possible.  I think that's been legal in VA for a while.  It's just recreational that was decriminalized very recently.


    1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

    Dunno what they are called or how they are licensed but they are storefronts and you go in and give them cash and they sell you pot. Gummies, drops, flower, other edibles. You do need a medical marijuana card. Virginia hasn't figured out their licensing process so there are none there yet but there definitely are in both DC and Maryland.

    Virginia has five medical marijuana dispensaries, including one in Richmond. 


    DC and Maryland also have medical marijuana dispensaries.  To buy in any of these, a person has to have a medical marijuana card. 

    None of these jurisdictions currently have recreational marijuana retail sales (where anybody can buy weed), even though possession has been decriminalized in DC and Virginia (recreational marijuana is still illegal in Maryland).  In DC, it appears there is a robust "gifting" program, where they get around the prohibition on selling by giving the weed away with a qualifying purchase of something else. 


    I'm considering this to be authoritative because it appears to have been written by a stoner.  This graphic is proof enough, but the entire website yammers on and on and repeats itself.  I'm convinced.

    • Useful 1
    • LOL 4
  19. 6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    Lu said she went to the kitchen for a diet coke but I heard her say she was looking for her purse, why the lie? 

    And, she said she saw Ramona with a full plate of food.  Maybe she did, but we didn't, so I wonder.  She had a plate that had what looked like a corn salad or something, on a small portion of the plate.

    What got me was how Ramona was shown, at various times, saying she'd been there for four hours, for three hours, and for two hours.  This was after she claimed not to have eaten all day, after being shown chowing down in the car.

    2 hours ago, Cozytea said:

    Sonja pissing in that woman's driveway,  so disgusting.  Was she standing up as she pissed, wtf?

    Nah, she was squatting, at least a little.  But...she just squats, with her arms by her sides.  Does she not have underwear on that she needs to move out of the way?  Or does she just pee through it, like she drank through her mask in Salem?  But at least that might mean she's not splashing all over her ankles and feet. 

    So many questions.

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  20. 19 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

    When you are built like either women it’s difficult to cover your cleavage. It’s how their large breasts are set closely on their chests. 
    The women on my maternal side are built like that (only thinner) they hate shopping for bras and tops, they look like they have a third breast in the middle of their chest. Their cleavage begin under their chin.

    The cleavage I'm seeing on these women starts waaaay below their chins.  I can't believe it's impossible to find a shirt that doesn't expose it, or at least doesn't expose all if it, like what we get on the show.


    19 hours ago, magemaud said:

    And I don't for a minute think that her flashing the world was done spontaneously in a fit of anger. She was just waiting for any opportunity to show them off and even wore a top with easy access, just for the shock value. 

    I thought it was so strange when she was talking to Michael's aunt while looking at her on the monitor, and then wanted to really yell at her and asked where the camera was, and went over there and screamed into it and eventually flashed it.  Would that be satisfying, screaming into a camera lens and not being able to see the person you're screaming at?  Dare I say it takes on the appearance of a performance?


    12 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    I don't think Ron has cancer. I think it's something that's not good, yet very treatable. If old boy had cancer and was really going through radiation or chemo then he'd use the hell out of that leverage. Keeping it vague keeps it just mysterious enough that he can get sympathy without admitting to anyone that it's not life threatening. 

    That's why my money is on prostate cancer.  People do die from it, but many more live, and they have less invasive treatments than chemo and radiation for it these days.  And, as pointed out, it's an "embarrassing" one.  Ron doesn't seem like the type to be comfortable acknowledging that his nether region isn't in tip top shape.


    1 hour ago, Hotel Snarker said:

    What did you guys think of Mike blatantly making fun of Natalie’s accent when she says “antidepressants”? I thought it was rude. English is her second language, she’s trying to say she’s depressed and she needs medication to help her through, and instead of talking to her about her depression, he laughs at her while she’s expressing her feelings.

    I thought he genuinely couldn't understand what word she was saying.  I had the advantage of a subtitle, and even knowing what she was saying, was having trouble matching that to what was coming out of her mouth when she was repeating it.

    • LOL 1
    • Love 9
  21. 6 hours ago, watchingtvaddict said:
    6 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

    My understanding of the sponsorship process is that the sponsor is legally responsible for any government money the sponsored collects.  So if Natalie were to apply and receive food stamps Mike would have to reimburse the money.

    Right, and if Natalie applied for benefits they would factor Mike’s income into her eligibility. If she doesn’t qualify because Mike makes too much she can sue Mike for support. 

    Natalie doesn't currently qualify for food stamps because she isn't a citizen and doesn't fit into any of the exceptions.  This is from https://www.ssa.gov/pubs/EN-05-10101.pdf

    "You may also be eligible for SNAP [a/k/a food stamp] benefits if you are a lawfully present non-citizen and meet the income and resource limits. Most eligible non-citizens must wait five years before getting SNAP benefits. However, certain non-citizens do not have to wait five years before getting benefits; these include some lawfully present children under age 18, people with disabilities, refugees, and asylees. You may also be eligible for benefits if you are lawfully present and have enough work history or a military connection."

    Here's a list of the non-citizens who don't have a waiting period; she isn't among them.


    The following non-citizens are eligible with no waiting period:

    Qualified alien children under 18 years old

    Refugees admitted under section 207 of INA (includes victims of severe forms of trafficking)

    Victims of Trafficking under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000

    Asylees under Section 208 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)

    Deportation withheld under 243(h) or 241(b)(3) of INA

    Amerasian immigrants under 584 of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs Appropriations Act

    Cuban or Haitian entrants as defined in 501(e) of the Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980

    Iraqi and Afghan special immigrants under Section 101(a)(27) of the INA

    Certain American Indians born abroad

    Members of Hmong or Highland Laotian tribes, legally living in the U.S., that helped the U.S. military during the Vietnam era, and their spouses or surviving spouses and unmarried dependent children

    Elderly individuals born on or before August 22nd, 1931 and who lawfully resided in the U.S. on August 22nd, 1996

    Lawful Permanent Residents in the U.S. who are receiving government payments for disability or blindness

    Lawful Permanent Residents with a military connection (veteran, on active duty, or spouse or child of a veteran or active duty service member)

    • Useful 2
  22. On 8/14/2021 at 9:30 PM, kirklandia said:

    I am dating myself, but for many years "Hilltop neighborhood" in Tacoma was synonymous with high crime, drugs and gang violence.  I am hoping/assuming that conditions have improved there. The house was sweet.

    In an opening shot of the Tacoma episode, there was a bridge in the foreground.  In 2012, we lived in our motorhome under that bridge, across the bay from downtown.  (The city department Mr. Outlier was doing some work for let us stay there.) 

    I checked out the Hilltop neighborhood a few times.  When they named it Hilltop, they weren't kidding.  You go straight up heading west from downtown.  I remember going to Ezell's Chicken, and maybe they were having a bad day, but the parking lot and that corner in general were pretty dispiriting.  I assume the housing stock is cheap, and it really is well located right by downtown, so I bet it's ripe for gentrification. 

    Actually, it reminds me of East Austin (Texas), which used to be really rough in the 1980s but is now unrecognizable.  I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing is happening in Hilltop in Tacoma--historically minority community located close to downtown.  Appearing on House Hunters would tend to confirm.

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  23. On 8/14/2021 at 10:35 AM, Persnickety1 said:

    BTW, when Tiffany made her big reveal that she was getting the same surgery as Angela, who it was that pissed on her parade by telling her she was young enough to put in the hard work required to lose weight without surgery?  For once, it wasn't yappy Julia but I can't remember who made the comment.  

    It was Angela herself!  She was all Yay! when Tiffany said she was getting the same surgery Angela had, and then started pissing on her parade.

    14 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    How do you lose 106 lbs. and end up looking worse than before? That big belly, flat ass and back fat, Oh lort. I'm still trying to figure out why she got that dreadful tattoo on her one tittie implant.

    I thought she was having a nip slip.  And I'm not sure she looks worse than before, but it's definitely no better.  Same shit, different pile.

    2 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    Didn’t she have liposuction?  Why is her stomach so big?

    She clearly has a lot of loose skin, and I wonder if she spanxed up the loose skin on her belly.  The protrusion looked really tightly bound.

    2 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Angela is nowhere near goal weight.  I think she's hitting the chips again...

    During a break, she was even eating something out of a what looks like a vending machine bag for potato chips.


    2 hours ago, Nancybeth said:

    I assumed Ron's medical issues were something like cancer because they said he needs to get treatments?

    That's what I think.  And they for some crazy reason think the details are nobody's business. 



    Natalie, I think is not beautiful or pretty, but very "attractive".  Her big blue eyes and curly hair are very noticeable.

    What you see as "big blue eyes" I see as "bug eyes."  Don't like 'em.  At least her hair looked soft this time around.

    2 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    I feel a bit sad for Natalie.  I can't believe Mike doesn't know where she is and lets her have free range on his credit card.  His mother needs to sit down and shut up.  I think she's the cause of 1/2 of all their troubles.  Who is her fashion designer?  Lordy.

    I have such a hard time with Trish.  I bemoan how so many women don't think they look good unless they have makeup on and I wish they'd just let themselves look like what they look like, the same as men get to do.  But dang, Trish is really unattractive. 

    1 hour ago, Pondlass1 said:

    But it wouldn’t be on her would it? It’d be the American taxpaying public that has to fork out if Mike doesn’t support her. Or can she work now?  I’m Canadian 🇨🇦 and things are different here.

    In the U.S., adults without children aren't eligible for welfare (cash payments).  And from what I can tell, non-citizens aren't eligible for food stamps. 

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