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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. 12 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Yup. I was so excited about this until I saw that uberviolent preview.  Not for me!

    This is where discussions like these can be really valuable.  R.I.P. IMDb message boards, where I could ask for specifics about the type of violence depicted. 

    The spurting blood you see in the trailer isn't the only time it happens.  And I can't bear watching someone beat a person who's tied up, and that happens.  Lots of killing by shooting, which doesn't bother me as long as it's quick and even slightly deserved, and not too bloody.  Most (but not all) of the killing in this movie is deserved, but an awful lot of it is bloody. 

    11 minutes ago, lasu said:

    I LOVED this movie, and I can be quite squeamish about violence.  I did avert my eyes a couple of times, but something about highly stylized violence bothers me less. 

    I love highly stylized violence.  I still remember seeing John Woo's The Killer--just walking into the theater on the advice of a friend.  I came out thinking, "I just saw hundreds of people get mowed down in a tea room, and it was exhilarating!" 

    11 minutes ago, lasu said:

    It's coming out on Netflix soon and I'll certainly watch it again, and don't regret the $10 I shelled out to watch it in the theater.

    While I grew up watching westerns on TV on Saturday afternoons, I think scenic westerns, in particular, benefit from being seen in a theater.  This one is no exception.  Big vistas and thundering horses deserve that, as well as any time people form up in a horizontal line on their horses.  It is a very good-looking movie.

    And sadly (or fortunately, depending on your point of view), I don't think there will be big Covid concerns for people hesitant to go to a theater--I saw it on Saturday at 1:30 and it was just me and two other singletons.

    Oh yeah, and one of the actors was driving me crazy because I knew I'd seen him before but couldn't place him.  It's RJ Cyler, who was in Me and Earl and the Dying Girl.  I still laugh when I think of how he delivered the line "punk ass cat" in that movie.  He's delightful in this, too.

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  2. 23 hours ago, A-Lo said:

    Hey, Maci and Taylor, here's an idea...instead of sitting around on the couch fighting about cleaning out the garage tomorrow, why not just get up off your sorry asses and clean it today???  What else have you got going on?

    Their job is what else they have going on.  They make money by sitting on the couch fighting about cleaning out the garage tomorrow.  I'd take that over cleaning out the garage today or tomorrow.  (Although actually I wouldn't.)

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  3. On 10/16/2021 at 1:38 PM, Crashcourse said:

    You know, if Zack and Bao really are a couple, then it might just work for them.  Bao can be his "big spoon" whenever he cries because his Cheerios got soggy. 

    But one of Bao's complaints about Johnny is that she has to be the big spoon every time.  If she's the big spoon every time Zack cries, I don't see that one working out either.

    • LOL 1
  4. 8 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

    The judges are also not examining the clothes up close anymore, which they should be. Looking at the seams, the hems, bad bunching, in some cases what they thought was okay from 20 feet away was much worse. Look. At. The. Clothes, dammit.

    Ah, you're right!  I hadn't noticed.  I remember when they started doing that and it made the show SO much better.  We could see the clothes, and the discussions among the judges seemed more genuine when they were that close.  But now that I think about it, they were all bunched up together, touching the clothes.  Is this possibly a Covid issue?

    The designers are all up close to each other (it's still jarring to see), but they're sequestered to a great extent.  The judges are all still out and about.  Although I bet Christian is, too.

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  5. I was drawn to this because it's one of those I noticed when scrolling the movie listings in my area and thought, "What is this?" Usually they're some sort of Christian inspirational movie, but I always check just to make sure, and that's definitely not the case with this one.  And I love westerns.

    However, I think I've outgrown Tarantino-esque violence and this movie has a lot of it.  And lots of cruel people, which I'm finding far less interesting as I get older.  Nevertheless, I don't want my 2 hours and 10 minutes back, and I bet that 30 years ago I would have loved every minute. 

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  6. On 10/23/2021 at 9:58 AM, Charlie Baker said:

    A very thoughtful discussion on a piece that can provoke hostility-- congratulations, all.  And I hope you don't dial back on the posting, @Rinaldo.

    On behalf of shallow people, I'll ask that all y'all keep posting.  Seriously.  I see a LOT of movies but only because I love watching movies.  And but for discussions like these, and even one-off thoughtful posts that add to a post count but don't spark conversation, I wouldn't even think about 99% what y'all observe and think about and discuss. 

    I don't want to read a treatise on every movie I see, but I do like listening to conversations among my "friends" here.

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  7. On 10/17/2021 at 6:58 AM, JustHereForFood said:

    I love Jodie and her fangirling over Coldplay was cute.

    The way she was kicking her legs when the performance ended was wonderful.

    And, the fangirling led to some things Graham does so well.  He's quick.  So when he was introducing the band, he said, "Featuring Jodie Whittaker."  And then when he was talking about the new album and telling Jodie she can't have the one he's holding, he added something like, "You've already had quite enough, young lady," in the perfect tone of voice. 

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  8. 17 hours ago, gingerella said:

    Well, just because you’re an Asian designer doesn’t mean only Asian customers are wearing your designs, you need for your designs to look good on anyone wearing it, that's called marketability.


    19 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    I get that having a white man model a piece of Haitian-inspired culture is not ideal, but he’s just a model. The garment is what’s being judged, and if it’s good enough, it will stand on its own.

    I agree with both of you, but it's trickier when messaging is part of the design.  My problem with it is I'm shallow, and I just like clothes to be pretty, or attractive, as in they favorably attract my attention because of their style or details or silhouette or originality.  I couldn't care less about messaging, or the hurtful past experience that inspired the garment.

    If I were rating a record on American Bandstand, I would definitely be in the "It's got a good beat and I can dance to it" camp.  

    That's one reason I prefer previous iterations of this show, where they showed more of the design and sewing.  My hope is that everybody will calm down and the producers have to resort to that again.

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  9. 7 hours ago, Retired at last said:

    That also goes with her saying she would take the smoke alarm batteries

    I have to say, I have an imagination for the nefarious, and even I had never thought of taking the batteries out of a smoke alarm.  That borders on playing the long game, and I admire it.

    6 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

    And some website (sorry, don't remember which) said that the usage differences that Statistical Outlier mentions above, are already themselves representative of changes in meaning, since originally 'uninterested' had more of the 'impartial' meaning, and 'disinterested' had the 'not interested' meaning, but that they've switched over time. 

    So I guess we're going to alternate meanings over periods of time.  Swell.   

    Really, all I ask is that meanings stay fixed for the few decades (in the grand scheme of things) during which I'm roaming the earth.  I'm still mourning "literally" and "discomfit."

    6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    Well, they are post marital assets.  I guess a lawyer will have to figure out who gets the oregano and who gets the cinnamon.

    Texas is a community property state, so if these were bought with community funds, each of them has an undivided one-half interest in the oregano and an undivided one-half interest in the cinnamon. 

    That'll be $500, please.  😀

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  10. I kind of hate that most of the discussion is about the fight and not the clothes (Facebook engagement algorithms, anyone?), but have to admit the discussion has been interesting.

    11 hours ago, gorgy said:

    Christian, a person of authority within the workroom, hound the quiet unassuming immigrant woman, which is a total other conversion about how women, specifically those not born in this country are seen in our society, into giving up her model, through gritted teeth, yeah not a fan.

    I was thinking about that, and while Coral might not have wanted to do it, it wasn't terrible for her because she had to know that if she did as Christian asked, he'd have her back and there's no way she would be eliminated.  If she went down, Christian would be implicated because of his meddling and persuasion.  And especially if Prajje won and Coral lost.  I'm not surprised that Coral was in the middle, and I don't even remember what her outfit looked like.  I'm not sure it mattered, if it wasn't going to win.

    I don't know if they make clear in their contracts that the judging is done in consultation with the producers, but it says so on my teevee in tiny print at the end.  And while Christian's not a judge or a producer, I'm sure he would somehow ensure that Coral wasn't eliminated.  I contrast that with Meg's switch, where I think she really didn't have a choice and the most she would gain is some brownie points from people who already didn't like her and were therefore probably not inclined to give her brownie points.  Her swap had possible ramifications that Coral's didn't.

    Furthermore, it's a competition.  Why should anyone do anyone else any favors, never mind be expected to do anyone else any favors?  And I don't buy for one second "All she had to do was say no."  Unfortunately, we'll never know, because she didn't just say no and instead waffled and then seethed and generally handled it very very poorly.  But she'd already alienated a lot of these people, and I don't think they were inclined to think kindly of anything she did that wasn't favorable to them or their allies.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Passing Strange said:

    I wonder if there's somebody whose job it is to drape the judges' clothing. Last week someone had to pool Elaine's dress around her feet, this week Nina's sleeves needed artful arranging and probably picked up and wrapped around her so she could walk. I can't wait until it's Brandon's turn to be draped, otherwise I'd hope PR would fire that person and hire some extra models.

    Yeah, what the hell was with Nina's sleeves?

    Elaine's right (to our left) shoulder strap bothered me in this episode.  It was stiff, so it didn't conform to her shoulder, and was either suspended above it or it had fallen down to the side, which made me keep hiking up my shoulder every time I saw her.

    During the later discussion, she had draped a shawl around it.  The drapers be busy.

    Don't these fashion professionals understand that different activities might require different clothes?  Like an outfit that looks good while standing or walking might not be all that great when you're sitting?  Even I know that.  Those dramatic sleeves that trail as you walk?  Not so spectacular in a chair.

    1 minute ago, ML89 said:

    Also Mr TikTok can’t set up his camera so his ring lights aren’t reflected in his glasses?

    Okay, I know zero about ring lights except they're very distracting when they're reflected in people's glasses.  You can set the light up so it doesn't reflect?  Then why in the world doesn't everybody do that.  It's so distracting.

    I can maybe understand one of the authors I watch on Book TV not figuring it out, but Tik Tok celebrities??

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  12. 19 minutes ago, BloggerAloud said:

    Of all the people, the only one I really felt bad for was Coral because she and Prajje had already had a discussion about switching models and she had already told him no so it should have been a moot issue at that point. But there came Christian to ask her again.

    Ah, I'd forgotten that there was an initial refusal.  And really, Christian "asking"?  I think it's more than that.  Unless you're Bones, and even then, you have to apologize later.

    And, so much for all the designers braying that Meg could have just said no.  How did that work out for Coral?

    I felt bad for the white model in the Meg-Kenneth trade.  He was just sloughed over to Meg, without anybody telling his new designer what a great catch he was, like Christian did for the other one, saying how he was instrumental in Geoffrey's win last season.  Nope.  It was just "Kenneth wants Meg's model, and the only thing he has to trade for him is you.  Shoo."

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  13. 20 minutes ago, Mrs. Button said:

    Also, it looked like an industrial space that had been converted into a barn, then turned into said McMansion? Does this happen a lot in Texas? Can anyone enlighten this Ohioan b/c I NEED to be in the know if a new "Mc" is ascending upon us. It did look posh (minus the 99 cent cowboy hats and cans of tomato sauce etc.— has there ever been a stranger combo?) but it was obviously oddly uncategorizable to me.

    Yeah, about the "posh."  I thought so, until I saw them sitting on the porch and thought, "That's a metal building, not a ranch house."

    They're sometimes called pole barns, and this one looked to be intended as a residence, rather than converted from something else.  But you're right--such buildings used to be used as storage facilities or garages. 

    Interestingly, manufactured houses are also metal buildings intended to be a residence, but looked down upon (e.g., a "double-wide").  I guess their problem is that they're just not big enough, or painted red.

    It's not a Mc word, but try looking up "barndominium." 

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  14. 1 hour ago, Bluesky said:

    No plus size models this week. 

    It was a little hard to tell from the runway because the outfits themselves were so big, but I was on the lookout and remember seeing one woman who might not have been a stick.  No curvy men, though.  Why aren't they being represented?  Flat-assed men with beer guts wear clothes, too!  And they all think they look fantastic, so the designers will have confident models.

    In other shallow news, that one male model with the giant nose.  I feel kind of bad for saying this, but good heavens he was ugly.  I've become accustomed to female models who I don't think are traditionally pretty but I understand they may have a face the camera loves, or they may have an excellent runway walk, but I can't see a camera loving that guy's face, and most (all?) of the males on the runway looked bowlegged when they were walking, and it's distracting.

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  15. 1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

    Finally, we really only saw Hype when they first arrived. I wonder if he was there but spent time in the bunkhouse with Production?

    The arrival wasn't the only time.  As @psychoticstate said:


    So Bao gets woken up and is listening and then watching (once the screaming match moves into the hallway) in horror.  Even Hype, who is chilling in his bed, is looking at these two like "People, please."  Love Hype!  

    I liked that choice on the part of the editors.  When the pit bull mix is the most calm one...

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  16. On 10/16/2021 at 7:41 PM, Inga said:

    I had the same thought about April. She still looks pretty rough and older for her age,

    Nova looks exactly like her, poor kid.

    On 10/21/2021 at 8:49 AM, ginger90 said:

    Did Amber say her relationship happened in jail?

    And if I may be so bold, one same-sex relationship that happened in prison does not a bisexual make. 

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  17. On 10/20/2021 at 4:00 AM, Emkat said:

    Believe it or not mullets are back baby!

    So this is the choice we get to look at?  Mullets, or those weird almost-Mohawks that everybody else has?

    On 10/20/2021 at 3:17 PM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    "Friends will help you move. Family will help you move a body." 

    I always heard "A friend will help you move, but a good friend will help you move a body."

    On 10/20/2021 at 6:33 PM, Raynedon said:

    & in the last episode I watched they said something about their daughter maybe being held back a grade - and she's how old - 7/8?  

    I heard that too.  I think it was second grade.  If two out of your three kids are being held back, you need to seriously look into what's going on, and by that I mean more than, "My mother died."

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  18. 5 hours ago, luvbadtv said:

    Does anyone know what college in Iowa Luke was playing at?  I want to check the roster.  Luke does not look athletic to me, so I want to check his stats & see if he is any good.

    Somebody had a t-shirt or sweatshirt on that said "Dubuque" so I assume University of Dubuque.  Northern Illinois University in DeKalb is the school he said he could go to and walk on to the basketball team, if he finished school there instead of going back to Iowa.

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  19. 17 hours ago, Spectator said:

    Almost every guy I know prefers women with a natural look. All the time and money we ladies spend on our hair and makeup, and men seem most attracted to us when we are chilling out, hair down and make up-free, in shorts snd a t-shirt. Go figure. Lol

    I think that's only because they think we're closer to naked than when we're glammed up.

    Also, just as a general PSA, there's a difference between "disinterested" and "uninterested."  "Disinterested" doesn't mean you're not interested--it means you're unbiased.  I'm sure it's going to eventually go the route of "literally" and "figuratively," where misuse is so prevalent that it changes the meaning, and leaves the original with two opposite meanings and in the case of "literally," no substitute for when you really mean "literally," but I'll always regret not sounding the alarm earlier on that one.

    Think about judges.  Most people would not want an uninterested judge, who's scrolling Instagram while the parties present their case.  But they do want a disinterested judge--one who listens to the facts and bases a decision only on those facts. 

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  20. 50 minutes ago, nokat said:

    Was that the car wash outfit? Not that I don't want straps dangling from my crotch. I'll stand on my car and dance to YMCA wearing that.

    No, it was just two straps hanging from the crotch, not an octopus's worth.  It was one of the designs in the top four.  Maybe Zayden's?  I wish they had a page with all the runway looks. 

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  21. 38 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

    I was surprised the body suit with the tutu on suspenders didn't make the top - mainly so Brandon could wax poetic on how much he loves a REVEAL!

    He did get to say how much they like a two-fer when he realized some jacket was reversible.  But what was odd was that it looked like the reversability wasn't shown on the runway, but instead during the judging. 

    One thing that cracked me up was that when Meg was screaming about taking off her microphone, you could tell that her "shirt" wasn't a t-shirt with gigantic armholes, as I originally thought, but instead two dangling vertical pieces of fabric tucked into her waistband, like a giant dickie.  And then on the runway, there was an outfit with two straps of fabric coming out of the crotch of the pants, which I didn't really understand, but it had a shirt that was just two pieces of fabric dangling there, just like Meg's, albeit with a matching piece of crotch strap stuck on it.  And Nina or Elaine admiringly said they'd never seen a shirt like that. 

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  22. On 10/20/2021 at 2:10 PM, amarante said:

    I thought the bones of the house were great but it had obviously been owned in the last decade or so by an old person who had neither the money or time for even basic home maintenance. 

    And yet it had sat empty for the past year.  I assume taxes were low, because the house's assessment was frozen at its 1976 value (under Proposition 13).  The owners have to be in their 80s if they'd owned it for 65 years, so I think they probably had the time for basic home maintenance.  😀

    I thought it was kind of funny when the HH said she'd be the first one in the family to buy a house for $1.2 million, and I thought, "I'd be prouder of being the first in the family to sell one for $1.2 million."

    On 10/20/2021 at 2:10 PM, amarante said:

    I did a very cursory google search for South Berkely and a 4 bedroom 2 bathroom home that seemed to have less square footage sold for $1.45 million so clearly the market supports the value of what it will cost for it to be renovated.

    The realtor claimed he had clients who would pay $1.8 million for the uncle's house.  I'm not positive I believe that, but trying to learn to believe anything when it comes to real estate prices in desirable parts of California.

    On 10/20/2021 at 9:42 AM, amarante said:

    I was initially surprised but then understood when they said they paid $800,000 for it.

    At the price they would still be ahead even after putting in the $500,000 renovation.

    Actually, they paid $900,000 for it, saying something about how Uncle agreed to that if it's sold "as is."  Which made no sense, because it's not like the $1.2 million price he was "firm" on from the beginning was dependent on renovations, never mind $300,000 in renovations, which is conveniently what the HH said the were planning on.

    I think there was a lot of manufactured nonsense in this episode, but I enjoyed it anyway because of the family home angle.  And I agree that it looked like an estate sale, or more accurately, the beginnings of the staging for an estate sale, where they take a few weeks to sift through everything.

    On 10/20/2021 at 9:42 AM, amarante said:

    The San Francisco home was terrible - a backyard you need a ladder to climb down into and all the rooms overlooking a freeway close by? 

    I think I mentioned this once before, years ago, but for several months I lived in Thousand Oaks, just above the Ventura Freeway.  I loved watching the traffic through the window--the ebb and flow.  The San Francisco house overlooked the freeway, but if you looked up instead of down, there's a nice view of hills with houses, if freeway views bug.

    The back yard access via a ladder was definitely weird, but I could see putting something together down there that would be appealing to look at.  That's how I think of pools--I don't ever swim in them, but I think they're lovely to look at in a back yard.

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  23. 3 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    Regardless of Kayla's motives, moving children in and out of the lives of the flavor of the week is a very bad idea and harmful to the kids.

    And it could be argued that a woman and a transexual man going to a sperm bank to have a baby when they're 20 and not settled, never mind thriving, is a very bad idea and potentially the source of a lot of problems for the kid.  It seems pretty obvious to me that having a procession of women through any kid's life isn't a great situation, but I'm sure not every child who's experienced that has been harmed by it, and we don't really know what Makel's actually doing. 

    What he needs to do is not lie about it.  Just be up front with what he's doing, if Kayla asks (although you know she will)--he should own his parenting decisions.  If conflict continues, get something enforceable in writing.

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