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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. 22 hours ago, amarante said:

    Popcorn was a cheap method to do a ceiling because it was just sprayed on and didn’t require the skill of a smooth ceiling. Even when it was being used, it was only done in cheaper construction like tract homes or cheap apartment buildings.

    Maybe this was an outlier, but I lived in a condo that was in a converted apartment building that was built in 1968.  It had popcorn ceilings.

    The complex was all brick.  There was a fire in a downstairs unit that completely destroyed the interior of that unit and killed the woman inside.  It was right near my unit and I watched flames coming out of the windows.

    No other units had any fire damage--not the one that shared a wall with the burned unit, and not the one that was directly above the burned unit and shared the entire floorplan.  They did have smoke damage, but only the one directly above took more than a couple of days to remediate.  Oh, and there were some scorch marks on the outside brick above the burned unit's windows.

    But that was the extent of the damage, so I don't think the complex was built on the cheap.  Naturally, I was in the process of selling mine, and they took down the police tape after a week or so, but the stench was there for a long time.  Talk about no curb appeal!

  2. 13 hours ago, After7Only said:

    Gil also mentioned he had really good benefits at his job, so I took his statement about taking home more than Myrna to mean she spends  more on retirement and insurance than he does.  She might also contribute to savings directly from her check, technically resulting in her net check being smaller even though she makes much more than him.

    That's what I think.  He didn't say she makes $100 more every two weeks--he couched it in terms of take-home.  I wonder what his take-home would be if they deducted what he sends to his mother from his check.

    9 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    Apparently red-soled Gil isn't above being "bougie."

    About those red soles.  They looked like they were in mint condition and I noticed he and Myrla were already sitting on the couch when they were introduced (I remember for sure Jose and Rachel walking out, because I noticed her dress seemed tortured).  Maybe Gil's making sure they don't touch the ground so he can return them.

    And speaking of sartorial splendor, did anybody else crack up upon hearing that Jose's job at NASA is coordinating the astronauts' outfits?

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  3. 3 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

    I had a chuckle when I saw the signage outside her doctor's office:  Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 

    Me, too.  It's not like she started seeing this guy back when she was young and wants to continue with him. 

    And...surely Amber and the doc have discussed her life, right?  It's obviously not up to him to be her college counselor but is he yet another person who's letting Amber wallow in disinformation about the path to her chosen career?

    • Love 9
  4. 17 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    Still dislike Ashley very much.

    Me, too.  Her mouth is really weird.

    24 minutes ago, IvySpice said:

    Rachel and her sister really set the bar low, don't they? They're better at parenting than their mom, who abandoned them for years to get high. They really appear not to know that there are levels of parenting beyond that.

    Worse, they were comparing themselves as teen moms to their mother as a teen mom.  Like there's no issue at all when there are that many pregnant teenagers in a family.

    On 11/12/2021 at 12:34 PM, suzeecat said:

    Without MTV money their lives are destined for the trailer park (or prison).  But, hand over the MTV cash and it's wasted on drugs, disposable designer dogs, user boyfriends, fancy vacations and moving from fancy rental to fancy rental with absolutely no thought to financial planning down the road. 

    Well Rachel sure isn't moving from fancy rental to fancy rental. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, nokat said:

    How could there be such a thing? I love her and her stories. She is one of my favorite guests. She's a delight.

    Apparently the comments in this thread stuck with me:


    But your opinion is the more prevalent one.

  6. 18 hours ago, Grrarrggh said:

    properties with boats/trucks/tyres on the grass or neighbours grass do sell for less.

    But doesn't that mean you also bought it for less, so it's proportional?

    That's what I think of every time someone says something like backing onto a freeway or having only one bathroom will hurt resale value.  Isn't that baked into the price all along?

    • Love 1
  7. On 11/11/2021 at 11:10 AM, Cetacean said:

    I think they said 13;  I thought the cuddling thing was a little odd too.

    The intertwining on the lounge chair caught my attention, and after that he had his head all nestled against mother's breasts in the cuddling. 

    I wasn't able to watch the end, but the couple of glances I got of him made me wonder if there was something a little off with him, and maybe he's not as developed as his chronological age would indicate. 

    • Love 3
  8. 30 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    My cable guide didn't mention Fry, which is what I used for the title. I wonder if he was a late add; I think pandemic has affected the guest list more than usual.

    Well, he was in the farthest seat.

    And actually, I got to wondering about the seat placement this morning, when I was thinking about the show and couldn't come up with who was in seat #3.  It finally came to me--Ron Howard, who isn't exactly some obscure British person I've never heard of or anything.  And this got me to wishing I could sit in on the seating discussions.  Are they based on optics?  Star power?  Obviously they put costars together, and the Stephen Fry type person is usually on the end, but why?

    Then again, just looking at this group, it seemed well balanced, and I don't think it would have benefited from any shuffling.

    Aah, so much more goes into these shows than we'll ever know.

  9. The title description left out Stephen Fry.  Halle Berry is there remotely.

    That said, no comments on this utterly delightful episode?  Bummer.  I'd say the show is back in full force, and I couldn't be happier. 

    For those Miriam Margolyes non-fans, she was off color, but not vulgar.  And I was loving her sneakers.  It was so nice to see everyone on the show being comfortable in their clothes, and chatting as if they weren't several feet apart.

    Even the red chair was good--just enough exposition, and then the punch line. 


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  10. I found it touching when Johnny Weir told Brandon he wore one of his designs at some high profile event, and that he'd bought it off the rack.

    12 hours ago, Thumper said:

    I liked Dick Button, too!  And Scott Hamilton.   😁

    Back about 20 years ago, when cell phones were kind of a new thing, I was in the Target in Thousand Oaks, California, and there was some dumbass strolling down one of the big wide aisles that go to the back of the store, yammering loudly into his cell phone.  I walked by to give him a dirty look, and it was Scott Hamilton.  I was too surprised to execute the dirty look.

    9 hours ago, Lovecat said:

    I just kept thinking that Tara was going to need some boob tape and impeccable posture to avoid a wardrobe malfunction...

    I am soooo tired of watching women being held hostage by their outfits when they're sitting. 

    4 hours ago, Twopper said:

    I thought everything was wrong for what the challenge was--even the winning dress looked like a long version of a skating costume.

    I agree that everything was wrong.  I liked the dress that won, but not necessarily for the task is was supposed to be designed for.  And actually, I kind of think it should have been disqualified for using illusion.

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  11. On 11/7/2021 at 12:11 PM, Pickles Aplenty said:

    The animated segments were stunning, too.  They looked a little like the old Tin-Tin comics, which was just the right style to go with the overall feel/theme of the movie. 

    The one with the car chase looked just like multi-page color comic things they have in The New Yorker occasionally.

    On 11/7/2021 at 12:11 PM, Pickles Aplenty said:

    We did have one walkout in our theater, though.  It was an older lady who loudly complained about how the text for Juliette kept moving too fast for her to read, so about halfway through the second story she just got up and left. 

    God damn I'm glad I can go to the show when nobody else is there.

    • Love 2
  12. 53 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

    Not sure what this means; I know some people got a gay vibe and commented here but I don't consider those comments bigoted.

    There were also a lot of comments about his lips surrounded by that beard and how gross it looked.  I don't consider those comments bigoted, either.  There was some discussion about how he was short--maybe those are bigoted.  But nothing about race that I can remember.

    • Love 2
  13. 1 hour ago, cinsays said:

    I think, if he really thought they could try to work it out if not married and then maybe remarry when they resolved issues, he was being clear. 

    It doesn't make sense to anyone else, but I think it did to him.

    That's what I was thinking, too.  He wants a reset, and to start over from scratch.  And it does kind of make sense to me.  For one thing, they'd be dating, not living together, and when he goes home it has nothing to do with abandoning her.  So that's off the table for an excuse for a rage.  They might be able to chip away at this from the edges, which I think would be impossible if they're married and living together. 

    But then we have this:

    1 hour ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    ---I think we all know Zack's meaning for post-divorce life, and it wasn't to "date" Michaela, IYKWIMAITYD.

    Now, that really makes sense.

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  14. 3 hours ago, eskimo said:

    But I don't know if rehashing it for the camera is helpful. 

    I guess it depends on how you define helpful.  Helpful for getting in a better mind space?  Doubtful.  Helpful for staying on the MTV gravy train?  Definitely.


    2 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

    He’s never worked a real job other than maybe fast food long ago!

    2 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

    When the first season of this franchise aired Gary was a nurse. I'm not sure if he was a registered nurse or a practical nurse but that was what he was doing at that time. He quit after the first season I believe and from then on he was totally on the MTV payroll. 

    He was a CNA--certified nurse assistant.  CNAs do the grunt work--bathing, dressing, shaving, feeding patients, turning them over.  I have to admit that I always grudgingly admired him for doing that work. 

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  15. 12 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    Original recipe Kayla is playing games and always has this little shiteating grin on her face when something she really shouldn't be doing is discussed.

    That grin really really bugs me.

    And...first she refused to say whether she had sex with whoever, that she was pleading the fifth.  Then she said they just rode around in a car for 15 minutes.  Maybe she doesn't understand what pleading the fifth actually means.


    2 hours ago, 3outta5 said:

    There's a difference between blocking a visit and actively facilitating it. That's not on Kayla at ALL.

    I agree that she has no duty to actively facilitate any visits with Mikal, but refusing to do so isn't all she's doing.  Even if he's able to come get Mecca and take her back to Philadelphia to spend time with him, Kayla won't allow it.  I think that's what her family is getting at when they say she's controlling.  If Mikal is Mecca's father, isn't he entitled to do whatever he wants with her when she's with him, as long as it's not illegal or contrary to a court order that is presumably based on Mecca's best interest? 

    I think it's significant that her family is on Mikal's side on this one.  They know more than we do.

    • Love 3
  16. On 11/7/2021 at 10:52 PM, Blakeston said:

    Color me amazed that Larry had an awkward interaction about "they" pronouns without actually offending anyone, or saying anything wildly inappropriate.

    I wonder if it helped that the "they" made for a genuinely ambiguous statement in this case, so it wasn't just Larry being a dick. 

  17. On 11/8/2021 at 12:33 PM, Blakeston said:

    At the end of the episode, Larry was at the dentist's office, and he couldn't hear the dentist talk because he had plugged up his ears to avoid hearing the music. The dentist said that the woman had an abortion, but Larry never heard it.

    Heh.  Apparently I didn't either.  Thanks for the clarification.

    And...wow.  Even though I'm on board for not having abortion be a secret to be ashamed of, it would still be jarring to hear it spoken of like that by somebody's boss.

    On 11/8/2021 at 12:33 PM, Blakeston said:

    I'm glad that they confirmed it, because depicting a woman as deviously faking a pregnancy and an abortion would be dark even for this show, and reinforce some ugly stereotypes.

    I would agree, except in the hierarchy of terrible things a person can do, faking a pregnancy and an abortion to fleece Jeff Greene?  Maybe not so bad.  Might even be laudable. 

    2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Right, not only that, but the character of Cheryl is not supposed to be a good actor. 

    Those who can't, teach?  Maybe this plotline is a dig at acting coaches?

    • Love 3
  18. On 11/7/2021 at 1:11 PM, chessiegal said:

    We bought a house built in 1949 and it had a teeny tiny en suite - shower stall, toilet, and sink. Unless someone was in the shower, it was a one person room.

    The house I grew up in was built in 1955 and it had a teeny tiny en suite, with a bathtub/shower, toilet, and sink.  The tub was along the left wall, and the toilet and sink along the wall in front of you, left to right.  If the door was open, it blocked the bathtub, and to close it, you had to move over to in front of the sink. 

    And now that I think about it, the houses on both sides (built at the same time) also had en suite bathrooms, both of them bigger than ours.  Actually, on ours, it was part of a wall that had, in a row, a master bedroom closet, a closet for the room on the other side of the wall, and then the en suite bathroom (which had a window).  So it was pretty much the size of a closet.

    Maybe that's where I got the idea that bathrooms don't need to have big open square footage.  This thing was an admirably efficient use of space and 100% functional.

    This was in a small city in west Texas that's never been known for being cutting edge, so I'm assuming there were houses being built all over the country that had at least these miniature en suite bathrooms.  And speaking of words, I never heard it called an "en suite" until just a few years ago.  It was always an "attached bath."

    • Love 4
  19. On 11/3/2021 at 9:51 AM, True Fan said:

    Rachel is just as disrespect as they come. I don't care what your mother has done. She has no right to disrespect her mother the way she does.

    I don't agree.  She has every right to disrespect her mother as much as she wants.  Disrespect has somehow become a capital crime, warranting violent retribution by all sorts of cousins.  It's ridiculous.

    Is it smart to disrespect her mother?  Well, in most cases I'd say no, but in this case, why not?  Her mother just takes it, out of guilt.  There's a whole lot there to unwind, and I'm not sure they have the raw material to overcome their issues, but until she and Rachel figure out (use that MTV money for THERAPY, you doofuses) how to have a relationship that is even 1% different from the one they have, which would be a vast improvement, it's something that works for them. 

    Is Rachel going to be paid back by Hazelee later?  I would say I hope so, but then that means Hazelee is going to be just as miserable a creature as Rachel, and that doesn't seem fair.  Then again, it wasn't fair for Rachel to have this life, and I'm expecting her to man up and fix it, so Hazelee can do it, too, I guess, and if it makes Rachel miserable in the meantime, that's fine with me. 

    I simultaneously feel sorry for and hate all these people, and I don't like it.

    On 11/3/2021 at 9:51 AM, True Fan said:

    Rachel knows the things her mom has been through and she has her life together enough that your okay with her watching your child.

    Enough for Rachel to be okay with her watching her child?  Is a lower bar even possible?

    On 11/3/2021 at 9:51 AM, True Fan said:

    Makel and Kayla: Kayla just want to be with Makel and she's using the baby to piss Makel off. He has the same rights as she does and she should not be about to make the choice of who the baby gets to be around.

    But as someone pointed out upthread, MTV is being pretty tight-lipped about what exactly Makel's rights are.  I don't know enough about sperm donating and transgender people on birth certificates to even hazard a guess.  But it's a completely different situation if they're both legal parents or if Kayla is the only legal parent.  If Makel has any rights, he needs to be in court asserting those rights.  If he doesn't, then Kayla calls the shots and he can remember this for next time.

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  20. On 11/2/2021 at 8:23 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

    One thing I like about Larry and Susie is how they tear at each other and then on a dime pivot to a completely different normal conversation. 

    Even more--one minute she was chewing him out about the toast, and then she calls him into the kitchen to ask him to save her dinner party.  And he agrees to do it.  This is a ridiculous, actually unbelievable dynamic.  And I find it hilarious.

    And back to the abortion.  When the word was first said, I was taken aback and I was sort of unsettled the whole time because you almost never hear references to abortion on TV, never mind as part of comedy.  But after a week of thinking about it, I applaud them.  It's legal in California, and we have all these calls not to be ashamed about getting an abortion, so maybe it's time that we do hear the word.  We're getting used to hearing about many other things that used to be considered not fit for polite conversation.

    On 11/2/2021 at 10:03 AM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    And who decided that she would have an abortion?  Did Jeff push her into it because he's married (and like you said, he's "scared" of Susie)?  The whole thing is just gross.  

    I watched the episode only once, so I'm working from memory (and flawed memory at that, but was it clear she actually got an abortion?  Maybe she lied to Jeff about getting pregnant to get money from him--money that she spent going on vacation or whatever she did. 

    That seems more in line with the tenor of the show.  Jeff set himself up for it by not using a condom, and gets his due.

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  21. I actually noticed this in a previous episode, but the early covid-spaced episodes had Graham in the middle, and the guests flanking him.  At some point (maybe the beginning of this season), they put him on our left and the guests are all in a line, similar to the how it would be if they were using the couch.  I think this configuration works better.  Maybe because Graham's always facing the same way, toward everybody.

    All in all, the show seems to be hitting its stride under the constraints it has.  Judi Dench always makes me nervous because she seems like she's out of it, or maybe not paying attention.  But neither is the case, since she's working all the time and therefore obviously has a much better memory than I do, and her blurting out, "I have a parrot" (which about flattened Graham) shows she is definitely paying attention.

    Everyone was charming and witty.  Great show. 

    • Love 6
  22. I'm genuinely ignorant--is a cooking robe a thing?  To me, it would be the worst garment to wear when cooking.  I don't even like form fitting sleeves when I'm cooking--I always push them up.  And definitely nothing flowy, even on the body.  I'm not sure I need a special outfit for cooking, but if I do, I need to google for cooking sleeveless catsuit.

    I was taken aback when Sabrina said something about women who "choose" to wear a burqa.  It's a fraught issue, and I assume there are different definitions of "choice" when it comes to burqas, but it still startled me.  But moreover, I thought the nod to the burqa she designed was off.  I don't know if it was a fit issue or a design issue, but it seemed to be hiked too far up on her face, and too close to her eyes, both on the sides and underneath. 



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