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Posts posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. On 11/18/2021 at 2:38 PM, amarante said:

    Obviously I don't know the specifics of your building but in general apartment buildings are not built with higher end finishes.

    There is a differentiation in general between buildings that were built as condos and those which were converted in terms of the finishes. 

    A residential apartment building would still be built in accordance with fire codes and most buildings have very specific regulations which attempt to prevent the spread of fires from one unit to the next.

    Sure.  But I was addressing your comment that popcorn ceilings were done only in cheaper construction like tract homes or cheap apartment buildings, all of which are presumably built to code. 

    What makes me think the apartment I lived in that had popcorn ceilings wasn't built on the cheap is that the one unit that caught on fire was completely destroyed but none of the adjacent units had anything but smoke damage.  It was built in 1968, while the apartments in the student ghetto in town, which everybody would identify as "cheap construction," were built in 1969, and when one apartment there catches on fire, it takes the whole building with it.

    I'm assuming the two complexes had to adhere to the same building codes, yet somehow  the 1968 apartments were built in a way that made them vastly safer than the 1969 ones, and I'm assuming it wasn't cheap.  And yet they had popcorn ceilings.

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  2. 5 hours ago, carrps said:

    Why did Elaine both wear the stupid fascinator and have an elaborate intricate hairdo? Both together looked dumb.

    I'm looking forward to the next time one of the judges tells one of the designers they need to edit their look.  Hopefully with a side eye toward Elaine.

    46 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

    I love Christian’s little rooster coif!

    Some critic or commentator or something at the time referred to him as looking like an angry squirrel, and that's what I always see, this many years later.

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  3. 6 hours ago, GussieK said:

    I thought they had her walk slowly and dramatically for effect. 

    Yeah, one of them actually said that.  The bend she did made me think of that move where people fall down with one leg straight out and one leg bent.  Or the curtsy debutantes do, where who knows what's going on with their legs under the giant dress.

    1 hour ago, Lovecat said:

    It didn't fall, the driver hit it when he took a corner too tightly.  Someone upstream wondered why the scaffolding extended into the street, which is a good question.  It may have been that kind that extends out from the building to create a walkway underneath so the sidewalk doesn't need to be closed while construction goes on overhead.  Very common in NYC,

    I'm positive that's what happened.  The "roof" for the sidewalk goes right to the edge of the street, and if you cut a corner with a tall vehicle, well, we saw what happens.

    5 minutes ago, Refresh said:

    and then having the inside be a pink quilted vulvic extravaganza, was amusing.

    An adjective version of "vulva."  Now that's avant garde!

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  4. On 12/1/2021 at 11:34 AM, Caseysgirl said:

    I tried but I just can’t!  I thought with the low ratings we would be donewith this but now they are planning a reboot with the OG’s providing advice for the girls who are actually teens?Pleeeeease no. They have no wisdom to impart other than teaching these girls how to wring a story line out of their wasted lives.

    I'd say that's pretty important wisdom, if your job is being on MTV.  Maybe we can have Teen Mom: Mentor Edition.

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  5. On 11/30/2021 at 11:38 AM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Okay, I don't know about dangerous. She's not a celebrity so it makes perfect sense that we don't know her exact age. 

    I meant that relying on Google's answer is dangerous from a spreading misinformation standpoint.  Google doesn't even give its source. 

    On 11/29/2021 at 12:01 AM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Fun to see Seth Rogen.  Sometimes I think the guest stars are a bit much (Josh Gad now too) but Seth fit in with Larry's style very well. 

    I thought Seth Rogen fit in perfectly.  I'd love to see much more of him in this.

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  6. The best part of the movie for me was looking at tall beanpole Adam Driver wearing impeccably fitted suits.  He even managed to make those eyeglasses non-repellent. 


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  7. On 11/27/2021 at 11:02 PM, IvySpice said:

    I hope that she's not getting a bunch of hate and threats for making the right call for her family.

    I happen to be currently living maybe a mile from Kayla, and it's a very conservative area.  I was actually thinking the other day that if I run into her, I'll give her props.

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  8. 15 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

    Party of one here and I am loathe to admit it but I agree with Amber. Like it or not, Amber is her mother and should have been told about it privately, imo, and not in front of the cameras.

    I think I'll split the difference.  Gary has no obligation to tell Amber, but if that's what he chooses to do, then he shouldn't then tell the world, much less with Amber sitting right there.

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  9. On 11/28/2021 at 12:14 PM, mythoughtis said:

    The first year of marriage is rough. Combining two homes into one, getting rid of things one  person saved to buy and was proud of owning.  Deciding who is doing what.  Dealing with idiosyncrasies about toothpaste tubes, what goes where in the dishwasher, etc.  it’s not a happy year even for couples who chose whom to marry.

    I feel like I need to add an alternate voice, because I don't think the first year of marriage has to be unhappy. 

    Mr. Outlier and I lived in separate houses and sold both of them at the same time to move into a motorhome together and didn't have any of the issues that you mentioned.  This was after five years of dating, when I was 46 and he was 36, so we were well settled into our individual lives, and we were definitely not accustomed to sharing a 400-square-foot living space with another person, or even living in a 400-square-foot living space by ourselves.  We didn't marry (and still haven't, 20 years later), but it was a long-term commitment because we intended to be together forever, we'd sold our houses and bought the RV jointly, and neither of us had somewhere to go back to.

    I just want to leave it open for people to believe the first year of marriage doesn't have to be an unhappy year.  And if it is, it might be a good idea to look carefully at why.  If it's things like you're describing that are just annoyances and not core differences, that's fine.  But so many couples fight constantly, and viciously, and actually say, "Well, all couples fight."  Sure, but way too many terrible relationships get papered over by such rationalizations.  And if the mantra is "The first year of marriage is not happy," it could lead to the same thing.

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  10. On 11/23/2021 at 1:13 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Yes, Larry's new wife is 36:


    Ashley Underwood/Age

    36 years

    February 8, 1985


    It looks like you just quoted what's at the top of the google results page.  Always dangerous.

    I said upthread I couldn't get a good read on her age, and that's because there are so many conflicting reports, and websites just copy information from other websites, which adds to the number of times something is said but not the accuracy of it.

    In this case, it appears there are two Ashley Underwoods that are being confused--Larry David's wife and some gal who was on Survivor.  The Daily Mail said this:


    There had been some speculation over Underwood's age, but she has stated in an Instagram post that she was born in 1978.

    They didn't show the post, unfortunately, but it's a lot more information than other sites that just state a birth year that happens to be the same as the Survivor Ashley Underwood.

    Here's a photo from 2018.  According to Google, this woman is 33; I'm more likely to believe 40:


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  11. On 11/27/2021 at 3:56 PM, Frozendiva said:

    Maybe Steven has an inheritance.

    Inheritances are generally considered not to be marital property, and can keep their non-marital property status throughout a marriage, and divorce. 

    So here's a tip for all y'all:  If you inherit money during your marriage, it's your separate property.  If you want it to stay that way, have the inheritance put into a new, separate account established solely for that inherited money, and don't ever add anything to it.   The key is maintaining its identity as inherited, separate property, and it's massively easier if it stays there in its own account and never has marital property commingled with it. 

    There's no problem with spending that money, except that it reduces this separate property of yours.  But there is a big problem with adding money that could make it impossible to trace the inherited part.

    4 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    I have a strong suspicion that the "favorite person" choice was a cutesy in joke of Armando and Kenny's. I know that it appears to be common among the young 'uns these days to refer to a partner/boyfriend/girlfriend as "my person". 

    Kenny is far from being a young 'un.

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  12. On 11/28/2021 at 12:57 PM, buttersister said:

    I believe it’s called a French tuck and it looked silly on Geoffrey.

    The things I learn on these forums!  Knowing what it's called, I was able to look into it.  I didn't realize it was a man thing at all--until Zakarian, I think I'd seen it only on women, and mostly on house-hunting shows, for some reason.

    I found an article that summarizes why I don't like the look:


    While the French tuck ultimately seeks to appear effortless, it's fairly obvious that the wearer has carefully curated their look.


    It reminds me of the 80s, when preppy guys would turn up the collars on their polo shirts.  I used to enjoy telling them, "Uh oh, your collar is twisted" and go to fix it for them and they'd stop me, thereby admitting they had it that way on purpose.

    22 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

    GZ is teetering on the very brink of fashion victim.

    That tan alone!  And now the french tuck, on top of previous instances of polo shirts with little bitty sleeves that his biceps bulge under.  And yet he let his hair go gray.  Such an enigma.

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  13. 2 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

    I'm wondering if Jeff really liked the devilled egg but didn't want to criticize it on camera.

    That really made me mad.  He's been clear over the years he just can't handle deviled eggs, and yet Katie harangued him into trying it.  I can't stand tomatoes.  I like all byproducts (except tomato juice), including tomato soup and stewed tomatoes (with enough butter and sugar).  But a raw tomato makes me want to throw up.

    People always say, "Well, you've never had a good one."  To which I reply, "You got that right."  So it grated that they were doing to Jeff what people do to me.

    And I thought maybe it was a texture thing, but the other day I had some shrimp scampi that was just covered with diced raw tomatoes.  I picked every single one of them off, but there was some liquid residue in the scampi sauce, and I could definitely taste it and I hated it.  So it's NOT a texture thing. 

    And I'm not sure it is for Jeff, either, because he singled out the egg whites as objectionable texture, but when Katie mentioned deviled ham, he said it was one of his least favorite foods, and the one thing deviled eggs and deviled ham do not have in common is the egg white.  On the one hand, I have to hand it to him for eating the damn thing because I'm not sure what could make me eat even a piece of raw tomato, but I'm not impressed that he said he didn't hate it.  In fact, I noticed that he said he ate the one, and would he eat another?  And they cut his response.

    He hates them.  He shouldn't be forced to eat them.  They never made the pregnant women drink alcohol.

    Also, Zakarian did that thing I can't stand with shirts, where he tucks in only about six inches in the front.  Actually, I've never seen a guy do it, but I am SO over women doing it.  Tuck your damn shirt in.  Or don't.  Or wear a different shirt.

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  14. On 11/25/2021 at 12:58 AM, ChiMama said:

    Bao kinda acted like a 13-yr-old — you’re a grown woman, you can manage a hello!

    That was disappointing.


    19 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

    Where did this house magically come from?  Since she and Gil rented an apartment together and Gil was the one to move out of it?  Are they having to pay rent on a place neither lives at?  Why did they need to rent an apartment if Myrla had a house? 

    I very much want to know what the deal is with the house.  I really hope it wasn't something production rented for the day, but I wouldn't put it past them.

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  15. On 11/24/2021 at 9:38 PM, TheBride said:

    The more I see of Myrla, the more I don't like her. I agree with the experts, she's not cut out for marriage. Even when she speaks about the dog she's getting....no slobbering, no fur, no this...no that. Hey, why get a dog? So you can put it in a Gucci bag and walk down the street? 

    Maybe she wants the companionship but not slobber and fur?  Why shouldn't she be able to pick what kind of dog she wants? 

  16. On 11/18/2021 at 4:34 PM, GussieK said:

    Did anyone watch Dear Heart?  What a strange movie.  I just don't get why Geraldine Page is so beloved.  She's too weird.  In this movie, she's an annoying flibbertigibbet.  I understand that she is so lonely she makes friends with all the bellhops, but come on. 

    She broke my heart in this movie.

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  17. I'd noticed that Alex's hair suddenly looked really good, but was having trouble remembering what it looked like before.  Well, after Monday's rerun of the current show, they had one from before that (but still spaced out, so not ancient history), and the top of her hair was pulled up in a topknot with the rest hanging down limply.  No wonder I was impressed with the new do.


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  18. 14 hours ago, LoveLeigh said:

    Larry sets himself up in the scripts with a 36 year old because he does not accept he is now an old man. He looks every bit of almost 75 and what 36 year old woman would go with a man who is old enough to be her grandfather?

    Maybe the woman he's married to in real life?  I can't get a good read on her actual age, but probably around 40.  I don't know whether he accepts that he's an old man or not, but it doesn't seem to matter because he's writing what he's experiencing.

    I saw The Souvenir, Part II, the other day.  The protagonist is directing a student film, which she wrote based on a relationship she had.  At one point the actress is saying she's having trouble with some of the plot, because that's not how it would happen in real life.  The director replied, exasperatedly, "It did happen."

    10 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    Larry looks very old. I don’t understand how women, any age, could tolerate how negative, critical and petty he is.

    That's funny, because I've been thinking that I need to keep a scorecard of Larry's and my similarities in each episode.  I definitely felt his pain at losing his shortcut to the Valley, and I have the same reaction he does to people asking for prayers.  Like, literally.  His whole rant, including whether I'll be the tipping point when God's assessing the situation.  However I'm never an asshole about it, and just nod and go along, because there's no middle ground. 

    Larry and I are kindred souls on many matters.  I think it would be fun to tolerate him, and even funner with that much money.  But I'm only about 10 years younger than him, so I'm disqualified.  His loss.

    9 hours ago, Simon Boccanegra said:

    Even if HBO keeps giving him this golden deal, I don't think he's going to want to be in his eighties in season 17 running down the sidewalk with a furious ethnic-food proprietor in chase (or whatever).

    You never know.  Who would have predicted the Rolling Stones would still be performing pretty much the same act they've been performing forever?

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  19. I liked the ending.  I wouldn't be surprised if Sunny's had a harder time dealing with the past year and a half than the others.  She thanked the production company or whatever for taking people's health seriously.  They all seemed sincere, and it touched me.

    On 11/20/2021 at 11:59 PM, buttersister said:

    Geoffrey's tanning bed addiction is bad enough.

    Speaking of bed, his shirt looked like a pajama top.  I always think shirts like that look odd with a sport coat, but it's probably fashionable.  And Katie Lee with the ruffledy sleeves.  At least they were short enough not to drag in the food, but they still made me nervous.  As I said in a thread about another show, I think my preferred cooking outfit would be a sleeveless catsuit.

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  20. 17 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Rod Stewart still sounds good. He's obviously taken care of his voice.

    True, but his music is just so awful.  And this is coming from someone who loved him in high school.  So much I even had a reputation for it.  So much that when I was watching him on the show, I was wondering how old he was, and remembered he was born in 1945.  Didn't google it--I knew it.

    It was Rod Stewart in the early 1970s who I loved.  The Rod Stewart of Maggie May and Handbags and Gladrags and Reason to Believe.  So on the one hand I was excited to see him on the show, but on the other, it was kind of sad for me.  (For the record, the same thing happened with Queen.  Why did everything have to turn so bad in the 80s?  😀 )

    But what's interesting is the exact opposite happened with Lady Gaga.  I took an instant dislike to her when she first became known, and have done what I can to avoid her in general.  But I have to say, she was charming on the show, and may have converted me.  I'm glad, because I'm a big Adam Driver fan and was wondering what I'd do about House of Gucci.  But now I know--I'll definitely see it.

    And speaking of seeing things, I was picking up real chemistry between Lady Gaga and Adam Driver. 

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